“Musorgsky Remembered”
Afanas’ev, L., 154n9
Aleksandr II, 74
Aleksandr Nevskii Monastery, 53, 67, 81
Arsen’ev, Aleksandr Petrovich, 56
Azanchevskii, Mikhail Pavlovich, 142
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 31
“Baidarki,” 20
Balakirev, Milii Alekseevich, 8-10, 15, 31-32, 50; and the Balakirev circle, 29-30, 31, 44, 49-51, 53-54, 64-65, 82, 92, 133-134, 161n4(2); and Boris Godunov, 135; as despot, 144; and The Destruction of Sennakherib, 159n59; and the Free Music School, 152n9, 179n1; and the Government Control Post, 116; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146, 149; on Night on Bald Mountain, 166n10; and Repin’s portrait, 72; and the Russian Musical Society, 24, 159n60; and Serov, 152n18; as teacher, 27, 56-58, 161n2(2); King Lear (Korol’ Lir), 23, 57, 159n58. See also Balakirev circle
Balakirev circle, 8-10, 29-30, 31, 33, 39-40, 49-51, 56-60, 64-65, 67, 82-84, 86-87, 153n4; caricature of, 50-51, 165n10; publisher for, 113; and Purgold (A.N.), 105-107; and Serov, 152n18
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 31, 56
“Beetles” (“Zhuki”), 96, 97
Beliaev, Victor, 114
Berlioz, Hector, 9, 31, 57, 138
Berman, Mikhail, 142-143, 144, 148; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-46
Bertenson, Dr. Lev Bernardovich, 21, 67, 130-132, 136, 137, 140; and Musorgsky’s funeral, 143
Bertenson, Vasilii, 121-123
Bessel, Vasilii, 107, 113, 115
Bez solntsa. See Sunless
“Blokha.” See “Mephistopheles’ Song about the Flea . . .
Blumenfeld, Feliks Mikhailovich, 133-135
Bondarzhevskaia-Baranovskaia, T., 152n14
Boris Godunov, 24, 64, 109; cast of, 164n6(1); composition of, 13-17, 31, 60, 85, 109, 155n22, 156n36; criticism of, 5-6, 96; deletions in, 172n10, 172n11; and Musorgsky’s decline, 63; performance of, 42, 45, 51, 52, 61, 68, 70, 124, 135, 146, 156n29, 158n51, 171n7; rejection of, 20, 50, 155n19, 164n8(2); staging of, 76-77, 84, 88-92, 152n19; success of, 90
Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirievich, 9, 15, 28-30, 47, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 154n10; on Balakirev, 161n4(2); and the Balakirev circle, 31, 44, 49-52, 57-58, 133-134; and Boris Godunov, 135; caricature of, 51; and the Free Music School, 142; at the Molas home, 109; and Musorgsky’s illness, 131, 132, 135, 142; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 143, 145, 149; and Repin’s portrait, 71; at D. Stasov’s, 68-69; On the Steppes of Central Asia (V srednei Azii), 133; Prince Igor (Igor’), 42, 45-46, 53, 54, 129, 133, 134, 141
Borovskii (deacon), 145
Borozdin, Nikolai (Pyotr), 33
Bosio, Andzholina, 34
Botkin, Sergei Petrovich, 29, 142, 161n4(1)
Bruni, Nikolai, 103
“Buria na Chyornom more.” See “Storm on the Black Sea”
Cadet School of the Imperial Guards, 1-2, 26, 151n1, 151n2
Chaikovskii, Pyotr Stepanovich, 7, 152n21
Cherepnin, Nikolai, 100
Chopin, Frederic, 41, 108
Clark, Vasilii Matveevich, 68-69
