“The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World” in “The Study Of Folk Music In The Modern World”
Abrahams, Roger D., 22
Accordions in folk music, 116
Acquired musical roles, 81-82
Additions to folk music, 23-24
Adhān, defined, 99
Aerophones, defined, 37. See also Musical instruments in folk music
Afghani folk music, 41-42, 90, 91, 98
Afghani folk musicians, 101
African folk music, 71, 81. See also specific types of African folk music
Agelessness of folk music. See Timelessness of folk music
Aḥādīth, defined, 97
Aḥwash, defined, 100. See also Berber folk music
Allgemeine Lieder, defined, 114
Ambitus, 38, 41, 47
Amish folk music, 18, 59
Anderson, Benedict, 108-109, 111
Anthologies of folk music, 65. See also specific anthologies of folk music
“Anyuan Lukuang gongren julebu huge” (Shaoqi), 107, 108
Apollo, 4
Appalachian folk music, 45, 50
Arabic folk music. See Middle Eastern folk music
Arnim, Achim von, 7
Art music: characteristics of, 47-49, 139; and folk music, 46-50, 90, 129, 134, 139. See also Classical music, defined
Ascribed musical roles, 81-82
cAsheq, 59, 92-93, 101. See also Islam, music in; Middle Eastern folk music
Assimilation of folk music, 20. See also Consolidation of folk music
Attali, Jacques, 56, 95
Audiences of folk music, 73-74
Authenticity of folk music, 17, 130-31; changes in folk music compared to, 10, 11; characteristics of, 10, 13, 130; defined, 10
Balkan folk music, 83
Ballads, 16, 38, 71. See also specific types of ballads
Banjos in folk music, 115
Bänkelsänger, 84
Bannen, Charles, 59-60, 75
“Barbara Allen” (folk song), 75, 76
Barry, Phillips, folk music research of, 8, 24, 27, 28, 69
Bartók, Béla, 54; classification of folk music by, 40-41, 45, 46, 49, 50; as composer, 47, 48-49; folk music research of, 47, 101-102
Basongye folk music, 83, 86
Bauer, Michael, 133
Baul folk music, 83
Bayard, Samuel P., 23-24
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 48
Benjamin, Walter, 121
Berber folk music, 93, 100
Blacking, John, 4
Blind persons, as folk musicians, 83
Bluegrass, 129-30, 133
Blues, 38
Blum, Stephen, 44-45, 92
Bohemian-American folk music, 116
Bohlman, Philip, xii
Borges, Jorge Luis, 121
Borrowing of folk music, 20-21, 28. See also Consolidation of folk music
Brentano, Clemens, 7
Bricolage, 116-17
Bridges in folk music, 27
Broadside ballads, 21, 28-29, 65, 84-85. See also Ballads
Bronson, Bertrand H., 39
Broonzy, Big Bill, 87, 88
Campbell, Olive Dame, 45
Canadian folk music, 73
Canons of folk music, xviii, 39, 50-51; in Chinese folk music, 107; defined, 104; formation of, 105-19, 128; functions of, 104, 105; in German folk music, 113; imagined, 111-12, 116-19; in Israeli folk music, 117, 119; mediated, 111, 112, 114-16; and modernization, 107-109, 112; and nationalism, 117; in oral tradition of folk music, 30—32; small-group, 111, 112-14; in Southern folk music, 109
Cante-fable, 7
Cantometrics, 42, 43, 56. See also Lomax, Alan
Changes in folk music: authenticity of folk music compared to, 10, 11; characteristics of, 10-11, 13, 26, 27-28, 73, 76, 92, 128, 134; defined, 10; and folk musicians, xix, 73, 84, 86, 102; and modernization, 132, 139; in oral tradition of folk music, 18-24, 25, 26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; responses to, 132-35; types of, 10-11. See also Creativity; specific changes in folk music
Child, James Francis, 50, 109
Child ballads. See English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The (Child)
Chinese folk music, 107
Chordophones, defined, 37. See also Musical instruments in folk music
Churches, and folk music, 135
Classical music, defined, 89. See also Art music
