“The Lost Chord”
Abbott, Jacob, 30
Adler, Guido, 3
Alboni, Marietta, 137
Anglicanism. See Church of England
anthems, 93, 98-100
antiquarianism, 3, 83, 96, 99, 148, 151-52
arias, 70, 98, 100
aristocracy, 9-10, 43, 51, 121, 145, 156
Arnold, Thomas, 20
art music, 5n, 7
art songs, 6, 14-15, 85-88, 102-18
Aspull, George, 9
Attwood, Thomas, 97
Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit, 7n, 146
audiences, 11
Austen, Jane: Emma, 42, 46; Pride and Prejudice, 43-45, 51
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 7, 9, 36, 74-75, 89, 97
Balfe, Michael William, 129, 137, 145-47, 151; Falstaff, 9; The Bohemian Girl, 13, 15, 121n, 146, 161; The Maid of Artois, 146; The Siege of Rochelle, 146
Balfour, Arthur, 1
ballads, 11, 13, 14, 15, 48, 85, 145, 155
ballet, 145
Barezzi, Antonio, 120, 127-28, 133-34, 139, 140; see also Muzio, Emanuele
Barnett, John, 145, 146
Barrett, W. E., 37, 38
Bartók, Bela, 144
“The Battle of Prague.” See Kocžwara, Franz
Beale, Dorothea, 35, 36
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 4, 7, 9, 47, 97, 148
Bell, Andrew, 17, 18
Bellini, Vincenzo, 73, 124, 126, 136n; I Puritani, 70-71
Benedict, Julius, 145, 156
Bennett, William Sterndale, 12
Berlioz, Hector, 4, 124
Berneval, Jue de, 31
Borodin, Alexander, 6, 143
Bortnyansky, Dmitry, 144
Bosto, Angiolina, 126
Boucicault, Dion, 156
Boyce, William, 96
Broadwood, John, 45, 47
Brontë, Charlotte, 35-36, 64; Jane Eyre, 53-54
Brooke, Stopford A., 104
Browning, Robert, 103
Brunei, Isambard Kindgom, 1
Bryce, R. J., 31
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 60
Bunn, Alfred, 15, 128, 134, 161
Burns, Robert, 6
Buss, Frances, 35
Butler Education Act of 1944, 41
Byron, George Gordon, 135
cantatas, 155
cathedral music, 12, 14, 16, 19, 91n, 92, 93-94, 95
Cawood, Martin, 92
cello, 51
chamber music, 10-11, 14
Chappell, William, 147-48
Cheltenham Ladies’ College, 35, 36
Cherubini, Luigi, 7n, 9, 36
Chopin, Frederic, 6
choral services, 1, 33, 91-101
choral works, 2, 74-75, 82, 84, 89-101 passim; see also church music, choral services, oratorio
Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 22, 119-20, 122-42; Music and Manners in France and Germany, 119; Thirty Years’ Musical Recollections, 126, 129, 139
church music, 1, 12-13, 18-19, 75-76, 82-83, 89-101
Church of England, 10, 12-13, 16, 19, 20, 33, 89-101
clavichord, 44
Clough, Anne, 36
Coleridge, S. T., 57, 67
colleges of music, 2, 38, 56, 102, 147
Collins, Wilkie, 60
Committee of Council on Education, 20, 23-26 passim
composers, Victorian, 5, 9, 11-15, 89-101, 102-103, 147-57
conductors, 122, 129
Congregationalism, 29-30
Cook, Edward Tyas, 68
Costa, Michael, 122, 129, 138, 139
Crimean War, 103, 107, 116
critics, music, 11-12, 48, 119, 122-24, 130-31, 139-40
Crotch, William, 9, 97, 148
Curwen, John, 29-32; “Look and Say” method, 30; “Lessons on Singing,” 30-31; Tonic Sol-fa: 31-32, 39
dance music, 6, 11, 83
David, Ferdinand, 34
David, Paul, 34
deconstruction, 116
Dent, Edward, 3
Dickens, Charles, 1, 48, 50-51, 64, 122n; Household Words, 26; Bleak House, 51, 54-56; David Copperfield, 51, 54-57; The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 57, 60
Dickens, Fanny, 56
Disraeli, Benjamin, 37
Dissenters, 10, 19, 20, 29-30
Donizetti, Gaetano, 124, 126, 136n, 141, 146
drama, 144-45, 147-48
DuMaurier, George, 60, 61 illus.
