“Harpsichord In America”
Adams, Charles, 22, 27, 28, 174
Adams, Edie, 165
Adams, Jeremy, 141
Ahlgrimm, Isolde, 161, 167, 183
Aldrich, Madeleine (Momo), 60, 69, 70, 71, 128, 177, 178
Aldrich, Putman Calder, 60, 61, 68-73, 75, 79, 92, 122, 154, 178
Aldrich, Richard, 18, 30, 38
Alexander, Frederick, 54, 83-84
Allanbrook, Douglas, 146
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 146
American Guild of Organists, national conventions of, 89, 161
American Organist, The, 168
American Philosophical Society, 146
Anderson, Victoria, 99
Angle, Donald, 159, 187
Ardoin, John, 30
Artistique magazine, 66, 67
Ashley, Austin, 139
Astor, Mrs. Jacob, 19
Astor, Lady, 40
Aubert, Pauline, 97
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 2, 3, 4, 10, 22, 26, 27, 28, 32-33, 34, 38, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54, 56, 57, 71, 75-76, 79, 84, 92, 98, 99, 102, 103, 106, 108, 112, 117, 125; Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, 52, 79-80, 98, 132, 161; concertos for harpsichord(s), 3, 18, 72, 73, 75, 78, 96, 135, 145; Fifth Brandenburg Concerto, 71, 72, 81; Goldberg Variations, 4, 96-98, 100-101, 116-117, 118-119, 120, 122, 147; Inventions and Sinfonias, 72, 84, 134; Italian Concerto, 99, 112, 132, 144; Well-Tempered Clavier, 42, 45, 110, 130, 131, 133-134, 148; Arnold Dolmetsch performances of, 18-19, 20-23, 28; Wanda Landowska performances of, 118-119, 130, 132-133
Bach, K.P.E., 54-55, 75
Bach Circle (New York), 108, 109
“Bach Harpsichord” (spurious), 175, 180
Bagger, Louis, 139
Balbastre, Claude-Benigne, 1
Baldwin harpsichord, 166
Baldwin-Wallace College, 87
Baltimore Symphony, 65
Bamman, Catherine, 40, 41
Bannister, Christopher, 141, 167
Barnard College, 109; Joline Collection at, 44
Barrere, Georges, 35, 63, 64
Barrows, John, 145
Bartók, Béla, 115, 182
Bates, Simon, 11
Bauer, Harold, 39
Bax, Arnold, 49
Beck, Blanche Winogron, 86, 89-90
Bedford, Frances, 167
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 2, 159
Beethoven piano, 17, 25, 176
Bellinger, Louisa, 44
Beloussoff, Evsei, 54
Belt, Philip, 141
Bennington College, 101
Benton, Thomas Hart, 86
Berenson, Bernard, 98
Berger, Arthur, 113, 114
Berio, Luciano, 157
Berkshire Music Center (Tanglewood), 178
Berlin: Hochschule fur Musik, 52, 78-79; Cage performance, 187
Berman, Leonid, 116
Bibb, Frank, 67
Biggs, E. Power, 89, 159-161
Biggs, Margaret, 160
Bishop, Frank, 61
Bizallion, Henry, 45, 176
Blanchet harpsichord, 139, 172
Boalch, Donald, 1, 167
Bodky, Erwin, 98, 135
Borton, Elizabeth, 70
Boston, 29, 32; Chickering Hall, 22; Museum of Fine Arts, 12, 92, 94, 137, 142; Music Hall, 10; Public Library, 36, 174; Steinert Hall, 18
Boston Early Music Festival, 147
Boston Herald, 71
“Boston School of Harpsichord Makers,” 141
Boston Society for Ancient Instruments, 71
Boston Symphony Orchestra, 32, 48, 55, 71, 99
Bostwick, Irene, 72
Boulanger, Nadia, 96, 110
Bridge, Frederick, 15
Brigham Young University, 41, 45
Brink, Robert, 154
Britten, Benjamin, 166
Broadwood, (John) and Sons, 2, 3, 15
