“How Animals Communicate”
Barlow: "Much of what is written here was gestated over a number of years of research that was supported by the National Science Foundation. The labor of reading intensely was done mostly while a guest of the Zoology Department, Oxford University, which was made possible by the kind hospitality of Professors J. W. S. Pringle, F. R. S., and N. Tinbergen, F. R. S. I benefitted greatly, there, from discussions withj. M. Cullen, M. Dawkins, R. Dawkins, D. Morris, and M. Woolridge. For sending their unpublished articles, I am grateful to D. Franck, A. Manning, and W. M. Schleidt. The manuscript was born in Berkeley and helped through its difficult days by a critical reading from the seminar group in Animal Behavior and from S. E. Glickman and G. O. Barlow, to all of whom I say thanks."
Eisenberg and Golani: "The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Zoological Park-Smithsonian Institution in the course of these studies. Golani was supported during the preparation of this manuscript by a Smithsonian postdoctoral award. Mr. L. Davies prepared the figures. Thanks are due to Dr. D. Kleiman and Mr. L. Davies for a critical reading of the manuscript."
Ewing: "I am grateful to Dr. L. S. Ewing and Dr. D. S. Saunders for their constructive criticisms of the manuscript, and to Dr. H. C. Bennet-Clark, Mr. M. Dow, and Mr. F. von Schilcher for helpful discussions on various aspects of dipteran communication. Mr. von Schilcher kindly allowed me to use his records of D. melanogaster courtship song and wing flicking, illustrated in Fig. 1. My thanks are also due to Dr. J. H. Mook of the Institute of Ecological Research, Arnhem, who provided Fig. 2."
Fine, Winn, and Olla: "The Office of Naval Research (Contract No. N00014-68-A-0215-0003) supported our bioacoustic research in the past. We thank Julie Fischer for her editorial assistance."
Geldard: "The experimental work reported from the Princeton Cutaneous Communication Laboratory was supported by a grant from National Institutes of Health, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The preparation of this chapter was partially supported by NIH grant NS-04755."
Hailman: "A first draft of my chapter was helpfully criticized by Timothy Johnston and Dr. Gordon Stephenson, the final draft was checked by Judith Donmoyer and Edward Burtt, and Dr. Robert Jaeger patiently suffered through both versions. All illustrations are by Cheryle Hughes. Many others too numerous to name helpfully contributed in one way or another, and my wife, Liz, checked details at every stage from bibliographic search through final manuscript."
Ḧolldobler: "I would like to thank E. O. Wilson for reading the manuscript and my wife, Turid, for the illustrations. My own research, reported in this article, has been supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and National Science Foundation."
Hopkins: "This work has profited immeasurably from the association with Dr. Peter Marler and his colleagues at The Rockefeller University and with Dr. Theodore H. Bullock at the University of California, San Diego. The research was supported by NIH Training Grant #GM1789 from The National Institute of General Medical Sciences and from the Research Grant Program at the University of Minnesota Graduate School. I am deeply indebted to Eric Knudsen for permission to use the data illustrated in Fig. 2, to Michael Martinson for help with the analysis, and to Carol Gobar for preparation of the manuscript."
Klopfer: "I acknowledge the helpful critiques of Anne Clark, Lee McGeorge, Jay Russell, and Billy Seay, and the assistance of Lee Rosenson and Catherine Dewey. My wo rk has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and a Research Scientist Award."
Lloyd: "I gratefully acknowledge the Alpha Helix Expeditions Program of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (supported by the NSF), the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, the Society of the Sigma Xi, and the National Institutes of Health for financial support of the research that forms the basis of much of this paper; Dr. Thomas J. Walker of the University of Florida for his helpful discussions and reading of the manuscript; the intellectual contributions of teachers and colleagues at Fredonia, N. Y., Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ithaca, N. Y., and Gainesville, Fla.; and H. H. Seliger and D. Otte for making unpublished manuscripts available to me."
