“The Women At The Keyhole”
Abel, Elizabeth, 238n6
Abel, Richard, 250nl2, nl3, nl8
Activity and passivity, 125, 149. See also Agency; Subject and object; Subjectivity
Advertising, and cinema, 14, 16
Affiliation complex, 235n3
Agency, female, 8, 42, 91, 94, 99, 125, 132, 203, 217. See also Activity and passivity; Subject and object
Akerman, Chantal, 2, 8, 9, 125, 127-35, 142, 154, 185, 202, 205, 210, 223, 225
The All-Round Reduced Personality (Redupers) [1977], 8, 49, 50, 51-59, 83, 86, 89, 223, 224, 225, 227
Althusser, Louis, 23, 96
Ambivalence, 24, 25, 32, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, 51, 68, 74, 77, 83, 85, 95, 100, 125, 203-207, 224
An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form, and Film (1946), 187
And the Villain Still Pursued Her, or The Author’s Dream (1906), 169
Anna O., 220
Annabelle Butterfly Dance (1895), 161, 163-64
Annabelle Serpentine Dance (1895), 161, 163
Anne Trister (1986), 225
Antiessentialism, and feminist theory, 7, 84, 90-91. See also Essentialism
Apparatus, cinema as, 18, 37, 39, 41, 105, 160
Armatage, Kay, 73
Arzner, Dorothy, 2, 8, 93, 98-118, 122-23, 124, 149, 190, 201, 227
As Seen Through a Telescope (1900), 158
Asparagus (1974), 9, 184, 191-93
Astruc, Alexandre, 94
At Land (1944), 190
Audé, Françoise, 243n7
Austen, Jane, 93
Auteurism, 94-96, 98-99
Bacall, Lauren, 20, 26, 28, 67
Baillargeon, Paule, 68
Balzac, Honore de, 99
Barthes, Roland, 94, 99
Bateson, Gregory, 185
Baudrillard, Jean, 14-15
Baudry, Jean-Louis, 16, 18, 37-40, 44, 230nl0
Bellour, Raymond, 20, 22, 23, 41, 96, 178
Berger, John, 17, 18, 166
Bergman, Ingmar, 43
Bergstrom, Janet, 204, 240n31
Berzon, Judith R., 235nll
The Big Sleep (1946), 13-14, 20-33, 36, 38, 42, 44, 46, 50, 67, 224
Bildnis einer Trinkerin. See Ticket of No Return
Bisexuality, 19, 118, 121
Black Widow (1987), 46-48, 49
Blonde Venus (1932), 180
Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d’un poète), 179
The Blue Angel (1930), 147-49
The Bluest Eye, 64-65
Blumenschein, Tabea, 135-38, 141, 144, 146
Bogart, Humphrey, 20, 26, 28, 67
Bonitzer, Pascal, 234n63
Bordwell, David, 118, 250n11
Bovenschen, Silvia, 207
Branigan, Edward, 247nl7
Brent, George, 77
Breuer, Josef, 190; and Anna O., 220
The Bride Retires (1904), 166, 174
Bringing Up Baby (1938), 20
Britton, Andrew, 99
Brown, Trisha, 76, 78
Bunch, Charlotte, 18, 230nll
Bunuel, Luis, 76, 77
Burch, Noel, 31, 158-59, 164, 166, 178, 180, 182, 207-208, 232n36, 246nl, n8, 247nl0, 248n22, 249n39
Burke, Billie, 114
Butler, Judith, 152
Cahiers du cinema, 23, 197
Camera Obscura, 231nl7
caméra-stylo, 94
Les Carabiniers (1963), 197
Carby, Hazel, 235nll
Cardinale, Claudia, 126
Carroll, Noël, 236nl8
Caughie, John, 238n8
Caught (1949), 42
Censorship, 26
Chabrol, Claude, 197
Chandler, Raymond, 21, 26, 237n31
The Cheat (1915), 33-36, 38, 42, 44, 50, 66-67
Un Chien Andalou, 76, 77, 80
Chodorow, Nancy, 150-53, 245n29
Choosing a Husband (1909), 174
Christian, Barbara, 235nll
Christopher Strong (1933), 99, 105, 110-12
Cinémathèque Française, 196
Citizen Kane (1941), 118
Citron, Michelle, 2
Clark, VèVè, 249n4