Dupuis, Alexandre, 21
Dvořák, Antonin, 143
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 93-94
Edgcumbe, Richard, 123
Edgeworth, Maria, 51-52, 62; Practical Education, 51-52
editions of music, 1, 2n; scholarly, 2, 2-3n, 13n
Education Bill of 1839, 20
Edwards, Sutherland, 122
Elgar, Edward, 5, 13, 14, 102, 103
Eliot, George, 1, 47, 60, 62-67; Middlemarch, 42, 63; Adam Bede, 47; The Mill on the Floss, 63; Felix Holt, 63; Daniel Deronda, 64-67
evangelicalism, 10, 76, 82
Falkner, Keith, 103
Farmer, John, 34-35, 36-37
Farrant, Richard, 96
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 64
Fielding, Henry, 44
folk music, 5, 6, 7, 143-57 passim
folksong. See folk music
Forster Education Act of 1870, 32
France, music in, 6, 21-25, 27, 70-71
Fraschini, Gaetano, 135
functional music, 5
Galin, Pierre, 38-39
Gauntlett, H. J., 94
Gay, John, 156; The Beggar’s Opera, 152, 154
gentlemen and music, 10, 37, 50-51, 60
German music: in England, 6-7, 9, 10-11, 15, 69, 70, 74, 97, 123, 146; in Germany, 12, 24-25, 39-40, 47; German music teachers, 34, 64-66; instrumental, 144, 145
Gilbert, William Schwenk, 13, 157. See also Sullivan, Arthur Seymour
girls’ education, 35-37, 50-54
Girls’ Public Day School Trust (GPDST), 36, 40-41
Girton College, 36
Gissing, George, 43, 67
Gladstone, William, 1, 12, 103, 107
Glinka, Mikhail, 144, 156
Glover, Sarah, 26, 29, 31; Scheme for Rendering Psalmody Congregational, 18, 37; see also sol-fa
Gluck, Christoph, 7n
Goldschmidt, Otto, 74
Goss, John, 12
GPDST. See Girls’ Public Day School Trust
Grant, Horace, 30
Greaves, J. P., 18
Greene, Maurice, 96
Grieg, Edvard, 143
Grisi, Giulia, 70, 122, 130, 131-32, 137, 138
Hallé, Charles, 122-23
Handel, Georg Frideric, 6, 7, 9, 97, 98n, 145, 156
Hardy, Thomas, 1, 48
harp, 10, 36, 56
harpsichord, 44
Harrow, 34-35
Haweis, Hugh Reginald, 81
Haydn, Joseph, 7, 9, 36, 47, 148
Heine, Heinrich, 130-31
Hemans, Felicia, 14, 160
Hickson, W. E., 24-26; The Singing Master, 18-19, 24, 31
High Church views, 33, 91-95; see also Oxford Movement
Hill, James, 92
historical music, 4
historiography of music, 3, 4, 147-48
Hogarth, George, 48, 123
Hogwood, Christopher, 4
Holst, Gustav, 147, 157
Hook, Walter Farquhar, 91-92, 98, 100
Housman, A. E., 103
Hullah, John, 21-24, 25-32, 39-40, 45, 75n; Wilhem’s Method of Teaching Singing adapted to English Use, 24; Musical Instruction in Elementary Schools on the Continent, 39-40
instrumental music, 6, 10-11, 38, 50, 84-85
Irish songs, 7, 15, 48, 152, 155, 156
Italian music, 6, 69, 70, 73, 146; see also opera
James, Henry, 48
Jebb, John, 94-95, 100; Three Lectures on the Choral Service of the Church of England, 92, 98
Kay, James, 20, 23, 24, 26
Kingsley, Charles, 103
Kitchener, William, 52
Kocžwara, Franz: “The Battle of Prague,” 15, 48, 49 illus., 50, 163
Kretschmer, Hermann, 40
