“Art and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Russia”
Chapter 6 (Bowlt)
6.1Vladimir L. Borovikovsky, Portrait of Marita I. Lopukhina, 1797, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.2Orest Kiprensky, Portrait of Princess Sofia Shcberbatova, 1819, Italian pencil and sanguine, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
6.3Karl P. Briullov, The Last Day of Pompeii, 1830-33, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
6.4Aleksandr A. Ivanov, The Appearance of Christ to the People, 1837-57, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.5Pavel A. Fedotov, Encore, Encore!, 1851-52, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.6Vasilii A. Tropinin, Self-Portrait against a View of the Kremlin, 1844, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tropinin Museum.
6.7Aleksei G. Venetsianov, Spring. Ploughing, 1830s, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.8Ivan I. Shishkin, Pine Forest in Viatsk Province, 1872, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.9Ilia E. Repin, The Volga Boathaulers, 1873, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
6.10Nikolai Ge, Golgotha, 1892, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.11Vasilii V. Vereshchagin, The Apotheosis of War, 1871-72, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.12Konstantin A. Korovin, Paris Café, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.13Isaak Levitan, Fresh Wind. The River Volga, 1895, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.14Valentin Serov, Portrait of E. S. Morozova, 1908, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.15Arkhip Kuindzhi, The Birch Grove, 1879, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
6.16Mikhail Vrubel, The Prophet, 1898, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
Chapter 7 (Taylor)
7.1Fedor M. Matveev, The Waterfall of Caduta delle Marmore on the River Velino, 1819, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
7.2François Marius Granet, Interior view of the choir in the Capuchin Church in Piazza Barberini, Rome, 1818, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Hermitage.
7.3Aleksandr G. Denisov, Sailors at a Cobbler’s, 1832, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
7.4Lavr K. Plakhov, Coachmen’s Room in the Academy of Arts, 1834, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
7.5Silvestr F. Shchedrin, Fishermen on the Shore, 1820s, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
7.6Aleksandr A. Ivanov, Old Man Leaning on a Stick together with a Boy, 1840s, oil on paper on cardboard, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
Chapter 8 (Valkenier)
8.1Pavel A. Fedotov, A Choosy Bride, 1847, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
8.2Vasilii G. Perov, Easter Procession in the Country, 1861, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
8.3Ilia E. Repin, The Protodiakon, 1877, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
8.4Vasilii I. Surikov, Boiarynia Morozova, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
8.5Vasilii I. Surikov, The Storming of the Snow Town, 1891, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
Chapter 9 (Schmidt)
9.1Thomas de Thomon, from G. D. Oshchepkov, Arkhitektor Tomon, Moscow, 1950.
9.2Tver, Shchusev Museum of Architecture, Photo Archive in Donskoi Monastery, Moscow.
9.3Map of St. Petersburg, Shchusev Museum of Architecture, Photo Archive in Donskoi Monastery, Moscow.
9.4Moscow Kremlin Embankment, from Robert Lyall, The Character of the Russians and a Detailed History of Moscow, London, 1823.
9.5Karl Ivanovich Rossi, from V. I. Piliavskii, Zodchii Rossi, Moscow and Leningrad, 1951.
9.6The Alexander Column and General Staff Arch, Shchusev Museum of Architecture, Photo Archive in Donskoi Monastery, Moscow.
9.7Red Square after the Fire of 1812, Shchusev Museum of Architecture, Photo Archive in Donskoi Monastery, Moscow.
9.8Bolshoi Theater, 1821-24, Shchusev Museum of Architecture, Photo Archive in Donskoi Monastery, Moscow.
Chapter 10 (Kennedy)
10.1Ivan Martos, Sculpture, 1819-20, plaster, Leningrad, Academy of Arts.
10.2Fedor Gordeev, Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, 1890s, plaster, Ostankino.
10.3Fedosii Shchedrin, Venus, 1792, marble, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.4Mikhail Kozlovsky, Shepherd with a Hare, 1789, marble, Pavlovsk, Palace Museum.
10.5Mikhail Kozlovsky, Polycrates, 1790, plaster, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.6Fedor Tolstoi, Triple Alliance, 1821, wax, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.7Boris Orlovsky, Paris, 1824, marble, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.8Ivan Martos, Grave Monument for M. P. Sobakina, 1782, marble, Moscow, Museum of the Academy of Construction and Architecture.
10.9Ivan Martos, Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, 1804-18, bronze, Moscow, Red Square.
10.10Russian popular print, Moscow, 1889, I. D. Sytin and Company.
