“The Philosophy Of F. W. J. Schelling” in “The Philosophy of F. W. J. Schelling”
The method of quotation employed in the original German edition has been retained and may require some explanation. In order to reduce the number of footnotes, the majority of references to primary texts have been incorporated into the text, whereby the volume and page number of a quoted author’s works are given in a footnote immediately following the quotation. A roman numeral refers to the volume, an arabic numeral to the page. Wherever a page number appears alone, the quotation is taken from the last mentioned volume or work. Quotations from Schelling, Hegel, and Habermas were compared with the available English translations, but for the sake of uniformity the translations of these quotations are my own. Important German terms have often been included in parentheses so that the reader can judge the appropriateness of the given translation.
Quotations were taken from the following editions:
F. W. J. Schelling, Werke, ed. M. Schröter (Munich, 1927). (The page and volume numbers listed, however, refer to the original edition by K. F. A. Schelling. The page numbers of the original are also given in the margins of the various English translations of Schelling’s works.)
G. W. F. Hegel, Werke, ed. Verein von Freunde des Verewigten (Berlin, 1932).
G. W. F. Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes, ed. J. Hoffmeister (Hamburg, 1952). (The page number of the English translation by A. V. Miller, The Phenomenology of Spirit [Oxford, 1977], is listed in italics.)
Jürgen Habermas, Erkenntnis und Interesse (Frankfurt, 1973). (The page number of the English translation by J. Shapiro, Knowledge and Human Interest [Boston, 1971], is listed in italics.)
All other works cited are listed in the notes.
I would like to express my gratitude here to Dennis Schmidt, David Krell, and John Sallis for their invaluable assistance during the course of this translation. Most especially, I am indebted to Reginald Lilly for his numerous helpful suggestions and to the author for his constructive criticism and encouragement at all times in the preparation of this English edition.
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