Broekman, Hendrik, 117
Brooks, William, 166
Brown, Mrs. John Crosby, 12
Brown, Mrs. Kenneth, 86
Brown University, 10
Browning, Robert, 2
Bruce, Neely, 166
Brueggeman harpsichord, 166
Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo, 170
Brunold, Paul, 96
Brunswick-Balke-Collender records, 64
Brussel, Robert, 47
Brussels Conservatoire, 13, 15
Bryn Mawr College, 31
Buck, Dudley, 36
Buckley, William F., Jr., 132
Bull, John, 38, 56, 66, 67
Burne-Jones, Edward, 15
Burr, Walter, 141
Burton, William Herbert, 163
Busoni, Ferruccio, 20, 25-26, 42, 79, 98, 138, 159, 174
Cage, John, 165-166
Cambridge Society for Early Music, 135
Capra, Frank, 166
Carl, William C., 36
Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 11
Carter, Elliott, 112, 113
Casadesus, Henri, 30, 31, 63
Casals, Pablo, 150
Casella, Alfredo, 31, 171
CBS radio network, 109, 110, 184
Challis, John, 45, 54, 83-90, 92-94, 121, 138, 141, 168-169
Challis harpsichord, 87-89, 104, 112, 121, 153, 159-161, 166, 168, 179, 183, 184
Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street, 111
Chaney, Harold, 80
Chasins, Abram, 134
Chatteron, G. J., 4
Chiasson, Claude Jean, 92-94, 120, 134, 137, 138, 154, 155, 163, 184
Chicago: Goodman Theatre, 73; Orchestra Hall, 48
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 48-49, 74, 75, 76
Chicago World’s Fair (Columbian Exposition), 10-11
Chickering and Sons, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 34, 42, 90, 137, 174
Chopin, Frederic, 2, 13, 134
Christie, Agatha, 167
Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 154
Cincinnati Orchestra, 52
clavichord, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15-16, 40, 45, 51, 74, 84, 95, 98, 112, 148; Challis and, 83-84; Dolmetsch and, 18, 20-23, 97; George Bernard Shaw’s comments on, 16; Lotta Van Buren and, 40, 43, 45; Arthur Whiting’s description of, 34-35; square piano transformed into, 4
Cleveland (Ohio), 161; Public Library, 145
Cleveland Orchestra, 144
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 42, 144-145
Clooney, Rosemary, 156, 157
Cocks, Robert, 17
Colby, Edward, 178
Columbia Records, 104, 106, 146, 154, 156, 157, 162
Columbia University, 109, 162
Community Concerts, Inc., 67, 76, 94
Conant, Robert, 154, 167
Conrad, Doda, 119
Coolidge, Calvin, 66
Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague, 31, 67, 79
Coombe, Helen, 16
Cooper, Frank, 168
Cooper, Kenneth, 115-117
Corelli, Arcangelo, 99
Corner, Philip, 166
Couperin, François, 16, 19, 38, 42, 48, 57, 75, 79, 97, 99, 100, 109, 110, 117, 121, 129, 134, 135, 147, 155, 184
Cowell, Henry, 146, 154
Crawford, Lisa Goode, 167
Crosby, Bing, 80
Crozier, Catharine, 88
Curtis Institute of Music, 53, 75
Dallas, 161
Damrosch, Walter, 64, 65, 177
Dana, Elizabeth, 91
Dane, E. B., 20
Daquin, Louis-Claude, 5, 48, 52, 54, 79
Davies, Margaret, 76
Decca Records, 115
Deep River Festival of Music, 39, 45
DeKoven, Mrs. Reginald, 37
Delius, Frederick, 53, 146
Delrin plastic plectra, 139-141
Des Marais, Paul, 113, 114
