“Frontiers In Semiotics” in “Frontiers in Semiotics”
Aalto, A.: 303
Aaron, Richard I.: 255, 291
Abelard, Peter: 70, 72, 291
Abraham: 170
Abrahams, R. D.: 189, 291
Academicians: 64
Adam, Charles: 297
Adler, Mortimer J.: 15, 291
Aegidius Romanus: 9, 10
Ailly, Pierre d’: 9, 10, 291, 304
Albert the Great (“Albertus Magnus”): 9, 10, 11, 26, 64, 291, 320
Alcmaeon: 39
Aldington, R.: 310
Alice in Wonderland: 57
Alperson, Burton L.: 206, 291
Althusser, Louis: 125, 283, 291
Ammonius Hermeiou: 64, 66, 275, 291
Anderson, Fulton F.: 292
Anderson, Myrdene: xviii, xix, 291
Angelicus, Robertus: 304
Anselm of Canterbury: 300
Anshen, Ruth Nanda: 309
Apel, Karl-Otto: 7
Apollonius Dyscolus: 275, 291
Aquinas, Thomas: xvi, 7, 9, 14, 20, 58, 63, 68, 69, 99, 171, 274, 275, 277, 283, 291, 320
Archduke Franz Ferdinand: 222
Ardener, E. W.: 185, 262, 284, 292
Aristotle: xiv, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19, 23, 25, 26, 58, 64-67, 99, 102, 149, 225, 227, 233, 291, 292, 295, 309
Arnauld, Antoine: 292
Ashby, Hal: 39, 292
Ashley, Benedict: 19, 292
Audra, A.: 293
Augustine, Saint (“Augustinus”): 5, 10, 12, 14, 65, 66, 70, 72, 170, 176, 226, 292
Austin, J. L.: 111, 280, 292
Bacchus: 11
Bachelard, Gaston: 281, 283, 292
Bachi, Riccardo: 292
Bacon, Francis: 26, 292
Bacon, Roger: 69, 71, 72, 276, 292
Baer, Eugen: xx, 292, 297
Baird, George: 261, 304
Baldwin, James Mark: 311
Bally, Charles: 315
Bambrough, Renford: 154
Baran, Heinrich: 319
Barnes, Hazel E.: 315
Barthes, Roland: 120, 121, 125, 126, 199, 200, 202, 204-207, 213, 260, 261, 281, 293
Baskin, Wade: 315
Bass, Alan: 297
Basso, K.: 298, 317
Bastide, Roger: 293, 307
Bateson, Gregory: 258, 281, 293
Bateson, Mary Catherine: 317
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre: 174
Baumann, Richard: 189, 291
Beal, Edward: 194, 293
Beare, J. L.: 292
Bense, Max: 257, 293
Benveniste, Emil: xii, 55, 280, 293
Berger, Arthur Asa: viii, 293
Bergson, Henri: 57, 58, 135, 293
Berkeley, Bishop George: 17, 35, 242, 266, 293, 311
Bernard of Clairvaux: 300
Berolzheimer, Fritz: 192, 293
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von: 134, 135, 293
Billuart: 292
Binsse, H. L.: 308
Black, Max: 316
Blonsky, Marshall: viii
Bloomfield, Leonard: 74, 293
Bochenski, I. M.: 25, 31-33, 258, 293
Boehner, Philotheus: 8, 294
Boethius: 15, 66-68, 292
Bohr, Niels: 36, 125, 138, 294
Boisacq, Emile: 230, 294
Boole, George: 30, 294
Borgnet, Auguste: 292, 320
Bos, Egbert P.: 294
Bosserel, J. B.: 11, 294
Bouchard, Donald F.: 299
Bouche-Leclerq, Auguste: 230, 294
Bouissac, Paul: 186, 288, 292, 294, 300
Braudel, Fernand: 305
Braunsberg, Andrew: 292
Breal, Michel: 258, 294
Bremner, Robert H.: 310
Bremond: 126
Brereton, C.: 293
Brewster, Ben: 291
Bridgman, Percy: 132, 133, 283, 294
Brinton, Crane: 221, 294
Brock, Jarrett: 279, 294
Broglie, Louis de: 124, 294
Bronowski, Jacob: 125, 294
Brother Klaus von der Flue: 165
Brouwer, L. E. J.: 141, 142, 294
Brown, Clarence: 41, 294
Brunschvicq, Leon: 153
Buber, Martin: 291
Bucephalus: 41
Buhler, Karl: xii, 257, 294, 303
Burks, Arthur W.: 278, 311, 312, 320
