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“Index” in “Society of the Righteous: Ibadhi Muslim Identity and Transnationalism in Tanzania”
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
- Abd Allah b. Ibad, 48
- Abd Allah bin Ba Kathir Al-Kindy, 56
- Abdullah b. Baz, 40–41
- Abdurrahman bin Rustam, 48–49
- Abeid Amani Karume (r. 1964–1972), 12
- Abu ‘Ubayda bin Muslim bin Abi Karima al-Tamimi, 48–50, 68
- Africa Outlook, 185
- African National Congress (ANC), 154
- African-Muslim indigeneity, 49–50, 68
- Afro-Shirazi Party (ASP), 12, 141
- Aga Khan, 100
- Ahlul Bayt Foundation (ABF), 46, 62–63
- Ahmad bin Sumayt, 56, 59
- Aillet, Cyrille, 5
- Akhtar, Iqbal, 60, 70n20
- Algeria: Ibadhism in, 71n37, 133–36; Tanzania and, 154–55
- Al-Hayat (Life Institute) (Algeria): employment opportunities and, 142, 147; history and curriculum of, 134–37; relationship with Istiqaama and, 131–33, 137–40, 142–44, 154–55; Swahili (language) and, 145; Tanzanian students at, 142–49
- Ali b. Abi Talib, 31n10, 47
- Al-Shabaab, 66
- Anas (representative of the Grand Mufti’s Office), 103
- Anderson, Benedict, 35n46
- Anglo-German Agreement (1866), 167
- An-Nuur (newspaper), 102
- Ansar Sunna, 74n96
- Arab Spring, 92, 152
- Arab Women’s Institute (Mombasa), 215n11
- Arabic (language): in Algerian schools, 134, 148; Al-Hayat (Life Institute) (Algeria) and, 136, 144, 145, 148–49; Istiqaama schools and, 111–12, 113–15, 117, 118–20, 123–26, 151
- Arusha Declaration (1967), 172
- Association of Tanzanian Students in Algeria (ATSA), 145
- Atfayyish, Abu Ishaq, 81
- Atia, Mona, 80
- Ayman (Istiqaama leader): on funding, 95, 100–101; on Ibadhi fiqh and ritual practice, 55–59; on intra-Muslim relations and history of Ibadhism, 45–46, 47–52, 61, 63, 65, 85–87; as source, 23
- Azri, Khaled al-, 33n27
- ‘azzāba, 133–34
- Ba Kathir, 56, 59
- Badri, Ahmed al-, 150
- Bakhresa Group, 193–95n74
- BAKWATA (National Muslim Council of Tanzania), 98, 100–104, 206, 208–10, 212–13
- Balhaj, Muhammad al-Sheikh, 149
- Balhaj, Qasim bin Ahmad al-Sheikh, 149–51
- Bang, Anne, 54, 59
- Baraza Kuu (Supreme Council of Islamic Organizations and Institutions in Tanzania), 101
- Barghash bin Said (r. 1870–1888), 11, 18, 34n35, 63–64, 132
- Bayyud, Ibrahim bin ʿUmar, 134–36
- Becker, Felicitas, 97–98
- Ben Ali, Zine al Abidine, 152
- Benabdallah, Lina, 37n70
- Berber (language), 148
- Bi Aida (Ma’had Istiqaama administrator), 124
- Bilal b. Rabah, 50
- Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania (BMMT), 50
- Boko Haram, 52–53
- Boumediene, Houari, 154
- Bourguiba, Habib, 152
- Boym, Svetlana, 217
- Buffalo Agency (Cairo), 133
- Busaidi dynasty, 11–12
- calendars (Istiqaama), 195–97, 196
- Campbell, Gwyn, 32n18
- Canning, Charles, 11
- Canning Award, 11
- Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM; Party of the Revolution), 15–16, 141
- China, 36n63, 37n70
- Christianity, 66, 179–82
- Confucius Institutes, 36n63
- Cooper, Frederick, 34n35
- cotton industry, 168–71, 182–83, 184–89
- Coulson, Andrew, 191n26
- COVID-19 global pandemic, 217
- Curtis, Edward E., 50, 72n48
