“Born of the Same Roots”
I. References
Gibbs, Donald A. Subject and Author Index to Chinese Literature Monthly (1951-1976). New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, 1978.
Gibbs, Donald Α., and Yun-chen Li. A Bibliography of Studies and Translations of Modem Chinese Literature 1919-1942. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975.
Hsia, C. T. A History of Modern Chinese Fiction. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. Second revised edition, 1971.
Tsai, Meishi. Contemporary Chinese Novels and Short Stories, 1949-1974: An Annotated Bibliography. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.
Yang, Winston L.Y., and Nathan К. Mao, eds. Modern Chinese Fiction: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1980.
II. Major Sources of Translations
Chi, Pang-yuan, et al., eds. An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature, Taiwan: 1949-1974. Taipei: National Institute for Compilation and Translation, 1975.
Chinese Literature. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1951-.
The Chinese Pen. Taipei: Chinese Center, International P.E.N., 1972-.
Hsia, С. T., ed. Twentieth-Century Chinese Stories. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
Isaacs, Harold, ed. Straw Sandals. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1974.
Jenner, W. J. F., ed. Modern Chinese Stories. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
Lau, Joseph S. M., C. T. Hsia, and Leo Ou-fan Lee, eds. Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981.
Lau, Joseph S. M., ed., with the assistance of T. A. Ross. Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.
Renditions. A Chinese-English Translation Magazine. Hong Kong: Centre for Translation Projects, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1973-.
Snow, Edgar, сотр. and ed. Living China. New York: John Day, 1937.
Wang, С. C., trans. Contemporary Chinese Stories. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944.
III. Translations of Works by Individual Authors
For a more complete list of translations of the works by Lao She, Wu Tsu-hsiang, Hsiao Hung, Lo Hua-sheng, Ping Hsin, and Lin Shu-hua, consult Gibbs and Li, A Bibliography of Studies and Translations of Modern Chinese Literature, 1979-7942.
Ai Wu
Homeward Journey and Other Stories. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1957.
A New Home & Other Stories by Contemporary Chinese Writers. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1955.
Wild Bull Village: Chinese Short Stories. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965.
“Return by Night.” Renditions, no.7 (Spring 1977).
Chen Jo-Hsi
Chen, Jo-hsi. The Execution of Mayor Yin and Other Stories from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Translated by Nancy Ing and Howard Goldblatt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978.
Ch’en, Lucy H. Spirit Calling: Tales about Taiwan. Taipei: Heritage Press, 1962.
Kao, George, ed. Two Writers and the Cultural Revolution. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 1980.
“The Last Performance.” In Lau, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970.
“Ting Yun.” Translated by Chi-chen Wang. Renditions, no. 10 (Autumn 1978).
“The Tunnel.” Translated by Chi-chen Wang. Renditions, no. 10 (Autumn 1978).
Ch’en Ying-chen
“My First Case.” In Lau, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970.
Hsiao Hung
Hsiao Hung. The Field of Life and Death. Translated by Howard Glodblatt and Ellen Yeung. Tales of Hulan River. Translated by Howard Glodblatt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979.
“The Family Outside.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-19 49.
“Hands.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
Lao She
Kao, George, ed. Two Writers and the Cultural Revolution. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 1980.
Lao She. Cat Country. Translated by William A. Lyell. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1970.
Lao She. Rickshaw. Translated by Jeanne James. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979.
Renditions, no. 10 (Autumn 1978). This issue has a special section on Lao She.
“Black and White Li.” In Wang, Contemporary Chinese Stories.
“The Glasses.” In Wang, Contemporary Chinese Stories.
“Liu’s Court.” In Wang, Contemporary Chinese Stories.
“The Philanthropist.” In Wang, Contemporary Chinese Stories.
Ling Shu-hua
“Embroidered Pillows.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
“The Eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
“The Helpmate.” In Wang, Contemporary Chinese Stories.
“A Poet Goes Mad” Tien Hsia Monthly, 4.4 (April 1937).
“What’s the Point of It?” Tien Hsia Monthly 3.1 (August 1936).
“Writing a Letter.” Tien Hsia Monthly 5.5 (December 1937).
Lo Hua-sheng
“The Merchant’s Wife.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
“Yü-kuan.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
Pai Hsien-yung
Pai, Hsien-yung. Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming.
“Li Tung: A Chinese Girl in New York.” In Hsia, Twentieth-Century Chinese Stories.
“Winter Nights.” In Lau, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970.
Ping Hsin
“Boredom.” In Yn Yu Kyn, The Tragedy of Ah Qui and Other Modern Chinese Stories. London: George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 1930.
“The First Home Party.” Translated by Richard L. Jen. Tien Hsia Monthly 4.3 (March 1937).
Wu Tsu-hsiang
“Eighteen Hundred Piculs.” Chinese Literature, 1959, no.11.
“Fan Village.” In Hsia, Twentieth-Century Chinese Stories.
“Green Bamboo Hermitage.” Chinese Literature, 1964, no.l.
“Let There Be Peace.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
“Young Master Gets His Tonic.” In Lau et al., Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas: 1919-1949.
Yang Ch’ing-ch’u
Yang, Ch’ing-ch’u. Selected Stories of Yang Ch’ing-ch’u. Translated by Thomas B. Gold. Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Тun-li Publishing Co., 1978.
“Enemies.” In Lau, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970.
Yü Li-hua
“In Liu Village.” In Lau, Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970.
IV. Studies of Women in Modern China
Croll, Elisabeth. Feminism and Socialism in China. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1978.
Freedman, Maurice, ed. Family and Kinship in Chinese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1970.
Pruitt, Ida. A Daughter of Han. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945. Reissue by Stanford University Press, 1967.
——. Old Madam Yin. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979.
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol.11, no.1 (Autumn 1976). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1976.
Smedley, Agnes. Portraits of Chinese Women in Revolution. Old Westbury, N.Y.: The Feminist Press, 1976.
Wolf, Margery. House of Lim. New York: Prentice Hall, 1968.
——. Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972.
Wolf, Margery, and Roxane Witke, eds. Women in Chinese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1975.
Yang, Martin С. A Chinese Village. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945.
Young, Marilyn В., ed. Women in China. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1973.
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