“The Muses' Concord”
Addison, Joseph, x, 29, 38-39, 122, 127, 137, 144, 191, 201n11, 203n25, 209n27, 210n4, 223n18, 229n58, 231n12, 234n25, 235nn32, 33, 246n32
Aden, John M., 223-24n19, 239n6
Alcover, Madeleine, 221n6
Angelico, Fra, 183-84, 188
Ariosto, 38, 180, 196n3
Aristotle, 15, 37, 39, 43-44, 49, 53-54, 72, 92, 123, 125, 171, 173, 198n11, 203n32, 204n42, 206n7, 207n9, 209n1, 212n26, 217n13, 220n34, 225n31, 227n45, 236n38, 244n13, 249n56
Arnauld, Antoine, 11, 149, 196n5, 214n43, 228n50, 237nn43, 44, 239n5
Aubignac, François Hédelin, Abbé d’, 239n5
Bacon, Sir Francis, 49, 122
Baillet, Adrien, 159, 196n3, 241n25
Balzac, Jean-Louis Guéz de, 16-17, 59-60, 196n3, 199n20, 209n24, 230n6, 239n5, 240-41n15
Bamborough, John, 199n19
Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, Sieur du, 161, 201n6
Barthius, 241-42n26
Bate, Philip, 185, 187, 235n34, 248nn46, 48, 49, 249n59
Batoni, Pompeo, 197n8
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 60, 208n19
Bender, John B., 211n21, 226n37, 243n1
Beni, Paolo, 203n25
Benserade, Isaac de, 161
Bernini, Giovanni L., 34-35, 79, 136, 202n19, 207n8, 213n40, 227n46, 246n34, 248n43
Bevilacqua, Vincent, 204n1
Biggs, E. Power, 248n44
Birdsall, Virginia A., 202n18
Black, Perry, 197n6
Blackmore, Sir Richard, 159, 226n39 241n22
Blount, Thomas P., 159, 241-42n26
Blow, John, 68-69, 99, 101-102, 137, 174-75, 185, 197n8, 218-19n21, 219n22, 232nn13, 15, 248n46
Blunt, Sir Anthony, 35-36, 67, 78, 197n8, 202n21, 203n23, 210n2, 213nn37, 38, 215n62, 216n3, 220nn33, 37, 225n26, 236n42, 246n31
Boethius, 15, 19, 149, 198n15, 202n12, 218n19
Boileau, Nicholas, 80-82, 86-87, 150-51, 155-62, 172-73, 213nn41, 42, 215n59, 221n2, 230nn4, 6, 239nn5, 6, 240nn13, 15, 241n26, 242n27, 244n3
Borgerhoff, E. B. O., 221n2, 243n36
Borgman, Albert S., 233n19
Bosse, Abraham, 113, 221n4
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, 239n5
Bouhours, Domenique, 31, 152, 239n5
Boyd, John D., 208n17, 213n43
Bray, René, 220-21n2
Bredvold, Louis, 200n29
Bréhier, Emile, 113-14, 221n5
Brett, George S., 199n19
Brodsley, Laurel, 244n9
Bronson, Bertrand, 73-74, 212n28, 247n39
Bronzino, Allegory of Passion, 34
Brown, Calvin S., 212n23
Browne, Sir Thomas, 41, 203n38
Bruno, Giordano, 113, 118, 237n43
Buckhurst. See Dorset
Buckingham. See Villiers, George
Budick, Sanford, 249-50n60
Burchiello (Domenico di Giovanni), 54
Burton, Robert, 8, 13, 14, 29-30, 58 87, 195-96n3, 197nn6, 10, 202n13, 206n7, 215n60, 218n18, 226n42, 237n43, 238n1
Bush, Douglas, 149, 224n20, 225n31, 236n42, 238n1
Butler, Samuel, 161, 244n9
Buxton, L. H. D., 205n3
Byrd, William, 136
Cage, John, 168
Calprenède, Gautier de Costes, Seigneur de la, 52, 239n5