Burnet, John: 229, 294
Burnyeat, M. F.: 208, 294
Burtt, E. A.: 293, 303
Bury, R. G.: 317
Busse, Adolfus: 291
Buyssens, Eric: 261, 294
Bywater, Ingram: 226, 285, 294
Caesar: 10
Cahalan, John C.: 264, 295
Cairns, Huntington: 191, 285, 295, 301, 312
Cajetan (‘Thomas Gaeta’): 14, 291, 295
Cajori, Florian: 310
Callicles: 242
Cantineau, J.: 303, 319
Capek, Milic: 124, 132-135, 281-283, 295
Carmello, P.: 291
Carnap, Rudolf: 30, 257, 295
Carr, Gerald F.: 296, 314
Carroll, Lewis: 129
Carroll, Roland C.: 92, 295
Carter, James Earl (“Jimmy”): 279
Cassirer, Ernst: 39, 157, 295
Cataudella, Quintino: 295
Caws, Peter: 130, 293, 295
Chantavoine: 61
Charbonnier, Georges: 207, 295
Cherry, Colin: 308
Chomsky, Noam: 183, 245, 249, 250, 253
Choquette, Imelda: 308
Christ: 153, 168, 170
Chrysippus: 64, 255
Chwistek, Leon: 257
Cicero: 256
Clement of Alexandria: 167
Clever Hans: 41, 93, 214, 320
Cohen, Jonathan: 295
Cohen, Morris R.: 29, 295
Cole, Peter: 301
Collingwood, R. G.: xii, 219, 220, 295, 315
Comas del Brugar, Miguel (“Michael Comas”): 25, 295
Compagnon, Andre: 167, 295
Conimbricenses: 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 295, 297
Conkin, Paul K.: 218, 295
Cook, James Edward: 305, 311
Copi, Irving M.: 29, 31, 295
Cornford, F. M.: 312
Coseriu, Eugenio: 226, 295
Count, Earl W.: 258
Creuzer, G. F.: 163, 164, 295
Crick, M.: 185, 295
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: 93, 295
Culler, Jonathan: xii, 128, 296
Czerny, Robert: 314
Dalbiez, Roland: 60, 296
Dalgarno, George: 38, 296
Dante Alighieri: 168, 178, 296
Darwin, Charles: 74, 233, 296
De Lacy, Estelle: 312
De Lacy, Philip Howard: 312
De Lubac, Henri: 168, 296, 300
De Morgan, Augustus: 30, 32, 296
De Rijk, L. M.: 291
De Rubeis: 292
De Ruggerio, Guido: 296
Deely, John: xii, xiii, xviii, xix, xxi, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12-22, 25, 30-33, 52, 97, 219-223, 273, 274, 276, 287, 290-292, 296, 297, 305, 313, 315, 318, 319
Degenkolbe, J.: 297
Del Monte, Albert: 296
Delacroix: 153, 154
Delbrück, Max: 87, 297, 313
Delphic Oracle: xxi, 228ff., 232, 233, 254
Derrida, Jacques: 129, 173, 184, 297
Descartes, Rene: xii, 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 21, 25, 123, 248, 266, 268, 297
Devereux: 183
Diels, Hermann: 225, 226-234, 285, 297, 299, 302, 311, 321
Dietze, Gottfried: 193, 297
Diogenes Laertius: 255
Dion: 201
Dionysius I: 201
Dobzhansky, Theodosius: 75, 297
Dodds, John H.: 88, 297
Donato, Eugenio: 297
Doneaud, Doina: 298
Douglas, Mary: 292
Doyle, John P.: xviii, 9, 11, 296, 297
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: 41, 297
Dracula: 42
Drysch, K.: 297, 315
Du Boulay, J.: 189, 297
Dubois, Jean: 280, 297
Dumitriu, Anton: 32, 297
Dummett, Michael: 30, 298
Durkheim, Emil: 183
Eccles, John C.: 274, 313
Eco, Umberto: xix, xxi, 9, 19, 28, 41, 42, 63, 125, 156, 159, 164, 179, 182, 187, 202, 204, 219, 262, 265, 267, 270, 274, 275, 283, 298, 300, 301, 303, 310, 316
Eddington, Arthur Stanley: 85, 86, 126, 132, 133, 137, 283, 298
Edghill, E. M.: 292
Edwards, Paul: 305
Ehrenzweig, Anton: 145, 298
Einstein, Albert: 133, 283
