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“Notes” in “Land of Refuge: Immigration to Palestine, 1919-1927”
- 1.Perec, Ellis Island, 23, 53.
- 1.Khodorkov Pogrom, National Library of Israel Photograph Collection, TMA 5490. The album was donated to the National Library in 1936 by Aharon Brzezinsky in the name of Sholem Schwarzbard. In 1927, Schwarzbard had assassinated the Ukrainian nationalist Symon Petliura, one of those responsible for the slaughter of Ukrainian Jewry.
- 2.Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, vol. 3 (het–tet), 15–16. Megilat ha-Tevah is arranged alphabetically, and only the first nine letters of the alphabet have been published; the rest of the work is available in the Genazim Archive. On Megilat ha-Tevah and its author, see Alroey, “Documenting the Pogroms.”
- 3.Orland, Kiev, 31.
- 4.On Tetiev, see Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, 3:65–90. In a note about the pogrom, Rosenthal wrote, “Of the 124 cities and towns in the Kiev Governorate in which Jews had lived before the war, between 85 and 90 were wiped out. . . . Tetiev suffered more than any other town in the Kiev Governorate. The slaughter there was horrific, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Of the seven thousand people, three-fourths were exterminated. All the victims died in terrible torment: by water and by fire, by the sword and by strangulation, and in all sorts of horrible ways. From Tetiev the affliction spread to the other towns in the area.” For more on the pogrom in Tetiev, see Rosenthal, Tetiever Khurbn.
- 5.On the Orlands’ journey to Palestine, see Wolf-Monzon, Bahir ve-Gavoa ke-Zemer, 1–9.
- 6.See Orland, “Things Before and After,” in Kiev, 5.
- 7.Orland, Ya’akov, Kiev—Poema; u-Shtei Tiutot-Shir le-Zikhron Tetiev [Kiev: a poem; and two drafts of a poem in memory of Tetiev] (Jerusalem: Carmel, 1991), 31.
- 8.Gross, “He’ara.”
- 9.Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit.
- 10.See Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit.
- 11.See Shapira, “Reshitah shel ha-Ha’apala.” See also Lissak, “Aliya, Kelita u-Vinyan Hevra.”
- 12.Halamish, Be-Meruts Kaful, 15.
- 13.Halamish, Mi-Bayit Leumi, 281.
- 14.E.g., Halamish, “Yahaso shel Vaitsman.” Weizmann’s activity in the 1920s is not examined in this article in the context of the violence in eastern Europe. Halamish merely mentions laconically that “in eastern Europe Jews suffered severely due to the war and the pogroms against them in Poland, Ukraine, and elsewhere.”
- 15.Gordon, “Immigration Problems in Palestine.”
- 16.Slutsky, Mavo, 15.
- 17.Halamish, Be-Meruts Kaful, 2.
- 18.Picard, Olim bi-Mesura.
- 19.Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya.
1. New Times, New Tunes
- 1.On the founding of HIAS, see Wischnitzer, Visas to Freedom, 27–36. On HIAS on Ellis Island, see Howe, World of Our Fathers, 42–46.
- 2.On HIAS during World War I, see Szajkowski, “American Jewish Overseas Relief,” 191–94.
- 3.See Levitt’s letter, September 13, 1915, YIVO, RG 245.3.
- 4.See letter from Abraham Halevi Lipschitz, November 24, 1914, ibid.
- 5.Altshuler, “Russia and Her Jews,” 14; Frankel, Jews and the European Crisis, 8. See also Silber, Leumiyut Shona, 7.
- 6.“Seventh Annual Report of the President of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America for the Year Ending 31 December 1915,” YIVO Archives, 5.
- 7.On immigration to the United States via Siberia and then China and Japan, see Alroey, “Between the Straits.”
- 8.H. S. Steer, “Report on the Work in the Far East of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America, 15 October 1920,” YIVO Archives, 15.
- 9.See Wolf Lewkowicz’s letter to his nephew: Letter 15, Łódź, February 1, 1924, retrieved from The correspondence spans a period from August 1922 to August 1939, shortly before the outbreak of World War II. The letters are in the Harvard College Library and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.
- 10.Bennett, American Immigration Policies, 17–18.
- 11.Ibid., 17.
- 12.Howe, World of Our Fathers, 54.
- 13.On Louis Marshall’s efforts against quota laws, see Silver, Louis Marshall, 222–45.
- 14.On the work of the Dillingham Commission, see Perlmann, America Classifies the Immigrants, 104–32.
- 15.Daniels, Guarding the Golden Door, 48–49.
- 16.Hertzberg, Jews in America, 239.
- 17.Daniels, Guarding the Golden Door, 47–48; Perlmann, America Classifies the Immigrants, 201–28.
- 18.Magal Cohen, Isha Yoshevet ve-Khotevet, 22.
- 19.Gorenstein, “Memoir of the Great War,” 157–58.
- 20.Zahra, Great Departure, 108.
- 21.Garland, After They Closed the Gates, 87.
- 22.Jean, “Shayakhut Menuyeret,” 122.
- 23.Ibid., 125.
- 24.“Mashber ha-Hagira” [The migration crisis], Ha-Tsefira, Nov. 14, 1920, p. 3.
- 25.Ibid.
- 26.“Khronika Yehudit: Takkanot ha-Kenisa le-Amerika” [Jewish chronicle: regulations for entering America], Ha-Tsefira, Dec. 2, 1920, p. 3.
- 27.On the conference in Prague, see “Jewish Emigration Conference,” 1.
- 28.Wischnitzer, To Dwell in Safety, 332.
- 29.“Ha-Ve’ida le-Inyenei Hagira be-Prag” [The emigration conference in Prague], Ha-Tsefira, Sept. 29, 1921, p. 1.
- 30.Ibid.
- 31.Emigdirect, Tsentral-Byuro-Emigdirekt, 29–30. On the work of the Emigdirect bank, see Szajkowski, “American Jewish Overseas Relief,” 214–17.
- 32.Emigdirect, Tsentral-Byuro-Emigdirekt, 31.
- 33.Linfield, Jewish Migration, 20.
- 34.“Hitahdut ha-Mosdot le-Inyenei Hagira” [The merger of the emigration organizations], Haaretz, Apr. 3, 1928, p. 2.
- 35.“Be-Inyenei Siddur ha-Hagira: Sihat Itona’im im Haver ha-Hanhala ha-Merkazit shel Histadrut ha-Hagira Mar Tscherikower” [Regarding the organizing of emigration: a press conference with a member of the board of the migration association, Mr. Tcherikower,” Doar Hayom, May 5, 1928, p. 4.
- 36.Ibid.
- 37.Wischnitzer, Visas to Freedom, 128–29.
- 38.M. R., “Ha-Trust le-Hagira: Nedida ve-Yashvanut” [The migration trust: migration and settlement],” Doar Hayom, Jan. 18, 1927, p. 1.
- 39.Ibid.
- 40.Ibid.
- 41.Ibid.
- 42.“Ve’ida Itona’it ba-Misrad ha-Artsi Yisraeli be-Varsha” [Press conference in the Palestine Office in Warsaw], Doar Hayom, Dec. 1, 1926, p. 2.
- 43.“3,500 Chalutzim Are Waiting for Permission to Proceed to Palestine,” Jewish Daily Bulletin, Sept. 23, 1927, pp. 1, 4; “HICEM to Assist in Chaluzim Transportation,” ibid., Feb. 6, 1929, p. 2; “HIAS to Seek $500,000 for Emigration to Palestine and South American Countries,” ibid., Nov. 9, 1926, p. 5.
