“The Elusive Covenant”
F designates a figure and T a table on the page cited (e.g., 45T indicates a table on page 45).
Aaron, 52-55, 56F, 59, 138n.l4
Abel, 5, 6, 73-74
Abram (later Abraham), 5, 8, 10-22, 12F, 24-27, 28-33, 38-39, 69-71, 72, 73, 77, 82, 85, 86, 98, 101-3, 104, 105-6, 119, 122, 124-25; alliance with Lot, 25-27
Adam, 4-5, 6, 73, 74
Agnatic segmentation, 106-7. See also Mobility; Genealogical material in Genesis, as social-political system; Patriarchal succession, points of discord
Alliance and segmentation stories, 85-92, 86F. See also Cultural themes; Matrimonial alliances
Anthropological studies: See Lévi-Strauss, Claude; Configurationalism; Kinship studies
Aramea, matrimonial alliances with, 13, 14, 30, 86, 106
Aristotle, 95-96, 110, 126
Babel, tower of, 73-74, 77, 83
Barrenness, as a curse, 72, 104, 115
Benedict, Ruth, 65-66, 96
Benjamin, 44-49, 53-54, 89-90
The Bible without Theology (Oden), 31
Biblical scholarship, 2-3, 10, 18, 22, 93-94, 138n.2; by anthropologists, 11, 22
Births, 17F, 20, 21F, 69-70. See also Life cycle reports; Tribal rank and succession
Blessings, 14, 46-52, 53-54, 55, 87, 103, 122
Bloch, Marc, 94
Buss, Martin, 3
Cain, 5, 6, 73-74, 77
Carmichael, Calum, ix, 3, 50, 88, 140n.26, 141nn.28, 29
Central marriage narratives, 104-7, 105F. See also Mythos, matrimonial alliances and
Chiastic reading, 20, 21F, 68-76, 70F, 78F. See also Cultural themes; Seven
Chomsky, Noam, 129
Circumcision, covenant of, 12, 15, 17, 24, 26-30, 31F, 32, 41, 42F, 69, 85, 137n.42
Coats, George, 3, 81, 97, 98, 99F, 104, 114, 140n.22, 141n.30
Configurationalism, 65-66, 96
Conflict resolution, justice in, 122-26, 123T. See also Ethos; Patriarchal succession
Conflict-separation narratives, 122-26, 123T. See also Alliance and segmentation stories
Creation story, 69-71, 72, 79
Cultural themes, 69, 71, 72, 79, 80F, 81-92, 86F, 104. See also Barrenness; Deception theme; Fruitfulness; Patriarchal wandering
Daube, David, ix, 2, 141n.28
Death and rebirth, 15, 68-75, 88. See also Cultural themes
Deaths, 17F, 20, 21F, 69-70. See also Life cycle reports
Deception theme, 72, 116, 120-21, 124, 125. See also Lineage, threats to continuity of; Withdrawn woman narratives
Deely, John, 128
Dinah, 101, 103, 106, 107, 109, 110, 116
Documentary hypothesis, 5, 20, 64, 134n.9, 138n.l
Edomite genealogy, 37, 39, 87
Elohist source. See Genesis, sources of
Ephraim, 46-49, 51, 120
Esau, 13, 14, 27, 29-30, 98, 107-8, 119-20, 124
Ethos, 96, 110-11, 112-13, 115-26. See also Configurationalism; Ideology; Mythos; Patriarchal succession
Exogamy and endogamy, 26, 32, 41-42, 56. See also Circumcision
“Explanation and Understanding” (Ricoeur), 129
Form critics and criticism, 63, 64, 68, 138n.l. See also Documentary hypothesis
Fruitfulness, as a sign of blessing, 51-52, 125-26
Frye, Northrop, 3
Gammie, John, 81
Genealogical material in Genesis: cycles in, 5-6, 80F, 82; functions of, 1-2; as social-political system, 1-2, 3-4, 8-16, 20, 22-27, 23F, 35, 41-43, 42F, 55-57, 56F, 59, 60-62, 65, 106-7; as theological system, 2, 4, 10-11, 20. See also Names and naming; Rights and legitimation; Tribal rank and succession; Territorial alliances; Women, social roles and status of
Genesis, 32-33, 61-62, 64, 65, 67-68, 81-82, 138n.l; and the law, 2, 32, 43-44, 46, 49-50, 139n.6; mythic aspect of, 10, 11, 32, 33, 42F, 61-62, 142n.4; as unified structure, 10-11, 64, 67-68, 76-93, 140n.22. See also Interpretation; Mishpatim; Mobility; Names and naming; Place names