Classical Hollywood cinema: 4, 5, 6, 14-48, 49-50, 61, 66, 76, 85, 93, 96, 99-100, 214, 224; and auteurism, 113; and “primitive” cinema, 157-58, 164, 178-79, 181, 195; and French cinema, 197, 199, 201
The Classical Hollywood Cinema, 118
Clement, Catherine, 220
Cleo from 5 to 7 (Cleo de 5 a 7) [1962], 9, 184, 198-202, 211, 222
Cocteau, Jean, 179
Comolli, Jean-Louis, 99
Consumerism: and the cinema, 13, 16; culture of, 17; and women, 18
Contradiction, 25, 50, 83, 96, 102, 218, 224; and feminist theory, 124-25
Conversation, 82, 84, 227, 228
Cook, Elisha, Jr., 27
Cook, Pam, 98, 107, 231n22
Copjec, Joan, 230nl0, 233n46
Corinne, or Italy, 5
Correction, Please (1979), 166
Coyote, Peter, 126
Craig’s Wife (1936), 105, 113-14
Cripps, Thomas, 235n8
Dali, Salvador, 76
Dance, Girl, Dance (1940), 100-103, 105, 113; racism in, 116-17, 190, 201
Dark Victory (1939), 77
Dash, Julie, 8, 49, 59, 61, 62, 86, 89, 223
Davis, Bette, 77, 93
De Lauretis, Teresa, 6, 7, 20, 36-37, 40, 62, 85, 97-98, 122, 152, 227, 233n46, 237n27, n30, 239n23, 243n2
De Mille, Cecil B., 33
Debord, Guy, 14
Defamiliarization, 99-100, 102
Deitch, Donna, 123
DeJean, Joan, 5
Deren, Maya, 9, 90, 104, 184, 185 -91, 192, 193, 222
Derrida, Jacques, 45-46
Dervin, Daniel, 37
Desert Hearts (1985), 123, 125
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985), 123
Deux Fois (1970), 115
Dietrich, Marlene, 146-49, 180
Doane, Mary Anne, 2-4, 18-19, 20, 42-43, 229n4, 233n42, n46, 238n6
Documentary cinema, 213-16
Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria, 120-21, 220, 252-53n56
Dozoretz, Wendy, 250nl7, nl8
Dubroux, Daniele, 204
Dulac, Germaine, 9, 90, 184, 185, 194, 202
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, 85
Eckert, Charles, 14, 15, 18
L’ecriture feminine, 202
Eisenstein, Sergei, 183
Eliot, George, 93, 98
Entre Nous (Coup de foudre) [1983], 126-27
Enunciation, 96, 97
Essentialism, 90-91, 93-94, 150-54, 186. See also Antiessentialism; Feminist theory
The Executioner (1972), 55
Exhibitionism, 165, 178, 183, 185, 186. See also Voyeurism
Export, Valie, 55
Fell, John, 246n2, 247n21, 248n24
Fellini, Federico, 146
Felman, Shoshana, 41, 102
Female authorship, 89-123
Female communities, 101, 104, 110, 112, 115, 122, 227
Female Crook and Her Victim (1905), 160
Femininity, 6; and masculinity, 18, 101; and homosexuality, 110
Feminism, 18, 24, 25, 41, 45
Feminist aesthetics, 54, 202, 207-208
Feminist film theory and criticism, 3, 7, 24, 90, 97-98, 117, 124, 178, 186
Feminist literary theory and criticism, 90, 93, 150
Feminist theory, 10, 103-104, 124-25, 223. See also Feminist film theory and criticism; Feminist literary theory and criticism
La Femme de 1’hôtel (A Woman in Transit) [1984], 225
Fetishism: female, 5; and feminism, 107, 110; and film, 110, 166. See also Voyeurism
Fick, Thomas H., 236n14
Fields, Connie, 2
Film About a Woman Who . . . (1972), 55
Fischer, Lucy, 3, 24, 76, 85, 159, 172, 237n27, n29, n34, 240n34
Fischetti, Renate, 244nl8
Flitterman-Lewis, Sandy, 198, 250nl4, nl5, nl6, n18
Ford, John, 95-96
Frampton, Hollis, 77
French feminism, 95, 100
Freud, Sigmund: 19, 40, 119, 186, 190, 192; “The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman” (1920), 119-22; Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (1905), 120-21, 220, 252-53n56; the uncanny, 204