- 44.Palestine Office to Aliya Department of the Zionist Executive, Aug. 9, 1926, CZA, S6, file 474.
- 45.Memo to HIAS, Sept. 24, 1924, CZA, Z4, file 40664, p. 2.
- 46.Ibid., p. 3.
2. Town on Fire
- 1.Letter of protest sent to the Zionist Executive on behalf of thirty-one Ukrainian-Jewish families from the Kiev Governorate, [1923?], CZA, S6, file 443.
- 2.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 41.
- 3.Dinur, Eretz Yisrael bi-Shnat Tarpag, 158.
- 4.“Yediot ha-Misrad Eretz Yisrael Merkazi be-Kushta” [News from the central Palestine Office in Constantinople], Doar Hayom, February 27, 1922, 4.
- 5.Zalman Shneor, Ha’olam, March 25, 1927.
- 6.Translation taken from, accessed July 4, 2021. See also Abramson, Prayer for the Government, 33–66.
- 7.For a comprehensive study on the Jews in the Ukrainian civil war, see Budnitskii, Russian Jews.
- 8.Gergel, “Di Pogromen in Ukrayne,” 112; see also Abramson, Prayer for the Government, 109–40.
- 9.Lucien Wolf archives [1920?], YIVO, RG 348, microfilm 502, 1.
- 10.Committee of Jewish Delegations, Pogroms in the Ukraine, 268.
- 11.Heifetz, Slaughter of the Jews, 179–80.
- 12.Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, 3:65. A similar number of murder victims is reported in Krimsky, Barikht, 6.
- 13.Gergel, “Di Pogromen in Ukrayne,” 106.
- 14.Gergel, “Pogroms in the Ukraine,” 249.
- 15.Ibid., 251.
- 16.On the brutality of the pogroms, see Budnitskii, Russian Jews, 216–74.
- 17.Gergel, “Di Pogromen in Ukrayne,” 113.
- 18.Schechtman, “Antishemiut u-Fera’ot,” 492.
- 19.Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, mem, Genazim Archive, file 341, kaf-8074.
- 20.On the three pogroms in Zhitomir, see Yizkor (Zhitomir) (New York, 1921).
- 21.Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, zayin, Genazim Archive, file 341, kaf-8074.
- 22.Imri-Fajgenberg, Megilat Dubova, 122. The book, originally written in Yiddish in 1921, was translated from the manuscript into French by Leo Motzkin for Shalom Schwarzbard’s attorney. Chapters of the book were published in the 1920s in various periodicals.
- 23.Druyanov, “Shura shel Pega’im,” 146.
- 24.Rosenthal, Megilat ha-Tevah, peh, Genazim Archive, file 341, kaf-8074.
- 25.On the gender aspect of the pogroms, see Alroey, “Sexual Violence”; Astashkevich, Gendered Violence.
- 26.Schechtman, “Antishemiut u-Fera’ot,” 493.
- 27.Litai, “Tseror shel Protokolim,” 259.
- 28.Ibid., 257.
- 29.Ibid., 256–57.
- 30.Schechtman, “Antishemiut u-Fera’ot,” 494.
- 31.Koralnik, “Di Iden in Ukrayne,” 134–35.
- 32.Lestschinsky, “Le-Ahar ha-Pera’ot be-Ukraina,” 12.
- 33.Ibid., 13.
- 34.“Ha-Hagira ha-Yehudit mi-Bessarabia” [Jewish emigration from Bessarabia], Doar Hayom, September 29, 1921, 2.
- 35.“Matzavam ha-Nora shel Sheloshim Elef Pelitim Rusim be-Kushta” [The terrible plight of 30,000 Russian refugees in Constantinople,” Doar Hayom, November 11, 1921, 2.
- 36.Yedies funem Ekzekutiv Komitet fun der Idisher Velt Hilf Konferents [News from the executive committee of the Jewish World Relief Conference], no. 4, April 3, 1922, YIVO Archives, 1.
- 37.Ibid., 2.
- 38.Ibid.
- 39.Schechtman, “Antishemiut u-Fera’ot,” 491.
- 40.Report of Major Morris, August 18, 1921, National Archives (UK), CO 733, file 6, 12. For more on Morris’s trip, see Mossek, Palestine Immigration Policy, 45–47.
- 41.Report of Major Morris, 13.
- 42.Schapiro, Communist Party, 211.
- 43.Latzky-Bertholdi, “Enut Yehudei Eiropa ha-Mizrahit,” 251.
- 44.Ibid., 254; Lestschinsky, Ha-Yehudim be-Rusya ha-Sovietit, 70.
- 45.Lestschinsky, Ha-Yehudim be-Rusya ha-Sovietit, 81.
- 46.“Ha-Va’ad ha-Poel shel ha-Va’ad ha-Le’umi li-Yehudei Erets Yisrael” [The Executive Committee of the Jewish National Council in Palestine], Doar Hayom, June 19, 1922, 3.
- 47.Zelig Horwitz to Zionist Executive, February 1925, CZA, S6, file 443.
- 48.On the Jews in Soviet Russia under the NEP, see Galili, “Merhav ha-Pe’ula,” esp. 482–84.
- 49.Lestschinsky, Ha-Yehudim be-Rusya ha-Sovietit, 70.
- 50.Ibid., 71.
- 51.Ibid.
- 52.Ibid., 72.
- 53.On the Yevsektsia, see Altshuler, Ha-Yevsektsya. See also Galili, “Merhav ha-Pe’ula,” 485–87. Galili maintains that despite the persecution by the Yevsektsia, the Zionist movement was able to function to a significant degree. Though it was not officially allowed by the central government, the authorities tended to turn a blind eye to it. As in the case of the Hebrew teacher described below, such an attitude was able to coexist with persecution and arrests.
- 54.See Yardeni Bachman and friends to the aliya bureau in Jerusalem, March 2, 1925, CZA, S6, file 443.
- 55.Pines, “Ha-Matzav ha-Kalkali,” 172 (italics mine).
- 56.Lestschinsky, Ha-Yehudim be-Rusya ha-Sovietit, 72–73.
- 57.Dijour, Di Moderne Felker-Vanderung, 67.
- 58.Mendelsohn, Zionism in Poland, 5.
- 59.Latzky-Bertholdi, “Enut Yehudei Eiropa ha-Mizrahit,” 141.
- 60.Mendelsohn, Zionism in Poland, 6.
- 61.Ibid.
- 62.Latzky-Bertholdi, “Enut Yehudei Eiropa ha-Mizrahit,” 142.
- 63.Ibid., 143.
- 64.Ibid., 142.
- 65.Heller, Edge of Destruction.
- 66.Dijour, Di Moderne Felker-Vanderung, 67.
- 67.Ibid., 69. On Jewish emigration from Poland to Argentina, see Kalczewiak, Polacos in Argentina.
- 68.The exchange of letters was retrieved from
- 69.See Wolf’s letter to his nephew: letter 15, Lodz, February 1, 1924.
- 70.Ibid.
- 71.Letter 22, Lodz, July 20, 1924.
- 72.Letter 29, Lodz, February 21, 1925.
- 73.Letter 34, Lodz, July 25, 1925.
- 74.Lestschinsky, Di Ekonomishe Lage, 63–64.