Cambridge Neoplatonists, x, 19, 21, 117, 132, 161, 224nn20, 22, 238n44, 242n28. See also Neoplatonism
Casaubon, Meric, 200n3, 201n4, 242n30
Castiglione, Baldassare, 99, 199n19, 217n9
Cayrou, Gaston, 156, 240n14, 242n32
Charlanne, Louis, 221n2, 239n5
Charleton, John, 244n12
Charleton, Walter, 17, 196n4, 199n21
Charron, Pierre, 16, 198n18, 239n5
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 143-44, 235nn29, 33
Chesterfield, Fourth Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip D.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 16, 41, 50, 60, 62, 69, 77, 169, 206n6, 208n19, 210n9, 214n53, 242n26
Ciorenescu, Alexandre, 196n3, 225n32
Clark, A. F. B., 150, 221n2, 230n6, 238n46, 239n5
Clark, Donald L., 205n3
Clark, Sir George, 114, 222nn6, 10, 223nn3, 16, 224n23, 229n1
Clark, Kenneth, Lord, 207n11
Clayton, Thomas, 29, 137, 140, 232n13
Coeffeteau, Nicholas, x, 6-16, 70, 81, 93, 122, 195-96n3, 199n20, 226nn40, 42, 238n1
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 114, 222n12
Collier, Jeremy, 22-23, 28, 79, 129-30, 136, 138, 149, 196n3, 197nn7, 8, 200n28, 201n10, 208n21, 213n39, 215n57, 224-25n24, 234n22, 237n44
Collingwood, R. G., 200n27
Comine(s), Philippe de, 239n5
Congreve, William, 95-96, 217n6, 232n13, 235n33, 243n34
Cooke, Hereward L., 197n8, 236n42
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Third Earl of Shaftesbury, x, 20, 21-23, 105, 167, 197n7, 199nn20, 25, 26, 223n18, 243n3
Copernicus, Nikolaus, 112
Corneille, Pierre, 116, 135, 152, 161, 218n16, 223n19, 224n19, 238n2, 239n6
Cortona, Pietro da, 216n3, 246n34
Cotton, Charles, 79, 198n16
Cotton, John, 202n12
Cowley, Abraham, 53, 76, 161, 242n26
Coypel, Antoine, 174, 245n20
Cragg, Gerald, 161-62
Crashaw, Richard, 247n34, 248n43
Crawshaw, Elumed, 237n43
Cudworth, Ralph, 117, 125-26, 224n22, 227n47
Daniells, Roy, 210n5
Dante, Alighieri, 16, 54, 58, 180
Davenant, Sir William, 4, 92-94, 153-55, 161, 195n1, 199n21, 216n5, 240n9
Davies, John, 31, 49, 119, 202n16, 204-205n3, 225n34
Dennis, John, 117, 159, 162, 214-15n55, 223n18, 236n37, 242n29
Denham, Sir John, 161, 167, 243n2
Dent, Sir Edward, 98, 100, 217n10, 218n20, 232nn13-15, 234n9
Descartes, René, 16, 28, 149, 152, 199n19, 228n50, 237-38n44, 239n5
Des Piles, Roger, 58, 59, 62, 85, 102-103, 130, 136, 184, 205-206n5, 206n7, 208n19, 208-209n21, 209nn27, 28, 210n1, 211n21, 214-15n55, 219n25, 220n36, 229n55, 230n8, 244n9, 247n41
Des Prez, Josquin, 34
Dieupart, Charles, 29
Donne, John, 209n1, 237n43
Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of, 127, 143-44, 241n20
Dowland, John, 136
Downes, Kerry, 115, 223n14, 242n27
Druckles, Vincent, 217n15, 245n21
