“Index” in “Nature and Necessity”
Italic page references are to passages that explain the meanings of terms or phrases with those references.
Acceptance: disutility of when wrong, 82; and empiricism, 13; and support, 81
Action: asymmetry of, 197, 202; basis for relational properties, 160; and branch hypothesis, 226-227; coherence of, 216; complete, 182; distinct from terminal condition, 179; and effects, 241; without end impossible, 207; examples of allegedly counterdirected, 217; in mechanics vectoral, 206; and modifiers, 190; needed in fine structure, 270; needed for necessity across time, 264; need not be exercise of capacity, 230; progressive, 182; not reduced to succession, 181; and results, 195; recurrence of, 188; required by causation, 242; sequence view requires relations, 186; similarity of based on components, 219; unitary, 207; vectoral character, 201. See also Complete action, Progressive action
Action-result sequence, 199; converse de-scription of, 203
Action chain, 211 -212 Actualized property, 239 Actualism, 45, 216
Adequate terminology: and property connections, 127, 132-133; in logic, 135, 140
Affect: indispensible for experience, 18 Analyticity, 725; does not imply truth, 125-127; false without adequate terminology, 133; intentional not real, 124; intuitions, 127; neutral, 126; not the nature of necessity, 123, 124; not necessity, 6; ontic, 725-126; and the term ‘isotope’, 134; and the term ‘duration’, 134; and truth of logical claims, 135
Anderson, A. R.: relevant implication, 32
A posteriori: and necessity, 123, 125
A priori, 145; and necessity, 123, 124; and temporal asymmetry, 198
Aquinas: and grounds of relations, 160; sameness a relation of reason, 173
Aristotle: action requires capacity, 230; basis for de dicta necessity, 47; on difference between individuals and natures, 63; kind relative concept of natures, 47; on natures, 34; and potential forms, 192; primary entities complexes, xiv; quaness, 48; and relations, 150, 160; on sameness, 55; on signification of kind nouns, 68
Association: of existence with entity, 272; of foundations with relation, 159; of nature and individual, 58, 61, 263
Asymmetry: of action, 197, 202; possible without objectivity, 202, 207; not required relations, 162-163; time, 197-198
Atom: must have capacity, 233
Atomism: not only alternative to holism, 180
Ayer, A. J.: on possibility and probability, 94
Bayes’ Theorem, 105
Belnap, N. D., Jr.: relevant implication, 32
Bergson, Henri: and temporal holism, 178
Black box: and capacity, 231; and regularity, 248
Bohm, David: and levels, 115
Bohr, Niels: and quantum indeterminacy, 148-149
Bradley, F. H.: argument against relations extended, 153-154
Branch hypothesis: establishes irreversibility, 228; for temporal asymmetry, 224-225
Branching: coherence of, 227; and time, 198, 206; a vectoral action, 227
Broad, C. D.: kinds needed for induetion, 106; on supreme capacities, 255
Capacity, 244; associated with state function, 247; atomist view of, 233; not a cause, 239; of condition grounded in component, 237; contingency of, 230231; eliminable, 229; entitative status, 230; and indeterminacy, 246; interference of, 247; part of nominal essence, 256; sometimes contingent, 256; supreme, 255; used by Copenhagen School, 246
Capacity for action: assumes actual actions, 270; does not assume space and time, 270
Caprice: and capacity, 264
Carnap, Rudolf: on possibility and probability, 94
Causation, 242; conditional, 240, 243; and conditional properties, 193; of conditions, not components, 192; necessary being cannot be effect of, 275; in opaque context, 244-245, 267; primary entity can be effect of, 275; singular, 243; and time, 201; in transparent context, 244-245, 267
Chance: and variations of initial conditions, 120
Change: as action, 195; required by time, 194; requires conditions be distinct, 186
Closed action chain: impossible, 203
Closed system: and entropy, 224