—sources of: Elohist, 10, 18, 20, 134n.l6; Priestly, 4-8, 18, 20, 77, 134nn.l6, 19; Yahwist, 5, 6, 8, 10, 17, 18, 20, 134nn.l6, 17
Gottwald, Norman, 53, 55, 57, 119
Gunkel, Hermann, 3, 27, 64
Hagar, 13, 28-29, 84, 101-3, 122
Haran, 8, 133n.4
Ideology, 22, 24, 57. See also Ethos
Interpretation, 63-94, 129; cultural barriers to, 63, 66-67, 75-76, 126; textual changes and, 63-64, 139n.7; “theory of themes” and, 65-67. See also Metacritical commentary; Semiosis; Structural analysis
Isaac, 11, 13, 19, 24, 27-28, 29, 30, 38-39, 87, 98, 104, 105-6, 119
Ishmael, 12-13, 19, 20, 27-30, 84, 103, 119-20
Israel, 19, 24, 26, 29-33, 35, 41-44, 55-62, 82, 85, 87, 91, 103, 105, 110-11
Issachar, 45-49, 53-54, 56F
Jacob (later Israel), 11-16, 12F, 18-19, 24, 25, 27, 29-30, 37-39, 44-52, 77, 82, 87, 98, 103, 104-6, 114-15, 118, 119, 121, 122-24
Joseph, 19, 20, 46-49, 53, 55, 77, 78, 79-80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 89-90, 91-92, 98, 101-3, 107-9, 111, 115-16, 117-18, 119, 120, 125-26, 135n.27, 136n.40, 141n.30
Judah, 21-22, 26, 46, 55, 61-62, 79-80, 84, 88-90, 91-92, 98, 107, 109-11, 115, 118, 120, 121
Kinship studies, 11, 22, 24, 31-32, 40, 96-97, 133n.l, 135nn.28, 32; 136n.37, 137n.6. See also Anthropological studies
Kluckholn, Clyde, 65-66, 96
Laban, 114, 122-24
Langton, Stephen, 64, 65, 69, 76, 138n.2
Leach, E. R., 11, 16, 22, 134n.22
Leah, 44, 46, 49-55
Levi, 60, 90, 109, 110, 111, 117. See also Women, brother’s responsibility toward
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 42, 65, 81, 95-96, 112, 128-29, 135n.24
Levirate rule, 109, 121. See also Mishpatim; Women, social roles and status of
Levite alliances, 52-60, 54F, 56F, 59F, 60F
Life cycle reports, 16-22, 17F, 21F, 26, 80F, 81
Lineage: threats to continuity of, 114F, 115-17, 143n.22; validation of, 114F, 119-21. See also Central marriage narratives; Ethos; Matrimonial alliances; Matrimonial relations; Patriarchal succession; Rights and legitimation
Lot, 8, 13, 14, 21-22, 25, 37, 69-71, 79-80, 84, 124-25; alliance with Abram, 25-27
Manasseh, 46-49, 51, 120
Matrimonial alliances, 24-27, 28F, 42F, 49-50, 88, 135n.23; and rank, 105-6, 107-10, 113. See also Kinship studies; Mythos, matrimonial alliances and; Territorial alliances
Matrimonial relations, 13-14; improprieties in, 20-22, 24, 26, 30, 46, 72, 74, 83, 84, 111, 115-16, 117, 118, 120, 125. See also Lot; Terahite genealogy, lineage patterns in
Metacritical commentary, ix, 2-3, 10, 33, 43, 65-67, 88. See also Chiastic reading; Interpretation; Kinship studies; Semiosis; Structural analysis
Metaphors, animal, 18, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50F, 52, 90
Milcah, 24
Mishpatim, rules in, 28-29, 49-50, 57, 89, 90-91, 141n.28
Mobility, patterns of, 8, 10, 11, 12F, 13-16, 14F, 38F, 40F, 100. See also Patriarchal wandering; Place names
Mythos, 95-96, 97-98; matrimonial alliances and, 40F, 42F, 86F, 98-112, 99F, 142n.l4. See also Ethos; Genealogical material in Genesis
Mythscapes, 34-43. See also Genesis, mythic aspect of; Place names
Nahor, 124-25
Names and naming, 1, 4, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18, 44, 50-52, 53. See also Genealogical material in Genesis; Place names; Transformations of the patriarchs; Tribal rank and succession
Narrative structure, effect on Genesis, 1, 5-6, 10, 15, 39-40, 67, 115. See also Genesis, mythic aspect of; Redaction process
Noah, 5, 6, 69, 74-75, 79, 140n.l8
Oden, Robert A., Jr., ix, 3, 22, 31, 35