Fuchs, Cindy, 236n21
Gaines, Jane, 230n2
Gaudreault, Andre, 164, 167, 200, 248n35
Gay sexuality, 104. See also Homoeroticism; Homophobia; Homosexuality; Homotextuality; Lesbianism
The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903), 160, 161, 164
Gaze, and film, 9, 19, 36, 40, 41, 42, 50, 76, 93, 101, 103, 115, 118, 160
Gentile, Mary, 234n2
Getting Evidence (1906), 168
Gilbert, Sandra, 235n3, 239n11
Gilda (1946), 78
Godard, Jean-Luc, 197, 200, 201, 202, 206-207, 218
The Golden Notebook, 91-92
Goo Goo Eyes (1903), 160, 161, 163, 164
Gorbman, Claudia, 201
Gordon, Linda, 6, 230n14
Grandma’s Reading Glass (1900), 158
Griffith, D. W., 158, 167-68
Gubar, Susan, 235n3, 239n11
Gunning, Tom, 158-59, 160, 164-66, 167, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189, 248n22, n23, n26, n27, 249n39
Hagan, John, 160
Hagen, Nina, 137, 148
Hake, Sabine, 144, 245n21
Hall, Radclyffe, 104, 115
Halprin, Sarah, 104, 110, 112
Hamlet, 142
Hammer, Barbara, 125
Hammid, Alexander, 184, 189, 190
Hansen, Miriam, 245n24
Haraway, Donna, 102
Haskell, Molly, 2, 4
Hawks, Howard, 20, 21, 95-96
Heath, Stephen, 39, 41, 230n7, 233n47
Heckerling, Amy, 2
Hepburn, Katharine, 99, 110-12
Hess, John, 239n25
Heterosexual contract, 67, 117-18, 119
Heterosexual romance, 21, 28, 103
Heterosexuality, 46, 67, 76, 110, 112-13, 125, 226; and the homosocial, 83; and lesbianism, 104, 150-54
Hitchcock, Alfred, 3, 42, 96
Hodson, Millicent, 249n4
Homans, Margaret, 91
Homoerotic desire, 67, 126
Homophobia, 84, 117
Homosexuality, 26-27, 28, 45, 46, 119; and heterosexual desire, simultaneity of, 67, 68; and hom(m)o-sexuality (Irigaray), 119, 122
Homotextuality, 27, 46
Hooligan in Jail (1903), 164-65
Houston, Beverle, 112
How Men Propose (1913), 174, 175
Hudson, Rock, 3
Huppert, Isabelle, 126
Hurst, Fannie, 64
Hymen, 45-46, 234n65
Hysteria, 187, 203, 219-21
Identification, 17, 36, 37, 39, 67
Identity politics, 62
The Iliad, 118
Illusions (1982), 8, 49, 50, 51, 59-67, 86, 225, 227
Imaginary, 37, 84
Imitation of Life (film), 63
Imitation of Life (novel), 64
Impressionism, 194
In a Lonely Place (1950), 78
The Indiscreet Bathroom Maid (1902), 177, 193
The Innocent Bridegroom (1913), 174
The Inquisitive Boots (1905), 169-70, 176, 182
Inside Daisy Clover (1965), 63
Institution, cinema as, 13, 16, 18, 103
Intertextuality, 24
Intolerance (1916), 167
Invisible Adversaries (1976), 55
Irigaray, Luce, 3, 26, 45, 46, 119, 122, 229n7, 232n28, 234n65
Irony, 62, 81, 83, 102-103, 114-17, 194-95, 201, 202, 211. See also Lesbian irony
Itard, Jean, 197
It’s a Shame to Take the Money (1905), 160, 161
I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987), 8, 49, 50, 51, 67-75, 86, 89, 225, 227
Jacobs, Lea, 240n30
Jaehne, Karen, 236n23
Jardine, Alice, 45, 46, 234n64
Jayamanne, Laleen, 9, 185, 204, 216, 217, 220, 224, 251-52n35, 252n54
Je tu il elle (1974), 8, 125, 127-35, 142, 149, 150, 153, 210, 226, 227
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975), 9, 133, 185, 202-211, 227
Johnston, Claire, 95-96, 98-102, 105, 107, 203
Kamuf, Peggy, 239nl3
Kaplan, E. Ann, 19, 229n4