- 75.Ibid., 65.
- 76.Ibid., 66.
- 77.Gordon, “Immigration Problems in Palestine,” 45.
- 78.Ibid., 57–59.
- 79.Ibid., 59–63.
- 80.Ibid., 48–50.
- 81.Ibid.
- 82.See Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 12.
- 83.Ibid.
- 84.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 19.
- 85.Margalit, Hashomer Hatzair, 17–21; see also Halamish, Kibbutz, Utopia and Politics.
- 86.Tzahor, Hazan, 26.
- 87.Margalit, Hashomer Hatzair, 80.
- 88.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 19.
- 89.Gordon, “Immigration Problems in Palestine,” 112–13.
- 90.Ibid., 114.
3. The Gates Open
- 1.Bartal, “1919: Eretz be-Terem,” 26–33.
- 2.Yogev and Freundlich, Protokolim, vol. 1, Februar 1919–Yanuar 1920 [February 1919–January 1920], 105–6.
- 3.Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya, 6.
- 4.Moreno, Encyclopedia of Ellis Island, xi–xix; Howe, World of Our Fathers, 42–50; Anbinder, City of Dreams, 329–53.
- 5.Attias, Sefer ha-Teudot, 10.
- 6.Ibid., 3.
- 7.Minutes of the Provisional Committee meeting, Nisan 24–26, 5679 (April 24–26, 1919), CZA, L3, file 314.
- 8.Minutes of the Provisional Committee meeting, Iyar 27, 5679 (May 27, 1919), CZA, L3, file 314.
- 9.Ibid.
- 10.Ibid.
- 11.Immigration council to Zionist Commission, Sivan 13, 5679 (June 11, 1919), CZA, L3, file 314.
- 12.Minutes of the Provisional Committee meeting, Sivan 19, 5679 (June 17, 1919), CZA, L3, file 314.
- 13.Shilo, “Tovat ha-Am”; Alroey, Unpromising Land.
- 14.Lilienblum, “Derekh La’avor Golim” [The path of exiles], in Ketavim Otobiografiyim, 14.
- 15.On Sheinkin’s information bureau, see Shilo, “Lishkat ha-Modi’in”; Alroey, Unpromising Land, 96–102.
- 16.Sheinkin to Zionist Organization, February 3, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368.
- 17.Ibid.
- 18.Sheinkin to Zionist Organization information bureau in Constantinople, April 23, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368.
- 19.Trifon to Sheinkin, March 30, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368. See also Hayek, Kefar Giladi, 21–33. Hayek writes that at a meeting of the Zionist General Council on August 6, 1919, the circular reported the information given at the meeting: “Despite the ban on immigration, people are coming incessantly—now via Beirut” (29).
- 20.Ibid.
- 21.Jewish community board in Beirut to Sheinkin, March 30, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368.
- 22.Trifon to Sheinkin, March 30, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368. On the situation of the immigrants in Beirut, see also Passerby, “Beirut,” Hapoel Hatzair 8–9 (Nisan 14, 5679 [April 14, 1919]): 24.
- 23.Zionist Executive in London to Zionist Commission, June 11, 1920, CZA, S6, file 327.
- 24.Secretary of the Alexandria information bureau to Zionist Commission, June 23, 1921, CZA, S6, file 327.
- 25.Head office in London to Zionist Commission, November 13, 1919, CZA, L2, file 231, 1–2.
- 26.Ibid., 2.
- 27.Ibid.
- 28.Ibid.
- 29.Ibid.
- 30.Shlomo Zacharin, “Derekh Argentina le-Eretz Yisrael” [Via Argentina to Palestine], in Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 201.
- 31.Ibid.
- 32.Gurevich, Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 54, table 6.
- 33.Sicron, Immigration to Israel, statistical supplement, table A1.
- 34.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 189. Moshe Mossek states that there are no detailed monthly data on immigration at the beginning of the military regime and therefore data from different sources sometimes has to be compared. According to Mossek, thirteen hundred people immigrated in the ten months from February to December 1919. This number includes returning residents and people who entered the country without a recommendation from the Zionist Organization. See Mossek, “Britania,” 10.
- 35.Gurevich, “15 Shenot Aliya”; Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya, 52.
- 36.Yediot ha-Mahlaka le-Statistika ule-Informatsia [News of the Department of Statistics and Information], July 30, 1920, 13.
- 37.Ibid.
- 38.Sucker, “Hazon ha-Yamim,” 426 (italics mine).
- 39.On the story of the Ruslan, see Rafaeli (Zenzipper), Ba-Ma’avaḳ li-Geula, 154–55. See also Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 130–38.
- 40.Ibid., 134.
- 41.“Yafo Yom Yom” [Jaffa daily], Doar Hayom, Tevet 2, 5680 (December 24, 1919), 3.
- 42.See Y. Spivak, “Ha-Shayara ha-Rishona” [The first convoy], Hapoel Hatzair, Tevet 4, 5680 (December 26, 1919), 7–8.
- 43.On the Ruslan as the Mayflower, see Naor, Mi-Sippurei Eretz Ahavati, 112.
- 44.Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 137–38.
- 45.Due to the storm in Jaffa during disembarkation, not all the passengers on the Ruslan managed to disembark. For this reason, there are discrepancies in different sources regarding the number of olim on the ship. Chaim Ridnik stated that 553 olim arrived safely in Jaffa. The passenger log of the Ruslan, in contrast, lists 670 passengers: 520 immigrants and 150 returning exiles. See CZA, S6, file 5501.
- 46.On the ships that arrived in Palestine in 1919, see CZA, L2, file 231.
- 47.Ibid.
- 48.“Ha-Pelitim” [The refugees], Doar Hayom, January 4, 1920, 2.
- 49.“Le-Inyenei ha-Sha’a” [On timely matters], Hapoel Hatzair, Tevet 4, 5680 (December 26, 1919), 4.
- 50.Ben-Avi, “Ha-Hat’hala” [The beginning], Doar Hayom, Tevet 4, 5680 (December 26, 1919), 1.
- 51.“Yafo Yom Yom” [Jaffa daily], Doar Hayom, January 1, 1920, 2.
- 52.Ibid.
- 53.Halamish, “Aliya lefi Yekholet ha-Kelita”; Elam, “Historia Medinit,” 194–95.
- 54.Mossek, Palestine Immigration Policy, 8–11; Segev, Yemei ha-Kalaniyot, 186–88.
- 55.Mossek, Palestine Immigration Policy, 38.
- 56.Ibid.
- 57.Tzippora Weissmann to Aliya Department, Nisan 16, 5685 (April 10, 1925), CZA, S6, file 443.
- 58.Shifra Wisser to Aliya Deparmtent, February 16, 1925, CZA, S6, file 443.
- 59.Gurevich, Gertz, and Bachi, Ha-Aliya, 25.
- 60.Ibid.
- 61.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit.
- 62.Metzer, Jewish Immigration to Palestine.
- 63.Yediot ha-Mahlaka, July 30, 1920, 13.
- 64.“Sefinat ha-Nodedim ha-Nitzhiyim” [The ship of the eternal wanderers], Hapoel Hatzair, no. 12, January 2, 1920, 15.
- 65.Ibid.
- 66.“Hahlatot ha-Ve’ida ha-Shenatit shel Hapoel Hatzair” [Resolutions of the annual conference of Hapoel Hatzair], Hapoel Hatzair 12, Tevet 11, 5680 (January 2, 1920), 1.
