“INDEX” in “Four Symposia on Folklore”
Aarne’s Type-Index, 110-13, 126.
Absentee landlordism and decline of folk singing, 225
Adaptation of folklore for children, 191
Adulteration of folklore for publication: 165-66; for radio, 167, 170, 171
Agricultural Extension Service, 32
Albums of records, publication of, 325
Amateur collector, instructions to, 64-71, 91
Ambiguity of word “folklore,” 250-64
America, vitality of folklore in, 191; see also Vitality of American folk tradition
American folk dances, see Folk dances
American folk music, vitality of; see Vitality of American folk music
American folklore, regional; see Regional American folklore
American Folklore Society, see Folklore Society
Analysis of collected folklore, necessity of, 131
Anderson, W., 27-28, 32, 58-60, 61-62, 72-73, 83, 95-96, 99, 104, 114-15, 123-25, 127, 133, 165-66, 210, 256-57, 273, 274-75, 277-80, 312
Andersson, O., 114, 115, 131, 209-10, 222, 234-35, 243-44, 312
Anthropology, changing conceptions of, 257-59, 264
Anthropology and folklore, 155-62, 255
Antiquarianism, 186-90, 200
Archetype, 270-80
Archive, in Library of Congress, 20, 21, 96-103
Archive, Norwegian; see Norwegian archive
Archive, Turkish; see Turkish folklore archive
Archive staff, collecting by, 42
Archives, Czech; see Czech archives
Archives, European; see European folklore, archives of
Archives, Hungarian; see Hungarian archives
Archives, Irish; see Irish archives
Archives, Swedish; see Swedish archives
Archives, Venezuelan; see Venezuelan archives
Archiving folklore, 89-154
Arizona: folklore mapping in, 30; folklore revivals in, 238-39
Arizona University, folklore organization in, 51-54
Attitudes toward folklore: scholar’s, 267-68; scientific and commercial, 108
Availability of folklore, see Making folklore available
Ballad indexes, 114, 118
Ballads as entertainment industry, 160
Balys, J., 74-78, 94-98, 144
Bayard, S. P., 103, 167-68
Béaloideas, 3, 10
Beauty: as test for revival of folklore, 228-30, 243; in folklore relative to culture, 230
Beliefs, indexes of, 126
Benefit of people, folklore for; see Folklore for benefit of people
Bibliographies: of folklore, 140; of folklore for schools, 197
Bidney, D., 301-02
Binding notebooks and questionnaires in archives, 94-95, 102
Blasket Islands, 16
Bødker, L., 29, 43, 44, 61, 108-09, 273-74, 275-76, 290-91
Book of the Dun Cow, 2
Books in preparation by collectors, 68-69
Borrowing books from other libraries, 138
Boys or girls as informants, 61
Breadmaking, 182
Breakdown of Irish tradition, 12
British Broadcasting Corporation: 207; as collector of folklore, 56
Broad definitions of folklore, see Definitions of folklore
Broadcasting: 146; use of folklore archives for, 149
Buchan, J., 10
Building-types, 176
Calendar of folklore activities, 229-34, 239, 243
Campbell, Å., 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 45, 49-50, 68-69, 89-93, 94-95, 96, 104, 105-06, 115-16, 120, 122, 125-26, 132-33, 136, 140, 149-51, 162-63, 174, 182-83, 189-90, 228-30, 232, 234, 262-63
Cartography, 22-34, 45, 48, 132-35; see also Maps and Mapping Catalogues and indexes, mutual relations of, 115
Cataloguing archives, 92, 101
Cecil Sharp House, 203
Central and local archives, relation of, 96-97, 99-100, 102, 103; see also National folklore archive
Chain letters as folklore, 257
Changes in concept of folk museum, 177
Charlatanism, 213
Cherbuliez, A., 50, 143, 145-46, 153, 208-09
Children as collectors, 10, 28, 56-64
Choral arrangement of folk songs, 207, 210, 222
Christiansen, R. Th., 3, 5, 18-19, 20, 29, 30, 47, 96, 116, 117-23, 137-38, 140, 261, 281, 297-98, 317-18, 325-26
CIAP, v, 262
Cinema and sound, see Sound and cinema