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 48
Deutsche Grammophon records, 104
Devrient, Eduard, 2
Diapason, The, 168
Diemer, Louis, 4-6, 7, 13, 31
Dietrich, Marlene, 157
Dodge, Roger Pryor, 156
Dolmetsch, Arnold, 13, 14-29, 30, 31, 34-36, 40, 42, 45, 66, 83-85, 87-88, 90, 97, 98, 138, 162, 177
Dolmetsch, Carl, 21
Dolmetsch, Cécile, 20, 28
Dolmetsch, Elodie, 16-19
Dolmetsch, Hélène, 14
Dolmetsch, Mabel Johnston, 16-17, 19-20, 25, 26, 28, 34, 36
Dolmetsch, Marie (Morel), 14-16, 17
Dolmetsch, Natalie, 20
Dolmetsch, Rudolph, 23
Dolmetsch-Chickering harpsichord, 20, 27, 34, 79, 134, 175, 184; at Harvard University, 96, 137; Ralph Kirkpatrick’s, 98, 100, 104, 138; spinet, 30, 92; virginal, 92
Dolmetsch Foundation, 84
Dolmetsch-Gaveau harpsichord, 97
Dolmetsch harpsichord, 16
Donington, Robert, 173
Douglass, Fenner, 167
Dowd, William, 85, 104, 137-144, 148, 161
Dowd harpsichord, 145, 147, 159, 166, 168
Dowd Shop: Cambridge, 187; Paris, 143
Dower, Catherine, 107
Downes, Olin, 80, 108
Drischner, Max, 53, 78
Dunn, Thomas, 139
Dyer, Richard, 147
Eastman School of Music, 108, 167
Edson, Constance, 35
Ehlers, Alice, 72, 75, 78-82, 95, 161
Ehlers, Maria, 80
electric harpsichord, 166
Ellington, Edward Kennedy “Duke,” 157-159
Ellinwood, Leonard, 86
Ellis, Meredith, 72
Engel, Carl (England), 3
Engel, Carl (USA), 79
Ennulat, Egbert, 161
Erard harpsichord, 5, 27, 47
Ernst, Friedrich, 180
Etude, The, 47
Evett, Robert, 125
Fabrizio, Margaret, 72, 167
Falla, Manuel de, 53, 55, 91, 95, 128, 145, 159, 175, 185
Farnaby, Giles, 42, 56, 75
Ferrer, Jose, 165
Ferrucci, Cav. Luigi, 12
Fétis, J.F., 13
Fine, Irving, 137
Fischer, J.K.F., 132, 134
Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, 37
Fisher, Charles, 139
Fleury, Charles, 13
Flonzaley Quartet, 54
Fortune magazine, 44-45
Franciolini, Leopoldo, 13
Franklin, Don, 72
Franko, Sam, 18
Freeman, Stan, 156-158
Friedheim, Arthur, 10
Fudge, Carl, 141
Fulbright (Educational) Exchange Program, 167
Fuller, Albert, 139, 154
Fuller, David, 139, 155
Fuller Maitland, John, 15
Galpin, Canon Francis W., 12
Galuppi, Baldassare, 2, 23
Ganz, Rudolph, 175
Garner, Erroll, 157
Gates, Lucy, 42, 45
Gaveau (Paris), 27
Gerlin, Ruggiero, 60, 61, 95, 176
Gevaert, François, 15
Gideon, Henry, 20
Gillespie, John, 80
Gilman, Lawrence, 55
Glaser (Jena), 98
Gleason, Harold, 88
Good, Dr. G. Brown, 12
Gough, Hugh, 138
Grainger, Percy, 38
Greenhouse, Bernard, 112, 113
Grinnell College, 74
Gross, Walter, 157
Groton School, 172
Grove, Sir George, 4, 15, 16
Guarnieri, Johnny, 157
Guggenheim Fellowship, 99
Haas, Arthur, 167
Haieff, Alexei, 113
Hambourg, Mark, 5
Hamilton, John, 80
Hamilton, Malcolm, 78, 80
Handel, Georg Friderick, 23, 46, 47-49, 57, 63-64, 79, 92, 99, 100, 106, 108, 110, 112, 129; Air and Variations from Suite in E (Harmonious Blacksmith), 3, 47, 48, 49, 64, 79-80
Hansen, Joseph, 135
Hanslick, Eduard, 5
Harding, George F., 13
Harich-Schneider, Eta, 57-59, 61, 98
Harpsichord Music Society, 113, 114
Harpsichord Quartet, 112, 113