Closed time: implies self-dependence, 203; impossible only if time based on action, 202
Coexistence: of conditions,175
Common generator: principle of, 105
Common source: for properties, 101
Community: and parts, 278; requires ontology of components, 279; not a set, 279
Complete action, 182; as condition, 187; insufficient for action view of time, 183; must end, 207; as proposition, 188
Component: as base of capacity, 241; not a cause, 266; does not change, 268; existentially dependent, 277; non-extensive, 183; of individual, 50; include natures, 33; lacks capacities, 266; not object of act, 268; property and part, 58
Component-of: analyzed, 171
Conceivability: strong, itf; weak, 147
Conditional temporal property: and independent variety, 176-177; and necessity across time, 775-177
Connection: chance of, 86; between levels, 112, 114; real, 87; required by causation, 242
Condition: belongs to surface, 263; as cause, 239; and capacity, 237, 266; constituent of, 262, 266; distinct from nature, 263; experience of, 18; extensive, 183; as fact-of, 53; and fact-that, 54; as inadequate for necessity, 4; without a nature, 259; relatedness a kind of, 154; requires individual, 264
Condition-of: foundations of, 276; reduction of, 172
Conditional: factive, 87; material, 86, 89; modal, 32, 230; See also Implication
Consciousness: and necessity, 29; structures of, 18
Content: and acceptance, 83; factual, 140-143
Context dependence: of factive conditional, 87, 90
Contingency: and boundary conditions, 15; of features of observed individuals, 30; of fine structure, 255; and physical necessity, 27; of projected feature, 89; of some capacities, 230231; theological argument from, 275
Contingent property: mixture with necessary, 92, 104
Conventionalism: in induction, 80, 94 Copulation: as a tie, 53; and unity of facts, 52
Converse description: of sequence, 203
Cosmology: and induction, 89
Countercondition, 211
Counterdirected action: in a closed action chain, 218; at galactic distances, 228; not result from coordinate transformation, 222; between simultaneous systems, 218
Counterexample: and conceivability, 147
Counterfactual: and capacity, 230
De dicto necessity, 46; Barcan Laws hold, 45; incidental, 47; intentional, 47; and intentional entities, 43; universal, 44
Definition: not possible of a nature, 34
Dependence, xi; causal, 50; existential, 50; of properties and conditions, 274
De re necessity, 39, 42-43; non-derivative,
61; revised definition of, 61
Descartes: maxim of separability, 180; and multiple worlds, 15; and temporal atomism, 180
Determinism: not needed for induction, 91; rules out statistical induction, 122
Dialectic: and things, 258-259
Difference: analyzed, 777; as criterion for sameness of conditions, 53, 54; and distinct conditions, 54
Direction: comes from action, 222
Dispositional property, 238, 241
Distinctness, xiii, 49; does not imply separability, 180; as rigid, 278
Dualism, xii
Earlier-than: and less entropy, 226
Effect: has independent unity, 192; not pre-existent, 192; without cause, 217
Einstein, Albert: and quantum indeterminacy, 148-149
Emergentism: and levels, 113
Empiricism: moderate,13
Energy barrier: capacity to penetrate, 248
Entity: primary, 271
Entrenchment: and induction, 80
Entropy: and branching, 225; and time, 200
Enumerativism: a mistake, 96
Epistemology: and idealism, 21; and ontology, 5, 11
Equilibrium: and entropy,
225 Equiprobability: of possible histories, 93 and sameness of complexity, 93
Equivalence: of logical systems, 165
Essence: nominal, 256; real, 35, 233
Essentialism: justified by nature-interpretation of S4 and S5, 71; methodological, 77-72; ontological, 72; principie of, 77, 110
Event: same as condition, 258
Evidence: acceptance relative to, 82; making hypotheses acceptable, 82; relevant, 81
Evidence individual, 87, 89; structure of,104
Exemplification, 55; and similarity, 65
Existence: as component, 272; dependence of, 274; and unity, 277
Expansion of universe: and time, 198, 206