Marler: " 'The Evolution of Communication' is a modified version of an article published in Nonverbal Communication, L. Krames, P. Pliner, and T. Alloway, eds. (New York: Plenum Press, 1974). Research was supported by grants from N.I.M.H. (MH14651) and N.S.F. (BN575-19431)."
Oppenheimer: "This paper was written while I was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant No. 5 RO AI 100048-13 from the National Institutes of Health to The Johns Hopkins University International Center for Medical Research. I wish to thank my colleagues for their help in sending reprints and preprints, and the Primate Information Center at University of Washington Regional Primate Research Center for its assistance. I am particularly grateful to Charles Southwick and John Eisenberg for their encouragement, to the latter for his help with Alouatta, A teles, and Lagothrix, and to Dwain Parrack for his assistance in the preparation of the final draft in my absence. Audrey Baker graciously typed the manuscript, and Mahmooda Ghani Ahmed and Elizabeth C. Oppenheimer kindly helped with the proofing."
Poduschka: "These investigations were supported in part by a grant from the Austrian Council for Scientific Research, No. 1797. I am deeply appreciative of the help given to me by Friedrich Schaller (Zoological Institute I, University of Vienna) and John F. Eisenberg (Resident Scientist, National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.) in providing suggestions and practical help during the course of the studies. Further, I must thank John F. Eisenberg and Devra G. Kleiman (National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.) for reading the manuscript. I am also very much indebted to Gerald T. Williams, who agreed to undertake the translation of this report, and to his wife, Helga Williams, who helped in many ways. But I am especially indebted to my wife, Christi Poduschka, whose quiet, tireless, and unselfish help in caring for our numerous insectivores makes work and investigation possible."
Robertson: "Original work mentioned in this chapter was supported by NIH grant #HD-04722, NSF grant #GB-30784 A#1 and its writing was supported by a grant-in-aid from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation."
Silberglied: "I wish to express my gratitude to numerous individuals for helpful criticism of an earlier draft, especially J. M. Burns, R. T. Cardé, F. M. Carpenter, B. A. Drummond III, T. Eisner, A. B. Forsyth, L. E. Gilbert, M. H. Robinson, K. D. Roeder, W. L. Roelofs, Hon. M. Rothschild, O. R. Taylor, D. S. Wilson, and E. O. Wilson. I am also grateful to G. Bergström, L. E. Gilbert, W. A. Haber, L. B. Hendry, R. C. Lederhouse, W. L. Roelofs, O. R. Taylor, and D. Windsor for access to unpublished data, and to B. Hölldobler, L. P. Lounibos, R. Robbins, and A. E. Treat for stimulating discussion and/or correspondence."
Smith: "Support during the period of writing came from the National Science Foundation grant GB 36772."
Walther: "I am grateful to the following institutions and foundations: Texas A & M University, Tanzania National Parks, Zoological Garden of Frankfurt a. M., Zoological Garden of Zurich, Zoological Garden of Naples, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Caesar Kleberg Foundation, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Gertrud Rüegg Foundation, Smithsonian Institution, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and the Research Council of the University of Missouri. I also wish to thank those persons who gave me definite stimulation and/or support in my research: H. Hediger, B. Grzimek, R. Faust, H. Dathe, and J. G. Teer."
Weygoldt: "The work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. I am grateful to P. D. Gabbutt, Manchester, and H.-O. von Hagen, Marburg, for proofreading the manuscript, and to H.-O. von Hagen and J. S. Rovner, Athens, Ohio, for information and suggestions."
Winn and Schneider: "Burney J. Le Boeuf, Ronald Schusterman, and John Terhune kindly criticized the manuscript. However, the authors must be held responsible for all statements. Mention of grey seal work by Schneider and the time spent on the manuscript were supported by Office of Naval Research Contract No. N00014-76-C-0226. The editorial work of Julie Fischer, Lois Winn, and Howard Winn's graduate students is kindly appreciated."
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