Dryden, John, 10, 26, 36, 51-52, 53, 57, 58-59, 79, 80-82, 117-27, 131-32, 136-37, 143-45, 147-49, 152-62, 164, 174-75, 177, 179-91, 195n1, 197-98n11, 200nn1-3, 202nn14, 17, 203nn24, 32, 205n3, 206n7, 207nn8, 9, 13, 208n20, 212n30, 213n41, 214nn44, 47, 51, 216n4, 218n16, 221n2, 223n18, 223-24nn19, 21, 226n39, 226-27n42, 227nn48, 49, 229-30nn3, 4, 230n11, 233n19, 235n27, 238n2, 239n6, 240nn12, 14, 241nn20, 24, 241-42n26, 242n27, 242-43n32, 246n33, 247nn35, 39, 43, 249-50n6o; “An Account of the Ensuing Poem,” 206n7, 240n10; “Alexander’s Feast,” 26, 81-82, 85-86, 98, 175, 177-79, 194, 215n57; All for Love, 148-49, 200n1; “The Author’s Apology for Heroic Poetry and Poetic License,” 152, 158; “Eleonora,” 170, 207n8; Essay of Dramatic Poesy, 92, 111, 116-27, 152, 154-55, 216n3, 220n1, 223-24n19, 230n5, 235n35, 238n45, 239n6, 243nn35, 38; “Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy,” 147-48; “Of Heroic Plays: An Essay,” 51-52; King Arthur, 51, 231n11, 232n13; “The Life of Plutarch,” 58-59, 209n22; “MacFlecknoe,” 170, 233n19; Marriage à la Mode, 13-14, 98; “A Parallel Betwixt Poetry and Painting,” 203n26, 207n13, 218n21, 229n55, 247n43; “Preface to Albion and Albanius,” 218n16, 232nn14, 15; “Preface to The Fables,” xi, 143, 235nn28, 29, 33; “Preface to The Rival Ladies,” 30, 50, 206n7; “A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day” (1687), ix, 73-74, 179-91, 248n44, 248-49n50, 249n60; The Tempest, 4, 195n1; Tyrannick Love, 13, 26
Du Bos, Abbé Jean-Baptiste, 19, 224n24
Du Fresnoy, Charles A., 130-31, 211n21, 229n55, 239n4
Etherege, Sir George, 33, 230n4, 233n19
Evelyn, John, 36-37, 45, 74-75, 122, 128, 198n11, 212n29, 249n59
Evers, Hans E., 216n3
Fahy, Everett, 236n39
Fairfax, Edward, 160-61
Farnham, Willard, 4, 195n1
Feder, Lillian, 205n3
Félibien, André, 62-63, 88, 103, 175-76, 209nn27-29, 210n1, 214nn53, 54, 215n63, 219n28, 220n37, 222n11, 245n24
Ficino, Marsilio, x, 27, 29, 99, 118, 201nn6, 7, 218n17, 225n31, 226-27n42
Finney, Gretchen L., 29, 85, 124, 149, 201nn6, 12, 204n38, 210n9, 217n16, 218n17, 222n9, 225n31, 226n42, 231n10, 236n41, 237n43
Fletcher, Harris F., 205n3
Fletcher, Jennifer, 245n26
Fletcher, John, 148, 155, 161
Fontanelle, Bernard le Bovier de, 114-15, 226n41, 239n5
Ford, John, 14
Foss, Michael, 133n17
Frank, Joseph, 244n6
Fraunce, Abraham, 213n39
Fréart, Roland, de Chambray, 36-37, 45, 74-75, 76, 83, 105-106, 122, 127-28, 189, 198n11, 203n27, 212n29-31, 222-23n12, 226n41, 238n3, 239n4, 247-48n43, 249n59
Frye, Northrop, 224n23
Fuerst, Victor, 115, 223n15, 242n27
Fujimara, Thomas, 202n18
Galen, 14, 15, 197n9, 200n4
Gassendi, Pierre, 20, 237n43, 239n5
Geminiani, Francesco, 137
Gennaro, Benedetto, 230n9
Gibson, William A., 238n3
Gilbert, William S., 228n53
Givson, S., 205n3