Experience: not always propositional or judgmental, 17; and thinking, 18
Explanation: accidentally repetitive, 257; consistent with essentialism, 73; essentially repetitive, 250-257, 253; regress of putative, 252
Extension, 132
External relation: temporal, 177; two senses of, 152
Fact: -that and -of, 51; unity of, 52
Factive conditional, 85-86; and existential dependency, 273; and foundations of result-of, 210; and results, 241
Fact־of: same as condition, 258
Family kind, 108; equivalent to limited sufficient generator, 108; need for induction to instantial claims, 109
Fine-structure model: of capacity, 231
Foundation: for relational property, 157,175
Freedom: and capacities, 240
Futurity: not a property, 198
Generalization: statistical, 83-84; universal, 83-84, 109
Genus: not component, 68
Gerundive: and two senses of action, 183
Goodman, Nelson: as conventionalist, 80; and levels of properties, 116
Group, 100; specified by property, 101,105
Grue-green paradox, 96; solution, 116-118
Grünbaum, Adolf, xiv; and closed time, 202; staccato walker, 208
Habit: distinguished from practice of acting on experience, 8
Heap: not an entity, 235
Historical materialism: economic roles primary, 273
Holism: and community, 280; and ontology of components, 178; and paradox of sameness of conditions, 179
Hume: admits relations, 151; argument against necessity, 4; denies properties and parts are different from individuals, 50; impressions as simples, xiv; inconceivability and a priori, 146; on infinity of possible histories, 92, 95; maxim of separability, 4; ontology that excludes necessity, 79, 80; relations and separability, 152; restricts knowable world, 4; supports intentional view of lawfulness, 31
Idealism, 21
Identity: principle of indiscernibility of, 55
Implication: factive, 85-86, 105; material, 33, 243; necessary relevant, 102; relevance, 52, 244; strict, 32, 243; See also Conditional
Identity, 50
Independence, xiii; as regards condition of having existence, 272; as regards existence, 272; as regards sameness, 271
Independent variety: and conditional temporal properties, 176-177; Keynes’ principle of limited, 99; limited, pp; and necessary connections, 99
Individual, 257; enduring, 257; with infinity of basic properties, 113; levels of, 113; same as its properties, 56; as simple, 49
Individualism: a necessity on ontology of simples, 279
Indubitability: not required of necessity,72; and support, 17
Induction, 77; allows infinite levels, 115;and natural kinds, 69
Inductive practice, 78, 81
Inductive rule: counterintuitive, 78, 96;uniformity, 78, 96
Inertia: analyzed in terms of parts, 234
Inference: abductive, 77
Infinity: of actions, 209
Instant: existence of rejected, 174
Instantial claims: qualified, 83, 84, 109
Instrumentalism: and capacities, 249
Intension, 130; insufficient for truth,131; without signification, 130
Intentional entity: and necessity, 29
Intentionality: of facts-that, 51 internal relation: not rejected by Bradleian argument, 170, 172; two senses of, 152
Irreflexivity: without relations, 163
Irreversibility: of sequence, 204; and objectivity of results, 203; probabilistic, 226; of sequence-cum-action, 205; unnecessary if action unreduced, 200
Isolated entity: and relations, 277
Isolated individual: unconnected by action, 213
Isolation: of events by atomism, 179, 181
Joseph, H. W. B.: on equiprobability, 93
Judgement: as based on prior experience,12; inductive, 77
Justification: of a practice, 76
Kant: empty concepts, 137; fails to show necessity is a priori, 145; requires signification for truth, 131
Keynes, J. N.: on equiprobability, 93; and levels, 115; on multiple generators, 105-106; on need for limited variety, 99-102
Kind component, 67
Kind property, 110; and necessity across time, 175
Kind-specific hypothesis, 110
Kind-specific necessity, 70
Kneale, William; on physical necessity, 26; on possibility and probability, 94
Language: and the world, 135
