“Black_Film_As_Genres” in “Black Film As Genre”
Abby, 53
Absent, 41
Adam-12, 58
aesthetique du cool, 10, 12, 50, 95, 99, 120, 140
Alexander, William, 38, 42
Alice Adams, 35
All-American Films, 42
Aloma of the South Seas, 20
Amos 'n' Andy, 57-58
Amsterdam News, 37, 49
anatomy, 11, 65, 72
Anderson, Ivie, 34
Anderson, Madeleine, 55, 103, 148
Angel Levine, 54
Armstrong, Henry, 42, 131
Armstrong, Louis, 45
Arrowsmith, 35
Artists and Models, 34
Asendio, James, 144, 150
Asphalt Jungle, The, 52, 154
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The, 116
"B" movies, 19-20, 34, 41, 90
Baker, Josephine, 38, 40
Baldwin, James, 146, 150
Barbershop Blues, 31
Bargain with Bullets, 41
Barnett, Claude A., 108
Baskette, James, 44
Bataan, 43
Battle of Algiers, The, 50
Beavers, Louise, 35
Beggars of Life, 23
Belafonte, Harry, 48
Ben Hur, 20
Benedict, Ruth, 80
Birth of a Nation, The, 15, 22, 150
Birth of a Race, The, 16-17, 19, 148
Birthright, 28
Black and Tan, 31-32, 78-79
black bourgeoisie, 68, 69, 70-74, 80, 84, 102
Black Delta Religion, 88
Black Jesus, 54
Black Journal, 61
Black King, The, 41
Black Network, The, 31
Black Shadows on a Silver Screen, 66
Black Sherlock Holmes, A, 19
Blackboard Jungle, 46
Blacula, 52
"blaxploitation," 50, 53-54, 56, 115, 128-30, 140, 148, 151
Blinn, Bill, 60
Blood of Jesus, The, 86-99
Blueberry Hill, 57
Body and Soul, 7, 27, 66
Bogle, Donald, 151
Boogie Woogie Dream, 31
Book of Numbers, The, 52, 116, 148
Borden, Stephen, 48
Borderline, 143
Bourne, St. Claire, 55, 87, 90, 101, 103, 148-49
Bowser, Pearl, 150
Broadway Bill, 35
Broken Blossoms, 22
Broken Strings, 131
Bronze Buckaroo, 41, 131
Brooks, Clarence, 35
Brother Martin, 97
Brown, Clarence, 45
Brown, Georg Stanford, 60
Brown, Jim, 48, 130
Brown, Sterling, 144
Browne, Ray B., 149
Browne, Tony, 103
Brute, The, 27
Buchanan, Larry, 48
Bucket of Cream Ale, A, 13
Buell, Jed, 40, 90
Bullets or Ballots, 35
Bus is Coming, The, 54
By Right of Birth, 17-18
Cabin in the Cotton, 35
Cabin in the Sky, 44
Canada, National Film Board of, 55, 102
Capra, Frank, 109
Carmen Jones, 47, 146
Carroll, Vinette, 48
Carter, Ben, 44
Carver, George Washington, 111
Casablanca, 43
Center for Southern Folklore, 88
Chase, Bill, 37
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 66
Chow, Raymond, 54
Christie Comedies, 30, 90
Churchill, Savannah, 57
Clarens, Carlos, 155
Clarke, Shirley, 47, 132, 148, 151
Claudine, 54
Cohen, Octavus Roy, 66
Color Us Black, 55
Colored American Winning His Suit, The, 24
Colored Players Film Co., 4, 65-67
Columbia Pictures, 106, 133, 148
Conjure Woman, The, 28
Connelly, Marc, 35, 109
Connor, Edgar, 81
Conrack, 116-17
Convicts Four, 48
Cool Breeze, 52, 130, 154
Cool World, The, 47, 132
Cooper, Ralph, 38, 41, 131, 154
Cosby, Bill, 59, 132
Cotton Comes to Harlem, 53-54
Count of Monte Cris to, The, 35
County Chairman, The, 35
Crash Dive, 43-44
Cripps, Thomas,149
Crisis, 144
Daily Worker, 146
Danska, Herbert, 55
Dark Manhattan, 41, 154
David Harum, 35
Davis, Ossie, 54, 148, 150
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 48
