“APPENDICES” in “Lithuania in Crisis”
Prime Minister: General Jonas Černius
Deputy Prime Minister: Kazys Bizauskas
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Juozas Urbšys
Minister of Internal Affairs: General Kazys Skučas
Minister of Finance: General Jonas Sutkus
Minister of Defense: General Kazys Musteikis
Minister of Justice: Antanas Tamošaitis
Minister of Agriculture: Jurgis Krikščiūnas
Minister of Education: Leonas Bistras
Minister of Communications: Kazys Germanas
THE MERKYS GOVERNMENT: November 21, 1939
Prime Minister: Antanas Merkys
Deputy Prime Minister: Kazys Bizauskas
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Juozas Urbšys
Minister of Internal Affairs: General Kazys Skučas
Minister of Finance: Ernestas Galvanauskas
Minister of Defense: General Kazys Musteikis
Minister of Justice: Antanas Tamošaitis
Minister of Agriculture: Juozas Audėnas
Minister of Education: Kazimieras Jokantas
Minister of Communications: Jonas Masiliūnas
THE PALECKIS GOVERNMENT: June 17 to July 1, 1940
Prime Minister, Acting President: Justas Paleckis
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius
Minister of Internal Affairs: Mečys Gedvilas
Minister of Finance: Ernestas Galvanauskas
Minister of Defense: General Vincas Vitkauskas
Minister of Justice: Povilas Pakarklis
Minister of Labor: Martynas Junča-Kučinskis
Minister of Agriculture: Matas Mickis
Minister of Education: Antanas Venclova
Minister of Communications: Stasys Pupeikis
Minister of Health: Leonas Koganas
State Comptroller: Liudas Adomauskas
Representative for the Vilnius District: Karolis Didžiulis-Grosmanas
Alantas, Vytautas. Editor of Lietuvos Aidas
Aleksa, Jonas. Politician and author
Bielinis, Kipras. One of the leaders of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
Brazaitis, Juozas. Catholic politician
Cesevičius, Domas. Chairman of the Lithuanian Nationalist Union
Dirmeikis, Bronius. Editor in Chief of Lietuvos Aidas
Kardelis, Jonas. Editor of the Populist Lietuvos Žinios
Krupavičius, Mykolas. Catholic statesman
Maceina, Antanas. Catholic author
Mašalaitis, Vincas. Secretary-General of the Lithuanian Council of Ministers
Natkevičius, Ladas. Lithuanian Minister in Moscow
Rastenis, Vincas. Secretary-General of the Lithuanian Nationalist Union, 1931-1935
Raštikis, Stasys. Commander of the army
Statkus, Jonas. Secretary-General of the Lithuanian Nationalist Union
Šalkauskis, Stasys. Catholic philosopher
Škirpa, Kazys. Lithuanian Minister in Berlin
Šmulkštys, Liudas. One of the leaders of the Lithuanian Peasant-Populist Union
Vilkaitis, Jonas. One of the leaders of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party
Source: Annuaire statistique. . ., XII, 288-89.
February 16, 1918 | Declaration of independence |
April 4, 1919 | Antanas Smetona becomes the first President |
May 15, 1920 | Constituent Assembly meets in Kaunas |
July 12, 1920 | Russia and Lithuania conclude a peace treaty |
October 9, 1920 | Polish forces seize Vilnius |
September 22, 1921 | Lithuania admitted into the League of Nations |
March 29, 1922 | Seimas adopts the law of land reform |
December 21, 1922 | Aleksandras Stulginskis elected President |
June 7, 1926 | Kazys Grinius elected President |
June 15, 1926 | Mykolas Sleževičius forms a government composed of Populists and Social Democrats |
September 28, 1926 | Lithuania and Soviet Union conclude a treaty of nonaggression |
December 17, 1926 | A military coup ousts constitutional authorities, Antanas Smetona becomes the Leader of the State, and Augustinas Voldemaras forms a new Council of Ministers |
September 27, 1927 | Lithuania signs a concordat with the Vatican |
September 12, 1934 | Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia conclude the Treaty of Good Understanding and Cooperation |
September 1, 1936 | Nationalist Seimas meets in Kaunas |
March 17, 1938 | Poland demands the establishment of diplomatic relations |
March 22, 1939 | Germany demands the surrender of Klaipeda |
March 27, 1939 | General Jonas Černius forms a coalition government |
September 1, 1939 | Germany invades Poland |
September 2, 1939 | Lithuania proclaims its neutrality |
September 17, 1939 | Soviet Union enters war against Poland |
September 19, 1939 | The Red Army occupies Vilnius |
October 10, 1939 | Lithuania and Soviet Union conclude a treaty of mutual assistance |
October 28, 1939 | Lithuanian troops enter Vilnius |
November 21, 1939 | Antanas Merkys forms the last government of independent Lithuania |
June 14, 1940 | Soviet Union presents Lithuania with an ultimatum |
June 15, 1940 | President Smetona departs from Lithuania |
June 17, 1940 | Justas Paleckis heads a government dictated by the Kremlin |
July 11-12, 1940 | First mass arrests in Lithuania |
July 14-15, 1940 | Elections to the People’s Diet |
July 21, 1940 | The People’s Diet proclaims Lithuania a Soviet Socialist Republic |
August 3, 1940 | Lithuania incorporated into the USSR |
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