“Classicist, The” (“Klassik”), 36, 60, 85, 154n11
“Crab, The” (“Rak”), 96
Cui, Cesar Antonovich, 12, 15, 47, 63; and the Balakirev circle, 10, 44, 49-51, 56-60, 58, 64, 133-134; and Boris Godunov, 156n34; caricature of, 51; and the Free Music School, 142; at the Molas home, 109; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146; and Musorgsky’s illness, 131, 132; on Musorgsky’s talent, 119; satires of, 130; at D. Stasov’s, 68-69; Angelo (Andzhelo), 92; The Mandarin’s Son (Syn Mandarina), 57; The Prisoner of the Caucasus (Kavkazskii plennik), 9, 57; William Ratcliff, 9, 24, 42, 92, 113, 134, 153n6
Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, 2, 8, 11, 26, 31, 78, 160n3; and the Balakirev circle, 10, 42, 49-51; death of, 156n27; evenings with, 109; grave of, 81, 148; and Musorgsky’s works, 36-37; “The Field Marshal” (“Kapral”), 52; Rogdana, 23, 159n57; Rusalka, 33; The Stone Guest (Kamennyi Gost’), 12, 15, 24, 35, 36, 59-60, 98, 109, 113, 153n3, 164n4, 176n1(3)
“Darling Savishna” (“Svetik Savishna”), 5, 10-11, 50, 85, 154n11
Davydov, Karl, 130, 145-146
Demidova, Aleksandra, 128-129
“Desire” (“Zhelanie”), 154n11
Destruction of Sennacherib (Porazhenie Sennakheriba), 3, 23, 58, 61, 67, 152n9; “Darling Savishna,” 5, 10-11, 50, 85, 154n11; dedications of, 159n59
Detskaia. See Nursery, The
Dianina, Elizaveta, 70
“Dniepr,” 20
Dostoevsky, Fiodor Mikhailovich, 120, 142, 145
“Dream” (“Son”), 44
Druzhinin, Vasilii Grigorievich, 120
Dumskii Circle, 143
“Evreiskaia Pesnia.” See “Hebrew song”
Fair at Sorochintsy, The (Sorochinskaia Iamarka), 97, 108, 139, 157n46; composition of, 18, 53, 110, 124, 125, 158n50; and Petrov, 19
Famintsyn, Aleksandr, 60, 152n12, 167n16
Fet, Afanasy Afanasyevich, 95
“Field Marshal, The” (“Polkovodets”), 18
Filippov, Tertii Ivanovich, 126, 129, 142; and Musorgsky’s copyrights, 137, 143, 176n1(4); and Musorgsky’s funeral, 146; and Musorgsky’s Post at Government Control, 20, 116, 158n50
“Flea, The.” See “Mephistopheles’ Song about the Flea . . .”
“Forgotten” (“Zabytyi”), 46, 95, 129, 158n47
Fortunato, Sofiia, 38-42, 43
Free Music School, 45, 64-66, 67, 107, 141-142, 152n9; and Musorgsky’s funeral, 143, 145; and Rimsky-Korsakov, 106, 154n8; and Turgenev, 22
Garder, Iuliia. See Platonova, Iuliia Fyodorovna
Gavriushko (choir conductor), 144
Gedeonov, Stepan, 76-77, 171n5, 171n6
Gilferding, Aleksandr Fyodorovich, 14
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 109, 133-135
Glinka, Liudmila. See Shestakova, Liudmila
Glinka, Mikhail, 2, 11, 23, 31, 49, 56, 98; and the Balakirev circle, 42, 47, 133-134; grave of, 81, 148; marriage of, 167n15; and Turgenev, 159n56; Glory to Thee (Slav’sia, Slav’sia), 4; Kamarinskaia, 34, 60, 103; A Life for the Tsar (Zhizn’ za tsaria), 33, 34, 52, 79, 152n13; Ruslan and Ludmila (Ruslan i Liudmila), 33
Gogol’, Nikolai Vasilievich, 12, 17, 47, 50, 56, 68, 151n2, 155n17
Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Count Arsenii Arkadievich, 18, 20, 47, 53, 81-99, 138, 152n19; and the Balakirev circle, 81-84, 92-93; on Khovanshchina, 93-97; his life with Musorgsky, 84-87, 95; poetry of, 87, 95-96, 172n9; and the staging of Boris Godunov, 88-92; Sedition (Smuta), 89
Golovin, Evgraf, 100, 175n1(1)
Gorbunov, Ivan Fyodorovich, 100, 102, 117-118, 144, 175n3
Government Control Post, 20, 116, 131, 137, 143, 158n50
“Greetings to Gorbunov,” 175n3
Gridnin, Fyodor, 66, 165n22, 169n42
Gumbin, Pyotr, 34
“Gurzuf,” 20, 66
Handel, George Frederick, 31
Hartmann, Victor, 13, 68, 92, 155n20, 169n3
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 31
“Hebrew Song” (“Evreiskaia Pesnia”), 9, 154n11
“He-goat, The” (“Kozyol”), 36, 85, 96, 97, 154n11
Henselt, Adolf von, 33, 130
Herke, Anton Augustovich, 69, 160n1
Iisus Navin (Jesus Navin), 58
Il’inskii, Vladimir Nikanorovich, 69, 134, 169n5; and the Balakirev circle, 133; and Boris Godunov, 135
“In Iukk’, Riding on a Stick” (“V Iukki verkhom na palochke”), 43-44
“In the Country” (“V derevne”), 100
Iosif (a censor), 146
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail, 133-135
Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 131, 132, 136-140; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146
“Ivanova noch”‘ (St. John’s night), 58
Ivanovskii, Stepan Alekseevich, 29
Jesus Navin (Iisus Navin), 58
“Kalistrat,” 58
Kamenskaia, M., 145-146
Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 14
Karenin, Vladimir. See Komarova-Stasova, Varvara
Kariakin, M., 46
Karmalina, Liubov Ivanovna, 53
Karpinskii, A. P., 107
Kartinki s vystavki. See Pictures from an Exhibition
Khovanshchina: composition of, 15, 18-19, 47, 53, 54, 72, 73, 75, 86, 89, 93-97, 110, 124, 125, 139, 157n42, 157n44, 157n45, 158n250; “Morning on the Moscow River,” 41; performance of, 51, 108, 142; “Persian Dance,” 31, 61, 65; and Rimsky-Korsakov, 149; “The Streltsy March,” 41; “The Swan Glides on the Water,” 117
Khvostova, Alina Aleksandrovna, 15, 52, 156n228
“Klassik ” See “Classicist, The”
Kol’tsov, A., 154n29
“Kolybel’naia pesnia.” See “Lullaby”
Komarov, A., 151n1, 151n2
Komarova-Stasova, Varvara, 43-48
Kommissarzhevskii, Fyodor Petrovich, 5, 15, 45, 54, 61, 63, 76, 124, 170n2(2)
Kompaneiskii, Nikolai, 1-7
Kondratiev, Gennadii Petrovich, 15, 50, 54, 76, 164n7(2), 170n2(2)
Kostia (friend of Tiumenev’s), 142, 143, 144, 148
“Kot Matros” (“The Sailor Cat”), 43-44
“Kozyol.” See “He-goat, The”
Krabbe, N., 60
Kruglikov, Semyon, 80
Krupskii, Kirill, 1, 2, 151n5
Kukol’kin, Nestor, 165n1
Kutuzova, Countess (Ol’ga Andreevna Gulevich), 47
Kuznetsova, Polina. See Stasova, Poliksena Polina
Lapshin, Ivan, 119-120
Larin, Nikolai Konstantinovich, 120, 177n4(1)
Laroche, H. (critic), 63, 130, 135, 173n215
Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 26, 160n2
Lavrov, Nikolai, 114-116