- 67.Ibid.
- 68.Shmuel Yavnieli, “Hovatenu” [Our duty], Kuntres 23, Shevat 10, 5680 (January 30, 1920), 3.
- 69.Lavsky, “Leumiut, Hagira ve-Hityashvut,” 157–60.
- 70.Margalit, “Sugiyat Miyun ha-Olim,” 247–48.
- 71.The disregard of the appeals for rescue aliya and mass immigration is consistent with the claim that many Zionist leaders, including Weizmann, consistently and systematically treated the Yishuv and its leaders with a lack of understanding and sympathy and were dismissive of decisions made in Palestine. On this subject, see Friesel, Ha-Mediniut ha-Tsiyonit, 117.
- 72.Ruppin, “Selection of the Fittest,” 67.
- 73.Yogev and Freundlich, Protokolim, 105–6.
- 74.“Me’et ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit” [From the Zionist Organization], Hapoel Hatzair, no. 13, Iyar 23, 5679 (May 23, 1919), 16.
- 75.Weizmann’s fundamental position did not change even in later years. See Meir Chazan’s article on Weizmann and the development of the standard impression of the Fourth Aliya. “Hayyim Vaitsman,” 454.
- 76.“Chronika” [Chronicle], Ha-Olam, no. 14, January 16, 1920, 14 (italics mine).
- 77.Ibid.
- 78.“Asefat ha-Va’ad ha-Poel ha-Gadol” [The meeting of the Large General Council], Ha-Olam, no. 21, March 5, 1920, 6.
- 79.“Me’et ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit.” On Weizmann’s immigration policy, see Halamish, “Yahaso shel Vaitsman.”
- 80.Ze’ev Tiomkin to Zionist Commission, Tevet 14, 5681 (December 25, 1920), CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 81.See, e.g., the report of the aliya committee in Constantinople: “Report on Palestine Emigration Activities in Constantinople during the Period of the 1st June 1920 to the 1st July 1921,” CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 82.Secretary-general of the Zionist Commission to aliya committee in Constantinople, August 12, 1920, CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 83.Katvan and Davidovitch, “Makhshirei ha-Guf veha-Levavot.”
- 84.Katvan, “Mi Ba’al ha-Bayit?” 38–39.
- 85.Mossek, “Herbert Samuel.”
- 86.Friesel, Ha-Mediniut ha-Tsiyonit, 117.
- 87.Nordau, “Mikhtav li-Yehudei Eretz Yisrael (1919)” [Letter to the Jews of Palestine (1919)], in Ketavim Nivharim, 64.
- 88.Ibid., 64–65.
- 89.Nordau, “Tseva’a la-Tsiyonut (1920)” [A will for Zionism (1920)], in Ketavim Nivharim, 202.
- 90.“Yafo Yom-Yom [Jaffa daily],” Doar Hayom, Tevet 10, 5680 (January 1, 1920), 2 (italics mine).
- 91.Ben-Avi, “Ha-Hat’hala,” 1 (italics mine).
- 92.See Rosenfeld, Ha-Kongres ha-Tziyoni ha-Shneim-Asar, 23–24.
- 93.Ibid., 21.
- 94.Ibid., 23.
- 95.Ibid., 28.
- 96.Ibid.
- 97.Shilo, “Tovat ha-Am”; Alroey, Unpromising Land, 96–102.
- 98.Moshe Smilansky, “Li-She’elot ha-Kongres: Ha-Aliya” [On the questions of the Congress: immigration], Haolam, 44, August 25, 1921, 1.
- 99.Menachem Sheinkin, “Hutz me-Halutzim Olim Gam Yehudim Aherim le-Eretz Yisrael” [Jews other than halutzim are also immigrating to Palestine], Der Tog, February 12, 1922 (italics mine).
- 100.Menachem Sheinkin, “Me-Eizeh Sug Mehagrim Netuna Eretz Yisrael,” Der Tog, June 5, 1922.
- 101.Ibid.
- 102.Ibid.
4. Over Troubled Water
- 1.On information bureaus before World War I, see Alroey, Ha-Mahpekha ha-Sheketa, 133–48. On Sheinkin’s information bureau, see Shilo, “Lishkat ha-Modi’in.”
- 2.Bylaws of the Palestine Offices, CZA, S81, file 36, 13–14.
- 3.Ibid., 1. See also Halamish, Be-Merutz Kaful, 95.
- 4.“Palestine Offices and Emigration Representatives,” CZA, S81, file 36.
- 5.“Tazkir Al-Devar ha-Aliya le-Eretz Yisrael, 1927” [Memorandum regarding aliya to Palestine, 1927], CZA, S81, file 37, 19.
- 6.Ibid.
- 7.Ibid.
- 8.Wischnitzer, To Dwell in Safety, 160.
- 9.Palestine Office, Tätigkeit, 3.
- 10.Survey by the Palestine Office in Vienna to the Aliya Department of the Zionist Executive, January 30, 1923, CZA, S6, file 340/1, 1.
- 11.Ibid., 2.
- 12.Ibid.
- 13.Ibid.
- 14.Ibid., 3.
- 15.Ibid., 4.
- 16.Lamdan, Yoman Yitzhak Lamdan, 399.
- 17.World Federation of Hapoel Hatzair and Tze’irei Zion, Ba-Aliya, 6.
- 18.Ibid.
- 19.“Pe’ulot ha-Misrad ha-Eretzyisre’eli be-Triest bi-Shnat 1924” [Activities of the Palestine Office in Trieste in 1924], CZA, S6, file 443, 2.
- 20.Ibid., 1.
- 21.Giuseppe Fano (head of the Trieste office) to Zionist Commission for Palestine, February 2, 1921, CZA, S6, file 339/1.
- 22.“Pe’ulot ha-Misrad,” 1.
- 23.Ibid.
- 24.Ibid.
- 25.“Di Emigratsie keyn Palestine fun Poyln,” Di Idishe Emigratsie 4 (May 1925): 19; “Din ve-Heshbon: Ha-Misrad ha-Eretzyisre’eli ha-Merkazi le-Polania” [Report: the central Palestine Office for Poland], January 1922, CZA, S6, file 338/2, 1.
- 26.“Din ve-Heshbon: Ha-Misrad ha-Eretzyisre’eli,” 3.
- 27.Ibid.
- 28.Ibid.
- 29.Ussishkin to the central committee of the Zionist Organization in Poland, November 1, 1920, CZA, S6, file 269/1 (emphasis in the original).
- 30.Shvueli to Aliya Department, August 24, 1923, CZA, S6, file 326/1.
- 31.Ibid.
- 32.“Aliyat ha-Tze’irot veha-De’aga Lahen” [Aliya by young women and concern for them], CZA, S81, file 29.
- 33.Yona Shapiro to the Zionist Executive, January 20, 1925, CZA, S6, file 443.
- 34.Ibid.
- 35.“Din ve-Heshbon al Pe’ulot ha-Misrad ha-Eretz-Yisre’eli ha-Merkazi be-Varsha li-Shnat 1922” [Report on the activities of the central Palestine Office in Warsaw, 1922], CZA, S6, file 326/1, 1.
- 36.Ibid.
- 37.The Palestine Office and the director of the Labor Department, July 26, 1921, CZA, S6, file 338/2.
- 38.Ibid.