Harrison, Lou, 146, 185
Harschbarger, Dema, 74, 76
Harvard University, 10, 28, 31, 70, 71, 79, 95, 96, 137-138, 147, 184
Hashimoto, Eiji, 154
Haslemere: Challis in, 84; Hubbard in, 138; Kirkpatrick in, 97-98
Hass harpsichord, 11, 92, 172
Haugh, Harold, 39
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 28, 47, 48, 62, 64, 73, 99, 126, 129, 182
Hays, Elizabeth, 72, 178
Hazlett, Charles, 165
Heffley, Eugene, 39
Henderson, W.J., 18
Hermann, Bernard, 184
Herz, Eric, 141
Hidden Villa Ranch (Los Altos, CA), 91
Hill, Keith, harpsichord, 168
Hiller, Lejaren, 165-166
Hindemith, Paul, 79, 101, 179
Hipkins, Alfred James, 3-4, 15, 171, 173
Hirl, Wilhelm, harpsichord, 175
Hirt, Charles, 81
Hoffman, William M., 135
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 19
Hoover, Herbert, 62, 66
Hopkinson, Francis, 37
Home, Marilyn, 81
Houle, George, 72
Houston, Elsie, 108
Houston: Rothko Chapel, 147
Hovhaness, Alan, 112, 154
HPSCHD (John Cage), 165-166
Hubbard, Frank, 104, 137-143, 148, 161; Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making, 141, 168
Hubbard harpsichord, 89, 166
Hubbard Harpsichords (firm), 117
Hubbard kit harpsichord, 141, 163
Hufstader, Robert, 109
Hughes, Allen, 153
Hunter College, 89
Hurd, Peter, 72
Hyams, Ben, 184
Hyde, Fred, 168
Iturbi, Amparo, 150
Iturbi, Jose, 68, 150
Jeffus, Q’Zella, 87
Jenne, Natalie, 72
Johnson, Bob, 165
Johnson, Jane, 38, 93
Johnson, William Lyman, 27, 29, 92
Johnston, Sir Harry, 22-23
Joplin, Scott, 160-161
Judson, Arthur, Concert Management, 56, 62
Juilliard School, 80, 150, 154
Kefer, Paul, 35
Keith, David (Francis Steegmuller), 111
Kempff, Wilhelm, 79
Kestenberg, Leo, 58
Kilvert, Rev. Francis, 2
Kind, Sylvia, 154
Kipnis, Igor, 6, 165, 187
Kirckman harpsichord, 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 92
Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 59-61, 70, 87, 95-105, 106, 113, 122, 129, 137, 138, 143-148, 149, 154, 164, 175
kit harpsichord, 141, 161-164, 168
Klemperer, Otto, 79, 81, 106, 135
Koussevitzsky, Serge, 55, 71, 135
Kraehenbuehl, David, 146
Krehbiel, Henry, 10
Krone, Max, 80
Kuhnau, Johann, 45, 79, 80, 97
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 108
Lakeville (CT), 123, 130-131, 135
Lambert’s School of Music (New York City), 10
Landowska, Wanda, 31-32, 46-61, 62, 63, 68, 70, 71, 76, 85-86, 110, 118-136, 149, 154, 168, 176, 183, 184, 186; American debut, 46; own compositions for harpsichord, 47, 129, 134; on contemporary music for harpsichord, 53-54, 55, 127, 128-129; first recordings, 49; Bach recordings, 120, 130-134; appears on television, 132; as teacher, 52-53, 56-61, 68-70, 75, 78, 95-97, 120-123
Landowska Center, 135
Lane, Dorothy, 76, 167
Lawrence, Arthur, 72
Leipzig Conservatory, 3
Lemann, Thomas B., 165
Leonhardt, Gustav, 89, 141, 161, 167
Leschetizky, Theodor, 51
Lessard, John, 113
Lestang, Paule de, 172
Levy, Ernst, 145, 146
Levy, Lazare, 5
Lew, Henri, 47, 57-58, 177
Lewis and Clark College, 81
Lincoln, Stoddard, 139
Liszt, Franz, 2, 13, 150, 159