Eisele, Carolyn: 280, 311
El Guindi, Fadwa: 284, 298
Eli-yaku Kohen Ithamari of Smyrna, Rabbi: 172
Eliza (the computer program): 39
Engler, R.: 315
Epicureans: 64
Epimenides: 281
Eschbach, Achim: xii, 5, 296, 298
Euclid: 281
Eudoxus: 268
Euler: 312
Evans, Jonathan: 297
Evans, Joseph: 309
Fabiola: 304
Faris, J. C.: 189, 298
Faucher, P.: 292
Ferguson: 185, 298
Ferreira Gomes, Joaquim: 294, 298, 299
Ferri, S.: 230, 298
Ferrieros, Alejandro: 307
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb; 149
Ficino, Marsilio: 8
Fillmore, C. J.: 186, 298
Firth, Raymond: 154, 155, 166, 298
Fisch, Max H.: 27, 191, 280, 298, 299
Fishman, Joshua A.: 185, 299
Fitzgerald, Robert: 303
Fonseca, Peter (“Petrus Fonsecus”): 9-16, 296, 314
Foote, Kenneth E.: 288, 300
Foucault, Michel: viii, 184, 211, 215, 283, 299
Fowler, Thomas: 292, 319
Frank, Jerome: 191, 299
Fraser, Alexander Campbell: 25, 299, 307, 311
Fredborg, K. M.: 292
Freeman, Kathleen: 228, 299
Frege, G.: 30-32, 298, 299
Freud, Sigmund: 60, 135, 156, 160, 166, 183, 299
Friedl, E.: 189, 299
Friedman, Lawrence: 193, 198, 299
Friedrich, W.: 297
Futuyma, D. J.: 152, 300
Gaeta, Thomas: see Cajetan
Galen (“Galenus”): 29, 228, 285, 286, 300, 315
Galileo Galilei: 123
Galileo Galilei: 31
Gallie, W. B.: 218, 300
Gandelsonas, Mario: 261, 300
Gardin, Jean-Claude: 288, 300
Garvin, Paul: 199, 300
Geach, Peter: 31, 32, 300
Geny, François: 191, 300
Gilardoni, Giavonni: 229, 315
Gilbert of Stanford: xx, 169, 300, 306
Gilson, Etienne: 6, 7, 9, 265, 300
Giurcaneanu, Dinu: 298
Glanville, John J.: 317
Godel, Robert: 261, 300
Goethe: 91, 136, 162, 300
Goldmann, Lucien: 128, 280, 282
Goldstein, Leon J.: 187, 301
Golopentia-Eretescu, Sanda: xix, 260, 301
Gombrich, E. H.: 41
Goody, E. N.: 184, 187, 301
Goody, Jack: 301
Gould, Stephen J.: 269, 301
Goux, Jacques: 156
Gredt, Josephus: 25
Green, William M.: 292
Greenberg, Robert A.: 319
Greenlee, Douglas: 278, 279, 301
Greimas, Algirdas Julien: 125, 126, 281, 301
Grene, Marjorie: 313
Grice, H. P.: 110, 111, 158, 175, 301
Gross, G. R. T.: 297
Grundfest, Brooke: 307
Grycz, Czeslaw Jan (“Chet”): xxii
Guiraud, Pierre: 261, 301
Gulliver: 125
Guthrie, W. K. C.: 301
Haase, Friedrich: 314
Haberland, G.: 88, 301
Haidu, Peter: xxi, 217, 301
Haidane, Elizabeth S.: 297
Hall, Michael A.: 88, 297
Halverson, William: 29, 301
Hamilton, Allan McLane: 263, 301
Hamilton, Edith: 285, 301, 312
Hammurabi: 196
Hanfmann, Eugenia: 320
Hardwick, Charles: 301, 307, 312
Harnad, S. R.: 309
Harrison, John: 286, 301
Hartshorne, Charles: 191, 311
Hasenmueller, Christine: 268, 301
Havelock, Christine: 285, 301
Havelock, Eric: 301
Hawkes, Terence: ix, x, 301
Hayes, Nelson E.: 258, 295, 302, 317
Hayes, Tanya: 258, 295, 302
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: viii, 149, 163, 164, 302
Heidegger, Martin: x, xi, 14, 34, 130, 166, 172, 199, 200, 270, 284
Heisenberg, Werner: 132, 134, 136, 138, 302
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig von: 157, 159, 163
Hempel, Carl: 217, 302
Henderson, Lawrence J.: 96, 102, 302
Heraclitus: xxi, 40, 224-227, 230, 231, 233, 234, 285, 294, 302, 313-315, 316, 320