Day at the Races, A, 34
Days of War, 14
Defiant Ones, The, 46, 49
Democracy, 26
DeMille, Cecil B., 21, 86, 95, 98
DeRochemont, Louis, 102
Dirigible, 35
Dixie National Pictures, 42, 90
Dixon, Ivan, 104, 119, 121, 123, 127
documentary film, 100-102, 108, 114
Double Deal, 41
Dracula, 52
Dreifuss, Arthur, 40-41
Drums o' Voodoo, 41
Dudley, Sherman, 67
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 25, 66
Dutchman, 47, 50, 132, 148
Duvivier, Julien, 44
Dworkin, Martin, 147
Ebony Motion Picture Company, 19, 66
Eckstine, Billy, 80
Eisner, Lotte, 153
Eleven P. M., 66
Ellington, Duke, 32, 77-79
Ellison, Ralph, 115, 146, 150
Emperor Jones, The, 33-34
Empty Sleeve, The, 14
Europe, Jim, 44
Exile, The, 41
Fair Rebel, 14-15
Federal Theatre, 109
Ferris, William R., 88
Fetchit, Stepin, 34-35, 78
Fighting Father Dunne, 87
Fights of Nations, The, 14
film noir, 50, 79, 116, 135
Fish, 20
Five on the Black Hand Side, 54
Flame of Paris, The,40
Flaming Frontier, 20
Flying Down to Rio, 34
For the Cause of the South, 14
Ford, John, 20, 26, 35, 48
Foster, Bill, 75
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 20
Franklin, Oliver, 149
Franklin, Wendell, 48
Free and Equal, 23
Free, White, and 21, 48
From Harlem to the Rhine, 24
From These Roots, 102-103, 111
From Whence Cometh My Help, 129
Fuller, Hoyt, 147
Fury, 36
Gang War, 41, 131
Gant, Harry, 41
Garrison, Harold, 6, 78
Gayle, Addison, 42
genre film, 9-11
Georgia, Georgia, 54
Georgia Rose, 41
Gilpin, Charles, 23, 67
Girl from Chicago, The, 41, 131
Gist, Eloise, 4-5, 87, 90, 97
Glucksman, Emmanuel, 38
Go Down Death, 98
Gold Diggers of 1933, 34
Goldberg, Bert and Jack, 38, 42
Golden Boy, 35
God's Step Children, 42
Gone with the Wind, 35-37, 39
Gordon's War, 104, 130
Greaves, William, 55, 102-103, 111, 149
Green Pastures, The, 35, 92, 96, 109
Greenlee, Sam, 104
Griffith, D. W., 65
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, 50, 132
Haley, Alex, 60
Hallelujah!. 6-7, 30, 77-78, 87, 93, 116, 140, 144, 152
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum, 33
Handy, W. C., 33, 76, 81-82
Hansberry, Lorraine, 48, 65
Harder They Come, The, 104
Harlem, 41, 45, 47, 56, 74, 79, 81, 88
Harlem Detective, 58
Harlem Globetrotters, 46
Harlem on the Prairie, 41
Harlem Renaissance, 81, 103
Harlem Rides the Range, 41
Harris, Middleton, 149
Harrison, William, 144
Hearts in Dixie, 6, 30, 78, 116, 144
Hecht, Ben, 109
Heisler, Stuart, 108-109, 113
Hellman, Lillian, 43
Henderson, Harry, 69
Hendrix, Jimi, 105
Henry Brown, Farmer, 45
Hey wood, Donald, 41
Hill, Abe, 113
Himes, Chester, 54
His Darker Self, 22
His Trust, 14
His Trust Fulfilled, 14
Hitchens, Gordon, 88, 90, 101
Hoerle, Arthur, 40
Holiday, Billie, 79
Home of the Brave, 45-46
Homesteader, The, 27
Honky, 54
Hoodlum Priest, The, 87
Hoodoo Ann, 21
Hooray for Love, 35
House Behind the Cedars, The, 28
Huckleberry Finn, 50
Hughes, Langston, 6, 39, 77, 113, 116
Hull, David Stewart, 152
Huston, John, 154
I Spy, 58
I was a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, 35
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You