Lablache, Luigi, 70, 122, 130, 135n, 140
Lancaster, Joseph, 17, 18
“Land ohne Musik, Das,” 5
Langdale, Mary Agnes, 40
Laporte, Pierre, 121, 130
Lear, Edward, 1
Lehmann, Frederick, 62-63
Lehmann, Liza, 15, 161
Lewes, Charles, 62
Lewes, George Henry, 47, 63
Lind, Jenny, 67, 73, 76, 128, 134-35, 138, 139n, 141
Liszt, Franz, 57, 58 illus., 64, 65n, 143, 144
literature, music in, 1, 42-67
Lloyd, Marie, 15
Locke, John, 10, 50-51
Loder, Edward James, 14, 15, 145, 147, 160
Lucca, Francesco, 127, 132-33, 135
Lumley, Benjamin, 121-22, 126-36, 139-40, 141-42
MacCunn, Hamish, 143, 157
Macfarren, George, 147, 152
Macfarren, George Alexander, 6, 145, 147-157; King Charles II, 149; Robin Hood, 149-51, 155; The Soldier’s Legacy, 151-55 Jessy Lea, 151
Mackenzie, Alexander, 143
Macpherson, Stewart, 40-41
Maffei, Andrea, 120
Maffei, Clarina, 139, 140n
Maggione, S. Manfredo, 10
Mainzer, Joseph, 21, 29, 30, 31; Singing for the Million, 27, 28
Malibran, Maria Felicia, 122
Mann, R. J., 104
Mario, Giuseppe, 122, 138
Marlborough, 32
marriage market, 36, 51-52
Marshall, William, 71
Mason, Lowell, 31
Mayo, Charles, 18
Mayo, Elizabeth, 30
Mendelssohn, Felix, 7, 9, 12, 14, 57, 82, 123, 134, 135; “Fantasia on a Favorite Irish Melody,” 16, 163; “Fantasia on an Ancient Irish Air,” 48
Mercadante, Saverio, 124-25, 136n
Meredith, George, 60
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 135-36, 147; Feldlager von Schlesien, 128, 134
Middle Ages, 3, 83
middle classes, 5, 10-11, 18, 43-44, 50-51, 76, 144, 145; education of, 32
Monk, E. G., 32
Moore, Thomas, 6; Irish Melodies, 16, 156
morality and music, 23, 26, 52, 65, 79-83; see also Ruskin, John
Moscheles, Ignaz, 56
motifs, motives, 111, 151-55
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 7, 9, 47, 53, 71, 74, 85, 97, 123, 136n, 156; Don Giovanni, 10n, 71
Munrow, David, 4
musical appreciation, 40-41
Musical Association. See Royal Music Association
music education, 2, 5, 17-41, 84; teachers, 1-2; see also schools
music hall, 15
musicians: professional, 1-2, 5, 11, 44-45, 57-60; Ruskin on, 72; training of, 100n
musicology, 2-3, 4
Music Teachers’ Association, 41
music theory, 3
Mussorsky, Modest, 6, 143, 156; Boris Godunov, 6, 144
Muzio, Emanuele, 120, 127-28, 133-34, 138-39, 140, 141; see also Barezzi, Antonio
Naegeli, H. G., 31
nationalism, musical, 6-7, 143-47, 156-57
Nicolson, Harold, 108-116
North London School for Girls, 35
Novello & Co., 7-8
O’Leary, Arthur, 9n
opera, 119-42; English, 13, 89, 121n, 144-57; Italian, 6, 11, 13, 70-71, 119-41, 144, 145, 156; Irish, 156
operetta, 6
oratorio, 11-14 passim, 40, 82, 137-38, 148, 155
orchestral music, 14
organists, 12-13, 32-34, 38, 89-90
organ music, 89-90
Ouseley, Frederick, 9, 12
Owen, Robert, 18
Oxenford, John, 149, 151, 156
Oxford Movement, 33, 93
Pacini, Giovanni, 124
Paderewski, Ignacy, 57, 59 illus.