Leonova, Dar’ia Mikhailovna, 25, 55, 76, 100, 104, 124-127, 142, 169n40, 170n2(2); and the concert tour of southern Russia, 20, 40-41, 66, 119, 158n52; concerts by, 48, 134, 144; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146; and Musorgsky’s illness, 117-118, 140; her performances in Boris Godunov, 5, 16; her performance in Khovanshchina, 19, 65; and the St. Petersburg circle, 114-115; her singing school, 65-66, 124-129, 143-144
Leont’ev, A., 117-118
Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich, 8, 151n11, 153n2
Levashev, Nikolai, 27
Liadov, Anatolii Konstantinovich, 66, 114, 115, 133-134
Lishin, Grigorii, 148, 180n30
Liszt, Franz, 4, 9, 31, 65, 113
Lomakin, Gavriil, 179n1
Lukashevich, Nikolai Alekseevich, 15, 60, 76, 77, 156n31, 170n2(2)
“Lullaby” (“Kolybel’naia pesnia”), 11, 18
Maikov, Apollon Nikolaevich, 140
Makovskii, K., 50-51, 159n61
Maksimov, Sergei Vasilievich, 101-102, 175n1(2)
Maksimov, Vasilii, 148
Malyi Iaroslavets (tavern), 6, 61-64, 100, 101-102, 115, 133, 135, 168n9
Mariinskii Theater, 52, 76, 78; and Boris Godunov, 15, 88
Marriage, The (Zhenit’ba), 12, 37, 59, 155n17
Marsh strel’tsov (The Streltsy March), 41
Medvedev, Vasilii Prokof’evich, 38
Mei, L., 154n9, 154n11
Mel’nikov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 5, 45, 54, 78, 148; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146
Mendelssohn, Felix, 29, 56
“Mephistopheles’ Song about the Flea in Auerbach’s Cellar” (“Pes’n Mefistofelia v Auerbakhovom pogrebe o blokhe”), 20, 114-115, 119
Mey, L., 59, 64
Meyer, Aleksandr Vasilievich, 68, 69
Miasoedov (painter), 56
“Mighty Handful, The” (“Moguchaia Kuchka”), 71, 78, 80, 130, 133-134, 144; dispersal of, 92-93. See also Balakirev circle
Ministry of State Properties, 20
“Mischievous One, The” (Ozornik), 36, 154n11
“Mlada,” 97
“Moguchaia Kuchka.” See “Mighty Handful, The”
Molas, Aleksandr, 105-108
Molas, Aleksandra Nikolaevna (nee Purgold), 52, 53, 64, 67, 105, 107, 109-111; and the Balakirev circle, 133-134. See also Purgold, Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Molas, Nikolai Pavlovich, 61, 176n1(1)
Mordovtsev, Danii Lukich, 14, 155n23
Morning on the Moscow River (Utro na Moskereke), 41
Morozov brothers, 145-146
Moscow Conservatory, 64, 77, 92, 127, 133, 134, 135; and Musorgsky’s funeral, 143, 145
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 31, 75
Musorgskaia, Tat’iana Balakshina, 161n5
Musorgsky, Filaret Petrovich (Evgenii), 26-27, 57, 58, 143, 151n1, 166n5, 178n2(2)
Musorgsky, Goga, 26
Musorgsky, Modest Petrovich (Musorianin): as accompanist, 66, 114, 126-127, 128, 134, 139-140; alcoholism of, 61-64, 64-65, 67, 74-75, 115, 119-120, 121-123, 135, 178n10; appearance of, 35-36, 38, 110; as artist-idealist, 84-85; at the Cadet School, 1-2, 26; caricature of, 51; and critics, 90-91; death of, 6-7, 20, 48, 53, 54, 67, 78, 81, 98, 108, 111, 123, 125-126, 135, 137-138, 142; decline of, 73, 117-118, 139-140; and delirium tremens, 67, 135; and the Free Music School, 65-66, 125-127, 128-129; funeral of, 129, 135, 142-143, 144-149; government service of, 26-27; as hospital orderly, 123, 131, 140; illness of, 129, 131-132, 136-137, 144; his life with Golenishchev-Kutuzov, 84-87, 95, 174n20; his life with Rimsky-Korsakov, 60; and marriage, 54, 167n15; and music theory, 4, 27, 31, 57, 58, 63, 78; and nature, 110-111; his practical jokes, 120; and the public, 90-92; and routine, 36; youth of, 109-110