Lawfulness: intentional account of inadequate, 28, 30-31; ontological basis for,31
Learning: requires necessity, 146
Leibniz: activity and time, 212; external togetherness and pre-established harmony, 167-168; and necessity of world, 61; rejects indiscernibility of same particulars, 56; relations not components, 151
Level, 112; contrasted with level of seientific inquiry, 115; of explanation and nature, 73; has connections with other levels, 112; has finite variety, 112; intraand inter-,117 ; with necessary basic property, 114; of scientific inquiry, 115; ultimate, 115
Levels of limited variety: principle of,113
Levi, Isaac: on acceptance, 82-83
Lewis, C. I.: on connections without necessity, 87; modal laws of S4 and S5, 41-42; strict implication, 32
Lewis, C. S.: view on materialism, 21
Limited independent variety: restricted to non-relational properties, 111; See also Independent variety
Limited sufficient generators: principle of, 106
Link: in action chain, 212
Locke: atomistic view of essence, 35; cannot account for relational properties, 168-169; capacities in concept of nature, 256; on capacities and parts, 232-234; conventionality of natural kinds, 69; held necessity relative to classification, 261; his mereological ontology, 234; relations not real, 234
Logical atomism: failure of, 142-143; leads to truthlessness for logical propositions, 144; and logical properties, 141
Logical Necessity, 25–26; based on natures, 138; not vacuous, 124; as real, 39
Logical predicate, 138
Logical property, 755; and necessity, 64;and truth-table logic, 136-137
Logical proposition: analyticity no guarantee of truth, 143
Logical truth, 25–26; factual, 139-143;not vacuous, 143
Lottery paradox, 81
Material implication: and quantification paradox, 164
Materialism, 20-21
Meaning rule, 727; does not determine property signified, 134; does not generate truth, 125-126; may change without changing signification, 129; may mislead as to real connections, 132 Meson decay: and time, 198-199, 206 Micro-structure: as basis for lawfulness, 33
Micro-system: and experience, 18; explanatory power of, 23
Modal condition: and causation, 242;and stimulus-response, 230
Modal conditional property: and capacities, 254
Modal logic: completeness of Lewis’s S5, 38; and essentialism, 71; semantics of, 36; as truth about natures, 42
Modality: not a manner of being, 39; in models for capacities to be explained, 231-232; as the necessity of a necessity, 25
Modifier: and complexity of action, 190; and role of component, 190
Momentary entity: without capacity to act, 268-269 Monadic property, 150
Monadism: and illegitimate switching of quantifiers, 163; and relations, 162
Monism: Parmenidean, 170; and relations, 178; requires many particulars, 271
Motion: in classical mechanics, 206; not a component, 236n
Multiple generators, 101, 102, 105
Mythopoeic thought: and propositions, 16
Natural kind: equivalent to common necessary group, 107; membership in not a matter of law, 28; needed only for induction to universals, 109; nonemptiness of, 67; noun, 67,73 ; and projected property, 70; real or conventional, 68; strong sense, 64; in terms of levels,115, weak sense, 66, 107
Nature, xii, 3, 34; can be experienced, 35; and capacities, 254; contrasted with "by nature," 34; how different from individual, 63; different from property and part, 35; as dogma, 5; in explanation, 72; ground of necessity, 42; had of necessity, 41; manifest in change, 196; necessary sameness of, 63; not distinct from individual, 59-63; not a set of capacities, 255-256; useless for condition, 263
Nature model: of capacity, 232, 255
Necessary basic property: principle of, 103, 261
Necessary being: concerns condition of existence, 275; not primary being, 274
Necessitarianism: extreme, 98