Rascal You, 31
Imitation of Life, 35
In Black America, 58
In Old Kentucky, 23
In This Our Life, 43
Informer, The, 54 Ingram, Rex, 35
Injustice, 26
Island in the Sun, 47
Intolerance, 22
Intruder in the Dust, 45, 146
Invisible Man, 115
Jackie Robinson Story, The, 46
Jackson, Jesse, 107
Jammin' the Blues, 45, 79, 105
Jazz on a Summer's Day, 105-106
Jeffries, Herb, 41, 131
Jericho, 40
Jerome, V. J., 146
Jersey, William, 100
Jezebel, 35
Jitterbug Party, 31
Joe Louis Story, The, 46
Johnson, Albert, 146, 150
Johnson, George, 19
Johnson, Hall, 37, 57
Johnson, James P., 77
Johnson, James Weldon, 98
Johnson, Noble, 20, 132, 150
Jones, Leroi, 47, 50-51, 132, 148
Jones, Quincy, 48
Jones, Robert Earl, 48
Jordan, Louis, 42
Judge Priest, 35
Julian, Hubert, 42
Julia, 58
Kael, Pauline, 148
Kahn, Richard C., 90
Kain, Gylan, 55
Kanter, Hal, 58
Keep Punching, 42, 131
King Solomon's Mines, 38 King, Woodie, 54
Kisses for My President, 48
Kracauer, Siegfried, 152
Kramer, Stanley, 46, 48
Kurtz, Wilbur G., 37
Ladies of the Harem, 20
Lady Sings the Blues, 54
Land, Ben, 55
Landau, Ely, 103
Landlord, The, 54
Landy, Eileen, 149
Lang, Fritz, 36
Leab, Daniel J., 151-52
Leacock, Richard, 105
"Leadbelly" (Huddie Ledbetter), 54, 116
Learning Tree, The, 50, 92, 104, 116
Leo the Last, 54
Leopard Woman, The, 20
LeRoy, Mervyn, 36
Let the Church Say Amen, 87, 101
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 156
Levy, Robert, 29, 40, 67
Life Boat, 43
"Lift Every Voice and Sing," 81
Ligouri, Al, 67
Lilies of the Field, The, 46, 48, 129
Lincoln, Abbey, 127
Lincoln Company, 3, 17, 26, 66, 116, 131, 148
Lincoln's Dream, 15
Little Colonel, The, 35
Little Foxes, The, 35
Littlest Rebel, The, 14, 35
Locke, Alain, 144, 150
Long Night, The, 54
Long Ships, The, 48
Lost Boundaries, 45, 102
Lost in the Stars, 148
Lost Man, The, 48-49, 54, 130
Louis, Joe, 42, 110-11, 131
Loyal Hearts, 26
Luciano, Felipe, 55
Lure of a Woman, The, 24
Lutheran Film Associates, 100
McDaniel, Hattie, 35, 37, 57
Macpherson, Kenneth, 143
Mad Miss Manton, The, 35
Maltese Falcon, The, 154
Man Called Peter, A, 87
Man, Woman, and Sin, 23
Manslaughter, 21
Mapp, Edward, 148
March of Time, 45
Marching On, 98
Margulis, Stan, 60
Marrow of Tradition, The, 29
Marshall, William, 58
Martin Luther King: A Filmed Record ..., 103
Massacre, 35
Maurice, Richard D., 66
Maynard, Richard A., 149
Melinda, 130
Men of Color to Arms, 109
Metz, Christian, 156
MGM, 44, 50, 116, 154
Micheaux, Oscar, 3, 7, 26-30, 38, 41-42, 66, 131, 148-51
Milestone, Lewis, 33, 153
Mili, Gjon, 45, 105
Military Drill of the Kikuyu Tribes and Other Native Ceremonies, The, 14
Miller, Dorie, 111
Miller, Flournoy, 42
Million Dollar Pictures, 41, 43
Minnie the Moocher, 31
Mintz, Robert, 41
Miracle in Harlem, 148
Mission to Moscow, 44
Mississippi, 35
Mr. Washington Goes to Town, 42
Mitchell, Margaret, 36
Mod Squad, 58
Monterey Pop, 105
Moon over Harlem, 41
Mordecai, Jimmy, 33, 71, 81-84
Moreland, Mantan, 42, 57
Moses, Lucia Lynn, 68, 71
Mosk, Ed, 80, 106
Moss, Carlton, 45, 55, 75-80, 85, 92, 94, 106-10, 112-13