- Custers, M. H., 158n73
- Gaiser, Adam R., 71n29
- Geertz, Clifford, 4, 93
- Geimar, Hady, 16
- Ghadafi, Muammar, 152
- Ghana: Istiqaama schools in, 157n38
- Ghazal, Amal, 12, 88, 133
- Ghazali, Al-, 58
- Glassman, Jonathan, 12
- GMO (Grand Mufti’s Office; Zanzibar), 98, 100, 101, 103–4
- Gooding, Phillip, 32n18
- Goshey, Emily, 52
- Great Lakes Construction Company, 195
- Gülen movement, 36n63
- Haefali, Evan, 5
- Haidar (Istiqaama graduate and Al-Hayat student), 145, 146–49, 154
- Haidar, Najam, 74n81
- Haitham bin Tarik (r. 2020–), 10, 31n2
- hajj pilgrimage, 55
- Hall, Stuart, 8, 42, 127
- Harthi, Thani bin Amir al-, 166
- Hoffman, Valerie, 24, 47, 68–69, 90, 91
- hospitality, 41–42, 51, 54, 62, 68, 94. See also tolerance
- Hurd, Elizabeth, 5
- Ibadhi women: dress and, 114, 199–200; education and, 151, 203, 205–11; exclusion from public life of, 176, 196–97, 201–3, 213–14; in Lalago, 176, 178; piety and, 198. See also Istiqaama Women’s Group
- Ibadhi-Omani diaspora in Tanzania: characteristics of, 19–20, 171–72; in Lalago and Great Lakes region, 172–79, 174, 182–92; migration flows and, 10–11, 141–42, 161–66, 171–72, 189–90; religious competition and, 179–82; women and, 197; Zanzibar Revolution and, 62. See also Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania
- Ibadhism: in Algeria, 71n37, 133–36; cultural heritage of Omanis and, 17–18; European Christian perspectives on, 53–54; fiqh and ritual practice of, 44–45, 55–59; Friday prayer movement and, 80–81, 88–93, 176–77; in Ghana, 157n38; khawārij (Kharijites) and, 4–5, 47–48, 51, 137; in Libya, 72n50; nonviolence and, 51–53; in Oman, 49, 64–65; origins and history of, 4–5, 47–51; other Muslims perspectives on, 39–41, 50–51, 56–59, 69; Qaboos bin Said and, 1; racial identities and, 59–63; selection of imams in, 48–49; study of Islam and, 25–27, 219–20. See also Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania; tolerance
- Ibrahim (Sunni teacher and imam), 45–46, 56–57, 59–60, 66–68
- Ilala, Dar es Salaam, 131–32, 132, 142
- imagined communities, 35n46, 83
- indigeneity, 49–50, 68
- Ingrams, W. H., 53–54, 57
- international terror networks, 52–53
- Islam Noir, 153
- Islamic extremist organizations, 52–53, 66
- Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), 52–53
- Islamophobia, 66, 98
- Ismailis, 20, 70n23, 100
- Ismailiy, Ahmad al-, 43
- Istiqaama Institute (Tungu): Arabic (language) and, 111–12, 113–15, 117, 118–20, 123–26; history and aims of, 74n87, 113–16; Omani textbooks in, 111–12, 115, 116–23, 126–28; sources and methodology on, 23; Swahili (language) and, 111–12, 117–20. See also Ayman (Istiqaama leader)
- Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania: branches of, 6, 7; calendars of, 195–97, 196; diplomacy and soft power of Oman and, 1–4, 6, 9, 16–17, 26, 67, 78–81, 112, 145, 155, 219; exclusion of women from public life and, 176, 196–97, 201–3, 213–14; funding of, 95–98, 99, 100–101, 175, 178–79, 187–88; history and aims of, 5–10, 20, 30, 65, 77–78, 79–81, 85–88, 94–95, 99, 104–5 (see also Istiqaama schools); nostalgia and, 18–19, 22, 217; relationship with Oman and, 3–6, 95, 195 (see also textbooks); socioeconomic development and, 80, 96, 127, 144, 154–55, 187–89, 207; sources and methodology on, 4, 20–26; study of Islam and, 25–27; Tanzanian state Islamic authorities and, 98–99, 102