Necessity, 39-40; across time, 175-177; behind learning from experience, 145–146; conceptualist, linguistic view of, xiii, 3; as a condition, as a proposition, 24; critiques of, 270; de re, 42; de dicto, 46; excluded if relations distinct from relata, 156; falsely limited to universal, 261; fine-structure account, 254; incompatible with atomism, 181; intentional, xiii, 29; and intentional entities, 250; logical and physical, 25–26, 37; and modifiers, 191; natural, 24, 39; not a priori but empirical, 72; not explained by fine structure, 253; not imply analyticity, 145; objectively based, 3, 24, 29; observable, 32; physical, 98; physical derivational, 104; of properties of evidence individuals, 90; real, xiv, 29, 30; regress in account of, 250; rejected by ontology of conditions, 260; relative, 36; requires things, 258; restricts alternatives, 27; and support, 84; synthetic, 145; truth conditions for, 29; univocity of, 26, 28, 123; utilizes depths, 263; as window on ontology, 6; See also De dicto necessity, De re necessity, Logical necessity, Physical necessity
Necessity across time: ruled out by ontology of conditions, 262
Newman, J. H.: and nonequivalence of analyticity and necessity, 133
Newton: inertia as capacity, 234
Number: not a thing, 257
Objectivity: possible without asymmetry, 202, 207; of results, 202; of results requires irreversibility of sequence-cumaction, 206
Ockham: on action, 186; allows unending action, 207; and branching, 228; source of scientific views of temporal asymmetry, 199
Ontology, xi; allows no merely possible entities, 45; commonsense, 22; of complexes, xv; of components, 51, 170; of conditions, 194, 258; critical, 20-27; excluding necessity, 79; full, 20; main problem to decide dependencies, 273; Megaric, 238; and modality, 249; of momentary entities, 269-270; necessitarian, 5; physical, xi; as regulative ideal, 23; required, 20, 58, 84; seientific, xiii, 11; of simples, xv, 49, 279; of simple individuals, 269; when incoherent with practice, 75; without relations, 150; See also Required ontology
Ontology of parts: refuted, 235
Order: as contingent, 89; in world, 88
Part: and community, 278–280; has capacity only when distinct, 237-238
Part-whole relation: avoided in analysis of sameness, 172
Particular: complex, 257; simple, 257
Pastness: not a property, 198
Peirce, C. S.: abductive inference, 77
People: components of communities, 280
Phenomenalism: impressions primary, 272
Physical feature, 24
Physical necessity, 25–26, 98
Physical truth, 25-26
Plato: rejects necessity in world, 62; seientific, moral rationalism, 16
Popper, Karl: on contingency of physical necessity, 27; on essentialism, 71-72; on induction, 14
Possible histories: not sufficient to prove necessity, 95
Possible world, 36; cut-down on, 37-38; logical, 27; not a useful category in ontology, 36-38; specified by population, 36
Possibilism: in induction, 95
Possibility: based on actual action, 216; as basis for probability, 93-94; and chances, 101; and conceivability, 147; of conflict of world and practice, 1920; does not give probability a priori, 95; hypostatized, 215; practical, 10; of states of individuals, 91; and time, 214
Posteriority: chain, 221
Potential: advanced, retarded, 217
Practice, 7; of acting on prior sense experience, 8, 76; basic, 8; ceremonial, 10; of communication, of judgment, of regimentation, 9; conventional reasonableness, 80; fundamental (= basic), 19, 75; incoherent with no necessity, 97; incoherent with universalizability of necessity, 261; inferential, 77; labor, 10; pragmatic reasonableness, 79; and propositions, 7; reasonable, 75, 79; requires asymmetrical temporal relatedness, 198; requires necessities across time, 175; requires things, 258259; and theory, 75; when incoherent with ontology, 75
Pragmatism: in induction, 79, 94; and ontology, 79
Predicate: dispositional, 238; occurrent, 238
Predication: two views of, 55
Presentness: not a property, 198
Presupposition: of induction, 76, 90
Primary entity, ,271; concerns component of existence, 275
Priority: action-result, 211; chain, 212; counter-result, 211; possible chain, 215