Herbert, Wray: viii
Herculano de Carvalho, Jose G.: 6, 296, 302
Hermes: 256, 302
Herschel, Sir John: 10, 26, 302
Hershbell, Jackson: 301
Hertz: 157
Herzfeld, Michael: xx, xxi, xxiii, 186, 187, 190, 270, 286, 292, 296, 302
Heurtin, Marie: 53, 54
Hikins, James: 204, 302
Hilberg, Isidorus: 304
Hilbert, D.: 30, 302
Hill, Archibald A.: 225, 257, 262, 302, 304
Hillgarth, Jocelyn Nigel: 303, 308
Hippocrates: 39, 65, 225, 226, 228, 234, 286, 300, 303
Hirschfeld, L. A.: 190
Hjelmslev, Louis: 157, 159, 160, 183, 199, 200, 202, 262, 280, 300, 303
Hobbes, Thomas: 247, 253
Hoffman, Carol A.: 92, 295
Hoffmann, E.: 303
Holenstein, Elmar: 206, 215, 303
Hollenhorst, G. Donald: 317
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: 191, 192, 298
Holmes, Sherlock: 298, 317
Homer: 230, 303
Hopi: 283
Howard, Richard: 299
Howe, J.: 317
Huizinga, Johan: 221, 303
Hull, R. F. C.: 304
Hume, David: 17, 18, 21, 26, 266, 303
Hunt, Everett L.: 209, 303
Husserl, Edmund: 256, 285, 302, 303
Huxley, Julian S.: 74
Hyland, Drew A.: 228, 303
Iakovidhis, Khristos: 188, 303
Innis, Robert E.: xii, xvi, 303, 319
Ionesco: 153
Isenberg, M. W.: 201
Isidore of Seville: 64
Ivanov: 183
Jackson, John Hughlings: 263, 303
Jacobson, Claire: 307
Jakobson, Roman: viii, 40, 48, 74, 121, 122, 125, 128, 182, 183, 258, 263, 280, 281, 303, 304
James, William: 124, 135, 241
Jameson, Fredric: xii, 121, 304
Jeanningros, General: 61
Jeans, James: 123, 134, 135, 304
Jencks, Charles: 261, 304
Jerome, Saint: 168, 304
Jessop, T. E.: 293
Jevons, W. S.: 30, 304
John Damascene: 275, 304
John of Sacrobosco: 268, 304
Johnson, B.C.: 185, 304
Jolif, Jean Yves: 300
Jones, W. H. S.: 303
Joos, Martin: 257, 304
Joseph, H. W. B.: 26, 29, 304
Joyce, James: 174, 176, 304
Jung, Carl Gustav: 161, 164, 304
Jupiter: 60
Kaczmarek, Ludger: xviii, 9, 11, 304
Kant, Immanuel: x, 18, 42, 253, 266-268, 280, 281, 304
Karmin, O.: 153
Karrer, E.: 315
Katzir, A.: 297
Kendall, M. B.: 186, 305
Kennelly: 159
Kepler, Johannes: 253
Kerferd, George B.: 201, 202, 207, 211, 305
Ketner, Kenneth Laine: 280, 299, 305, 311
Kevelson, Roberta: xii, xx, 191, 194, 195, 305
Keyser, Cassius J.: 128, 305
Kinser, Samuel: 222, 305
Klein, Jacob: 201, 305
Kleinman, Arthur: 146, 305
Kleinpaul, Rudolph: 225, 256, 305
Kloesel, Christian J. W.: 280, 299
Kneale, Martha: 25, 31, 305
Kneale, William: 25, 31, 305
Koehler, O.: 74, 305
Konvitz, M. R.: 312
Kosinski, Jerzi: 39, 292, 305
Krader, Lawrence: 123, 133, 305
Krampen, Martin: xix, 37, 97-100, 102, 103, 276, 277, 291, 305
Kranz, Walther: 226, 297, 305
Krempel, A.: 19, 305
Kretzmann, Norman: 255, 305
Kripke, Saul: 279, 305
Kristeller, Paul O.: 7, 305
Kristeva, Julia: 120, 182, 204, 259, 261, 262, 282, 306
Kriszat, Georg: 319
Krois, John Michael: 279, 306
Kuhn, Carolus Gottlob: 300
Kuhn, Thomas: 131-132, 184, 283, 306
Kung, Guido: 274, 306
La Coulouche: 61
Labov, W.: 187, 306
Lacan, Jacques: viii, 120, 125, 126, 129, 132, 156, 157, 170, 280, 306, 321
Lachance, Lydwine: 53
Lachelier, Jules: 99, 277, 306
Lalande, André: 153, 267, 306
Lamb, Sydney M.: 257, 306