London: British Museum, 138; Covent Garden (opera), 17; Dulwich College, 15; Hanover Square Concert Rooms, 2; Italian Opera House, 2; Novello’s, 15; Queen Square, 16, 173; Royal College of Music, 15, 16; Willis’s Rooms, 3
Longman and Broderip harpsichord, 11
long-playing records, 134
Longy School of Music, 93
Los Angeles Philharmonic, 81
Louisville (KY), 14
Lucktenberg, George, 168
Luening, Otto, 145
Lumby, Betty Louise, 168
Lyon, Gustav, 47
McBride, Robert, 145
MacMahon, Louise, 38
McPhee, Colin, 115
Maendler, Karl, 106, 108
Maendler-Schramm harpsichord, 109, 182
Magnum Opus Competition, 168
Mahler, Gustav, 78, 172
Malerbi, Giuseppe, 12
Mannes, David, 48
Mannes College, 112
Manuel, Philip, 73-77, 85, 107
Marks, Simon, 24, 29
Marlowe, Sylvia, 72, 95, 110-117, 154, 155, 159, 162, 182, 183, 188
Martin, Willard, 141, 168, 179
Martinů, Bohuslav, 157
Mason, Daniel Gregory, 31, 175
Mason, Leslie Lindsey, 12
Mason, Margaret, 94, 134
Massenet, Jules, 7
Matthay, Tobias, 68
Matthews, Shirley, 117
Mendelssohn, Felix, 2, 3
Mengelberg, Willem, 53
Merrill, Helen, 133
Messiaen, Olivier, 157, 186
Metternich, Princess Pauline von, 10
Metz, John, 167
Michigan State College (East Lansing), 66, 67
Midwestern Historical Keyboard Society, 168
Mieg, Peter, 146
Milhaud, Darius, 91
Miller, Mitch(ell), 99, 156, 157
Mills College, 72
Minneapolis, 161
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, 31, 62-63, 75
Monte Carlo Opera, 7
Monteux, Claude, 112, 113
Monteux, Pierre, 72
Moore, Douglas, 117
Moore, George, 17
Morel, Marie (Mrs. Arnold Dolmetsch), 14, 15
Morris, Viola, 99
Morris, William, 15, 173
Moscheles, Ignaz, 2
motion pictures (harpsichord in), 41, 166-167
Mount Vernon (VA), 11
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 7, 17, 46, 47, 48, 74, 75, 99, 100, 103, 166, 172;Rondo alia Turca, 49, 64, 78; Landowska plays, 54, 61, 126-127, 134
Mozart piano, 89, 103, 129
Mozarteum (Salzburg), 98, 182
Muirhead, James and Helen, 28
Musical America, 41, 91, 98
Musical Courier, 36, 41, 47, 48, 49, 52
Musicraft Records, 77, 79
Nagel, Reinhard von, 143, 185
Namara, Margaret, 30
Napoleon’s harpsichord, 11
Nargesian, John, 141
Naumburg, Walter W., Foundation, 112
NBC radio network, 76, 111
NBC Symphony, 108
Near, Gerald, 187
Neblett, Carol, 81
Nef, Isabelle, 59, 95, 119
Neupert clavichord, 92-93
Neupert harpsichord, 98, 161, 166
New England Conservatory, 36, 92, 94, 134, 147
Newman, Anthony, 165
New York: Abigail Adams House, 40; Aeolian Hall, 48, 52, 63; Carnegie Hall, 47, 64, 115, 128, 145, 153; Castle Garden, 42; Century Club, 64; City Center, 162; City Opera, 188; Cooper Union Museum, 41, 44; Daly Theatre, 18; Frick Collection, 132; Guild Theatre, 56; Hotel Plaza, 39, 120; Little Club, 149, 150; Lyceum Theatre, 150; Manhattan Theatre, 19; Mendelssohn Hall, 32; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12, 109; Metropolitan Opera, 162, 188; Paramount Theatre, 159; Philharmonic Hall, 165; Princess Theatre, 38; Public Library, 36, 129; Steinway Hall, 64, 145; Town Hall, 68, 80, 102, 103, 108, 110, 111, 118, 129, 130, 134, 150; Vanderbilt Hotel, 37; Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 25; Landowska’s opinion of, 52