Karina, Anna, 200
Katon, Rosanne, 59
Kawin, Bruce, 74
Kay, Karyn, 104, 240n35, 242n56
Kelley, George, 113-14, 242n56
Kinder, Marsha, 203
Kirby, Lynne, 159, 249n40
Klein, Melanie, 37
Klinger, Barbara, 231n25
Kort, Melissa Sue, 241n41, 242n57
Kracauer, Siegfried, 252n45
Kristeva, Julia, 15, 100, 151-52
Kuhn, Annette, 26-27, 231n19, 232n33
Kurys, Diane, 126-27
Lacan, Jacques, 19, 40, 151
Lacanian psychoanalysis, 37, 38, 40-42, 62
Lafayette, Madame de, 5
LaPlace, Maria, 238n7
Larkin, Alile Sharon, 63
Lecturer, in early cinema, 167-68
Lesage, Julia, 113
Lesbian authorship, 124-54, 223, 225, 227
The Lesbian Body, 135
Lesbian continuum, 83, 113, 154. See also Rich, Adrienne
Lesbian irony, 113-16, 122-23, 124-25, 127-49, 226
Lesbianism, 8, 48, 70, 73-74, 83, 85, 104-123, 124-25. See also Gay sexuality; Homoeroticism; Homophobia; Homosexuality; Homotextuality
Lessing, Doris, 91
Let Me Dream Again! (1900), 169
The Letter (1940), 180
Life of an American Fireman (1903), 200
The Living Playing Cards (Les Cartes Vivantes) [1905], 168, 199
Loader, Jayne, 203
Logocentrism, 26
Longfellow, Brenda, 203, 243n6, 244nl2, 251n26
Love, Myra, 238n4
Lumière brothers, 39, 157, 182, 197, 213, 214
Lupino, Ida, 2
Lutze, 137-42, 146
Madame X: An Absolute Ruler (1977), 144
Magnificent Obsession (1954), 3
Male authorship, 97
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 45-46
A Man in Love (1987), 126-27
The Man Who Envied Women (1986), 8, 49, 50, 51, 75-83, 86, 89, 225, 227
Mangolte, Babette, 78
Mannoni, Octave, 110
Marchand, Guy, 126
Marcus, Jane, 241n51
Marie, Michel, 182-83
Marks, Elaine, 135
A Married Woman (Une Femme Mariée) [1965], 218
Masquerade, 20
McCarthy, Sheila, 68
McKee, Lonette, 59
McLaughlin, Sheila, 225
Mead, Margaret, 185
Medusa, 36
Méliès, Georges, 158, 159, 160, 168, 169, 172, 185, 194, 199, 213, 214
Mellencamp, Patricia, 237n27, 238n6
The Melomaniac (Le Mélomane) [1903], 168, 172
Mémoire et rapport sur Victor de l’Aveyron, 197
Merck, Mandy, 242-43n69, 243n70
Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), 9, 184, 185, 187-90, 193, 227
Metz, Christian, 37-40, 44, 110, 165, 179, 182, 183
A Midwinter’s Night Dream (1906), 169
Mildred Pierce (1945), 100
Miller, Nancy K., 5, 91, 96, 239nl3, 242n59
The Mind Cure (1912), 174-75
Miner, Madonne M., 236nl3
Miou-Miou, 126
Mirror stage, 37-38
Mitchell, Lynette, 243n3
Modern Language Association, 90
Modleski, Tania, 3, 179, 231n17, 239nl7
Moore, Dickie, 180
Morocco (1930), 146-47
Morrison, Toni, 64-66, 104
Mrs. Schultze’s Revenge (1905), 177
Mulvey, Laura, 7, 17, 19, 20, 22, 36, 67, 118, 176, 179, 224, 236nl9, 242n61, 245n25
Narboni, Jean, 99, 243n5, 244n9, n11
Narcissism, 39, 47, 127, 130, 136, 146. See also Orality
Narration, first person, 72
Narrator, 32, 35, 52, 166-67. See also “Primitive” cinema, narrator in
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 59
Neale, Steve, 232n37
Negative oedipus complex, 153-54
Neiman, Catrina, 249n4
Nelson, Roy Jay, 251n23, n24
Nestle, Joan, 124-25
New Wave of French cinema, 185, 196-98
News from Home, 133
Obeyesekere, Gananath, 217-21
Objectification, 16, 102, 103
O’Brien, Sharon, 241n44