Classicization of folk music, 134
Classification of folk music: aesthetic-formal vs. cultural-functional, 45; by Bartók, 40-41, 45, 46, 49, 50; by Bronson, 39; and canons of folk music, 50-51; by contours, 38-39; description vs. prescription, 44; diachronic vs. synchronic, 45-46; difference vs. similarity, 45; of Eastern European folk music, 40, 46; emic vs. etic, 44-45; English system of, 35; Finnish system of, 40, 46; functions of, 35, 42, 44, 50; by genre, 38; German system of, 35; Hungarian system of, 48; of Iranian folk music, 44-45; of Kaluli folk music, 44; by Koller, 36; by Krohn, 36; by Lomax, 42, 43, 56; by melodies, 35-36, 37; of Middle Eastern folk music, 46; by modes, 39-40, 46; by morphemes, 37-38; by musical instruments, 36-37; Nazi system of, 50; by Nettl, 45-46; by Randolph, 42; by Sharp, 39, 45; specific vs. universal, 46; by texts, 35, 38; by tune families, 36, 37; by tune gestalts, 37-38; by tune histories, 37
Coffeehouses, and folk music, 84, 99
Collections of folk music, xvii, 36
Commodification of folk music, 131-32
Communal authorship, defined, 8. See also Communality of folk music
Communality of folk music, 93-94; criticism regarding, 8-9, 12, 13; and folk musicians, 94, 95; of non-Western folk music, 94, 95; in oral tradition of folk music, 24, 25-26
Communal re-creation, defined, 8, 24. See also Communality of folk music
Concertinas in folk music, 116
Confabulating, 78, 79
Consolidation of folk music, 20-21, 65, 132, 133
Content of folk music, defined, 25
Context of folk music, xviii, 7
Contours of folk music, 38-39
Contrafaction, defined, 9
Conventions, defined, 16
Country music, 133
“Cowboy’s Lament” (folk song). See “Streets of Laredo” (folk song)
Creativity: of folk music, 24, 62, 76, 78-79; of folk musicians, xix, 59-60, 62, 73, 74-75, 77, 79, 86, 102. See also Changes in folk music; Individuality
Cultural boundaries: of Berber folk music, 93; characteristics of, xviii, 57-58, 59, 60, 62, 66; and cultural core, 62, 64-66, 67, 100; of ethnic folk music, 59, 60; and folk musicians, 64, 86; of immigrant folk music, 58-59; of Iranian folk music, 92-93; of Jewish folk music, 60, 62; of Middle Eastern folk music, 101, 102
Cultural core, xviii; characteristics of, 54-57, 68; and cultural boundaries, 62, 64-66, 67, 100; of Middle Eastern folk music, 99-100, 101, 102
Cultural foregrounding, defined, 64-65
Culture, 4
Czech folk music, 27
Dances, 8, 76, 116. See also specific dances
Danckert, Werner, 55-56
Danish folk schools, 109
Darwin, Charles, 7, 8
Deconstruction, 105-106
Deutscher Liederhort (Erk, ed.), 35
Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, 113
Deviance of folk musicians, 83-84, 86
Diffusion, defined, 11
Discriminatory creativity, 78-79
Dissemination of folk music. See Transmission of folk music
Diversification of folk music, 133
Drumming ensembles, 81
Duquesne University, 129
Dusenbury, Emma, 72
Dutchman music, 85, 136. See also German-American folk music
Eastern European folk music, 40, 46. See also specific types of Eastern European folk music
Eckstorm, F. H., 27
Egyptian folk music, 98, 100
Engel, Joel, 118
English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The (Child), 35, 75; as canon, 10, 39, 79; influence of, xiii, 10
English Folk Song: Some Conclusions (Sharp), 39
Enlightenment, 54
Epics, 16, 38. See also specific types of epics
Erk, Ludwig, 113
“Es klappert die Mühle am rauschenden Bach” (folk song), 17
Ethnic folk music, 59, 60, 65, 128. See also specific types of ethnic folk music
Ethnic old-time music. See Old-time music
European folk music. See specific types of European folk music
Evolution of folk music, 7-8, 10