Lambert, J. H.: 256, 286, 306
Lambertini, Roberto: xix, 63, 274, 275, 298
Langan, Thomas: 221, 306
Langandoen, D. T.: 298
Langley, A. G.: 307
Lanigan, Richard: xx, 200, 206-209, 215, 284, 293, 303, 306
Laplace, Pierre Simon de: 123, 136
Laslett, Peter: 286, 301
Lassalle, Ferdinand: 306
Laszlo: 135
Lavers, Annette: 293
Leach, Edmund: 42, 265, 281, 287, 306
Lefebvre, Henri: 281, 307
Leibniz, G. W. F.: 11, 12, 25, 30, 36
Lemert, Charles C.: 207
Lenhart, Margot D.: xx, 296, 297
Lerner, Daniel: 303
Lester, K. H.: 297
Levi Isaac, Rabbi: 174
Levi-Strauss, Claude: 120-122, 125, 126-129, 132, 156, 207, 250, 253, 280-283, 295, 302, 305-307
Levin, David: 215
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien: 6, 56, 307
Liddell & Scott: 285
Lieb, Irwin C.: 278, 279, 307
Lieber, Francis: xii, 191, 305
Lilly Library: xxii, 295, 307, 308
Lindsay, T. F.: 296
Linnaeus, Carolus: 127, 282
Lippizaners: 41
Lissman, H.: 74
Livingstone, Robert: 308
Locke, John: x, xi, xii, xvi, xxi, 3, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23-25, 193, 223, 226, 255-257, 262, 264, 270, 273, 286, 288, 299, 301, 307, 315, 318
Logid: 83, 307
Lombard, Peter: 10, 307
Loras College Library: 295
Lorenz, Konrad: 74
Lotman, Juri: 181, 184, 259, 308
Lotz, John: 257, 308
Lotze, Hermann: 26, 308
Ludovice, Anthony M.: 310
Lukacs, Georg: 282, 308
Lukasiewicz, J.: 32
Lull, Ramon: 30, 308
Lyons, John: 200, 308
MLA Style Sheet: 290
MacCannell, Dean: 270, 308
MacCannell, Juliet Flower: 270, 308
MacKinnon, D. L.: 319
Macksey, Richard: 297
Maday, Stefan von: 41, 308
Maieru, A.: 276, 308
Makowski, Simon Stanislaus: 25, 308
Mallarme: 60, 174
Mannheim, Ralph: 295, 316
Mannoury, G.: 257, 308
Marcel, Gabriel: 145
Marchant, E. C.: 322
Marcus, Solomon: 208, 308
Margaret Mary Alacoque: 166
Maritain, Jacques: xvi, xviii, 15, 23, 25, 26, 29, 51, 53, 58, 266, 274, 282, 287, 302, 307-309
Marmo, Costantino: xix, 63, 274, 275, 298
Marrou, Henri-Irenée: 218-220, 309
Marshack, A.: 48, 309
Marsilius of Inghen: 276; but see esp. Pseuo-Marsilius of Inghen
Marwick, Arthur: 218, 309
Marx, Karl: 86, 136, 183, 309
Maschler, Chaninah: 312
Matson, Floyd W.: 123, 309
Mauro, Tullio de: 315
Mauss, Marcel: 307
Mayenowa, Maria R.: 259, 309
Mazzantini, Carlo: 309
McCormack, T. J.: 307
McKechnie, George E.: 94, 309
McKeon, Richard: 292, 309
Mead, Margaret: 258, 262
Mead, Margaret: 28
Meibom (“Meibomius”), Marcus: 256, 285, 309
Meletinsky, Eleazar: 259, 309
Menne, Albert: 32, 309
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice: xx, 200, 204, 213-215, 285, 306, 309
Merrell, Floyd: xx, 219, 222, 280. 293, 303, 306, 315
Michelangelo: 243
Miel, Jan: 306
Migne, J. P.: 292, 304, 310
Mill, John Stuart: 26, 309
Miller, Jacques-Alain: 306
Minerva: 60
Minio-Paluello, L.: 292
Miranda, Pierre: 316
Misner, C. W.: 149, 309
Moerbeke, William: 67
Mona Lisa: 243
Monod, Jacques: 133, 277, 310
Moore, Edward C.: 299, 311
Morris, Charles W.: xxi, 42, 256-258, 262, 273, 310, 314
Morris, Mary: 308
Moscow-Tartu School: 36, 259
Moses: 168
Motte, Andrew: 310
Mounin, Georges: 261, 262, 310
Nagel, Ernest: 29, 295