Musorgsky, Taniushka, 26
“Na iuzhnom beregu” (“On the Southern Shore”), 66
Napravnik, Eduard Frantsevich, 50, 54, 60, 76, 77, 78-79, 88, 89, 101, 130; and Boris Godunov, 172n10, 172n11; at Musorgsky’s funeral, 145-146; and Repin’s portrait, 72
New Time (Novoe vremia) (newspaper), 132, 136, 139
“Night” (“Noch”‘), 25, 58, 86
Night on Bald Mountain (Noch’ na Lysoigore), 58, 161n3(2), 166n10
Nikolaev Military Hospital, 7, 20, 21, 78, 81, 123, 131-132, 135, 136; funeral at, 143
Nikolaevich, Grand Duke Konstantin, 77
Nikol’skii, Vladimir Vasilievich, 14-15, 155n26; and the Petrovs, 52
“Noch’.” See “Night”
Noch’ na Lysoi gore. See Night on Bald Mountain
Nursery, The (Detskaia), 25, 26, 37, 96, 107, 110; “Dream,” 44; “In Iukk’, Riding on a Stick,” 43-44; “The Sailor Cat,” 43-44
Oedipus, 56, 57
“On the Southern Shore” (“Na iuzhnom beregu”), 66
Opochinina, Nadezhda Petrovna, 25, 60, 159n64
Opochinin, Aleksandr, 60, 167n20
Opochinin, Vladimir Petrovich, 26
Ostrovskii, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, 17, 85, 102
Ostrovskii, Mikhail Ivanovich, 143-144
“Ozornik” (“The Mischievous One”), 36, 154n11
“Peepshow” (“Rayok”), 4, 36, 46, 85, 96
“Persian Dance, The” (“Pliaski Persidok”), 37, 61, 65
“Pesn’ Eryomy” (“The Song of Eryoma”), 20
“Pesn’ Mefistofelia v Auerbakhovom pogrebe o blokhe” (“Mephistopheles’ Song about the Flea in Auerbach’s Cellar”), 20, 114, 115, 119
“Pesni i pliaski smerti.” See “Songs and Dances of Death”
Petrov, Osip Afanasievich, 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 51-53, 76, 78-79, 155n6, 170n2(2); death of, 7, 53; his performance in Boris Godunov, 5, 16, 45, 61; performances by, 18, 34, 162n4(1)
Petrova, Anna Iakovlevna, 18, 19, 51, 78-79
Pictures from an Exhibition (Kartinki s vystavki), 92, 155n20, 158n47, 169n3, 173n17
Pisemskii, Aleksey Feofilaktovich, 142
Platonova, Iuliia Fyodorovna, 15, 45, 50, 52, 61, 63, 76-77
“Pliaski Persidok.” See “Persian Dance, The”
“Plyvyot, plyvyot lebyodushka” (“The Swan Glides on the Water”), 117
“Polkovodets” (“The Field Marshal”), 18
Polonskii, Iakov Petrovich, 120
Popov (physician), 28
Porazhenie Sennakheriba. See Destruction of Sennakherib
Porokhovshchikov, A. A., 71, 72
Preobrazhenskii Regiment, 2-3, 8, 28, 121, 151n6, 151n8, 153n1
Prianishnikov, I., 145-146
Purgold, Aleksandra Nikolaevna, 11-12, 15, 35, 59, 61, 68, 105-108; caricature of, 51. See also Molas, Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Purgold, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 11-12, 59, 61, 68, 105; caricature of, 51; marriage of, 167n24. See also Rimskaia-Korsakova, Nadezhda