New York Herald-Tribune, 55, 63, 80
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, 48, 102, 126-127, 128
New York Pro Musica, 72
New York Sun, 18
New York Sun and Globe, 64
New York Symphony Orchestra, 48, 64
New York Times, 31, 32-34, 37, 38, 39, 53-54, 55, 63-64, 80, 109, 125, 150, 153, 162, 163, 181
New York Tribune, 10
New York University, 162
Nikisch, Arthur, 130
North Texas State College (University), 87, 187
Northwestern University, 167
Nurmi, Ruth, 167
Oberlin College, 87, 167
Oboussier, Robert, 145
O’Meara, Eva, 176
Ormandy, Eugene, 81
Ornstein, Doris, 117
Pachelbel, Johann, 54, 79
Paderewski, Ignaz, 50, 127, 134
Paige, Lillian, 61
Painter, George, 51
Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 96, 97; Church of St. Sulpice, 7; Conservatoire, 1, 4; Ecole Normale de Musique, 110; Escargot Restaurant, 50-51; Salle Erard, 7; Salle Pleyel, 57, 110; Schola Cantorum, 52; Landowska in, 49-51
Parmentier, Edward, 167
Parry, C. Hubert H., 15
Pathe film company, 41
Patorni-Casadesus, Regina, 30, 31
Pauer, Ernst, 3
Payne, Joseph, 154
peau de buffle stop, 141
pedal harpsichord, 89, 159-161
Pelton-Jones, Frances, 31, 36-39, 48
Perkins, Francis D., 80
Persichetti, Vincent, 146, 150
Pessl, Yella, 74, 106-110, 157, 165, 183
Peters, Ronald, 166
Pfeiffer, John, 132
Philadelphia Orchestra, 46-47, 48, 55, 162
Pinkham, Daniel, 72, 87, 93, 137, 138, 146, 154-155, 184
Piston, Walter, 91, 145-146, 154
Pleasants, Virginia, 186
Pleyel harpsichord, 5, 27, 31, 47, 54, 58, 59, 62, 65, 68, 73, 74, 78, 82, 92, 110, 119, 121, 124, 135-136; serial numbers of, 75; Kirkpatrick’s opinion of, 97; Robert Evett on, 126
Polignac, Prince Edmond de, 7
Polignac, Princesse de (Winnaretta Singer), 7, 53
Porter, Quincy, 144-145
Poulenc, Francis, 73, 76, 91, 95, 127-129, 150, 183-184
Powell, Mel, 146, 150
Powell, Newman, 72
Pratt Institute (Brooklyn), 39
Pratt, Read, and Company, 45
Previn, Andre, 166
Prince-Joseph, Bruce, 80, 161
Princeton University, 31, 35, 178
Proust, Marcel, 51-52
Providence Tribune (RI), 42
Puner, Samuel, 77
Purcell, Henry, 3, 17, 28, 92, 99, 106, 117
Puyana, Rafael, 134-135
Quigley, Madge, 84, 86
Quimby, Arthur, 87
Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 4, 5, 7, 32, 38, 42, 45, 47, 48, 54, 56, 64, 66, 79-80, 92, 97, 100, 129, 134, 147, 149, 182
Ramin, Günther, 98, 181
Ranck, Gerald, 117
Ravel, Maurice, 7, 91, 166
RCA Victor, 120, 130, 131, 134
recordings (harpsichord): Conant, 154; Dolmetsch wax cylinder, 17; Kirkpatrick, 99, 104, 146; Landowska, 49, 120, 129-134; Manuel and Williamson, 77; Marlowe, 115, 116-117; Payne, 154; popular/jazz, 156-161; Richards, 64; Valenti, 149-153; Vischer, 159
Reiner, Fritz, 52
Restout, Denise, 119, 121-123, 125, 130, 134, 135
Rethberg, Elisabeth, 66
Richards, Lewis, 31, 48, 62-67
Richardson, Tony, 167
Richter, Hans, 17, 172
Rieti, Vittorio, 114-116, 161, 182, 187