Napoleon Bonaparte: 112
Naville, Adrien: 261, 310
Neill, Thomas P.: 287, 310
Nerval, Gérard de: 310
Newman, James R.: 305
Newman, Mildred: 94, 310
Newton, Isaac: 123, 266, 281-283, 310
Nicholas of Cusa: 8
Nicholas of Lyra: 168, 310
Nicole, Pierre: 292
Nidditch, Peter H.: 307, 310
Nielsen, L.: 292
Nietzsche, F.: 124, 125, 129, 310
Nogar, Raymond J.: 292
Noreen: 257
Novalis: 140, 149, 310
Nutini, Hugo: 310
Nye, Russel B.: 310
Ockham, William of: 6, 7, 9, 11, 294
Oesterle, Jean: 295, 310
Oesterle, John: 15, 291, 292, 310
Ogden, Charles K.: 310
Olson, Robert J.: 309
Oracle at Delphi: see Delphic Oracle
Origen (“Origines”): 167, 168, 310
Osiris (Egyptian God): 196
Osmaston, F. P. B.: 302
Otho I (first king of modern Greece): 284
Oxford English Dictionary: 286, 311
Pantaleoni, M.: 311
Pare, Ambroise: 260
Parker, Francis H.: 15, 311
Parmenides: 124, 137, 149, 311
Parrett, Herman: ix, 311
Pascal, Blaise: 129
Pasquinelli, Angelo: 226-229, 285, 311
Paul, Hermann: 258
Paul, Robert A.: 307
Paul, Sherry Ortner: 307
Pauli: 138
Peano, G.: 30
Peckham, John: 304
Peirce, Charles S.: ix, xii, xvii, xix, xxi, 6, 7, 25-29, 32, 36, 39-42, 89, 96, 105-109, 111, 112, 114-119, 157-159, 183, 184, 191, 194, 195, 198, 219, 226, 236, 239, 240, 243, 254, 256, 257, 258, 262, 264, 267, 270, 273, 274, 277-280, 286-288, 298, 299, 305, 307, 311, 312, 314, 315, 317, 320
Pekelis, Alexander: 193, 312
Pelc, Jerzy: 259, 312
Perez (Botero), Louis: 285
Perron, Paul: xv, 312
Perrot, Georges: 61
Peter the Apostle: 154
Phelan, Gerald B.: 309
Philo of Alexandria: 167
Philodemus: 255, 312
Piaget, Jean: 128, 135, 280, 283, 312
Piatelli-Palmarini, Massimo: 316
Pickard-Cambridge, W. H.: 292
Picot: 297
Pignatari, Decio: 260, 312
Pinborg, Jan: 292
Pirotta, A. M.: 291
Plato: xiv, xx, 199-202, 204, 206-209, 211-215, 231, 239, 242, 268, 284, 301, 302, 305, 308, 309, 312, 313, 319
Pliny: 64
Plochmann, George K.: 312
Pocius, G. L.: 189, 312
Poinsot, John: ix, xii, xiii, xviii, 9, 12, 13-16, 18-24, 27, 33, 51, 52, 53, 58, 67, 221, 264, 269, 273, 274, 296, 297, 299, 302, 308, 310, 312, 313, 317, 318, 322
Polomé, Edgar C.: 303, 316
Polyani, Michael: 127, 313
Pomponazzi, Pietro:: 8
Pop, Mihai: 260, 313
Pope Pius XII: 166
Popper, Karl: 274, 313
Porphyry: 64
Posner, Roland: 292
Pouillon, Jean: 316
Powell, Ralph Austin: 20, 21, 221, 290, 306, 313
Presocratics: 299
Presti, David: 87, 297, 313
Preziosi, Donald: xviii, 44, 97, 313, 316
Prior, William: 208, 313
Priscian: 275, 313
Protagoras: 226, 233
Pseudo-Marsilius of Inghen: 72, 313
Ptolemy (“Ptolemaeus”): 255, 268, 286, 304, 313, 320
Pythagoras: 148
Quine, W. V. O.: 30
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.: 269, 313
Ramnoux, Clémence: 229, 313
Ramsay, Alexandra: 295
Randall, John Herman: 6, 313
Ransdell, Joseph: xxi, 15, 18, 264, 291, 314
Rauch, Irmengard: 296, 314
Read, Allen Walker: 257, 258, 314
Reagan, Ronald: 270, 279
Reiser, B.: 313
Reisig, Karl: 257, 314
Reisman, K.: 189, 314
Remak, Joachim: 222, 314
Rescher, Nicholas: 197, 314
Resnikow, Lasar Ossipowitsch: 256, 314
Rey, Alain: 5, 287, 314
Rey-Debove, Josette: 306