Oedipal desire, 20, 32, 38, 41, 120, 154
O’Hara, Maureen, 100
Onodera, Midi, 225, 226
Ophuls, Max, 42
Orality, 133, 140, 150. See also Narcissism
Orr, Christopher, 232n32
Otherwise Unexplained Fires, 77
Ottinger, Ulrike, 8, 125, 138, 142-46, 149, 154, 223, 225
Parkerson, Michelle, 2
Peary, Gerald, 104, 240n35, 242n56
Peeping Tom (1901), 169-70, 176, 177
Peeping Tom (1960), 43-44
Penley, Constance, 230nl0, 231n27, 233n46, 249n43
Peppermint Soda (Diablo Menthe) [1977], 127
Perception, 16
Performance, 94, 102, 217-18, 220-21
Perlmutter, Ruth, 252n40
Perseus, 36
Persona (1966), 43, 47
Phelan, Peggy, 237n27, n33
The Photographer (La Chute de cinq étages) [1906], 169
Photographing a Female Crook (1904), 164-65
A Pipe Dream (1905), 172
Pitt, Suzan, 9, 184
Polan, Dana, 15
Pool, Léa, 225
Porter, Edwin S., 200
Postmodernism, 13, 15
Potter, Sally, 2
Powell, Michael, 43
Pre-aesthetic, 207
Pre-oedipal configurations, 84, 150-54, 173, 202. See also Chodorow, Nancy
Primal scene, 32, 37-38; and “primitive” cinema, 182-83, 208-210
“Primitive” cinema, 8, 31-33, 157-83, 197, 200; and avant-garde cinema, 158-59, 183, 184, 186, 187, 207-208, 221; narrator in, 168-78, 191-93, 199, 201; and racism, 173-74, 180, 182, 190-91, 199-200, 201; and social class, 182, 211; and psychoanalysis, 182-83, 192, 208-210; and women’s cinema, 184-222, 223, 224, 226-27; and documentary cinema, 212-16
La Princesse de Clèves, 5
“Primitivism”, 185, 186-87; and anthropology, 212-21; and psychoanalysis, 208-211
Psychoanalysis, 5, 37-42; and feminism, 150, 202
Pull Down the Curtains, Suzie (1903), 169
Quart, Barbara Koenig, 240n36, n37
Raab, Kurt, 142
Race and racism, 33-36, 50, 116-17; and women, 61, 190, 199-200, 201; and feminism, 61, 222
Rafelson, Bob, 46
Rainer, Yvonne, 8, 49, 55, 75, 77, 80, 82, 85, 86, 89
Raynal, Jackie, 115
Reading against the grain, 98
Rear Window (1954), 179
Reassemblage (1982), 9, 185, 212-17, 227
Rebecca (1940), 42
Redupers. See The All-Round Reduced Personality
Regression, 37-39, 44, 133, 193
Repas de bébé, 197
Repression, 27, 79, 82
Reuter-Christiansen, Ursula, 55
Revision, 93
Reynaud, Bérénice, 237n27
Reynolds, Debbie, 63
Rich, Adrienne, 2, 83, 150-51, 154, 229nl, 242n55
Rich, B. Ruby, 203
Riefenstahl, Leni, 2
Ritual in Transfigured Time (1945-46), 190-91, 192
Rivette, Jacques, 197
Rohmer, Eric, 197
Rose, Jacqueline, 119, 150-51, 230nl0, 233n46
Rosei, Peter, 143-44
Rosier, Martha, 80, 82
Rousseau, Henri, 181
Rozema, Patricia, 8, 49, 67, 86, 89, 236n23
Russell, Rosalind, 107, 113-14
Russell, Theresa, 46
Russo, Vito, 104
Sand, George, 5
Sander, Helke, 2, 8, 49, 56, 58, 64, 83, 89, 223
Scacchi, Greta, 126
Scenes on Every Floor (Un coup d’oeil par étage) [1904], 176-77, 182
Schor, Naomi, 5, 241n51
Screen, in cinema, 8, 38-48, 50-86, 224, 225-26. See also Threshold; Subject and object
A Search for Evidence (1903), 170-71, 177, 178
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 232n31, 238n38
Seidelman, Susan, 123
Self and other, 36. See also Subject and object
Sexual difference, 39, 117
Seyrig, Delphine, 203
Shatzkin, Roger, 231n20
She Must Be Seeing Things (1987), 225
Silverman, Kaja, 96-97, 153-54, 230n7, 233n55, 234n57, n58, 239n24, 246n32