- 39.“Du”h ha-Misrad ha-Eretz-Yisre’eli be-Varsha” [Report of the Palestine Office in Warsaw], 1924, CZA, S6, file 4878.
- 40.Tiomkin to Zionist Commission, Av 10, 5680 (July 25, 1920), CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 41.Tiomkin to Ussishkin, eve of Rosh Hashanah 5681 (September 12, 1920), CZA, S6, file 338.
- 42.“Tazkir” [Memo] (signed by fifteen people), Hapoel Hatzair, no. 10–11, December 17, 1920, 19.
- 43.Ibid.
- 44.Ibid.
- 45.Ussishkin to Tiomkin, October 8, 1920, CZA, S6, file 338.
- 46.Tiomkin to Ussishkin, Marheshvan 10, 5681 (October 22, 1920), CZA, S6, file 338.
- 47.AJJDC Executive Committee minutes, 1921, American Jewish Archives (hereafter: AJA), MSS COL#3.
- 48.Memo from the Zionist Organization in Odessa to Dr. J. Kalb in Constantinople, Hapoel Hatzair, no. 15–16, Sivan 15, 5679 (June 13, 1919), 1.
- 49.“Ha-Tena’im veha-Homer shel ha-Aliya ha-Nokhehit” [The conditions and material of the present aliya], March 1925, Pinhas Lavon Institute for Labor Movement Research, IV-211-1-30, 16.
- 50.Ibid.
- 51.Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya, 130.
- 52.On Mesila Hadasha, see Yerushalmi, “Mesila Hadasha,” 19; Katz, “Mahloket Pnim Tsiyonit.”
- 53.Yerushalmi, “Mesila Hadasha,” 19; Katz, “Mahloket Pnim Tsiyonit.”
- 54.“Yediot ha-Misrad Eretz-Yisre’eli Merkazi be-Kushta” [News from the central Palestine Office in Constantinople], Doar Hayom, February 27, 1922, 4.
- 55.“Hahlatot—Ve’idat ha-Misradim ha-Eretzyisre’elim sheba-Gola” [Decisions—the conference of Palestine Offices abroad], CZA, S6, file 398, 1.
- 56.Ibid.
- 57.Ibid., 4.
- 58.Ibid.
- 59.Minutes of a meeting of the Palestine Office in Warsaw, March 11, 1924, CZA, S6, file 4878, 1.
- 60.Central Palestine Office, Moreh-Derekh, 1.
- 61.Ibid., 2.
- 62.Ibid., 2–3.
- 63.“Yosifon, the Young Pioneer,” Shibolim, March 30, 1922, 4.
- 64.Central Palestine Office, Moreh-Derekh, 5.
- 65.“Yosifon,” 5.
- 66.Ibid., 1.
- 67.“Pe’ulot ha-Misrad,” 4.
- 68.Howe, World of Our Fathers, 42–46.
- 69.Health Council of the Palestine Zionist Executive, Hora’ot la-Bedika ha-Refu’it, 1.
- 70.Ibid., 1–2 (emphasis in the original).
- 71.Ibid., 3.
- 72.[1922?], CZA, S6, file 267/1, 4.
- 73.Ibid.
- 74.Ibid.
- 75.Tiomkin to Palestine Office, Jerusalem, August 16, 1921, CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 76.Katvan and Davidovitch, “Makhshirei ha-Guf veha-Levavot,” 21.
- 77.Ibid., 21–23.
- 78.Mordechai Lansky, “Li-She’elat ha-Bikoret ha-Refu’it ba-Misradim ha-Eretzyisre’elim” [On the medical inspections in the Palestine Offices], Haaretz, November 18, 1926, 3.
- 79.Ibid.
- 80.Katvan and Davidovitch, “Briut, Politika u-Profesionalizm,” 59.
- 81.Ibid., 40–42.
- 82.“Misrad Eretz-Yisre’eli Merkazi be-Varsha” [The central Palestine Office in Warsaw], November 13, 1929, CZA, S3, file 21.
- 83.Central Palestine Office, Moreh-Derekh, 9.
- 84.Menachem Sheinkin to aliya bureaus, September 23, 1920, CZA, S4, file 368.
- 85.Director of the Haifa aliya bureau to the Aliya Department, August 26, 1926, CZA, S3, file 106.
- 86.Central Palestine Office for Poland, circular 24, February 1922, CZA, S6, file 3382.
- 87.Ibid.
- 88.Ibid. On the cost of the voyage from Poland to Palestine, see also Wrobel Bloom, Social Networks, 150; for the conversion of pounds sterling to present-day values, see
- 89.Central Palestine Office for Poland, circular 24, February 1922, CZA, S6, file 3382.
- 90.“Ve’idat ha-Misradim ha-Eretzyisre’elim sheba-Gola” [Conference of Palestine Offices abroad], March 25, 1925, CZA, S6, file 398, 6.
- 91.Central Palestine Office for Poland, circular 24, February 1922, CZA, S6, file 3382.
- 92.Ya’akov Midrashi, in Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 178–79.
- 93.Moshe Smilansky, “Al ha-Saf” [On the threshold], Ben Artzi (weekly for children and teenagers), Tevet 1, 5686 (December 18, 1925), 14.
- 94.Ibid.
- 95.Azaryahu, “Formation,” 252.
- 96.Ibid., 256.
- 97.Ibid.
- 98.Ibid., 257.
- 99.Ibid.
- 100.Schlör, “Tel Aviv,” 215–16.
- 101.Cohen-Hattab, Ha-Mahpekha ha-Yamit.
- 102.“Pe’ulot ha-Misrad,” 3.
- 103.Central Palestine Office, Moreh-Derekh, 10.
- 104.Ma’avirim to Louis Marshall, March 30, 1920, American Jewish Archives, Louis Marshall Papers, folder 55/5.
- 105.Ibid.
- 106.Mizrachi aliya and labor bureau in Jaffa to Zionist Commission, Elul 6, 5681 (September 9, 1921), CZA, S6, file 341/1.
- 107.“Pe’ulot ha-Misrad,” 7.
- 108.List of belongings on the Asia, July 19, 1925, CZA, S4, file 340, 20–21.
- 109.Subbotin, Bi-Tehum Moshavam, 51.
- 110.Ibid., 141.
- 111.Chaim Lederman to Haifa aliya bureau, August 9, 1925, CZA, S3, file 18.
- 112.“Ha-Transport” [The transport], CZA, S81, file 30, 4; Luke and Keith-Roach, Handbook of Palestine, 110.
- 113.Central Palestine Office, Moreh-Derekh, 8.
- 114.“Ha-Transport,” 2.
- 115.Ibid. For more on conditions on the voyage, see Segev, Yemei ha-Kalaniyot, 190. Segev quotes a British officer who wrote that conditions on these ships were worse than on the slave ships in antiquity.
- 116.“Ha-Transport,” 2.
- 117.Shibolim, Sivan 3, 5682 (May 30, 1922), 20.
- 118.Zionist Commission to Palestine Office in Trieste, December 22, 1920, CZA, Z4, file 41270.
- 119.“Ha-Transport,” 2.
- 120.Ibid.
- 121.Ibid., 10.
- 122.Alroey, Ha-Mahpekha ha-Sheketa, 185.
- 123.“Ha-Transport,” 4.
- 124.Ibid.
- 125.Contract between Lloyd Triestino and the Zionist Organization, April 28, 1921, CZA, Z4, file 41270.