Riva, Alessandro, 1
Roberts, Gertrud, 168
Roberts, William Neil, 161
Rockwell, John, 116
Rodzinski, Artur, 126-127, 183
Rodzinski, Halina, 126, 183
Rogell, Irma, 135
Rohlfing, William, 11
Romberg, Sigmund, 165
Roosevelt, Theodore, 22-23
Rorem, Ned, 115, 186
Rosenfeld, Paul, 98
Ross, William Post, 141
Rossini, Gioacchino, 2, 12, 170
Rubinstein, Anton, 4
Ruff, Willie, 101-102
Ruckers harpsichord, 11, 13, 38, 92, 139, 172
Russell, Raymond, 167
Rutkowski and Robinette harpsichord, 168
Sabin, Robert, 118
Saidenberg, Daniel, 99
Salaman, Charles, 3
Salmon, Kathleen, 19, 20, 174
Salons Intimes, 39
Salzburg, 108; Mozarteum, 98, 182
Samuel, Harold, 52
Sanborn, Pitts, 46, 53
San Francisco, 161
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, 72, 73
Sanroma, Jesus Maria, 92
Santa Fe Opera, 188
Sapira, Sylvia (Sylvia Marlowe), 110
Satie, Erik, 115, 182
Saturday Review, 161, 163
Sauguet, Henri, 113
Scarlatti, Domenico, 2-3, 4, 19, 32, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 63, 79-80, 92, 100, 108, 112, 147, 149, 150-154, 170; Kirkpatrick and, 102-104
Schmitt, Florent, 145
Schneider, Alexander, 99, 102, 145
Schola Cantorum (Paris), 52
Schonberg, Harold, 116
Schott, Howard, 167
Schuenemann, Georg, 58
Schunicke, Elsa, 58, 60, 123, 130
Schuschnigg, Dr. Kurt, 108
Schwandt, Erich, 72
Searles, E. F., 20
Seaver, H. A., 145
Shackelford, Rudy, 187
Shapero, Harold, 113
Shattuck, Arthur, 49-51, 176
Shaw, Artie, 87, 91, 157
Shaw, Frank, 87
Shaw, George Bernard, 5, 15, 16, 171
Shaw, Robert, 145
Sherman, Fern, 67
Shudi and Broadwood harpsichord, 3, 11
Shudi harpsichord, 3; described by Charlotte Moscheles, 2
Shulman, Harry, 112, 113
sixteen-foot stop: in Dolmetsch-Chickering harpsichord, 27; in antique Hass harpsichord, 92; in Hubbard and Dowd harpsichords, 139, 140; Kirkpatrick’s use in recordings of Scarlatti Sonatas, 104; in Pleyel harpsichords, 47, 126, 135
Skinner, Belle (Collection), 20, 37, 90, 92, 172
Skowroneck, Martin, 144
Slonimsky, Nicolas, 70, 71
Smedley, Harlan, 165
Smith, Melville, 93, 94, 154
Smith, Robert E., 141
Smith College, 10, 20, 87
Smithsonian Institution, 10, 12, 143
Societe des Instrumens Anciens, 4, 5
Societe des Instruments Anciens (Casadesus), 30-31, 62
Sonneck, O. G., 20, 23
Southeastern Historical Keyboard Society, 168
Southern Methodist University, 167
Sowden, Dora, 104-105
Sprout, R. Sydney, 86
Stanford University, 72, 167, 178
Stearns, Frederick, 12
Stein, Gertrude, 125
Steinert, Morris, 8-11
Steinert Collection (Yale University), 11, 43-44, 172
Steingräber, Johann Georg, 78-79
Stereo Review, 135
Stevens, Halsey, 146
Stevens, Thomas B., 167
St.-Leu-la-Foret, 119, 134; School of Ancient Music, 53, 56-61, 69-70, 95, 96-97
St. Louis Opera Company, 188
Stock, Frederick, 74
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 157
Stokowski, Leopold, 46, 47, 55, 67, 128
Stravinsky, Igor, 55, 91, 115, 166, 182
Street, Joseph, 1
Surinach, Carlos, 113, 114
Swainson, Dorothy, 97
Symons, Henry, 30
Taft, Frank, 20
Takahashi, Yuji, 166