- Istiqaama schools: Algerian teachers and, 149–54; Arabic (language) and, 111–12, 113–15, 117, 118–20, 123–26, 151; COVID-19 global pandemic and, 217; in Ghana, 157n38; history and aims of, 59, 65, 78, 80, 95, 113–16, 140, 217–18; in Lalago, 173–75, 186–89, 187; Omani textbooks in, 104–5, 111–12, 115, 116–23, 126–28; opportunities for study abroad and, 99 (see also Al-Hayat (Life Institute) (Algeria)); Swahili (language) and, 111–12, 117–20, 150, 151–52; women and, 203, 205–11
- Istiqaama Women’s Group (Mwanza): collaborations with Sunni and Shi‘a Muslim charities, 205–13; role and activities of, 199–205, 214
- Istiqaama Youth Organization, 137, 138
- Itandala, Buluda, 168, 180
- ivory trade and smuggling, 164, 168, 182
- Jābir b. Zayd, 48
- Jabir bin Zayd Mosque (Dar es Salaam), 77, 78
- Jalali (former Istiqaama student), 118–23
- Jambo Food Products Ltd, 184, 185–86
- Jāmiʿi Zinjibār (Stone Town), 1–4, 3, 17
- Jamshid bin Abdullah (r. 1963–1964), 43
- Jomier, Augustin, 133, 135
- Jones, Linda Gale, 91–92
- Juma (Jambo factory CEO), 183–89
- jumuiya (community, association), 5. See also Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania
- Kabawi, ʿAbdul bin Masʿud al-, 152
- kafa’a, 33n27
- Kane, Ousmane, 19
- Katz, Marion, 91
- Kaunda, Kanneth, 191n33
- Kenya-Uganda Railway, 168
- Khairia Sunni Women’s Group, 210–13
- Khalili, Ahmad bin Hamad al-: Abdullah b. Baz and, 40–41; Ayman (Istiqaama leader) and, 45; biography of, 18, 78–82; on createdness/uncreatedness of Qur’an, 57; Friday prayer movement and, 66–67, 80–81, 176–77; Ibadhism in Oman and, 65; Istiqaama and, 5, 15, 77, 78, 86, 104, 117; Mwanza mosque and, 200; M. Tiwani and, 137–39, 138
- Kharusi, Nafla S., 32n20
- khawārij (Kharijites), 4–5, 47–48, 51, 137
- Khoja caste, 60–61
- Kikwete, Jakaya, 35n49
- Kishwar, Rivzi, 1–2
- Knut, Vikør, 54
- Koenings, Nathalie Arnold, 141, 156n32
- Maher (representative of Jabir bin Zayd Mosque), 77–78, 79, 92, 113, 149
- Maji Maji rebellion, 169
- Majid bin Said, 11
- Maktabat Istiqaama (publishing house), 22
- Mariam (young Ibadi woman and interlocutor), 39–41, 50–51, 57–58, 68, 161
- Martin, B. G., 54
- Martin, Richard C., 57
- Masauni, Hamad, 195
- Mazrui, Juma Muhammad al-, 137
- McCutcheon, Russell T., 16–17
- McDow, Thomas, 162, 166
- Mehta, Nanji, 169
- Metcalf, Barbara, 92
- Middleton, John, 54
- migration. See Ibadhi-Omani diaspora in Tanzania
- Min al-Sawāhil (TV series), 163
- Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs (MERA; Oman), 82, 83–85
- Mittermaier, Amirah, 96
- Mona (leader of Khairia Sunni Women’s Group), 210, 211–12
- Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), 154
- Muʿammar, ʿAli Yahya, 152
- Muʽawiyya b. Abi Sufyan, 47
- Muhammad (former student at Al-Hayat), 145
- Muhammad bin Yūsuf Atfiyyash, 135
- Muhieddine, Abdelkader bin, 158n71
- Mzee Bakari (Ibadhi elder and Istiqaama representative), 94, 99, 100