Claudel, C., 275-76
Collecting of folklore: 1-88; methods in Pakistan, 79-83; through schools, 211; see also Archive staff
Collection of discs in Sao Paulo, see Sao Paulo
Collectors’ Diaries, see Diaries
Collectors’ Guidebooks; see Guide-books, collectors’
Commercial exploitation of folklore, 106-08
Commercialism in festivals, 245
Competitions in folklore: 178; in song and dance, 202 ; on radio, 150
Composition of oral folklore, communal, 314
Conscious and unconscious traditions, 199
Conservation, Department of, 184
Conservatories of music and folk music, 198
Cooking, traditional, 245, 246
Cooperation among archives, difficulty of, 90
Cooperstown Farmers Museum, 182
Copying recordings in archives, 96, 97
Costume: 178, 208, 210, 227; and dance, 227
Country Dance Society, 203
Courses in folklore, 52-54
Courtship customs, 218
Cross references between legends and beliefs, see Legends and beliefs
Cult of Peko in Estonia; see Estonia, cult of Peko in
Cultural background of folk tale; see Folk tale, cultural background of
Culture, participation in as basis for understanding”, 85-88, 300-304
Currency difficulties in buying folklore books, 139
Curtin, J., 2
Czech archives, 147
Czech folklore, 147
Dances: American folk, 203; and costume, 227; indexing of, 130; revival of in Scandinavia, 242-43 ; technique for recording, 35-41; see also Folk Dance, Folk Dances
Dancing customs, change in Irish, 6
Danielli, M., 41, 55, 56, 71, 207, 264-65, 295, 300
Definitions of folklore: 174, 216, 248-65, 318-23; broad, 174, 250, 251, 255-265; narrow, 174, 250, 254, 255-56
Delargy, S., 2-4, 7-8
Detroit, folklore in, 23
Dialect maps, 34, 45
Diaries, kept by collectors, 6
Dictatorship, cultural, 231-33, 235, 237
Didactic use of folklore in schools, 194-99
Discs, collection of in Sao Paulo ; see Sâo Paulo
Discs : transcription of necessary, 144-45; possible impermanence of, 146
Distribution: maps, 26, 132; studies, 268
Duplicate copies: unwillingness of collectors to make, 97; contrary opinion concerning, 98, 102
Education, Ministry (Department) of for organized folklore collecting, 57
Educational function of folk museums, 178, 181, 186-90
Electric guitar; see Guitar, electric
England, revival of folk music in, 199-208
English: Folk Dance Society, 202; Folk Song Society, 201
English Folk-lore Society, see Folklore Society
Enjambement in oral poetry, 309-11
Envelopes for primary material in archives, 94-96
Epic legends, indexes of, 116, 118
Epic poetry, Yugoslav, 305-311
Erixon, S., 30, 42, 44, 85, 124, 131, 136, 139, 175-81, 188-89, 248-54, 265-66, 290
Esthetic test for revival of folklore, 228-30, 243
Estonia: costumes in, 210; cult of Peko in, 72; folklore mapping in, 27
Ethnic groups, mapping of; see Mapping of ethnic groups
Ethnography, 257
Ethnological museums and folklore, 184
Ethnology and folklore, 251-54
European folklore, archives of, 89
European folklore in America, 183
Exchange of discs and archive material, 140-43
Expeditions for collecting folklore, 42-45
Exploitation of folklore, commercial; see Commercial exploitation of folklore
Federal Writers’ Guide, 26
Festivals: 238-40, 242, 244, 245, 246; of dance, 242
Fiddling, revival of, 243
Field, A., 195, 285
Field and Stream, 33
Filing methods for primary material in archives, 94, 102
Finnish school, 275
Finnish-American songs, 236
Florida folklore, 26-27
Flower, R., 15-16
Folk: Are the educated excluded from? 237; relation of folklorist to, 157-65, 166, 167, 169; see also Performers
Folk art, 180, 183-90, 245-46, 290; see also Historical studies of folk art
Folk composition, group and individual in, 314-318
Folk dance, publicizing of, 201-05