- 126.Zionist Organization, Din ve-Heshbon ha-Exekutiva shel ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit la-Kongres ha-14, 259–60.
- 127.Chaim Katznelson, National Library of Israel (Archives), Schwad file 01 11 100, 2.
- 128.Ibid., 5.
- 129.Ibid., 3.
- 130.Ibid., 5.
- 131.“Tazkir Va’ad ha-Sefina Trento she-Hifliga be-Hodesh Marheshvan 5682” [Memorandum of the ship’s committee on the Trento, which sailed in Heshvan 5682 (November 1921)], CZA, S6, file 341/1, 1.
- 132.Ibid., 2.
- 133.Ibid., 7.
- 134.Ibid., 8–9.
- 135.Ganchovsky, Ki Tavo’u el ha-Aretz, 10.
- 136.Ibid.
- 137.For the quotations regarding public prayer, Torah study, kosher food, and Sabbath observance, see ibid., 10–11.
- 138.Mizrachi Federation to Giuseppe Fano, head of the Palestine Office in Trieste, August 1, 1926, CZA, S6, file 498, 2.
- 139.Ibid.
- 140.Mizrachi Federation to the Zionist Executive Aliya Department, August 26, 1926, CZA, S6, file 498.
- 141.Ibid.
- 142.Circular from the Mizrachi World Center Aliya Department, December 14, 1926, CZA, S6, file 498.
5. Reaching the Shore
- 1.Smilansky, “Al ha-Saf” [On the threshold], 14.
- 2.Minutes of the Second Council of the Aliya Department, March 6, 1926, CZA, S81, file 29, 2–3. See also “The Landing of Immigrants,” CZA, S81, file 30, 1.
- 3.“Du”h al Avodat ha-Horada” [Report on the disembarkation work] [1925], CZA, S81, file 30, 1. See also minutes of the Second Council of the Aliya Department, 5–6.
- 4.Palestine Arab delegation to Winston Churchill, October 24, 1921, National Archives (UK), CO 733, file 16, 509. For more on their opposition to Zionism, see Porath, Emergence.
- 5.“Du”h al Horadat ha-Nos’im bi-Nemal Haifa” [Report on the disembarkation of passengers at Haifa port], July 7, 1921, Lavon Institute, IV-135-5.
- 6.Ibid.
- 7.Ibid.
- 8.Ibid.
- 9.“Du”h al Horadat ha-Nos’im bi-Nemal Haifa” [Report on the disembarkation of passengers at Haifa port], July 10, 1921, Labor Archives, IV-135-5.
- 10.Ibid.
- 11.“Du”h shel Menahel Misrad ha-Hof” [Report by the director of the coastal office] [June 1921?], Labor Archives, IV-135-5.
- 12.“Ha-Aravim ve-Horadat ha-Olim be-Yafo” [The Arabs and the disembarkation of immigrants in Jaffa], Ha’aretz, May 10, 1929, 1.
- 13.Ibid.
- 14.Livneh, Pirkei ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 49–50.
- 15.Menachem Sheinkin, “Hanhalat Lishkat ha-Aliya be-Eretz Yisrael (Keitsad Kiblu et ha-Olim ve-Kheitzad Tiplu Bahem)” [The management of the aliya bureau in Palestine (how they received the olim and how they handled them)], December 12, 1921, Labor Archives, IV-104-118-13.
- 16.Director of the Haifa aliya bureau to the Aliya Department, November 10, 1925, CZA, S3, file 42, 2.
- 17.“Du”h al Avodat ha-Horada,” 2.
- 18.“Hartsa’a al ha-Aliya Derekh Haifa be-Meshekh ha-Shana ha-Aharona (mi-1 be-Mars 1924 ad 26 be-Februar 1925)” [Lecture on aliya via Haifa in the past year (from March 1, 1924, to February 26, 1925), CZA, S6, file 398.
- 19.“Du”h al ha-Oniyot Trento ve-Konstantsa” [Report on the Trento and Constanţa], February 26, 1922, CZA, S6, file 318/2, 2.
- 20.Ibid.
- 21.“Ha-Garantia Bishvil Olei ha-Oniya Moreno” [The guarantee for the immigrants on the Merano], February 20, 1922, CZA, S6, file 308/3, 1.
- 22.Ibid., 4.
- 23.Joshua Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, April 24, 1922, CZA, S6, file 318/1, 1.
- 24.Menachem Sheinkin to Zionist Commission, Tevet 8, 5681 (December 19, 1920), CZA, S6, file 308/2, 1.
- 25.Livneh, Pirkei ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 24–25.
- 26.Ibid., 48.
- 27.Ibid.
- 28.Ibid., 49.
- 29.Ibid., 50.
- 30.Ibid.
- 31.Livneh, Pirkei ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 54.
- 32.Ibid., 54–55.
- 33.Gordon to Pick, April 24, 1922, CZA, S6, file 318/1, 2.
- 34.Ibid.
- 35.Minutes of a meeting of the aliya council, December 6, 1921, CZA, S81, file 36.
- 36.Murray, Red Scare; Coben, “Study in Nativism.”
- 37.On Communism and Communists in Palestine in the 1920s, see Dothan, Adumim, 37–149. See also Yisraeli, Mapas, 15–73.
- 38.On the bloody riots of May 1921, see Segev, Yemei ha-Kalaniyot, 146–66; Giler, “Me’ora’ot Yafo.”
- 39.Giler, 23 be-Nisan, 63.
- 40.“Yahaso shel Dr. Kamil Eid el ha-Olim ha-Yehudim” [Dr. Kamil Eid’s attitude toward the Jewish immigrants], May 19, 1922, CZA, S6, file 311/3, 1.
- 41.Report by the Aliya Department, October 1921 to June 1922, CZA, S6, file 275, 4; Levi Shvueli to governor of the Phoenicia-Haifa District, December 21, 1921, CZA, S6, file 308/1, 1.
- 42.Report by the Aliya Department, October 1921 to June 1922, CZA, S6, file 275, 4.
- 43.Ibid., 5.
- 44.Ibid.
- 45.“Duh meha-Oniya Carnara” [Report from the Carnaro], September 24, 1925, CZA, S3, file 42.
- 46.Director of Haifa aliya bureau to Aliya Department, July 17, 1922, CZA, S4, file 194.
- 47.Joshua Gordon, “Tazkir be-Inyenei ha-Aliya la-Yeshiva ha-Kelalit” [Memorandum on aliya to the general meeting], December 5, 1921, CZA, S6, file 318/1, 16.
- 48.On quarantine in Palestine during the Mandate period, see Katvan, “Mi Ba’al ha-Bayit?” 44.
- 49.Ibid.
- 50.Beiteli to Pick, October 11, 1925, CZA, S6, file 405, 2.
- 51.“Hatsa’ot le-Mo’etset Minhal Leshakhot ha-Aliya” [Proposals to the administrative council of aliya bureaus], CZA, S81, file 30, 4.
- 52.Minutes of the Second Council of the Aliya Department, March 8, 1926, CZA, S81, file 29, 6–7.
- 53.Ibid., 7.
- 54.Trei Asar, “Beit ha-Hesger” [The quarantine house], Davar, September 2, 1925, 3.
- 55.Ibid.
- 56.Minutes of the Second Council of the Aliya Department, March 8, 1926, CZA, S81, file 29, 7.