Purgold, Vladimir Fyodorovich, 15, 51, 156n28
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, 17, 22, 58, 86; and Boris Godunov, 14, 91, 141, 155n26; and The Stone Guest, 153n3
“Rak” (“The crab”), 96
“Rayok.” See “Peepshow”
Repin, Il’ia Efimovich, 71-75, 103, 108, 119, 120, 135, 138, 170n9
Riabinin, T., 14, 155n25
Rimskaia-Korsakova, Nadezhda, 35-37, 135, 162n4(2); at Musorgsky’s death, 138, 145-146. See also Purgold, Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Rimsky-Korsakov, Andrei, 103, 104
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreevich, 15, 47, 56-67, 109, 129, 132; and Balakirev, 154n7; and the Balakirev circle, 30, 40, 42, 44, 49-51, 56-60, 133-134; and Boris Godunov, 135, 167n28; caricature of, 51; and Filippov, 158n50; and the Free Music School, 106, 141-142; life with Musorgsky, 60; marriage of, 167n24; at Musorgsky’s death, 138, 142-143, 145-146, 148-149; and Musorgsky’s illness, 61-64, 131, 132; orchestration by, 37, 65, 79, 148-149, 163n7; and Repin’s portrait, 72; his studies, 78, 168n30; and Turgenev, 25; Antar, 9, 59, 60, 154n9; The Maid of Pskov (Pskovitianka), 9, 17, 24, 42, 51, 59, 60-61, 64, 92, 105, 141, 156n229; May Night (Maiskaia Noch’), 65, 141; My Musical Life (recollections), 139-140; Sadko, 24, 60, 154n9; The Snow Maiden (Snegurochka), 66; Symphony in E-flat minor, 154n8
Rimsky-Korsakov, Voin Andreevich, 105
Rostislav (critic), 20, 63
Rozhdestvenskii, S. V., 119
Rubinstein, Anton Grigoryevich, 68-69, n30 154n13; and the Balakirev circle, 44; as pianist, 11, 24, 114, 119; on Russian music, 123; Demon, 4, 152n211
Rubinstein, Nikolai, 72, 130, 142, 170n2(1); death of, 136
Russian Musical Society, 24, 63, 106, 154n13, 159n60, 161n4(2)
“Sailor Cat, The” (“Kot Matros”), 43”44
“St. John’s Night” (“Ivanova noch’“), 58. See also Night on Bald Mountain
St. Petersburg circle, 114
Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille, 93, 94
Salammbo, 4-5, 13, 14, 58, 59, 152n15
Saltykov-Shchedrin, M., 72
“Saul,” 86
Schreder, O., 146
Schubert, Franz, 9, 11, 31, 119, 128, 144
Schumann, Robert, 9, 11, 29, 31, 56, 134
“Seminarian, The” (“Seminarist”), 52, 85, 154n11, 165n14
“Seminarist.” See “Seminarian, The”
Semyonov-Tashanskii, P., on General Sutgof, 151n2
Senkovskii, Osip (Baron Brambeus), 59, 154n9
Serbina, Sofiia. See Fortunato, Sofiia
“Serenade” (“Serenada”), 18
Serov, Aleksandr, 1, 60, 152n12, 167n16; and the Balakirev circle, 42; grave of, 81, 148; Judith (ludif), 5, 25, 152n16, 152n18
Shakeev, E. A., 45
Shaliapin, Fyodor Ivanovich, 79, 119
Shcherbin, N., 154n9
Shein, Pavel, 13
Shestakova, Liudmila Ivanovna (nee Glinka), 6, 15, 18, 49-55, 76, 142, 155n26; and the Balakirev circle, 10, 40; evenings with, 109
Shilovskaia, Mariia Vasilievna, 25, 26, 160n65
“Sirotka.” See “Orphan, The”
Skal’kovskaia, O. A., 130, 142