10.11Ivan Vitalii, Venus, 1852-53, marble, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.12Vasilii Demut-Malinovsky, Russian Scaevola, 1813, plaster, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.13Petr Klodt, Monument to Nicholas I, 1856-59, bronze, Leningrad, St. Isaac’s Square.
10.14Nikolai Pimenov, Youth Playing Knucklebones, 1836, plaster, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
10.15Nikolai Pimenov, Boy Asking Alms, 1842, marble, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
Chapter 11 (Schaffer)
11.1Vasili Popov, kovsh, Moscow, 1821, gilded silver and niello, courtesy of A La Vietile Russie, New York.
11.2Three boxes, Velikii Ustiug, 1800-16, gilded silver and niello, courtesy of A La Vietile Russie.
11.3Ivan Zaitsov, “coronation” platter for Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, Moscow, 1826, gilded silver, courtesy of A La Vietile Russie.
11.4D. Andreyev, icon of the “Tsar of Tsars,” St. Petersburg, 1843, silver, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.5Carl Johann Tegelsten for the Magasin Anglais of Nichols and Plinke, jewel chest, St. Petersburg, 1840, silver, photograph by Steven Tucker, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.6Pavel Sazikov, “Copy of the Bratina of the Boyar Izmailov conserved in the Moscow Arms Palace,” Moscow, 1874, gilded silver, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.7Russian Imperial Porcelain Factory, pair of Alexander I urns, ca. 1820, gilded and painted porcelain, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.8Russian Imperial Porcelain Factory, military plate, 1841, gilded and painted procelain, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.9Kornilov Porcelain Factory, rococo revival tea set, circa 1860, gilded and painted porcelain, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.10Yusoupov Porcelain Factory, plate decorated with roses after Redouté, 1826, porcelain, photograph by Steven Tucker, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.11Sergei Batenin Porcelain Factory, cup and saucer, St. Petersburg, 1812-39, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.12Russian Imperial Glass Factory, plate depicting the “Victory over the Brig Mercury, 1829,” modeled by Count Fedor Tolstoi, 1830s, cut crystal, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.13Russian Imperial Glass Factory, four beakers, ca. 1840, transferdecorated blue glass, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.14Peterhof Lapidary Works, vase commemorating the wedding of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and the Duke of Leuchtenberg, 1840, malachite, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.15Lukutin Factory, two lacquer boxes, ca. 1840, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
11.16Fabergé, kovsh in the seventeenth-century style, Moscow Workshop, 1908, jewelled cloisonné enamel, courtesy of A La Vieille Russie.
Chapter 12 (Bowlt)
12.1“The Mice Burying the Cat,” lubok, eighteenth century.
12.2Ivan Terebenev, “The Russian Gaius Mucius Scaevola,” 1812, engraving with watercolor, Moscow, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
12.3Aleksandr A. Agin, illustration to Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls, ca. 1846.
12.4George Wilhelm Timm, “Artists’ Ball, 9 December 1860,” from Russkii khudozhestvennyi listok, 1861, no. 4, St. Petersburg.
12.5Pavel E. Shcherbov, Idyll (The World of Art Group), 1899, watercolor, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
12.6Pavel A. Fedotov, Study for The Gamblers, 1851-52, pencil and crayon, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
Chapter 13 (Hilton)
13.1Elena Polenova, ornamental motifs from Russian peasant carving, 1880s, pencil on paper, Abramtsevo Museum.
13.2Towel border, northern Russia, second half of nineteenth century, embroidery, Moscow, Folk Art Museum.
13.3Carved pediment and window frame, Gorky region, 1882, wood, Zagorsk, State Museum of History and Art.
13.4Carved and painted eaves of a village house, Arkhangel region, nineteenth century, wood.
13.5Distaff (detail), “Sirin,” Arkhangel region, nineteenth century, painted wood, Zagorsk, State Museum of History and Art.
13.6Distaff (detail), Iaroslavl region, 1935, carved wood, Zagorsk, State Museum of History and Art.
13.7Distaff (detail), Arkhangel region, second half of nineteenth century, painted wood, Zagorsk, State Museum of History and Art.
13.8Starling box, Moscow region, 1870, wood, Zagorsk, State Museum of History and Art.
13.9Vasilii A. Raev, View of Ostankino Park, n.d., oil on canvas, Moscow, Tropinin Museum.
13.10Vasilii A. Tropinin, Boy with a Zhaleyka, early 1820s, oil on canvas, Moscow, Tretiakov Gallery.
13.11Ignatii S. Shchedrovsky, Landscape with Hunters, ca. 1830, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Russian Museum.
13.12Grigorii V. Soroka, A Chapel in the Village of Ostrovki, late 1840S-early 1850s, oil on canvas, Leningrad, Hermitage.
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