Tallis, James, 167
Tanglewood (MA), 71
Taskin, Pascal, 1, 5
Taskin harpsichord, 94, 139
Tatum, Art, 101-102
tempo rubato, 35
Terry, Carole, 167
Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. Bert, 87; lesson with Landowska, 120-123
Thomas, Michael Tilson, 81
Thome, Francis, 5-6
Thomson, Virgil, 102, 110, 114-116, 182; reviews Landowska, 118-119, 123
Time magazine, 39, 46, 73-74, 87, 89, 95-96, 106-108, 129-130, 131, 165, 166
Tolstoy, Leo, 47, 132
Tomasini, Louis, 5, 13
Toscanini, Arturo, 108
tour itineraries: Dolmetsch, 19-20; Landowska, 52, 54; Manuel and Williamson, 76; Marlowe in the orient, 112; Societe des Instruments Anciens, 31
Treggor, Philip, 168
Trimble, Lester, 154, 187
Truesdell, Ephraim, 86
Tudor, David, 166
Turnabout Records, 154
University of Arizona, 167
University of California, Berkeley, 146
University of Cincinnati, 81
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 165-166
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 12, 64, 167
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 80, 81
University of Texas, Austin, 72, 86
University of Washington, 81, 167
University of Wisconsin, 81
Valenti, Fernando, 89, 149-155, 156, 165, 186
Van Buren, Lotta, 31, 39-45, 98, 175, 176
Vassar College, 10, 20
Verbrugghen, Henri, 62
Verdi, Giuseppe, 1
Victor Records, 120, 130-132, 133-134, 157
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 3, 138
Vienna Exhibition of Music and Drama, 10
Vienna State Opera, 78
Vischer, Antoinette, 157-159, 165-166
Vivaldi, Antonio, 54, 132
Voit, Johann Michael, 1
Vox Records, 154
Wagner, Richard, 40, 170
Wagner, Roger, 81
Wahl, Julius, 90-92
Wall, Stephanie, 67
Wallace, Lucille, 61, 95, 177
Walter, Bruno, 102
Walton, William, 91
Wanamaker, John, 20
Wanamaker Auditorium, New York, 26-27, 37
Warren, E.P., 20
Washington, D.C.: Choral Society, 23; Library of Congress, 33, 39, 66, 79, 81, 174; The White House, 22-23, 66
Watson, Jo-Shipley, 20-22
Way, David J., 153, 168
Weber, Ben, 112, 114
Webern, Anton von, 115
Weiss-Mann, Edith, 135
Wellesley College, 20
Wergo Records, 159
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 72, 86
Westminster Records, 149-153
Whiting, Arthur, 20, 31, 32-36, 48, 64, 96; The Lesson of the Clavichord, 34-35
Widor, Charles-Marie, 7
Wilder, Alec, 157
Williamsburg (VA), 44, 99
Williamson, Gavin, 73-77, 85, 107
Wolf, Johannes, 57
Wolf, Paul, 135
Wolf, Thomas and Barbara, 141
Wolff, Ernst Victor, 135
Woodhouse, Violet Gordon, 31
Worch, Hugo, 12
Wunderer, Alexander, 106
Wyler, William, 78, 80; Wuthering Heights (film), 78, 80, 81, 166
Yale Alumni Weekly, 44
Yale University, 10, 11, 31, 43-44, 68, 77, 87, 100, 101, 144, 146, 150; Collection of Musical Instruments, 154, 172
Yeats, W. B., 20
Zeisler, Fanny Bloomfield, 50-51
Zelter, Carl, 2, 170
Zighera, Alfred, 71
Zorn, Marie, 135
Zuckermann, Wolfgang, 88, 109, 161-163, 168; The Modern Harpsichord, 163, 168
Zuckermann harpsichord, 153
Zuckermann kit harpsichord, 161-163
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