Feld,. Steven, 44
Fiddling contests, 83
Finnish-American folk music, 77
Flathead Indian folk music, 5. See also Native American folk music
Folk, defined, xi, xii, 58, 70
Folk art, defined, xi-xii
Folk festivals, 66, 124, 131, 133
Folklore of ethnicity, defined, 64
Folkloristics, xi
Folk music, defined, xviii, 89. See also specific headings
Folk music collections. See Collections of folk music
Folk musicians, 126; and changes in folk music, xix, 73, 84, 86, 102; and communality of folk music, 94, 95; creativity of, xix, 59-60, 62, 73, 74-75, 77, 79, 86, 102; and cultural boundaries, 64, 86; deviance of, 83-84, 86; functions of, 13, 17-18; individuality of, 69-70, 73; as mediators, 79, 80, 84-85, 100-101, 103; in Middle East, 99, 100-102; outsiders as, 84, 85, 92, 95, 98, 101; and performances of folk music, 72-74; professionalism of, 85-86, 95, 99, 100-101, 102; specialization of, 59, 80-86, 93-95, 139; as tradition-bearers, 17-18, 70-72, 73, 77, 86, 95. See also Performances of folk music; specific folk musicians and types of folk musicians
Folk music revival. See Revival of folk music
Folk music scholarship, 134; conservatism of, xiii-xiv, xvii, xviii-xx, 3, 69, 127-28, 139; influences on, xvi-xvii; progressivism of, xiv, xvii-xviii. See also International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM); International Folk Music Council (IFMC); specific folk music scholars
Folk songs. See specific folk songs
Folk song societies. See Singing societies
Forgetting, defined, 20
Forms of folk music, 96
Formulae in folk music, 16, 17, 20, 28
Foss, George, 22
Geming gequ, 107, 110
Generational cohesion, 60
Genres of folk music, 38
German-American folk music, 65, 116, 133; religious folk music, 21, 57, 134. See also German folk music; specific types of German-American folk music
German folk music, 109, 113-14, 118, 134. See also German-American folk music
Gesunkenes Kulturgut, 11, 48
Ghanian folk music, 89
Ghina’, defined, 99
Ghost Dance music, 21, 22
Glassie, Henry, 73
Goffman, Erving, 105
Goldstein, Kenneth S., 125
Gorman, Larry, 73
Gottschee colony folk music, 58
Goze, 83. See also Folk musicians
Great tradition, 89, 127
Grimm, Jacob, xi, 6, 7, 24
Grimm, Wilhelm, xi
Group identity, defined, 91
Gruetzmacher, Dan, 85
Grundtvig, Nikolai, 109
Gruppenlieder, 9, 112
Guitars in folk music, 115
Gummere, Francis, 71
Halāl, defined, 98
Harmonization in folk music, 75, 76, 77
Hawaiian guitars in folk music, 115
Hebräisch-orientalischer Melodienschatz (Idel-sohn), 118
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 54; folk as viewed by, xi, xix, 6-7, 52, 113
Herzog, George, 33, 50-51, 69, 70
Hillbilly music, 131
Hobsbawm, Eric, 108
Hora, defined, 117. See also Dances
Hornbostel, Erich von, 36-37
Hungarian-American folk music, 62, 64. See also Hungarian folk music
Hungarian folk music, 41, 46. See also Hun-garian-American folk music
ICTM. See International Council for Traditional Music
Ideologization of folk music, 134-35
Idiophones, defined, 36. See also Musical instruments in folk music
IFMC. See International Folk Music Council “Iitin Tiltu” (dance), 77, 78
Imagined community, 108-109, 111
Immigrant folk music, 58-59, 128. See also specific types of immigrant folk music
Incremental repetition, 20
Indian folk music, 40, 89
Individuality: of folk music, 8-9, 10, 12, 13, 24, 25-26, 48; of folk musicians, 69-70, 73. See also Creativity
Institutionalization: of folk music, 64-65, 68, 107, 134; of folk musicians, 83
Instruments. See Musical instruments in folk music
Integrative creativity, defined, 79