Paganini, Niccolò, 57
Palestrina, Giovanni, 9
pantomime, 84, 145
Paris, Aimé, 31
Parry, Charles, 103
Pasta, Giuditta, 122
Patti, Adelina, 71
Pedrell, Felipe, 143
Peel, Mrs. C. S., 50
Pergolesi, Giovanni, 9
Persiani, Fanny, 122, 130
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 20, 21, 30; Pestalozzian method, 18, 25; Letters on Early Education Addressed to J. P. Greaves, 18; see also Greaves, J. P.
Pfeiffer, M. T., 31
piano, 1, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 36, 40, 41, 42-67, 71, 90; making, 44, 45; music, 10, 16, 36, 44, 47-50, 70
pianola, 41
Planché, J. R., 148
Plato, 74, 79, 83, 84
Plunket Greene, Harry, 103
Ponsonby, John William, 20
popular music, 5, 7, 12, 15, 48-49, 84-85, 151-55
Prince Albert, 1, 12, 50n
Proctor, Adelaide, 14
prodigies, 9
public schools, 32-37
publishing, music, 1, 5
Purcell, Henry, 7n, 16, 96, 97, 98n; Dido and Aeneas, 148
puritanism, 10, 69
Radley, 32
Renaissance music, 3
Ricordi, Giovanni, 127
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay A., 143
romanticism, 3, 12, 57, 96, 143-57
Ronconi, Giorgio, 138
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 103
Rossini, Gioacchino, 7n, 10n, 71, 85, 119, 123, 135n, 137, 146
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 18, 27
Royal Academy of Music, 12, 40-41, 56, 147
Royal Music Association, 2
Rubini, Giovanni, 70, 122, 130-31
Rubinstein, Anton, 64, 65n
Rugby, 32-33
Ruskin, John, 1, 16, 68-88, 163-65; Modern Painters, 68, 77, 78; Praeterita, 69-71, 88; Essay on the Relative Dignity of the Studies of Painting and Music . . ., 71-74; Relation of National Ethics to National Arts, 73, 79; Preface to Rock Honeycomb, 74, 84-85, 87-88; Elements of Drawing, 77; Seven Lamps of Architecture, 77, 78; Addresses on Decorative Colours, 77; Two Paths, 77; Stones of Venice, 77, 78; Political Economy of Art (A Joy Forever), 78; Sesame and Lilies, 78; Munera Pulveris, 78-79; Queen of the Air, 79, 81; Athena Chalinitis, 79-81; Fors Clavigera, 82-83; Pleasures of England, 83-84; Fiction, Fair and Foul, 84; Laws of Fésole, 84; Elements of English Prosody, 85-86
Russell, John, 20
Russia, music in, 143, 144, 145
Ryan, Desmond, 149
Schiller, Friedrich, 120, 135n, 140
schools, 1, 17-41, 75; schoolteachers, 20-21, 34, 38; see also music education, teachers
Schubert, Franz, 47, 48
Schumann, Robert, 6, 12, 15
Scott, Walter, 83, 88
Scottish songs, 7, 70, 155
Shaw, G. B., 1, 137n
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 15, 69, 161
Sidney, Philip: Rock Honeycomb. See Ruskin, John
sightsinging methods, 22, 26-29
singing: domestic, 10, 11, 48, 50, 60; congregational, 18-19, 32, 37; choral, 1, 12, 33-37, 82, 91-96; massed, 19-32; professional, 70-71, 76, 103, 122, 127-28, 130-31, 133-34
Smetana, Bedřich, 143, 156
Smith, Henry, 92
Smyth, Ethel, 15