- Mzee Idris (Ibadhi Mosque caretaker), 173–75, 177–78, 179, 182–83
- oil industry, 154
- Oman: heritage regime in, 16–17; Ibadhi women in, 202; Ibadhism in, 49, 64–65; identity and nationalism in, 82–85; Istiqaama and, 3–6, 195 (see also textbooks); Jāmiʿi Zinjibār (Stone Town) and, 1–4, 3; nahda in, 13; population of, 24; role in Tanzania of, 1–4, 82–83, 218 (see also Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania); tolerance in, 43, 218. See also specific sultans
- Orsi, Robert, 38n75
- Ott, Jessica, 204
- Qaboos bin Said (r. 1970–2020): coup d’état (1970) and, 13; Friday prayer movement and, 88–89; Jāmiʿi Zinjibār and, 1–4; al-Khalili and, 82; Omani identity and, 83; tasamuh and, 64–65; tolerance and, 43
- Qur’an: createdness/uncreatedness of, 57; Friday prayer movement and, 92; Istiqaama and, 99; al-Khalili and, 57, 81, 82; study of, 18, 49, 66, 87, 119, 125, 134, 151, 174–75, 178, 207, 211
- Qutb, Sayyid, 87, 99
- Rachid (Arabic and Islamic Studies teacher at Istiqaama), 151–54
- racial identities, 59–63
- Rashidi, Mubarak bin ‘Abd Allah al-, 72n44
- Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Act (RITA), 102
- religious freedom, 5. See also tolerance
- Religious Freedom Report, 24
- religious transnationalism, 19–20
- representation, theory of, 127
- Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar or Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar (SMZ), 2
- righteousness: exclusion of women from public life and, 196–97; Istiqaama as defined by, 5, 9, 20, 43, 52, 85–86, 100; Jāmiʿi Zinjibār (Stone Town) and, 17
- Riyami, Habib al-, 2
- Riyami, Nasser Abdulla al-, 81–83
- Roman Catholic Church, 180, 181–82
- Rustamid dynasty, 133
- ruya, 40–41, 57
- Sachedina, Amal, 16, 23
- Safar (travel prayer), 176–77
- Said bin Taimur (r. 1932–1970), 13
- Salafism: Ansar Sunna and, 75n96; Friday prayer movement and, 90; Ibadhism and, 17, 52; reformist movements and, 49; study of Islam and, 27, 198; textbooks and, 121
- salat al-safar (travel prayer), 176–77
- Salim (former Istiqaama teacher), 125, 126
- Sālimī, Nūr al-Dīn ʿAbd Allāh bin Humayyid al-, 81, 176
- Salme, Princess, 20
- Sara (founder of Women’s Ma’had), 206–10
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, 86
- Sayyid Said bin Sultan, 11, 21, 54, 63
- self-reliance (Sw., kujitegemea), 154, 198, 204
- Shafiʻi Islam: Friday prayer movement and, 80–81, 91–92; Istiqaama schools and, 150–51, 186; al-Khalili and, 79; racial identities and, 59–60; under sultanate rule, 64–65; tolerance and, 45, 54, 56–57, 64–65
- Shankar, Shobana, 14
- Sheriff, Abdul, 11
- Shiʻa Islam: Ibadhis mistaken for, 40, 50–51; racial identities and, 60–61, 62–63; tolerance and, 43, 46, 60–61, 65–66, 68–69
- Shireen (president of the Istiqama Women’s Group), 39, 199–200, 201–5, 213
- Shivji, Issa, 97
- Siffin, Battle of (657 CE), 4, 47
- Siyabi, Ahmad ibn al-, 89–90
- Skounti, Ahmed, 17
- slavery and slave trade, 11, 43, 164
- Societies Act (1954), 102
- Sonatrach, 154
- South Africa, 154
- Spear, Thomas, 125, 182
- Strobel, Margaret, 215n11