Glarean, Heinrich, 149, 202n12, 210n1, 214n53, 219n24, 225n24
Gohory, Jacques, 41, 203n36, 213n36
Gombrich, E. H., 243-44n6
Grabu, Louis, 137, 232n15
Graham, Richard, 131
Grew, Nehemiah, 204n2
Grimeston, Edward, 93, 122, 195-96n3
Guido. See Reni
Hagstrum, Jean, 25, 166-67, 195n1, 200n1, 243nn1, 2, 247n43
Hammerstein, Reinhold, 249n58
Handel, George F., 54, 73-74, 85-86, 137, 178-79, 247nn35, 39
Hanzo, Thomas, 221n2
Harth, Erica, 197n8
Harvey, William, 112
Hathaway, Baxter, 203n25, 204n38, 207n14, 224n19, 225n25, 229n58, 230n6
Hauser, Arnold, 149, 222n12, 236n40
Haydocke, Richard, 121
Hobbes, Thomas, x, 4, 11, 17-18, 20-21, 23, 25, 30-34, 38-40, 113, 114, 117, 124-25, 153, 196n5, 199nn21, 22, 202n18, 206n7, 216n5, 225n35, 227nn43, 47, 237n43, 238n44
Hogarth, William, 55
Hollander, John, 210n3
Homer, 8, 36, 45, 50, 52, 54, 126-27, 131, 150-51, 203n25, 227n48, 229n58
Hooker, Richard, 196n5, 228n53, 236n42
Hoole, Charles, 205n3
Horace, xii, 31, 37, 118, 146, 166, 233n19
Horsman, E. A., 240n14
Howard, Sir Robert, 177
Howell, Wilber S., 205n3
Hughes, Derek W., 216-17n5
Hughes, John, 84-85, 214n53, 226n41
Hume, Robert D., 221n2, 224n19, 240n14
Huntley, Frank L., 223n19
Hutchings, Arthur, 233n18, 234n21
Huygens, Christian, 41, 204n38
Isherwood, Robert, 40, 52, 100, 101, 202n12, 203n34, 207n10, 215n61, 218nn17, 19, 222n12, 224n24, 227n42, 231-32n12, 234n20, 237n43, 245n23
Jensen, H. James, 202n17, 208nn20, 21, 212n30, 32, 213n41, 214nn46, 50, 225-26n37, 226n39, 227n49, 239n6, 240nn12-14, 241n16, 242-43n32, 246n33, 248n44
Johnson, Paula, 168, 205n4, 231n10, 243n6
Johnson, Samuel, 82, 214n51, 223n18
Jonson, Ben, 13-15, 52, 126, 138, 160-63
Jordaens, Jacob, 217n13
Joseph, Miriam, 205n3, 213n43, 228n53
Junius, Franciscus, 44, 204n43, 209n30
Juvenal, 118, 234n19
Kirsch, Arthur, 239n6
Knight, David M., 221n6, 223n13, 227n47
Kocher, Paul H., 221n6
Kolneder, Walter, 181, 207n12, 247n36
Krutch, Joseph W., 202n18
La Bruyère, Jean de, 97, 196n3, 199n20, 217n10
Laments, 171-75
Langbaine, Gerard, 156-58
Lanham, Richard A., 211n13
Lanier, Nicholas, 99, 174
Lasso, Orlando di, 41
Lawes, Henry, 99, 174
Le Bossu, René, 36, 38, 69, 203n25, 211n10, 239n5
Le Brun, Charles, 39-40, 52, 82, 103, 130, 136, 176, 187, 193, 207n10, 214nn47, 54, 219n27, 220n32, 222-23n12, 239n4, 245nn22, 25, 246n34, 249n55; “Animal-men,” Plates 19-21, 17, 103; Method for Teaching the Drawing of the Passions, 85, 209n27, 214n48; The Queens of Persia at the Feet of Alexander, Plate 14, 85, 104, 207n10, 223n12; “Terror,” Plates 17, 18; Triumph of Alexander or the Entry of Alexander into Babylon, Plate 15, 176; “Woman Expressing Admiration with Astonishment,” Plate 16
Le Clerq, Richard V., 224n19
LeCoat, Gerard, 168-69, 244n7, 247n38