Probability: and frequency, 94; inverse law of, 94; and possibility, 94; and support, 94
Probability function: and support, 81
Productive skill: as capacity, 240
Progressive action, 182; and individuals, 262; not extensive, 183; not quasi-proposition, 189; not a universal, 188
Projected feature, 88; necessary for evidence individual, 90; requires necessity, 30
Property: actualized, 23p; antecedent conditionality, 135; basic, 99; and capacity, 236; complex, 136, 140-141; component, 136; as component, 49, 136; conjunction, 136; consequent conditionality, 135֊136; derivational, 100; derivational ones not basic, 100; derived, 99; different from nature, 64; dispositional, 238, 241; has no capacity, 237; and limited variety, 98; logical, J35; negation, 136; negative, 211; physical, 99; projected, 103; relational, 756; transferable, 65; universality, 138; universality of derivational, 108; as unsaturated, 53; See also Relational property
Proposition: as complete action, 188-189; complex, 141; content of, 11; and experience, 17; molecular, 142
Propositional calculus: contains not intentional but real necessities, 139
Quantification: into modal contexts, 46; and relational claims, 159, 163-164; restricted, 43
Quantificational logic: undecidability and reduction to monadic predicates, 164-165
Quantum theory: bases chance on structure, 121; capacity and indeterminacy, 245-246; and materialism, 22; measurement and time, 199, 206; quantum states as capacities, 246-247; and sameness, 57; and thought experiment, 148149; uncertainty and counter-direction, 218
Quine, W. V.: on analyticity, 125-126; intentional view of necessity, 45; flawed account of capacities, 253
Randomness: of micro-states, 225
Rationalism: Cartesian, 15; extreme, 12;
Platonic, 15
Real essence: as parts, 233
Realism: categorical, 19; conditional, 19; in logic, 139-140; in ontology, 18; postphenomenalist, xiv; scientific, 249
Recurrence: and universals, 188
Reductionism, xii, 73; and levels, 113
Reference, 132; determined by signification not by intension, 132; does not coincide with extension, 132
Reference class, 91-92
Regress: per se, per accidens, 251; vicious, 251,253
Regularity: acceptance of, 77; and contingency, 88; explanation of, 248-249; and necessity, 25
Rejection: of hypotheses, 82
Relation: analysis contains both relational properties and foundations, 158, 162; distinct from relata, 155; external and internal, 152; incoherent with practice, 156, 174; network view, 201; non-existence proven, 153-155; not component, 151; not real for Locke, 234; properties of, 163; and quantification, 159; quasi-agent, 154; relates, 153-154; relating as component of, 154; ternary, 160
Relatedness: a condition, 154; without relations, 150
Relational property, 156; coimplies foundations, 157; a component, 156; as a correlated property, 158; foundations, 111; and induction, 110-111; needs foundations if induction coherent, 170; objection of telepathy, 168; ontologically dependent on foundation, 158; and similarity, 157, 161; violates limited variety, 111
Relevance implication, 32; needed in analysis of relations, 164
Required Ontology, 20, 58; includes action, 174; includes conditions, 271; includes things, 265; excludes capacities, 229; excludes relations, 156; and relevance implication, 244
Result: not conventional or perspectival, 201; and effects, 241; intermediate, 210; limits action, 209; not necessarily an effect, 210; pari passu, 210; requires last action, 208
Result-of: dependency aspect to, 209; foundations for, 209-210; limit aspect to, 209
Role: of component, 190; as conditional property, 191
Rule of meaning. See Meaning rule
Russell, Bertrand: atomism, 50; and monistic view of relations, 178; and negative facts, 141-142; obection to eliminating relations, 162; on similarity, 66
Sameness, xi; of composition, 57; not a relation, 172, 173; of parts, 278-279; of particulars, 50; principle of indiscernibility of, 55