International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), xiii, xv. See also Folk music scholarship; International Folk Music Council (IFMC)
International Folk Music Council (IFMC), xiii, xiv-xv, xviii. See also Folk music scholarship
Invention of tradition, 108, 109
Iranian folk music, 39-40, 41-42, 44-45, 92-93
Islam, music in, 84, 91, 97-99, 102, 103. See also Middle Eastern folk music
Israeli folk music, 117-19
Iterative form, defined, 16
Ives, Edward D., 79
Jackson, Aunt Molly, xiii
Jagiello, Walter, 116
Jewish folk music, 57, 60, 62, 113-14
Jewish folk musicians, 98
“Job of Journeywork, The” (folk song), 23-24 Journal of the International Folk Music Council, xiv
Kalapalo folk music, 94
Kaluli folk music, 44, 91-92
Klusen, Ernst, 8-9, 112
Klymasz, Robert B., 66
Knaben Wunderhorn, Des (Arnim and Brentano, eds.), 7
Kodály, Zoltán, 40, 45
Koller, Oswald, 36
Krohn, Ilmari, 33, 36
Kulturkreislehre, 42, 55, 56, 58-59
Kunstlieder im Volksmund, 48
Lane, Edward William, 100-101
Langue, defined, 25
Larson, LeRoy, 115
Leary, James P., 115
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 116
List, George, 27, 39
Literacy, 107, 134
Little traditions, 89, 127
Li’l Wally, 116
Lomax, Alan: classification of folk music by, 42, 43, 56; folk music research of, 52, 55
Long, Eleanor, 78, 79
Lord, Albert B., 16
Lyric folk songs, 38
McCulloh, Judith, 38
Macpherson, James, 130
Maqāmāt, 118
Marginal survival, defined, 58-59
Media for transmission of folk song, 28
Meier, John, 48, 113
“Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken” (folk song), 137, 138
Melodic variation in folk music, 77
Melodies of folk music, 35-36, 37
Membranophones, defined, 36-37. See also Musical instruments in folk music
Memory, in oral tradition of folk music, 15, 18, 20, 30, 82
Merriam, Alan P., folk music research of, 74, 80, 81-82, 83, 85-86
Michigan folk music, 76
Middle Eastern folk music, 46, 96-99, 131; characteristics of, 85, 96, 101; cultural boundaries of, 101, 102; cultural core of, 99-100, 101, 102; modes in, 40, 96. See also Islam, music in
Middle Eastern folk musicians, 100-102
Midwestern (U.S.) folk music, 75, 76. See also specific types of Midwestern folk music
Migration of folk music, 55-56, 62, 128
“Mikor a nagy erdön kimész” (folk song), 40, 41 Minnesota folk music, 115
Minority groups, as folk musicians, 84. See also specific minority groups
Mnemonic devices. See Memory, in oral tradition of folk music
Modernization, 124-25; and folk music, xix, 12, 107-109, 112, 113, 130, 132, 134, 135, 139, 140; and folk musicians, 126
Modes of folk music, 39-40, 46, 75, 96. See also specific types of folk music
Monogenesis, defined, 5
Morphemes, 37-38
Motifs in folk music, 5, 16
Movement theories of folk music, 4, 7-8
“Mullā Mohammed Jān” (folk song), 21, 23
Music, 3-5, 8, 15. See also specific types of music
Musical instruments in folk music, 7, 8; classification by, 36-37; in Islam, 99; in Midwestern folk music, 75, 76; as specialization, 83, 86. See also specific musical instruments
Musical ownership, 90-93
Musical style. See Styles of folk music
Müsīqi, defined, 99
Mutterschicht, 4
“Muurarin Valssi” (waltz), 76, 77
Myth, 3-4, 13
Nationalism, and folk music, 54, 55, 113, 117, 131, 135. See also National music
National music, 11. See also Nationalism, and folk music
Native American folk music, 21. See also specific types of Native American folk music
Nature, and folk music, 7, 12-13
Naturpoesie, 7
Naumann, Hans, 11
Nazism, and folk music, 50
Nettl, Bruno: classification of folk music by, 45-46; folk music research of, xii, 5-6, 19, 20-21, 24, 27, 121, 124, 131
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Sadie, ed.), 87-88, 89
Non-Western art, defined, xii