Lee, Rensselaer, 243n1
Legouis, Pierre, 152, 223n19, 238n2, 239n6
Leonardo da Vinci, 54, 221n4
Le Roy, Adrien, 203n36, 213n36
Le Roy, Martin, 199n19
Lessing, Gotthold E., 82, 167-68, 214n49, 215n56, 243n3
Le Vau, Louis, 136
Lewis, Anthony, 219n22, 232n13
Lewis, C. S., 225n36
Lincoln, Stoddard, 232n13
Lipking, Lawrence, 44, 204n43
Littré, Emile, 155
Locke, John, 20-21, 196n4, 199n24
Lodge, Thomas, 27, 201n6
Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, 12, 42, 51, 62, 70-71, 80-84, 98-99, 103-104, 118, 121, 122, 124, 172-73, 188, 190, 197n7, 204n39, 206-207n8, 207nn27, 29, 211nn16, 22, 214nn45, 54, 215n63, 226n42
Long, John H., 218n16
Longinus, 71, 80, 211n19, 213n41, 215n59, 240-41n15
Lorenzo di Credi, Plate 4, 106
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 29, 40, 81, 88, 100, 137, 174, 175, 177, 187, 219n26, 222n12, 231-32n12, 234nn19, 21, 249n53
Mace, Thomas, 18, 37, 69-72, 97, 184, 190, 199n23, 203n29, 211n14, 217n9, 234n21, 247nn40, 42, 250n62
Mackerness, E. D., 231n10, 233n18, 234n21
Magoun, Ruth S., 203n28
Malherbe, François de, 161
Mansart, François, 136
Mantegna, Andrea, 54, 177, 188
Margaret of Navarre, 227n42, 228n53
Marino, Giovan Battista, 166
Marston, John, 28, 201n9
Marsy, Abbé de, 129
Martz, Louis, 5, 10, 35, 195n2, 203n22, 205n4
Marvell, Andrew, 167, 205n4
Maurocordato, Alexandre, 213n43, 221n2, 239n5
Mellers, Wilfrid, 217-18n16, 228n53
Merriman, James, 244n8
Mersenne, Marin, 37, 42, 51, 70-72, 181-82, 186, 202n12, 203n30, 204n40, 211n17, 212n24, 247nn37, 38, 248n48, 248-49n50
Mézières, Camus de, 71, 74, 211n18, 212nn24, 29
Micelangelo Buonarroti, 8, 34, 45-46, 83, 113, 128-31, 148, 150, 151, 193, 221n4, 225n31, 228n54, 229n58, 247n43, 249n59; Last Judgment, Plates 1, 2, 45, 128, 129, 179, 186-89, 246n31, 248n43
Midgley, Robert, 119, 225n33
Millar, Oliver, 136, 230n9
Milton, John, 13, 15, 26, 34, 127, 131-32, 137, 150, 158, 161, 175, 183-85, 200n1, 202n12, 205nn3, 4, 207n9, 210n5, 214n43, 226n39, 228n51, 229n65, 247n40, 248n45
Miner, Earl, 247n39
Molière, 98, 134-35, 160-61, 234n19
Monk, Samuel H., ix, xiii, 202n15, 213n41, 240n15
Montaigne, Michel, 15-16, 54, 79-80, 198n16
Monteverdi, Claudio, 29, 34, 50, 79, 85, 174
Moréri, Louis, 129, 196n3, 208-209n21
Morley, Thomas, 41, 136, 203nn35, 37, 212n24, 231n10
Morot, Aimé Nicolas, 161
Morris, Robert, 238n3
Motteaux, Peter, 233n19
Mozart, Wolfgang, 54-55, 208n16
Mulder, John, 49, 205nn3, 4, 213-14n43
Munz, Peter, 196n5, 228n53
Murrin, Michael, 201n7, 205n4, 222n7, 236n38, 237nn42, 43
Neoplatonism, x-xi, 2, 3, 8, 18-20, 21-23, 25, 27-31, 34-37, 40-44, 58, 83-84, 99-100, 109ff., 116ff., 148-50, 162, 202n12, 226nn27, 42, 228n53, 236-37n42, 237n43. See also Cambridge Neoplatonists