Scientific realism: microentities primary, 273; and necessity, 249; repetitive account of necessity, 253
Scientific terms: need signification for truth, 131
Scientific theory: content of, 8, 11; extensions of, 22; and fine structure, 231; inductive status of and technology, 14; and ontology, 6
Self-dependence: impossible, 203; resuits from counterdirectedness, 221–223
Sellars, Wilfrid, xiv, 22-23
Separability: and components, 182; maxim of, 4, 180
Sequence: and action, 186
Signification, 129; and components, 128; depends on consistent usage based on experience, 127, 137; without intension, 131; of predicates, 54, 68; and sameness of conditions, 246
Similarity: and action, 219; exact, 66; and modifiers, 191; of natures, 260; and recurrence, 189; of relational properties, 157, 161
Simple: without capacity, 268; and society, 279
Simple part: impossible if capacities require parts, 233
Simultaneity: between distinct individuals, 220; and coherence, 216; incompatible with connection, 220; in an individual, 219; partial, 219; relativity of, 217
Solubility: and ionic structure, 254
Space: derivative from time, 218
Space-time: and things, 259
Special relativity: does not favor ontology of conditions, 259; and mass-energy, 234; and things, 259
Species: not components, 68
Spinoza: necessity of world, 61
Stage: of complete action, 205
Statistical claim: feature projected by, 88
Statistical induction: assumes non-determinism, 122; assumption of uniform distribution, 121; and levels, 119
Statistical property: dispositional interpretation of, 122; of evidence individual, 119-120; grounded in non-statistical, 120, 122
Statistical theory of time, 224-228; relies on coherence of action, 227; relies on vectoral aspect of action, 226
Stimulus-response conditional: and fine
structure, 242
Stimulus-response model: of capacity, 230
Strawson, P. F., xiv; and weak conceivability, 147-148
Structure: and capacity, 231
Substratum: of change, 195
Sufficient condition: senses of, 142
Support: for conditionals, 85; by experience, 12, 16, 30; for statistical claims by frequencies, 118 Synthetic a priori, 124, 149
Tachyon: and counterdirected action,217; mere sequence, 223
Temporal asymmetry: a priori, 198; need not be based on irreversibility, 226
Temporal relatedness: gaps in, 213; incompatible with relations, 182; not based on possible actions, 214
Temporal relation: incompatible with necessity, 178
Temporal relational property: foundation in action, 177; foundations of, 179
Temporal separation: and change, 194
Temporal triangle, 215 Theory: and practice, 75
Theaetetus: construction of regular polyhedra, 15
Thing, 257; center of action, 259; as condition, 32; middle-sized, everyday, 18; a primary entity, 274
Thought experiment: and conceivability;147
Time: absolutism, 174; action view of, 174; atomism, 177; closed, 202; external and internal, 2/3; holism, 177-179; not all conditions ordered in, 220; past, present, future, 197-198; perspectival, 22; property view of, 193; relativism, 174
Time mode: and tense, 198
Togetherness, 166; and causation, 242; impossible with relations, 166; as internalization, 277-278; necessary, 167; in time, 179
Truth: and analyticity, 125; not due to agreement not to deny, 137; Tarski's semantic notion of, 126
Unity: attributed by sameness claim, 172; as complexity, 276; of condition, 276; of a fact, 51; impossible for ontology of parts, 234; of an individual, 51
Universe: bound together by action, 216
Usage: and experience of conditions, 127-128; explanation of consistency in, 127-128
Vacuity, 124; not aspect of logical truth, 139-140; and complex properties, 140
Vindication: of a practice, 76
Whitehead, A. N.: on non-extensive progressive action, 183; and potentiality, 236; requires relational properties for induction, 156; togetherness without a source, 169
Wittgenstein, L.: sameness not real, 173
Zeno’s paradoxes: solved by unitary character of action, 208-209
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