Non-Western folk music, xvi, xvii, 94-95, 103. See also specific types of non-Western folk music
Northeastern (U.S.) folk music, 73
Old-time music, 115-16, 131
Oral-formulaic theory of folk music, 16-17
Oral tradition of folk music, 66; borrowing in, 20-21, 28; canons in, 30-32; changes in, 18-24, 25, 26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; characteristics of, 2, 12, 20-24, 27, 140; communality of, 24, 25-26; individuality of, 24, 25-26; memory in, 15, 18, 20, 30, 82; musical elements of, 14, 18; performances of, 30, 31; of pieces, 15, 16, 18-19; stability of, 18, 19, 24, 26-28, 30, 31, 32; transmission of, 26, 27, 28-31; and written tradition, 12, 14, 28-30
Origins of folk music, 1-13
Ossian, 130
Outsiders, as folk musicians, 84, 85, 92, 95, 98, 101
Ownership of music, 90-93
Ozark folk music, 42
Palestinian folklore, 92
Panairdžijski pevec, 84
Pan-Plains folk music, 21
Parlando rubato, defined, 41. See also Hungarian folk music
Parole, defined, 25
Parry, Hubert, 5
Percy, Bp. Thomas, xi
Performances of folk music, 25, 53, 59; audiences’ roles in, 73-74; folk musicians’ roles in, 72-74; in oral tradition of folk music, 30, 31. See also Folk musicians
Perry, Milman, 16
Perseverating, defined, 78
Phrases in folk music, 5, 16
Pieces of folk music, 15-17, 18-19
Piedmont (U.S.) folk music, 128
Pittsburgh Folk Festival, 129
Pluralism: defined, 59; and folk music, 114, 133, 138; and urbanization, 127, 129
Poladian, Sirvart, 38-39
Polish-American folk music, 116
Polygenesis, defined, 5
Popularization of folk music, 132-34
Popular music, and folk music, 11, 29, 129, 132, 139
Porter, James, 79
Powers, Harold, 46
Powwows, 21
“Pretty Mohea, The” (broadside ballad), 20-21
Primitive art, defined, xii
Primitive music, xii, 5
Primitive societies, defined, 81
Printing of folk music, 65, 66
Professionalism of folk musicians, 85-86, 95, 99, 100-101, 102
Qirā’ah, defined, 99
Qur’ān, 97, 99
Radif, 18
Radios, 125
Randolph, Vance, 42
Rationalized creativity, defined, 79
Realism, 12
Recordings of folk music, 65-66, 76, 116
Redfield, Robert, 127
Regionalism, and folk music, 55
Regulated creativity, defined, 78
Relativism of folk music, 11-12
Religious folk music, 57, 60, 83
Religious institutions, and folk music, 135
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Percy, ed.), xi
Repertories of folk music, 27-28, 60
Repetition in folk music, 20
Representation, defined, 74. See also Folk musicians; Performances of folk music
Revival of folk music, 125-26, 130-31, 134
Rhythm of folk music, 8
Riddle, Almeda, 72, 78-79
Robertson, Jeannie, 79
Robeson, Paul, 87, 88
Rodgers, Jimmie, 135, 136, 138
Romance (Spanish), 21
Romanticism, 4, 54, 109
Rosenberg, Neil V., 128
Rural societies, folk music in, xviii. See also Urbanization; Urban-rural dichotomy in folk music
Rural-urban dichotomy. See Urban-rural dichotomy in folk music
Rwais, defined, 100. See also Berber folk music
Sachs, Curt, 1, 36-37
Sakata, Hiromi Lorraine, 21, 90
Sambamoorthy, P., 89
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 25
Saygun, A. Adnan, 101
Scandinavian old-time music, 115
Scanning, defined, 18
Scholarship. See Folk music scholarship
Schuyler, Philip D., 100
Scott, Joe, 79
Semiotics, 7
Serbo-Croatian folk music, 129
Sharp, Cecil: classification of folk music by, 45; folk music research of, 5, 7, 8, 9, 39, 87
Shauqi, defined, 101
Shawnee Indian folk music, 5-6. See also Native American folk music
Singer, Milton, 127
Singing Brakeman. See Rodgers, Jimmie
Singing societies, 65, 113-14. See also German-American folk music; German folk music; Jewish folk music
Situational use of ethnicity, defined, 64-65