Oedipus, 92, 111, 113, 116-17, 118, 121
Opler, Morris, 65-66
Outcast, mark of, 7, 73-74, 81
Outcast sons, 33, 119-20
Patriarchal authority, violations of, 90, 117-19. See also Ethos; Patriarchal succession
Patriarchal succession, 112-13, 114F; points of discord in, 33, 113-15, 135n.25, 141n.29. See also Rights and legitimation; Tribal rank and succession
Patriarchal wandering, 6, 84, 87, 89. See also Cultural themes; Mobility; Place names
Patte, Daniel, 3
Perez, 84, 121
Place names, 8, 22, 23F, 27, 28F, 29, 35-41, 36T, 38F, 40F, 133n.4; social and political implications of, 41-43. See also Genealogical material in Genesis, as social-political system; Patriarchal wandering
Political formations. See Genealogical material in Genesis, as social-political system
Priestly sources. See Genesis, sources of
Rachel, 44, 46, 49-55, 121
Rad, Gerhardt von, 27
Ranke, Leopold von, 34
Rebekah, 32-33, 115, 121
Redaction process, 10, 15, 18, 20, 27-28, 65, 67, 76, 79. See also Genesis, sources of
Redemption narratives, 103, 107-12, 108F, 113. See also Mythos, matrimonial alliances and
Rethinking Anthropology (Leach), 11
Rhetorical structures. See Chiastic reading; Genesis, as a unified structure; Interpretation
Ricoeur, Paul, 95, 129, 135n.24
Rights and legitimation, 1, 18-22, 24, 28-29, 61-62, 87. See also Patriarchal succession; Tribal rank and succession
Rites of passage, 17F, 24. See also Circumcision; Life cycle reports
Ruth, 113, 116, 121, 143n.22
Sarah, 28, 72, 101, 115
Sarai, 8, 12-13, 28-29, 85, 101, 103, 115, 122, 137n.41
Semiosis, 127-31. See also Interpretation; Metacritical commentary; Structural analysis
Seth, 6
Seven, as a structuring principle, 76-81, 78F, 80F
Shem, 4-5, 73-74
Shemite genealogy, 6-7, 16-22
Simeon, 90, 109, 110, 111, 117. See also Women, brother’s responsibility toward
Structural analysis: patterns revealed, 5, 7, 10-19, 20, 39-41, 40F, 46-49, 53, 86F, 93-94, 95-97, 103, 141n.31. See also Chiastic reading; Interpretation; Metacritical commentary; Semiosis; Seven
“The Structural Study of Myth” (Lévi-Strauss), 81, 128
Tamar, 21-22, 26, 84, 107, 109-11, 117, 118, 121
Terah, 5, 11, 19
Terahite genealogy, 6, 7-8, 8-10, 9F, 13, 24, 28F, 41, 42F; lineage patterns in, 24-27, 32-33, 136n.39, 137n.49
Territorial alliances, 55-60, 56F. See also Genealogical material in Genesis, as social-political system; Levite alliances
Territoriality. See Mythscapes; Place names
Themal analysis. See Cultural themes
Toledoth formula, 19, 68, 77, 79, 133n.3
Transformations of the patriarchs, 15, 24, 26, 27, 30, 77, 82, 88, 124, 137n.42. See also Circumcision
Tribal rank and succession, 43-55, 45T, 50F, 54F. See also Genealogical material in Genesis, as social-political system; Levite alliances; Patriarchal succession; Rights and legitimation; Territorial alliances; Women, social roles and status of
Twins, special status of, 118-19, 121
Vawter, Bruce, 27
Wilson, Robert, 2, 3, 6, 22
Withdrawn woman narratives, 101-4, 102F. See also Mythos, matrimonial alliances and
Women: brother’s responsibility toward, 109, 116; social roles and status of, 7-8, 13, 18, 25-27, 28-29, 28F, 30, 32-33, 35, 44, 45T, 46, 49-52, 50F, 82, 115-21. See also Exogamy and endogamy; Levirate rule; Matrimonial alliances; Matrimonial relations; Mishpatim; Mythos, matrimonial alliances and; Tribal rank and succession
Yahwist source. See Genesis, sources of
Zebulun, 45-49, 56F
Zerah, 121
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