social criticism, 52, 64-66, 79-81, 108-109
sol-fa, 25, 26, 28-29, 31, 38, 39. See also Curwen, John
Somervell, Arthur: Cycle of Songs from Maud, 102-18, 166-73; Love in Springtime, 103; Shropshire Lad, 103; James Lee’s Wife, 103; A Broken Arc, 103
song cycles, 102-18 passim
songs, 13, 14; see also art songs; folk music; popular music; singing; song cycles
Soyer, Alexis, 52
Spark, William, 90
Spencer, Herbert, 1
Spohr, Louis, 7, 9, 97
Spontini, Gasparo, 9
Spring-Rice, Thomas, 20
Stainer, John, 5, 12
Stanford, Charles Villiers, 12, 14-15, 143, 157, 160-61
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 15, 160-61
Stow, David, 18, 30
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour, 5, 157-58; Cox and Box, 13, 151; Ivanhoe, 13
Tabrar, Joseph, 15, 162
Tamburini, Antonio, 70, 122, 130
Taylor, Edward, 28, 94-95, 100; with James Turle, The Singing Book, 28-29
teachers: piano, 34, 64-66; singing, 26-32; see also music education; schools
Tennyson, Alfred, 1, 16; Maud, 103-18; In Memoriam, 103
Tennyson, Hallam, 109
Thackeray, W M., 122n; Vanity Fair, 42, 45, 53-54
Thomson, John, 90-145
Thring, Edward, 20, 33-34
Tonic Sol-fa. See Curwen, John; see also solfa
Trollope, Anthony, 51
Turle, James. See Taylor, Edward
Turner, John, 26, 29; Manual of Instruction in Vocal Music, 18, 27
Twain, Mark: Huckleberry Finn, 48-50
universities, 2, 38, 39, 89-90
Uppingham, 33-34
utilitarianism, 18-19
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 7, 147, 156, 157
Verdi, Giuseppe, 4, 9, 119-42; Macbeth, 120; I Masnadieri, 120, 121, 127n, 135, 137, 139, 140-41, 142n; Nabucco, 120, 126-27, 129, 131, 137, 141; Ernani, 125-26, 137, 138, 140; Copialettere, 127; Attila, 127n, 132, 134; II Corsaro, 127n, 135; King Lear 130-31, 135; I Lombardi, 131, 137; Alzira, 132, 134; I Due Foscari, 134, 137, 138-39
violin, 40, 51
visual arts and music, 71-72, 77, 101
Wade, Joseph Augustine, 148
Wagner, Richard, 4, 6, 7n, 9, 124, 147, 148
Waite, J. J., 27, 31
Wakefield, Augusta Mary, 68
Wallace, William Vincent, 13, 145, 147, 151
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, 12, 89, 90, 97
Weber, Carl Maria von, 6, 7, 9, 146, 156; Oberon, 121, 146; Freischütz, 146, 149
Wesley, Samuel, 89, 98n, 152
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, 5, 12, 16, 89-101, 165-66; A Few Words on Cathedral Music . . ., 90, 94, 100; lectures on choral music, 91, 95; A Selection of Psalm Tunes, 93, 97-98, 99; Service in E, 96, 97, 99
West, George Frederick, 85, 87-88
White, Maude Valérie, 15
Wilderspin, Samuel, 18
Wilhem, Guillaume, 21-22, 24, 26
Withers, Charlotte, 71, 73, 76n
women musicians, 10, 14-15, 35-36, 42-67, 70; see also girls’ education
words and music, 74-75, 84-88, 97-98, 99, 102-16
working classes, 19-32
Wyse, Thomas, 17, 19, 20
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