- Sufism: Friday prayer movement and, 90; Ibadhism and, 53, 64, 85, 192n49; study of Islam and, 27, 198; tariqa and, 44
- Sukuma Land Development Scheme, 169
- Suleiman (Istiqaama Youth Organization leader), 131, 142
- Suleman, Alhaji Umar Adam, 157n38
- Sunni Islam: Khairia Sunni Women’s Group and, 210–13; racial identities and, 60–61; tolerance and, 45–46, 54, 56–57, 59–60, 66–69; in Zanzibar, 2. See also Shafiʻi Islam
- SuperDoll, 195
- Swahili (language): Al-Hayat (Life Institute) (Algeria) and, 145; vs. Arabic (language), 123–26; Ibadhi-Omani diaspora in Tanzania and, 15, 67, 81, 86, 189; Istiqaama schools and, 111–12, 117–20, 150, 151–52; Tanzanian students in Algeria and, 145
- Table and Desk Foundation (TDCF), 206
- Tafahum (magazine), 106n25
- Tanganyika, 12, 14, 100, 162, 168–70. See also Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania)
- Tanganyika African National Union (TANU), 100
- TANU (Tanganyika African National Union), 204
- Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania): Algeria and, 154–55; Christianity in, 66, 179–82; cotton industry in, 169–71, 182–83, 185–89; history of, 12; Islamophobia in, 66, 98; neoliberal institutions in, 4, 10, 68, 80, 96; neoliberal reforms in, 218; Oman and, 1–4, 82–83 (see also Istiqaama Muslim Community of Tanzania); population of, 24; state Islamic authorities in, 98–104 (see also BAKWATA (National Muslim Council of Tanzania); GMO (Grand Mufti’s Office)); transnational diaspora organizations in, 36n63. See also Ibadhi-Omani diaspora in Tanzania; Zanzibar
- Tanzanian Cotton Authority, 170
- taqiyya, 49, 61
- Tarbiyya (textbook), 116–17, 121
- tasamuh, 64–65
- tawhid, 46, 55
- textbooks, 22, 104–5, 111–12, 115, 116–23, 126–28
- Thuwaini bin Said, 11
- Tiwani, Khalfan, 86, 137, 139–40, 177
- Tiwani, Muhammad, 86, 137–40, 138, 142–43, 149, 177
- tolerance: discourses on difference and, 45–55; in Oman, 43, 218; racial identities and, 59–63; role in Ibadhi discourse of, 5–6, 42, 64–69, 83, 219; role of women and, 197; under sultanate rule, 63–64; in Zanzibar, 41–43, 44, 218
- Tolmacheva, Marina, 72n45
- transnational mosques, 1–2
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, 15
- Troutt-Powell, Eve, 14
- Tungu. See Istiqaama Institute (Tungu)
- Turkey, 36n63
- Turner, Simon, 113
- Xi Jinping, 37n70
- zakat, 55
- zanj, 49–50
- Zanzibar: Busaidi dynasty and British colonial rule in, 11–12, 63–64; government and population of, 23–24; heritage regime in, 16–17; Islamic education in, 112–13 (see also Istiqaama schools); Islamophobia in, 98; tolerance in, 41–43, 44, 218. See also Zanzibar Revolution (1964)
- Zanzibar Muslim Academy, 1
- Zanzibar National Archives (ZNA), 36n62
- Zanzibar National Party (ZNP), 12
- Zanzibar Revolution (1964): history and collective memory of, 12–16, 59–60, 62; Ibadhism and, 18; al-Khalili and, 79, 82; Pemba and, 141; religious life and, 43, 93–94; secularization of society and, 87
- Zayd (Shi‘i community leader), 46, 62–63, 65–66
- Zein, Abdul Hamid El-, 42
- Zinjibāris (Swahili-speaking diaspora in Oman), 8, 22
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