Folk dances: American, 203; indexing of, 130-31; see also Dances and Notation of folk dances
Folk museum and recreation, see Recreation
Folk museums, see Working class interest in
Folk music: indexes of, 120, 127-31; necessity of transcribing disc or tape recordings of, 144-46, 153
Folk plays in Mexico, collecting; see Mexico
Folk singing, as means of achieving communal rapport, 226; see also Absentee landlordism Folk-song collection, see Latvian folk-song collection
Folk songs: of varying value, 221, 222, 228; and popular songs, 241; see also Recurring patterns of, Records of, Use of by musicians
Folk tale: cultural background of, 287, 293-299; desirability of recording, 143-44; in Ireland, 24; indexes of, 110-12, 126; study of, 268, 300, 304
Folk-life research, 175-81, 242, 251-54, 256
Folklore: for benefit of people, 161-62, 164; cautions about use of in schools, 221-22, 232, 240. See also Archiving (folklore), Marginal position of, Pennsylvania Dutch, Professorships of, Reasons for working with, Scholarship in, Slovak, Specialization in, Studying, Texas, Textbooks of, Ugliness in, Urban, Value of, Variation in, Voluntary workers in; and Anthropology, Arizona, Chain letters, Ethnology, History, Individual needs, Journals, Nationalism, Nursery school, Oppressed peoples, Outer Isles of Scotland, Pakistan, Progress, Propaganda, Publishers, Revival, Schools, Scotland, Sociology, Universities, University
Folklore collecting by school children, value of; see School children
Folklore Society, American, 214, 218
Folk-lore Society, English, 55, 264
Folklore Society of Ireland, 10
Folklorists, varieties of, 255
Folklorists and musicologists, see Musicologists
Foreign archives, importance of studying, 90
Foreign groups in America, folklore of, 218
Formulas: beginning and end, 292, 298, 310-12; in music analyses, 312-13; in oral style, 306-311, 314
Functionalist School, 249-50
Gaelic folk-tale tradition, vanishing, 5
Gambling practices, traditional, 246
Games, indexes of, 121
General indexes of customs and beliefs, impracticality of, 120
German folklore in Texas, 32
Gillmor, F., 30-31, 32, 46, 47, 51-54, 54-55, 84, 86-88, 210-12, 238-39
Girls or boys as informants, 61
Grogan, C., 21
Group and individual in folk composition, see Folk Composition
Guidebooks, collectors’: 5, 56, 68, 69, 71, 152 ; in Ireland, 6, 69 ; see also Handbook
Guitar, electric, 236
Guitar playing with folk songs, 162, 164, 172
Gypsies and tinkers in Ireland, see Tinkers and gypsies
Gypsy tales in Sweden, 297
Halpert, H., 33, 42-43, 50-51, 62, 102, 107, 124, 132, 186, 212-14, 239-42, 280, 292, 296-97, 298-99, 300-301, 311, 318-20, 320-21
Handbook, use of in collecting folklore, 5, 56, 68, 69, 71, 152
Hartmann, H., 10
Hearing folk songs as opposed to reading them, 209
Herzog, G., 153-54, 248-327
Hillbillies, 236
Historian as guide in preliminary folklore mapping, 26
Historic-geographic method, 267-272, 276-285, 286-288; see also Modifications of
Historical societies and folklore, 46, 184, 186, 187
Historical studies of folk art, 290
Historical traditions in Norway, 118
History and folklore, 251-54, 274
Homeric poems, 306, 309
Hudson, A., 65-67, 126-27, 131
Humor in folk tales, 301
Hungarian archives, 148
Hyde, D., 2
Ignorance of teachers about available folklore, 217
Illiteracy and folklore, 172
Immigrants to America, folklore among, 74-781
“Improving” of folk songs, 168
Indexes of folklore: 92, 110-131; microfilming of for use with archives, 100; see also Catalogues and indexes
Indexes of folk music, see Folk music
Indexing folk narrative, 110, 132
Indiscriminate revival of folklore, cautions against, 229-230, 238-39; see also Revival