“Sleep, Sleep, Peasant’s Son” (“Spi, usni, krestianskii syn”), 11
Sokhanskii (General), 125
Solianyi Gorodok Concerts, 134
Solovyov, Nikolai Feofemptovich, 143, 145-146
“Son” (“Dream”), 44
“Song of Eryoma, The” (“Pesn’ Eryomy”), 20
Songs and Dances of Death, 17-18; “The Field Marshal,” 18; “Lullaby,” 11, 18; “Serenade,” 18; “Trepak,” 18, 46, 52
Sorochinskaia Iarmarka. See Fair at Sorochintsy, The
“Spi, usni, krestianskii syn” (“Sleep, Sleep, Peasant’s Son”), 11
Stakheev, Dmitrii, 101-102
Stasov, Aleksandr, 68, 145-146
Stasov, Dmitrii Vasilievich, 39, 43, 52, 57, 68, 163n2(1); and Musorgsky’s death, 138, 145-146
Stasov, Vladimir Vasilievich, 8-25, 36, 38, 39, 43, 46-48, 61, 63, 68, 109, 110; and the Balakirev circle, 8-10, 49-53, 56-60, 64, 133-134; and Boris Godunov, 13-17, 50, 74, 89, 135; caricature of, 51; his dedication to Musorgsky, 73-75, 140; and The Destruction of Sennakherib, 159n59; and Khovanshchina, 74; and Musorgsky’s death, 115, 138; and Musorgsky’s funeral, 67, 142-143, 145-146; and Musorgsky’s illness, 126, 131, 132, 135; and Musorgsky’s obituary, 21; and Repin’s portrait, 71-72; and Turgenev, 22-25; “To the Memory of Musorgsky” (“Pamiati Musorgskogo”) (biographical essay), 73, 74, 82, 93-94, 98
Stasova, Poliksena (Polina), 68-69
“Storm on the Black Sea” (“Buria na Chyornom more”), 20, 114, 115, 134
Strakhov, N. N., 91
Stravinskii, Fyodor Ignatievich, 63, 146
Streltsky March (Marsh strel’tsov), 41
Sunless (Bez solntsa), 19, 95, 96, 157n47
Sutgof (General), 1-2, 26, 151n2
“Svetik Savishna.” See “Darling Savishna”
“Swan Glides on the Water, The” (“Plyvyot, plyvyot lebyodushka”), 117
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilich, 25, 72, 130, 154n8, 154n13, 159n60, 159n63
Tereshin, S. Ia., 120
Timofeevna, Elena, 50
Tiumenev, Il’ia, 141-149
Tolstoi, Count Aleksei, 20
Tolstoi, Feofil (Rostislav), 152n12
“Trepak,” 18, 46, 52
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 16, 22-25, 50, 72, 159n56; his meeting with Musorgsky, 159n62; and Tchaikovsky, 159n63
Unkovskaia, Aleksandra, 33
Utro na Moskve-reke (Morning on the Moscow River), 41
“V derevne” (“In the country”), 100
“V Iukki verkhom na palochke” (“In Iukk’, Riding on a Stick”), 43-44
V.U., 34
Valuev, Mikhail, 103, 119
Vanliarskii, F., 160n3
Vasil’ev, Pavel Vasilievich, 101-102
Vasil’ev the First, Vladimir Ivanovich, 64, 101-102, 107-108, 141
Vasil’ev the Second, Vasilii Mikhailovich, 5, 107, 141
Veliaminov, Konstantin, 36, 59, 68
Velinskaia, F., 146
Veniavskii, G., 130
Veselevoskaia, O. I., 64
Viel’gorskii, Counts Matvei and Mikhail, 98, 175n29
Vrubel’, Anna A., 104, 119
Vrubel’, Mikhail, 103, 104
Wagner, Richard, 4
“Wanderers” (“Peredvizhniki”) (group), 71
“Zabytyi.” See “Forgotten”
Zakhar’ina, Aleksandra. See Unkovskaia, Aleksandra
Zarudnaia, V. M., 133-134
“Zhelanie” (“Desire”), 154n11
Zhenit’ba. See Marriage, The
“Zhuki” (“Beetles”), 96, 97
Zike, K. K., 114
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