Skills, 83, 95
Slovak-American folk music, 135
Slovenian-American folk music, 116
Society for Jewish Folk Song, 118
Southern (U.S.) folk music, 55, 109, 128
Specialization: of folk music, 71, 134; of folk musicians, 59, 80-86, 93-95, 98, 139. See also specific types of specialization
Speech theories of folk music, 4, 7, 8
Spencer, Herbert, 8
Spitzer, John, 74
Sprachinseln, 58-59
Stability of folk music, xviii, 130, 135; and folk musicians, 17-18, 70-72, 73, 77, 86, 95; of oral tradition of folk music, 18, 19, 24, 26-28, 30, 31, 32; of written tradition of folk music, 28
Stafford, William C., 1
Stewart, Belle, 79
Stichic composition, defined, 16
Stimmen der Völker in Liedern (Herder, ed.), xi
Stratification of musical genres, 89-90, 129, 139
“Streets of Laredo” (folk song), 60, 61
Stumpf, Carl, 4
Styles of folk music, 27, 55-57, 60; defined, 4-5, 25
Substitution of folk music, 21-23
Surat, defined, 97
Syncretism, 136
Tagore, Rabindranath, 83
“Take That Night Train to Selma” (folk song), 73
Talents of folk musicians, defined, 81
Tamburitzans, 129
Tappert, Wilhelm, 26
Taqsïm, 101-102
Technology, and folk music, xvii-xviii, 60, 65, 125-26. See also specific types of technology
Temo, barde du Kurdistan (Temo), 104
Tempo giusto, defined, 41. See also Hungarian folk music
Texts of folk music, xviii, 7, 35, 38
Theories of folk music. See specific theories of folk music
Timelessness of folk music, 5, 130
“Tom Sherman’s Barroom” (folk song). See “Streets of Laredo” (folk song)
“Top of Old Smoky” effect, 20-21. See also Consolidation of folk music
Tradition. See Stability of folk music
Traditional music, iv
Tradition in space and tradition in time, 27
Transmission of folk music, xvii-xviii, 12, 130; conservative views of, 18, 71; of oral tradition, 26, 27, 28-31
Tribal societies, defined, 94
Tune families, 36, 37
Tune gestalts, 37-38
Tune histories, 37
Turkish folk music, 46, 101-102
Turner, Victor, 105
Turnvereine, defined, 113
Ubiquitous creativity. See Confabulating
Ukrainian country music, 66
Universality of folk music, xvii, 11-12, 87, 88, 93-94
Upper Midwest (U.S.) folk music, 115-16. See also specific types of Upper Midwest folk music
Urbanization, 124-25; of folk music, xvii-xviii, xix; and pluralism, 127, 129. See also Urban-rural dichotomy in folk music
Urban-rural dichotomy in folk music, 70-71, 126-27; in Afghani folk music, 41-42, 98; characteristics of, 54-55; in Iranian folk music, 41-42; in Turkish folk music, 101-102. See also Rural societies, folk music in; Urbanization
Vansina, Jan, 18
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 8, 9, 47, 49
Venda folk music, 83
Volksgeist, 6, 9
Volksgesang, defined, 29-30
Volkslied, 9, 29
Volkslieder (Herder, ed.), xi
Volkstümliche Kunstlieder, 48
Wallaschek, Richard, 4
“Wanagi Wacipi Olowan” (Ghost Dance music), 22
Wandering melodies, 26
Wandervogel, 135
Weir, Dorrance, 73
West African folk music, 81, 94
Western folk music, 103. See also specific types of Western folk music
Westernization of folk music, 134
“Where, Oh Where, Did My Little Dog Go?” (popular song), 137, 138
Whisnant, David E., 109
Whoopie John,-116
Wilfahrt, Hans, 116
Wiora, Walter, 49
Wisconsin folk music, 76, 115, 138
Working-class music, xvi, xix
Written tradition of folk music, 12, 14, 28-30, 140. See also Oral tradition of folk music
Yankovich, Frankie, 116
“Yavo adir” (folk song), 62, 63-64
Yodeling, 136-38
Yugoslav folk music, 16, 17, 30
Yuval (biblical figure), 4
Zaslaw, Neal, 74
Zersingen, defined, 20
“Zum Lauterbach hab’ ich mein’ Strumpf verlorn” (folk song), 135-38, 140
Zupfgeigenhansl, 133
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