Moten, Etta, 34
Motion Picture Association of America, 7,132-33
Muhammad, Elijah, 55, 101
Murder on Lennox[sic] Avenue, 41
Murphy, Dudley, 33, 80, 83, 151
Murray, James P., 7, 49, 149-50
Muse, Clarence, 6, 35, 39, 77-78, 116, 131
My Baby is Black, 48
My People, 57
Myrick, Susan, 37
Mystery in Swing, 41
NAACP, 17, 42-43, 48, 57-58, 75, 143, 145
National Film Board of Canada, 55, 102
Native Son, 47, 148
Natural Born Gambler, A, 21
Negro College in Wartime, The, 45
Negro Sailor, The, 45
Negro Soldier, The, 45, 100-14
Nelson, David, 55
New World A'Comin', 57
Night I Fought Jack Johnson, The, 21
Night of the Quarter Moon, The, 48
No Way Out, 46
Norman, Maidie, 48
Nothing But a Man, 7, 49, 117-27, 148
Of Mice and Men, 35
Office of War Information, 57
Old Ironsides, 23
Old Mammy's Charge, 14
Old Mammy's Secret Code, 14
One Exciting Night, 22
One Mile from Heaven, 35
One Potato, Two Potato, 48
Orfeu Negro, 48
Organization, The, 48, 130
Oriental martial arts, 54, 129, 131
Orphans of the Storm, 22
O'Shaughnessy's Boy, 35
Ottley, Roi, 57
Our Gang, 21
Our Hell Fighters Return, 24
Outcasts, The, 58
Owens, Jesse, 111
Ox Bow Incident, The, 43
Parks, Gordon, 50, 92, 104, 116, 149, 154
Parks, Gordon, Jr., 116
Patterson, Lindsay, 149
Peerce, Larry, 48
Pennebaker, D. A., 105
Perugini, Frank, 67
Petrified Forest, The, 35-36
Pie, Pie Blackbird, 31
Pines, Jim, 148
Pinky, 45
Pittsburgh Courier, 37, 143
Poitier, Sidney, 46, 48-49, 130, 147
Pollard, Fritz, 43, 80
Pollard, J. Luther, 66
Popkin, Harry and Leo, 38, 41, 46
Porgy, 23
Porgy and Bess, 47
Potamkin, Harry Allan, 143
Pressure Point, 48
Prestige, 35
Prince of His Race, A, 29, 67
Princess Tarn Tarn, 38
Prisoner of Shark Island, The, 35
Proud Valley, 40
Purlie Victorious, 48, 150
Raisin in the Sun, A, 48, 65
Randol, George, 38, 41
Rasulala, Thalmus, 154
Raucher, Herman, 132
Realization of a Negro's Ambition, The, 17, 66, 116-17, 131
Reddick, Lawrence D., 113, 145, 150
Reivers, The, 52
religion, 87-88, 90
Reol Studio, 40, 67
Resnick, Ken, 88-89, 101
Rhapsody in Black and Blue, 31
Rhone, Trevor, 104
Rhythm in a Riff, 80
Rich Man, Poor Man, 60
Right On!, 55
Rinaldo, Ben, 40
Ritt, Martin, 50
Robeson, Paul, 33, 36, 38, 44, 66, 143_44, 148, 150
Robinson, Smokey, 105
Robinson's Heavenly Choir, 91
Rockefeller Foundation, 88
Roemer, Michael, 7, 49, 148
Romance of a Jewess, The, 65
Roots, 60-61
Rosebud, 41
Roth, Murray, 77
Roundtree, Richard, 50, 154
Sack, Alfred, 38, 98
Sahara, 43
St. Jacques, Raymond, 52, 116
St. Louis Blues, The, 33, 75-85
Sanders of the River, 38
Sargent, William, Jr., 105
Savin, Lee, 105
Savini, Robert, 40
Scapegoat, The, 24
Scar of Shame, The, 5-6, 29, 65-74, 80, 153
Schiff man, Frank, 38
Scott, Emmett J., 15, 147
Sea Beast, The, 23
Selassie, Haile, 44
Selznick, David O., 36-37
Sergeant Rutledge, 48
Sergeants Three, 48
Serling, Rod, 58
sex in film, 84-85, 124, 130, 135-38
Shaft, 50, 80, 129, 154
Shales, Tom, 147
Shaw, Irwin, 60
Shaw, Run Run, 54, 130
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, 20
Shore, Sig, 151
Showboat, 35-36
