“The Semiotics of French Gestures”
Figure 1. The relevant body segment is indicated by the corresponding utterance
Figure 2. Rotation of the head in profile
Figure 4. A synthesis of two movements
Figure 5. Static or dynamic representation of a circular configuration
Figure 6. Various notions evoked by vertical loops
Figure 7. Gestural representation of hesitation
Figure 8. Gestural localization of time with respect to the present moment
Figure 9. Gestural localization of time with respect to a given moment
Figure 10. Gestural representations of a cylinder
Figure 11. Parallel attenuation in the signifier and signified: Opposition to the outside
Figure 12. Parallel shift in signifier and signified
Figure 13. Parallel extension of signifier and signified (progressive unfolding)
Figure 14. Parallel extension of signifier and signified (regressive unfolding)
Figure 16. Cutting: Variants in different planes
Figure 17. A synthesis of three axes
Figure 18. Polysemy of lateral head-shake
Figure 19. Polysemy of lateral head-tip
Figure 20. Appropriateness of signifier for signified in (physico-semantic) nuances of negation
Figure 21. Combination of two principles of polysemy: Plural motivation and semantic shifts
Figure 23. Complex gestures: Movement and configuration
Figure 24. Complex gestures: Combination of movements
Figure 25. Complex gestures: Other cases
Figure 26. Osmosis between the functional signifiers of a polysemous gesture
Figure 27. A schema of the ‘rhythm hierarchy’ in speaker behavior. From Condon 1976: 297
Figure 28. The unity of speech and body motion in speaker behavior. From Condon 1976: 297
Figure 29. Schematic illustration of the superposition of simple melodies. From Fónagy 1983: 294
Figure 30. The emblem couci-couça is a synthesis of other gestural variants
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