Individual and folk in oral transmission, 287-89, 314-18
Individual needs, folklore as expression of, 230-31, 236, 244
Industry, cooperation of in publishing relevant folklore, 92
Instructions to amateur collector, see Amateur collector
Interference with authentic folklore, opposition to, 224
Interim catalogue of Irish archive, 101
International Folktale Institute (Copenhagen), 108-110
Ireland, English-speaking and Irish-speaking areas in, 24
Ireland, Folklore Society of; see Folklore Society of Ireland
Ireland, folk tale in; see Folk tale in Ireland and Recording of folk tales in
Ireland, music and song in; see Music and song
Ireland, tinkers and gypsies in; see Tinkers and gypsies
Irish Archives: cataloguing of, 101-02; microfilming of, 101; Swedish catalogue used in, 113; work of Irish Folklore Commission in, 3, 43
Irish folklorists trained in Sweden, 4
Irish language, relation of to Irish folklore, 3
Irish tradition, see Breakdown of
Iroquois dancing, 35-39
Isolation of community, favorable or unfavorable for collecting, 47-48
Jackson, G., 18, 116-17
Jagendorf, M., 60-61, 127, 186-87, 195-97, 214-15, 226-27, 237, 245, 292-93, 296
James, T., 23
Japan, folk-life research in, 242; folklore activity in, 219-220
Johnson, A., 58, 84, 85-86, 215-19, 226, 236-37, 245-47, 301
Journal of American Folklore, 257
Journals, small folklore, 136
Karpeles, M., 17-18, 29, 32, 40, 43, 46, 48, 55, 56, 71, 84-85, 86, 89-154, 164-65, 174, 191, 199-208, 227-28, 300, 313, 320
Krader, B., 147-49
Kurath, G., 34, 35-38, 39, 40-42
Kutztown, Pennsylvania, folk festival at, 245
Language, Irish; see Irish language Languages (local) as difficulty for central archive, 98
Latvian folksong collection, 28
Law of self-correction, see Self-correction raction
Legends, indexing: 116, 122, 125; Norwegian, 118-120
Legends and beliefs, cross references between, 120
Length of Irish and Scottish folk tales, 5
Libraries of folklore, 136-41, 146, 147
Library of Congress, 18, 21, 42, 96, 103, 152; see also Archive, in Library of Congress
Library use of folklore, 217
Liljeblad, S., 92, 113, 116, 144-45, 153, 258-59, 283-85, 311-12
Linguistic Atlas, 34, 46
Linguistic boundaries as barriers for folklore, 271
Linguistics, difference from folklore study, 270
Literature, influence of folksongs in, 208
Lithuanian: archives, 94; folklore in America, 74-78
Local: archives, 21, 99; historians, 29
Lomax, A., 19-21, 21-22, 85, 98-99, 142-45, 148, 155-62, 170-72, 188, 206-07, 223-25, 230-32, 235-36, 244, 276, 294-95, 299-300, 304, 314-15, 326-27
Long-playing records, 141-42, 224
Lord, A., 13, 28, 62-63, 96, 103, 116, 137, 140, 169-70, 275, 296, 305-10, 313, 316
Love K., 32, 32-33
MacLean, C., 5, 8
Madagascar, folk dances in, 41
Maestros of folk plays in Mexico, see Mexico
Making folklore available, 155-247
Manual of folklore for use by teachers, 215
Mapping, preliminary, 22-34, 45, 48, 133
Mapping of Ethnic groups, 23
Maps, distribution, 26, 132; see also Cartography
Marginal position of folklore, 265-66
Maruyama, M., 44, 47, 61, 219-20 242, 262, 298
Mechanical recordings of folklore : 6, 14, 15, 145; purpose and methods of preserving in archives, 14; see also Tape recordings, Discs
Medical folklore, 49
Methods of stylistic studies, 302-304
Mexico: collecting folk plays in, 86-88 ; maestros of folk plays in, 87
Microfilming: archives, 96-97, 100, 101; books, 140
Modifications of historic-geographic method, 279
Money payments to singers and storytellers, see Payment
Motif-indexes, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 125, 215-16
Motion picture; see Sound and cinema
Mummers in Ireland, 39
Musée de la Parole, 143
Museum techniques, 175