Reymond, A.: 294
Richards, Ivor A.: 310
Ricoeur, Paul: 134, 136, 166, 280, 314
Rilke, Maria Rainer: 148
Robert, Paul: 259, 315
Roberts, W. Rhys: 292
Robertson, D. W.: 292
Robey, David: 296
Robin, Richard S.: 299, 311, 312
Rochberg-Halton, E.: 93, 296, 314
Rolland, Roman: 61, 314
Rollin, Bernard E.: 13, 314
Romeo, Luigi: xxi, 5, 6, 10, 285, 286, 296, 297, 299, 300, 314, 315, 318
Roos, Fred: 293
Rosen, Arnold: 312
Rosenthal, Robert: 214, 317
Ross, Robert E.: 194, 314
Ross, W. D.: 292
Rossi-Landi, Ferrucio: 156, 314
Rumbaughs: 320
Runciman, W. G.: 208, 314
Russell, Anthony F.: xii, 97, 194, 219, 315
Russell, Bertrand: 30, 32, 281, 315, 321
Russell, John: 307
Russell, L. J.: 255, 285, 315
Russmann, Thomas: 23, 315
Ryan, Alan: 314
SSA Style Sheet: see Semiotics 1984
Sacrobosco: see John of Sacrobosco
Sallis, John: 201, 202, 207-211, 315
Salucci, Brunero: 229, 315
Salzinger, Ivo: 308
Sapir, Edmund: 283
Sarton, George: 300, 315
Sartre, Jean-Paul: 130, 315
Saussure, Ferdinand de: ix, x, xii, xvii, xxi, 89, 121, 122, 133, 135, 138, 157, 159, 183, 253, 259-261, 273, 280, 281, 315
Savan, David: 6, 42, 211, 315
Sazbón, José: 307
Scapula, Joannes: 231, 285, 286, 315
Schaff, Adam: 283, 315
Schiller, Claire H.: 319
Schleicher: 74
Schleiermacher, Friedrich D.E.: 315
Schneider, Richard: 291
Schoknecht, W.: 315
Scholem, Gerhardt: 165, 316
Scholes, Robert: 120, 316
Schroder, E.: 30, 316
Schrodinger, Erwin: 133, 134, 316
Schuchman, Philip: 191, 316
Schur, Edwin: 192, 316
Schuster, Paul Robert: 316
Schwimmer, Eric: 186, 190, 316
Scot, Michael: 304
Scruton, Roger: 316
Searle, John: 110, 173, 301, 316
Sebeok, Thomas Albert: viii-xii, xvi, xviii, xix, xxi, 5, 18, 25, 35, 91-93, 96, 97, 100, 214, 217, 219, 226, 258, 262, 265, 267, 270, 273, 274, 277, 285, 286, 291-296, 298, 299, 305, 306, 308, 314-317, 320, 322
Sechehaye, Albert: 315
Segal, Dmitri: 259, 309
Seinmetz: 159
Selby, Henry A.: 284, 298, 317
Semiotics: xiii, 290
Seve, Lucien: 128, 317
Sextus Empiricus: 64, 255, 317
Shaffer, Peter: 41, 317
Sheridan-Smith, A. M.: 299
Sherzer, Dina: 190, 317
Sherzer, Joel: 190, 317
Short, Thomas L.: xix, 105, 277-279, 301, 317
Shouby, E.: 185, 317
Sibyl: 226
Silverstein, Michael: 284, 317
Simon, Sherry: 299
Simon, Yves R.: 15, 317, 318, 321
Simpson, G. G.: 74, 318
Singer, Milton: 274, 318
Skinner, B. F.: 241, 242, 244, 245, 253, 254
Sluga, Hans: 30, 318
Smart, Benjamin H.: 257
Smart, Benjamin Humphrey: xiii, 257, 318
Smeaton, Amethe: 295
Smith, Colin: 293, 309
Smith, J. A.: 292
Smith, Norman Kemp: 304
Socrates: 213, 225, 254
Söder, Karl: 256, 318
Sontag, Susan: 293, 318
Sorijärri, A.: 303
Sotiropoulos, D.: 186, 318
Spade, Paul Vincent: 9, 11, 291, 318
Spiazzi, Raymundus: 291
Spiegel: 193
Spivak, Chakravorty Gayatri: 297
Staiano, Kathryn Vance: 147, 318
Stambaugh, Joan: 302
Steele, R.: 292
Steinthal, Heyman: 225, 263, 318
Steldis, H. D.: 309
Stephanus, Henricus: 285, 286, 312, 315, 318
Sternberg, Tom: 293
Stevens, Wallace: 144
Stirling, P.: 189
Stirling, P.: 189, 318
Stoics: 22, 64-70, 167, 266
Stone, Barry: 319
Strachey, James: 299
Strawson, P. F.: 274, 301, 308