Siren of the Tropics, 38
Slave Ship, 35
Slave's Devotion, A, 14
Sloane, Paul, 78
Smile Orange, 104
Smith, Bessie, 33, 81-85
Smith, J. Augustus, 41
So Red the Rose, 35
Soldier Brothers of Susannah, The, 15
Some White Hope, 21
Son of Ingagi, 90
Song of the South, 44
Soul Soldier, 54
Soul to Soul, 54, 80, 106
Sounder, 50, 52, 104, 116
Sounder II, 117
"soundies," 43, 57, 80
South, the, 48, 58, 77-78, 117
Spider's Web, The, 28
Spirit of Youth, 42, 131
Spook Who Sat by the Door, The, 12, 104-105, 153
Spying the Spy, 19
Staggerlee, 50
Staples Singers, 107
Starkman, David, 67
Steamboat Round the Bend, 35
Steinbeck, John, 35
Stern, Bert, 105-106
Still a Brother, 88, 90, 101-102
Stormy Weather, 44
Story of a Three-Day Pass,50
Stribling, T. S., 66
Strode, Woody, 48
Stuart, Mel, 106
Sullivan, Ed, 57
Sunday on the River, 88, 90, 101
Supremes, The, 105
Sutherland, Edward, 35
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song, 7, 52, 128-40
Swerling, Jo, 109
Symbol of the Unconquered, The, 27
Symphony in Black, 31, 77-79
TAMI [Teenage Awards Music International] Show, 105
Tales of Manhattan, 44
Tarzan, 20
television, 55-58, 60-61
Tempo Studio, 67
Ten Minutes to Live, 41
Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 29, 67
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The, 129
They Won't Forget, 36
Thompson, Edward, 35-36
Time for Building, A, 101
Time for Burning, A, 100
To Kill a Mockingbird, 48
Toddy, Ted, 40, 42, 90
Topsy and Eva, 22
Trader Horn, 34
Trooper of Troop K, The, 19, 132
Tubbs, Vincent, 48
Tucker, Earl "Snake Hips," 79
Tudor, Andrew, 152-54, 156
Turner, Ike and Tina, 80, 106
Two Gun Man from Harlem, 41
Two Rode Together, 48
Tyson, Cicely, 117
Ulmer, Edgar, 40-41
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 14, 22-23
Underworld, 41
Up Tight, 148
urban life, 54, 67-71,76-77
Van Peebles, Melvin, 50, 52, 128-40, 151
Van Vechten, Carl, 32
Variety, 3, 22-23, 42, 58, 84
Victory Through Brotherhood, 57
Vidor, King, 6, 77-78, 87-88, 140
Voice of the City, The, 57
Vorhaus, Bernard, 77
Walk in My Shoes, 58
Washington, Booker T., 15, 96, 111
Washington, Fredi, 33, 35, 81
Washington, Isabel, 81
Watermelon Man, 132
Watts Festival, 80, 106
Wattstax, 54, 77, 80, 106-107, 153
Way Down East, 22
Way Down South, 39, 77, 116
Weales, Gerald, 146 Weiss, Louis, 41
Well, The, 46
Welles, Orson, 92
Wellman, William, 43
Werker, Alfred, 102
westerns, black, 90
Westinghouse Broadcasting, 105
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, 48
While Thousands Cheer, 43
Whipper, Leigh, 35, 43
White, Josh, 57-58
White, Walter, 42, 75
White Rose, The, 22
Why We Fight, 45, 109
Wiley, Hugh, 66
Williams, Bert, 20
Williams, Oscar, 104
Williams, Spencer, 30, 38, 41, 90-99
Williamson, Fred, 130
Willie Dynamite, 130
Wilson, Dooley, 43
Within Our Gates, 27-28
WLIB, 56
WMCA, 57
WNYC, 57
WOR-TV, 58
Wolper, David, 60
Wright, Richard, 47
Yamacraw, 31, 77, 116
Yglesias, Jose, 146
Young Man with a Horn, 47
Youngdahl, William, 101
Zanuck, Darryl, 47
Zou Zou, 38
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