Museums of folklore: 7, 175, 190; in South America, 185, 186; in United States, 182-86
Music and song in Ireland : collecting, 7; indexing of, 120, 127-31
Musick, R., 61, 244-45
Musicologists and folklorists, 121, 128, 129
Myths as validation of culture, 301
Names given to domestic animals, 62
Narrow definitions of folklore, see Definitions of folklore
National folklore archive, arguments for and against, 99-100
National Park Service, 184
Nationalism and folklore, 89-90, 156, 169
Needs, folklore as expression of individual; see Individual needs
Negro spirituals, 223
New folklore in United States, 21
New legends, growth of in Norway, 119
New versions of folksongs, 207
Newspapers: used for collecting folklore, 32-33; for discovering folklore, 74
Northern Museum (Stockholm), 136, 175, 181, 249
Norwegian archive, organization of, 117-123
Notation: of folk dances, 35-41; of folk music, 152
Notebooks for folklore collectors, 6
Note-taking in the field: 36, 291; discretion in, 84; use of shorthand in, 83-85
Nursery school, folklore in, 193
Objectivity in folklore study, 162-74
Obscenity: in folklore, 33; in folk songs, 241; in folk tales, 216
Obstacles to folklore in schools, 195
Official versions: Is folklore killed by? 206, 208
Open-air exhibitions, 176
Oppressed peoples and folklore, 156, 223-24, 221, 236
Oral against written style, 305-11
Oral folklore, see Composition of oral folklore
Oral tale, influence of writing on; see Writing
Oral tradition, stability of; see Stability
Ordnance survey books, value of, 6
Organization: Is it fatal to folklore 208, 213
Organized collecting of folklore, 2; see also Universities and folklore collecting
Original material : Should it be sent out from archives? 95, 100
O’Suilleabhain, S., 2-16, 24, 28-29, 39-40, 43, 49, 63-64, 69-70, 94, 100-102, 113-14, 125, 130, 133-35, 155-247, 259-61, 281-83, 291-92
Outdoor museums, 176
Outer Isles of Scotland, folklore from, 8
Outsider, advantages of as collector, 87
Pakistan: folklore in, 57, 78-83, 225; folk songs in, 225 ; professional folk singers in, 79, 169
Part-time collectors, 9, 17, 19, 54, 91
Past : Are folk museums a false glorification of? 186-90
Patagonia, Arizona, folklore in school at, 210-12
Payment: to folklore collectors, 9, 17-19, 20; to singer or storyteller, 13, 17-19, 20, 79
Peko, cult of in Estonia ; see Estonia
Pennsylvania Dutch folklore, 47, 56, 98, 135
Performers, the folk as, 224
Perversions of folklore, 167-71, 195
Photographing native dances, tabu on, 39
Photographs of folk singers, 13
Piano accompaniment for folk songs, 201, 210
Place-names: 46, 51; archives of as aid to folklorists, 91
Popular songs and folk songs, see Folk songs
Popularization: good and bad, 201; through museums, 7, 175; and scholarship, 205, 210
Press, see Newspapers
Professorships of folklore, 248
Progress and folklore, 222
Propaganda, folklore used for, 220-221, 226
Proprietorship in informants, collector’s, 103-07
Protection of collector’s rights, 103-05
Protest, songs of, 236
Psychologists’ questionnaires on folk vocabulary, fallacy of, 93
Publication of archive material, 324 ; in cheap books, destructive of folklore, 165; rights to, 19, 103
Publishers and folklore, 223-24
Questionnaires: as basis for mapping, 134; limited rights of collector in, 104; use of, 10, 17, 59-60, 63, 68, 69, 134, 150; see also Psychologists’ questionnaires on folk vocabulary
Radio: 146, 151, 159-62, 207, 219; collecting songs by means of, 207;« discovering folklore by means of, 21-22, 33, 56; impact of on folklore collecting, 8; perversions of folklore by, 167, 170, 171, 195; singing habits influenced by, 21-22
Rapport with singers through mutual love of songs, 86