- 57.Shvueli to governor of the Phoenicia-Haifa District, December 21, 1921, CZA, S6, file 308/1, 1.
- 58.Ibid.
- 59.Beiteli to Kisch, October 10, 1925, CZA, S6, file 405, 1.
- 60.Ibid.
- 61.See Ida Levin’s complaint to the aliya bureau, March 18, 1925, CZA, S3, file 48.
- 62.Ibid.
- 63.Mottel Y. M. to Tel Aviv aliya bureau, June 30, 1925, CZA, S4, file 340.
- 64.See Judgment 1172, Av 20, 5685 (August 10, 1925), CZA, S3, file 42.
- 65.March 3, 1927, National Archives (UK), CO 733, file 133–6, 1.
- 66.Ibid., 3.
- 67.“Zikhron Devarim al Devar Bikuri be-Haifa (ba-Oniya Datsia)” [Memorandum on my visit to Haifa (on the Dacia)], May 1, 1926, CZA, S6, file 498, 2.
- 68.“Mahane ha-Karantina” [The quarantine camp], September 13, 1923, CZA, S6, file 311/2, 1.
- 69.“Hesderim ba-Karantina” [Arrangements in quarantine], October 11, 1923, CZA, S6, file 311/2, 2.
- 70.March 3, 1927, National Archives (UK), CO 733, file 133–6, 4.
- 71.Ibid., 2.
- 72.Protest by passengers from the Barga, March 17, 1925, CZA, S3, file 3.
- 73.See letter from the board of the Society of Polish Jews, March 29, 1925, CZA, S3, file 3.
- 74.Ze’ev Leibowitz, director of the Jerusalem aliya bureau, to the Aliya Department, Kislev 19, 5682 (December 20, 1921), CZA, S6, file 315/1, 1.
- 75.Government health department to Joshua Gordon, January 20, 1922, CZA, S6, file 315/1.
- 76.Joshua Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, January 3, 1922, CZA, S6, file 315/1.
- 77.General secretariat of the Zionist Executive to the administration of the home for the mentally ill, November 24, 1921, CZA, S6, file 315/1.
- 78.Joshua Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, December 5, 1921, CZA, S6, file 315/1.
- 79.“Hartsa’a al ha-Aliya Derekh Haifa be-Meshekh ha-Shana ha-Aharona (mi-1 Mars 1924 ad 28 be-Februar 1925)” [Lecture on aliya via Haifa in the past year (from March 1, 1924, to February 28, 1925)], CZA, S6, file 398.
- 80.Feigenbaum to director of the aliya bureau, January 25, 1922, CZA, S3, file 85.
- 81.Ibid.
- 82.Levi Shvueli to Aliya Department, January 1, 1924, CZA, S3, file 85.
- 83.Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, January 9, 1922, CZA, S6, file 315/1, 2.
- 84.Gordon to directors of the aliya bureaus, July 30, 1926, CZA, S3, file 106.
- 85.Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, May 5, 1922, CZA, S6, file 316/1.
- 86.Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, December 20, 1921, CZA, S6, file 316/1, 2.
- 87.Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, February 15, 1922, CZA, S6, file 316/1.
- 88.Ibid.
- 89.Seinfeld to Gordon, CZA, S6, file 315/1.
- 90.Gordon to director of the Aliya Department, December 20, 1921, CZA, S6, file 316/1, 2.
- 91.“Zikhron Devarim al Devar Bikuri be-Haifa,” 2.
- 92.“Tazkir al Devar ha-Aliya le-Eretz Yisrael” [Memorandum on immigration to Palestine], CZA, S81, file 37, 2.
- 93.Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya, 68.
- 94.Report by the director of the Jaffa aliya station, January 15, 1922, CZA, S6, file 308/2.
- 95.See Sheinkin, “Hanhalat Lishkat ha-Aliya.”
- 96.Efter to Ruppin, August 9, 1920, CZA, S6, file 308/1.
- 97.On the violence in May 1921, see Segev, Yemei ha-Kalaniyot, 146–66.
- 98.See testimony of Rachel Kaufman, May 18, 1921, CZA, L4, file 831-het, 14–15. On the riots at the immigrant home, see Giler, “Me’ora’ot Yafo,” 1–9.
- 99.Giler, “Me’ora’ot Yafo,” 15.
- 100.On Rubinow, see Shehory-Rubin and Shvarts, Hadasa, 21–23.
- 101.Ibid., 21.
- 102.Letter to Rubinow, July 10, 1921, CZA, S6, file 308/2, 1.
- 103.Ibid., 2.
- 104.Gordon to Zionist Commission, November 17, 1921, CZA, S6, file 308/2.
- 105.Gordon to Eder, January 15, 1922, ibid.
- 106.Tel Aviv municipality to aliya bureau, January 31, 1922, ibid.
- 107.Dizengoff to Gordon, October 14, 1923, CZA, S4, file 212.
- 108.Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 2:639.
- 109.Memorandum regarding a new camp for immigrants in Haifa, CZA, S6, file 308/1.
- 110.Jewish National Fund to Zionist Executive, May 18, 1922, CZA, S6, file 311/3.
- 111.Bat Galim neighborhood committee to aliya bureau, May 31, 1922, ibid.
- 112.“Hagigat Beit ha-Olim be-Haifa” [Celebration for the immigrant home in Haifa], Doar Hayom, November 30, 1923, 6.
- 113.Dr. Bershizen to immigrant home in Haifa, October 13, 1925, CZA, S3, file 48.
- 114.“Ha’ataka—Beit ha-Aliya” [Relocation—immigrant home] [1925], ibid.
- 115.[Joshua Gordon], “Kabbalat ha-Olim (Tazkir le-Va’adat ha-Malaria be-Yafo)” [Greeting the immigrants (memo to the malaria committee in Jaffa)], March 15, 1923, CZA, S6, file 275, 4.
- 116.Battalion for the Defence of the Language to Aliya Department, Tammuz 29, 5683 (July 13, 1923), CZA, S4, file 212.
- 117.Director of the Netzah Yisrael educational institution to Levi Shvueli, Adar 1, 5685 (February 25, 1925), CZA, S3, file 13.
- 118.Director of the Haifa aliya bureau to the Aliya Department in Jerusalem, December 31, 1925, CZA, S3, file 42.
- 119.Ibid.
- 120.Director of Haifa aliya bureau to Aliya Department, December 21, 1925, ibid.
- 121.Ibid.
- 122.See Joshua Gordon to Aliya Department, September 19, 1926, CZA, S3, file 106.
- 123.Yosef Aharonovich, “Lishkat ha-Aliya be-Yafo” [The aliya bureau in Jaffa], Hapoel Hatzair, no. 4, November 25, 1921, 1.
- 124.Zvi Livneh, “Beit Olim u-Veit Okhel la-Halutzim” [An immigrant home and dining house for halutzim], in Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 2:554; Livneh, Pirkei ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 29–34.
- 125.Observer, “Liskhat ha-Aliya be-Haifa” [The aliya bureau in Haifa], Doar Hayom, April 30, 1925, 4.
- 126.[Gordon], “Kabbalat ha-Olim,” 2.
- 127.Ibid., 1.
- 128.Ibid. (emphasis mine).
6. Invisible Immigration
- 1.Livneh, Pirkei ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 186.
- 2.Erez, Sefer ha-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 4.
- 3.Shoham, “Meha-Aliya ha-Shelishit.”
- 4.Ben-Avram and Near, Iyunim ba-Aliya ha-Shelishit, 170.