Stroick, Clemens: 291
Stromberg, Roland N.: 218, 295
Strowski, Fortunat: 61
Struever, Nancy: 220, 318
Suarez, Francis: 9, 12, 318
Suppe, Frederick: 132, 283, 319
Swift, Dean Jonathan: 41, 319
Swyer, Rupert: 299
Sypher, Wylie: 280, 319
Szwed, J.: 314
Tabarroni, Andrea: xix, 63, 274, 275, 298
Tannery, Paul: 297
Tartu: see Moscow-Tartu School
Tate, Allen: 60, 319
Taylor, A. E.: 209, 213
Theaetetus: 212, 213
Theagenes of Regium: 167
Tholfsen, Trygve R.: 221, 319
Thorn, Réne: 40, 41, 143, 149, 319
Thomas, Ivo: 294
Thorndike, Lynn: 304
Thorne, K. S.: 309
Thorvaldsen: 159, 160
Thrasymachus: 242
Tillinghast, Pardon E.: 217, 319
Tinbergen, N.: 74
Todorov, Tzvetan: 125, 126, 158, 319
Toomer, G. J.: 313
Toporov, N.: 48, 319
Torah: 172, 173, 174
Toulmin, Stephen: 130-132, 195, 283, 319
Trabant, Jürgen: 5, 296, 298
Trubetskoy, N. S.: 280, 303, 319
Uexküll, Jacob von: xii, 36, 40, 42, 74, 84-91, 94, 95, 98, 267, 269, 319
Uexküll, Thure von: 84, 86, 91, 95, 291, 319, 320
Uhlig, Gustav: 291
Ullmann, Stephen: 320
Umiker-Sebeok, Donna Jean: xix, 219, 299, 317, 320
University of Chicago Manual of Style: 290
Vakar, Gertrude: 320
Valery: 140, 320
Valesio, Paolo: 298
Valiente, Antonio G.: 317
Van Biéma: 153
Van Breda, H. L.: 303
Vance, Eugene: 265, 322
Veatch, Henry: 15, 311, 320
Veinoglou, Tzon: 188, 320
Veitch, John: 307
Vescovini, G. Frederici: 320
Voigt, Vilmos: 259, 320
Von Frisch, Karl: 55, 299
Vrba, Elisabeth S.: 269, 301
Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich: 283, 320
Wainhouse, Austryn: 310
Wallace, William A.: 26, 320
Wallis, John: 255, 256, 285, 313, 320
Walzer, Richard R.: 320
Watson, John: 244
Waugh, Linda: 48, 304
Weaver, William: 298
Webber, J.: 185, 320
Webber, Samuel: 297
Webster, E. W.: 292
Wedgwood, C. V.: 221, 320
Weightman, Doreen: 295, 307
Weightman, John: 295, 307
Weiner, Herbert: 319
Weisheipl, James Athanasius: 291, 320
Weiss, Paul: 278, 311, 320
Weizenbaum, Joseph: 39, 321
Welby, Lady Victoria: 257, 301, 307, 312, 321
Wells, Rulon: 74
Weltring, Georg: 225, 255
Weyl, Hermann: 135, 321
Wheeler, John Archibald: 43, 309, 321
Whewell, William: 26, 321
White, Hayden: 218, 321
White, Lynn: 221
Whitehead, Alfred North: 30, 124, 135, 315, 321
Whitfield: 262, 303
Whitney, William: 74, 321
Whitten, N. E.: 314
Whorf, Benjamin Lee: 283, 321
Whyte, Lancelot Law: 120, 135
Wiener, Norbert: 128, 135, 282, 321
Wigmore, John H.: 195-197, 321
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von: 321
Wild, John: 15, 321
Wilden, Anthony: 128, 129, 132, 222, 280, 306, 321
Williams, Brooke: xx, xxi, 7, 15, 20, 51, 53, 58, 270, 273, 316, 321
Williams, Forrest: 309
Winance, Eleuthere: xvi, 322
Winner, Irene P.: xx, 187, 308, 321
Winner, Thomas G.: 187, 321
Winter, Werner: 304, 316
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: 138, 142, 282, 322
Wojtasiewicz, Olgierd: 315
Wollen, Peter: 261, 322
Wood, W. B.: 146, 322
Worth, Sol: 261, 322
Xenophon: 41, 322
Young, J. Z.: 80
Young, P.: 317
Zamfirescu, Duiliu: 298
Zohar: 170, 172
Zumthor, Paul: 265, 322
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