Newton, Sir Isaac, 112, 149
Nuttall, A. D., 201n5
O’Neill, David G., 201n9
Ong, Walter J., 205n3, 209n23, 213n43
Opstal, Gerard van, 103
Otway, Thomas, 92-95, 193-94, 216n4, 216-17n5
Palisca, Claude, 246n31
Palladio, Andrea, 221n4, 238-39n3
Panofsky, Erwin, 200n1
Paracelsus, Philippus, A., 225n31, 237n43
Passeri, Giuseppi, 236n42
Patrides, C. A., 224n20
Patrizi, Francesco, 118
Peacham, Henry, 69, 97, 118-19, 153, 190, 198n14, 211n12, 217n8, 250n61
Pearce, Zachary, 25, 68
Peckham, Morse, 84, 214n52
Pepys, Samuel, 143-44, 235nn30, 31
Perkins, William, 201n12
Perrault, Charles, 221n12
Perrault, Claude, 67, 187, 210n4, 249n51
Perrault, François, 239n5
Petersson, Robert, 34-35, 202n19, 213n40, 227n46, 244n9, 246-47n34, 248n43
Phidias, 55, 208n19
Philips, Edward, 127
Pindar, 37, 53, 132, 144-45, 150, 229n58
Plato, xii-xiii, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 35, 38, 44, 55, 72, 76, 132, 169, 184, 197n9, 200nn27, 4, 208n18, 212nn25, 33, 224n24
Playford, Henry, 235n26
Playford, John, 137, 235n26
Plotinus, 19, 21, 50, 55-56, 117, 131-32, 208n19, 224nn20, 22, 227n42
Plutarch, 16, 51, 58, 59, 72, 204n38, 209n22, 212n27, 217n13
Pope, Alexander, 23, 31, 53, 111-12, 159, 166-67, 199n20
Poussin, Nicholas, 26, 39, 45, 60-63, 67, 76-78, 88, 106-107, 111, 115, 129-30, 136, 160, 174-77, 194, 207n10, 208n19, 208-209n21, 210n2, 213nn34, 37, 38, 214n53, 216n3, 220nn29, 33, 38, 221n4, 227n42, 228n54; The Arcadian Shepherds, Plate 11, 104; The Israelites Gathering Manna, Plate 10, 78; The Judgment of Solomon, Plate 9, 60-62; The Triumph of Bacchus, Plate 13, 175, 178-79; The Triumph of Silenus, Plate 12, 92, 175, 216n3; other “Triumphs,” 67, 175, 177, 220n29
Pozzo, Andrea, Plate 5, 170, 179-82, 184-85, 239n4, 246n34
Pulteney, J., 86-87, 156-58, 213n42
Purcell, Daniel, 175
Purcell, Henry, 51, 73, 99, 101-102, 136-37, 175, 186-87, 217n6, 218-19n21, 219n22, 231n11, 232nn13, 15, 16, 233n18, 235n26, 247n35; Dido Aeneas, 52, 174, 194, 232n13; Orpheus Britannicus, 27-28, 95, 101-102, 177, 201n8, 245nn20, 28, 249n54
Puttenham, George, 37, 57, 68, 70, 75-76, 86, 210n7, 212n23, 215n58
Pythagoras, 15, 184
Quinault, Philippe, 234n19
Quintilian, Marcus F., 16, 50, 60-62, 77, 103, 169, 206n6, 209n26, 241n26
Racine, Jean, 13, 26, 81, 95, 111, 129, 135, 160, 161, 174, 207n10, 229n54, 245n18
Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 71-73, 86, 101-102, 211n20, 212n24, 219n23
Ramus, Peter, 59-60, 80, 205n3, 209n23, 213-14n43, 228n53
Raphael, 8, 81, 88, 104-106, 111, 128-31, 189, 198n11, 208-209n21, 220n36, 221n4, 228n54, 237n43, 249n59; The Madonna of the Goldfinch, Plate 3, 106; Parnassus, 88, 101, 197n8; School of Athens, 15, 88, 184, 208n19