- 5.Chaim Arlosoroff, “Le-Ha’arakhat ha-Aliya ha-Revi’it (1925)” [Estimation of the Fourth Aliya (1925)], in Arlosoroff, Kitvei Chaim Arlosoroff, 107. See also Chazan, “Hayyim Vaitsman”; Shoham, “Meha-Aliya ha-Shelishit.”
- 6.Ruppin, Ha-Sotsiologya shel ha-Yehudim, 60; Segall, Die beruflichen und sozialen Verhaltnisse.
- 7.Shvueli to Aliya Department in Jerusalem, December 27, 1925, CZA, S3, file 42.
- 8.Ibid.
- 9.Ibid.
- 10.Zionist Organization, Din ve-Heshbon ha-Exekutiva shel ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit la-Kongres ha-15, 231.
- 11.Ibid., 232; “Ha-Aliya mi-Teiman” [Immigration from Yemen], Davar, March 17, 1929, 1.
- 12.Amir, Na’ar ha-Ofanayim, 122.
- 13.Ya’akobi and Hakhami, Nash Didan, 43.
- 14.Yedidya and Cohen, “Aliyat Yehudim,” 87.
- 15.Ibid., 88–89.
- 16.Ya’akobi and Hakhami, Nash Didan, 45.
- 17.Testimony of Ovadia Yedidya, in Yedidya and Cohen, “Aliyat Yehudim,” 92.
- 18.Ya’akobi and Hakhami, Nash Didan, 67.
- 19.Ibid., 119–20.
- 20.Benzion, Me-Iran umi-Makedonia, 9–13.
- 21.Zalman Rubashov, “Uremiyeh,” Davar, September 6, 1960.
- 22.Mesopotamian Zionist Association to Zionist Commission, Av 29, 5681 (September 2, 1921), CZA, S6, file 327/1.
- 23.Mesopotamian Zionist Association to Zionist Commission, Marheshvan 12, 5682 (November 13, 1921), CZA, S6, file 327/1.
- 24.Mesopotamian Zionist Association to Zionist Commission, Tevet 22, 5682 (January 22, 1922), CZA, S6, file 327/1.
- 25.“Reshimat Mehagrei u-Felitei Yehudei Paras be-Baghdad” [List of Persian Jewish immigrants and refugees in Baghdad], Tevet 15, 5682 (January 15, 1922), CZA, S6, file 327/1.
- 26.Reply of the aliya bureau to the Mesopotamian Zionist Association, Adar 2, 5682 (March 2, 1922), CZA, S6, file 327/1.
- 27.Aliya bureau to April 8, 1921, CZA, Z4, file 41747, 1.
- 28.Ibid.
- 29.Ibid., 2.
- 30.Jerusalem aliya bureau to president of the Zionist Organization in Iran (Baghdad), March 17, 1922, CZA, Z4, file 41747.
- 31.Zionist representative in Baghdad to Jerusalem aliya bureau, August 9, 1922, CZA, Z4, file 41747.
- 32.Zionist representative in Baghdad to Jerusalem aliya bureau, September 17, 1924, CZA, Z4, file 41747.
- 33.Ibid.
- 34.Nesher, “Yedi’ot me-Aram Naharayim” [News from Mesopotamia], Haaretz, September 2, 1924, 2.
- 35.Ibid.
- 36.On immigration from Fez to Palestine (the “Exodus from Fez”), see Tsur, Kehila Keru’a, 58–61; Cohen, “Lyautey.” On Zionism in Morocco shortly before World War I, see Yehuda, “Ha-Pe’ilut ha-Tsiyonit be-Maroko.”
- 37.Gil, Dappei Aliya, 28.
- 38.On Yosef Levi, see Tsur, Kehila Keru’a, 58.
- 39.Jews of Serfou to London aliya bureau, November 9, 1920, CZA, Z4, file 41501, 2.
- 40.Ibid., 4.
- 41.See, e.g., letter from Rabbi Pinhas Halifa Cohen Azour of Marrakesh requesting information about immigration to Palestine, July 28, 1921, CZA, Z4, file 41501; extensive correspondence between the Tunis Jewish community and the aliya bureau, CZA, Z4, file 41621; correspondence between the Jews of Tripoli and the London aliya bureau, CZA, Z4, file 41625.
- 42.London aliya bureau to the Jews of Sefrou, December 14, 1920, CZA, Z4, file 41501.
- 43.Secretary for aliya to Azour, July 28, 1921, CZA, Z4, file 41501.
- 44.On Albert Cohen, see Yakir, Toldot ha-Mahlaka la-Aliya, 136.
- 45.Ibid.
- 46.Zionist Commission to Dr. Kalb, June 21, 1921, CZA, S6, file 338/1.
- 47.“Duh al Devar Pe’ulot Mahleket ha-Aliya be-Meshekh Asara Hodashim—Yuni–Mars 1923” [Report on the Aliya Department’s activities over ten months, June–March {March–June?} 1923], CZA, S81, file 35, 9–10.
- 48.Ibid.
- 49.Tsur, Kehila Keru’a, 58.
- 50.On the dream and the awakening to harsh reality among halutzim of the Second Aliya and Third Aliya, see Alroey, “Halutsim Ovdei Derekh?”
- 51.Zionist Commission to Agudat Zion in Tripoli, July 6, 1921, CZA, S6, file 338/1, 1.
- 52.Eraqi Klorman, Traditional Society in Transition, 87–116; Eraqi Klorman, Yehudei Teiman, 233–39.
- 53.Presidium of the Jewish National Council to High Commissioner, February 23, 1921, in Sefer ha-Te’udot, 44–45.
- 54.Zionist Organization, Din ve-Heshbon ha-Exekutiva shel ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit la-Kongres ha-15, 240.
- 55.Habara, Bi-Tela’ot Teiman vi-Yerushalayim, 141.
- 56.Ibid., 154.
- 57.Eliyahu Dobkin, “Din ve-Heshbon shel Va’adat ha-Aliya” [Report of the aliya committee], Ha’aretz, August 19, 1929, 3.
- 58.“Le-Siddur ha-Aliya mi-Teiman le-Eretz Yisrael (me-Hoda’ot ha-Hanhala ha-Tsiyonit)” [On the organization of aliya from Yemen to Palestine (taken from announcements by the Zionist Executive)], Doar Hayom, March 21, 1923, 4.
- 59.“Aharei Arba Shanim (Likrat ha-Ve’ida shel Hitahdut ha-Teimanim)” [After four years (in advance of the conference of the Association of Yemenites)], Doar Hayom, March 17, 1929, 3.
- 60.Ibid.
- 61.Zionist Organization, Din ve-Heshbon ha-Exekutiva shel ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit la-Kongres ha-16, 193.
- 1.On Yitzhak Lamdan, see Avidov Lipsker, “Mavo: . . . ad Masada” [Introduction: . . . up to Masada] in Lamdan, Yoman Yitzhak Lamdan, 11–73.
- 2.Isaac Lamdan, Masada, in Yudkin, Isaac Lamdan, 207.
- 3.Chazan, “Hayyim Vaitsman,” 454.
- 4.Menachem Sheinkin, “Be-Eizeh Sug Mehagrim Netuna Tikvat Eretz Yisrael” [On what kind of immigrants does Palestine’s hope depend], June 1, 1922, Labor Archives, IV-104-118-13.
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