Simulacra, 15
Singin’ in the Rain (1952), 63
Sitney, P. Adams, 250n6, n8
The Smiling Madame Beudet (La Souriante Madame Beudet) [1922], 9, 184, 194-96, 211
Smith, Barbara, 104, 238n37
Snow, Michael, 77
A Song of Ceylon (1985), 9, 185, 216-22, 227
The Song of Ceylon (1935), 217
Spectacle and narrative, 7, 13-86, 122
Spectator-within-the-film, 32, 160
Spectatorship, 13, 42-43; female, 3, 17, 19; black female, 66, 227; male, 101, 125
Spivak, Gayatri, 234n64
Stacey, Jackie, 241n49, 245n27
Staël, Madame de, 5
Staiger, Janet, 118
Stanton, Domna, 95
Stanwyck, Barbara, 2
Stein, Gertrude, 144
Stella Dallas (1937), 2, 229n4
Stewart, Susan, 179
The Story the Biograph Told (1903), 169
A Subject for the Rogue’s Gallery (1904), 161, 163, 164, 171, 173, 175, 193
Subject, theories of, 16, 19, 37, 117, 132, 154
Subject and object, 9, 13, 18, 25, 45, 67-68; and gender, 8, 14, 18-19, 21, 28, 36, 103, 159, 163-64, 171-72, 175, 179, 202; relations among women, 98, 127, 130-35, 143, 146, 199, 227; and race, 116. See also Activity and passivity; Agency; Screen; Threshold
Subjectivity, 17; female, 3, 6, 55, 85; male, 45
Sula, 65-66, 104
Suter, Jacqueline, 99, 112
Suture, 17
Symptomatic reading, 96
Ten Cents a Dance (Parallax) [1985], 225-28
Terrible Ted (1907), 171-72, 180
Textual analysis, 96-97
Thompson, Kristin, 118, 181
Threshold, 9, 31, 32, 33, 36, 57, 131, 142, 146, 171-72, 188-89, 190, 191, 193, 227, 228; and race, 66-67, 173-74, 177. See also Screen; Subject and object
Ticket of No Return (Bildnis einer Trinkerin) [1979], 8, 125, 127, 135-49, 150, 153, 226, 227
Tie-ins, 14, 230n
“Tragic mulatto,” 63, 235nll
Transvestism, 20, 218
Trapeze Disrobing Act (1901), 161, 163, 169
Trinh T. Minh-ha, 8, 9, 185, 212, 213, 215, 216, 224
Truffaut, François, 197-98
Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show (1902), 31-33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 44, 46-47, 50, 63, 67, 70, 75, 183, 197
Varda, Agnès, 9, 184, 198, 199, 201, 202
Voice, female, 51, 53, 79
Von Sternberg, Josef, 146-49, 180
Voyeurism, 9, 44, 47, 70, 158, 169-70, 176, 177, 179; and fetishism, 3, 4, 5, 24, 36, 103, 165-66, 176, 178; and exhibitionism, 44, 165, 178; female voyeurism, 176-78, 193
Watermotor, 78
Wavelength, 77
Weber, Lois, 93
Weekend, 207
Weill, Claudia, 2
Weiss, Andrea, 243n2
Wertmüller, Lina, 2
What Happened in the Tunnel (1903), 173-74, 182, 190
What Happened on 23rd Street, New York City (1901), 161, 163, 164, 175, 193
White, Patricia, 245n21
The Wild Child (L’Enfant Sauvage) [1970], 197-98
Wilde, Oscar, 144, 146
Williams, Linda, 44, 159, 229n4, 238n6
Wills, David, 234n63
Winger, Debra, 46
Witness for the Prosecution (1957), 148
Witte, Karsten, 245n23
Wittig, Monique, 67, 85, 119, 122, 134-35
Wolf, Christa, 55, 57-58, 64, 92-93
Wollen, Peter, 95-96, 207, 238-39n9, 239n16
Woman, Native, Other, 216
Woman’s film, 2-6
Working Girls (1930), 105
Worth, Fabienne, 244n8, nl0
Wright, Basil, 217
Wrinkles Removed (1902), 160, 161
Wyler, William, 180
Wyman, Jane, 3
Young Mr. Lincoln (1939), 99
Zimmerman, Bonnie, 104
Zita, Jacquelyn, 243n2
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