Rapin, René, 38-39, 69, 159, 163, 203nn24, 32, 211n11, 225n32, 239n5, 241n26
Reese, Gustave, 231n10
Reni, Guido, 195n1
Reynolds, Henry, 237nn42, 43
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, x, 107-108, 131, 204n1, 22039, 229n57, 249n56
Richardson, Jonathan, 131, 229n56
Ritterbush, Philip C., 204n2
Rochester. See Wilmot, John
Ronsard, Pierre de, 161, 227n42
Rubens, Peter Paul, x, 25, 37, 115, 130, 160, 174-75, 177, 186-87, 203n28, 209nn29, 30, 216n3, 245n26, 247n43, 249n50; Apotheosis of the Duke of Buckingham, Plate 8, 170, 244n11; Apotheosis of James I, 170, 184; Le Coup de lance, or Christ Between the Two Thieves, Plate 6, 179, 190-91; The Education of Marie de Medici, frontispiece, 63-64, 209n29; Last Judgment (large), 179, 184, 186-89, 246n34; Life of Marie de’ Medici, 148, 209n29; Wolf and Fox Hunt, Plate 7, 186
Rymer, Thomas, 37-39, 83, 92, 125, 135, 145-47, 150, 151, 158-59, 203n32, 211n11, 216n5, 227n45, 341nn22, 24, 241-42n26
St. Augustine, 19, 23, 58, 69, 180, 210n9
St.-Evremond, Charles de, 19, 42-43, 162-65, 229n58, 239n5, 242n21, 243nn35, 37
St. Ignatius Loyola, 79, 179-81, 198n18
St. Theresa, 227n46, 247n34, 248n43
St. Thomas Aquinas, 196nn3, 5, 236n42
Salerno, Luigi, 243n1
Scaliger, Joseph, 241n26
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 241n26
Scamozzi, Vincenzo, 238n3
Scarron, Paul, 170, 239n5
Scheuller, Herbert M., 222n8
Scudéry, Madeleine de, 239n5
Sedley, Sir Charles, 143-44
Segrais, J. R. de, 161
Serlio, Sebastian, 238n3
Settle, Elkannah, 161
Shadwell, Thomas, 4, 13-14, 33, 52, 97-98, 138-43, 161, 170, 217n11, 233-34n19, 234n23, 235n30
Shaftesbury. See Cooper, Anthony A.
Shakespeare, William, 8, 13, 30, 36, 45-46, 50, 53, 58, 88-92, 97, 113, 120, 126-27, 129, 131-32, 137, 146-50, 155, 160, 161, 173-74, 205n3, 213n43, 215n59, 218n16, 227nn48, 49, 228n53, 229n58, 231n10, 241n20, 245nn14, 16; Antony and Cleopatra, 39, 148-49, 173-74, 200n1, 245n17; I-II Henry IV, 90-92, 122; King Lear, 13, 36, 39, 44-45, 58, 82, 94, 191, 193, 229n54; Othello, 26, 83, 146, 220n30, 245n17; The Rape of Lucrece, 89-90, 173, 215n1; The Tempest, 3-4, 14, 26-30, 58, 195n1, 228n53; Twelfth Night, 58, 97, 98, 231n10; Venus and Adonis 173, 245n15
Sheffield, John, 203n24, 241n26
Sidney, Sir Philip, 144-45, 234n25, 235nn32, 33, 241n16
Signorelli, Luca, 188
Singleton, John, 140, 143, 235n31
Smith, John, 117, 224n23
Smith, John C., 232n13
Smith, Russell J., 233n19
Smithers, Don, 185-86, 218n21, 219n22, 248nn47, 48
Soame(s), Sir William, 160-61, 242n27
Sophocles, 15, 198n11
Sorel, Charles, 49, 202n16, 204n3, 239n5
Sorelius, Gunnar, 233n19
Speer, Daniel, 188, 248n48
Spence, Ferrand, 42-43, 159, 204n41, 242n31
Spence, Joseph, 159, 241n23
Spencer, Jeffrey B., 205n4, 246n34
Spenser, Edmund, 38, 51, 132, 160-61, 180, 211n21
Speroni, Sperone, 188, 229n58
Spingarn, Joel, 163, 221n2, 225n29, 230n6, 241n22, 243n34
Spitzer, Leo, 197n10, 198n12, 204n38
Sprat, Thomas, 134-35
Stanhope, Philip D., Fourth Earl of Chesterfield, 99, 217n13
Steadman, John, 205n4
Steele, Sir Richard, 204n42
Stevenson, R. A. M., 216n3
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 168
Strang, Barbara, 240n4
Swedenberg, H. T., Jr., 115, 221n2, 223n17
Swift, Jonathan, 23, 200n4, 239-40n8
Talbot, H. P., 175
Tallis, Thomas, 42
Tasso, Torquato, 31, 38, 51, 52, 160, 203n25, 224n23
Tate, Nahum, 58, 82, 175
Temple, Sir William, 119-20, 162-63, 226nn38, 39, 235-36n37, 241 n26, 243n33
Terborch, Gerard, 187
Thornhill, Sir James, 246n34
Thorpe, Clarence D., 199n22
Tickell, Thomas, 87
Tiepolo, Giambattista, 236n39, 246n34
Titian, 15, 54, 175, 198n11, 229n58
Tomitano, Bernardino, 118
Trissino, Gian Giorgio, 54
Triumphs, 175-78
Triumphs of Bacchus, 177-79
Trowbridge, Hoyt, 221n2
Trumpets and trumpet imagery, 101, 145, 185-89
Tuve, Rosamond, 217n14, 231n10
Tuveson, Ernest, xiii, 199n23
Urbain, Abbé Ch., 196n3
Van Dyck, Anthony, 92, 216n3
Vaux. See Le Vau, Louis
Velde, Adrien van der, 52
Vernon, P. F., 233n19
Verrio, Antonio, 246n34
Vickers, Brian, 209-10n1
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 26, 138, 177, 245n28
Virgil, 8, 15, 41, 45, 50, 53, 77, 81, 105, 111, 126, 145-46, 155, 174-75, 197-98n11, 203n25, 227n48, 229n58, 235n33
Vitruvius, Pollio, 238-39n3
Vivaldi, Antonio, x, 52, 179-82, 185-86, 207n12, 247nn35, 36
Voltaire, 38-39, 203n33
Vouet, Simon, 39, 100-101, 104, 170, 174-75, 198n18, 220n31, 244n10, 245n19
Waith, Eugene, 200n1
Walker, D. P., 201n6
Waller, Edmund, 160, 167, 243n2
Ward, Charles, E., 241 n20, 242n27
Wark, Robert, 246n34
Warnke, Frank, 216n5
Watelet, Claude-Henri, 128-29, 131
Watson, Foster, 205n3
Watson, George, 206n7
Weinberg, Bernard, 229n54, 230n6
White, E. W., 218n16
Wienpahl, Robert, 222n7, 236n39
Willis, Thomas, 199n19
Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester, 34, 170, 175, 230n4, 233n19
Wing, Donald, 152, 235n26, 238-39n3, 239nn4, 5
Winternitz, Emanuel, 101, 197n8, 218-19n21, 237n43, 247n39, 249nn57, 58
Wittkower, Rudolf, 207n8
Wolseley, Robert, 120, 226n39
Wotton, William, 236n41
Wren, Christopher, 115, 136, 223n15, 242n27
Wren, Matthew, 136
Wren, Stephen, 223n15, 230n7
Wright, Thomas, 196n3, 199n19
Wycherley, William, 32-33, 58, 160
Yates, Frances, 221n3, 225n27, 227n42, 237n43
Yonge, Nicholas, 231n10
Zimmerman, Franklin B., 217n15, 233n18, 245n21
Zuccaro, Frederigo, 111, 208n19
Zuckerkandl, Victor, 244n6
Zwicker, Stephen, 207n9
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