Rearrangement of folk songs, 222
Reasons for working with folklore, 164
Reaver, J., 26-27, 43-44, 97-98, 103-04, 124, 140, 315-16
Recorded folklore, necessity for transcribing, 7, 15-16
Recording machines, importance of in revival of folklore, 21; see also Mechanical recordings, Tape recordings, Discs
Recording of folk tale in Ireland: 2-16; use of notebooks in, 14, 15
Records of folk songs for use in schools, 214
Recreation and the folk museum, 178-90
Recurring patterns in folk songs, 311
Regional American folklore: 216;
styles of in storytelling, 299
Regularization of games, 190
Revival: Is real folklore killed by? 206, 213; of folk customs in folk museums, 180, 186-90; of folk music in England, 199; of folk song (in Finland), 210, (in England) 199-208, (in schools) 225; of folklore, 228-47; see also Esthetic test for revival of folklore
Richmond, W., 34
Rights, protection of collector’s and informant’s, 19, 103-05
Rivet, P., 44
Rousseauism, 232
“Runs” in Irish folk tales, 291
Saint George, 25-26
Saint Martin, legend of in Ireland, 25
São Paulo, collection of discs in, 143
Saygun, A., 84, 108, 128-31, 140-42, 145-46, 166-67, 197-98
Scholar and folklore revival, 232, 236, 239, 243
Scholarship in folklore: history of, 249-50; and popularization, 205; see also Attitudes toward folklore
School children: as collectors, 10, 28, 56-64, 211; valuable in discovery of folklore, 28, 56-64, 72
Schools: folklore in, 93, 191-99, 202-19, 221-22, 232, 240-41; helpful in folklore mapping, 31
Scientific approach related to values, 162-65
Scientific and commercial attitudes toward folklore, see Attitudes toward folklore
Scotland, folklore collecting in, 5, 8
Seeger, C., 99-100, 120-21, 127-30, 146, 151-52, 172-74, 187-88, 208-09, 214, 232-34, 311-12, 314-15
Seeger, R., 191-94, 209, 243
Selecting songs for schools, 241
Selections of material in archives, insufficiency of, 99
Self-correction, law of, 277
Sharp, Cecil, 18, 40, 48, 106, 165, 200-201, 203, 204-05, 228
Shoemaker, A., 47, 56, 98, 99, 100, 121, 132, 135, 245-46
Shorthand recording, see Note-taking in the field
Skansen, 175, 181
Slovak folklore, 147
Social background of folk tale, see Folk tale
Societies, state folklore; see State folklore societies
Sociology, relation of folklore to, 155-62
Songs of protest, see Protest
Sound and cinema: coordination of for recording dance, 39; see also Vans
South America : folklore in, 137 ; folk museums in, 185, 186
Specialization in folklore, 255
Spirituals, Negro; see Negro spirituals
Spring Mill Park, 184
Stability of oral tradition, 277
State folklore collecting, organization of, 52-55
State folklore societies, 184
Statistical studies of folk-tale incidents, 273, 277
Storytellers, influence of famous, 318
Storytelling in schools, 195-96
Studying folklore, 248-305
Style of folk tales: 288-99, 301-04; impossible to study without mechanical recording, 144-45 ; relation of to syntax of language, 289-90
Stylistic studies, accurate recording needed for, 290, 291
Survivals, study of, 253
Sweden, Irish folklorists trained in; see Irish folklorists
Sweden : archives and system of archiving in, 5, 89-97, 260; folk museums in, 175; system of cataloguing in, 92, 113, 260
Swedes in Finland, 234
Switzerland, costume groups in, 208-09
Tabu on photographing native dances, see Photographing native dances
Tale: More international than ballad, 115. See also Folk tale
Tall-tales, indexes of, 126-127
Tape recordings : not playable on all machines, 97 ; possible impermanence of, 100
Teachers: as collectors, 10, 19, 57, 64; giving instruction in folklore to, 64
Teamwork in collecting, 42-45
Techniques : of mapping, 29-30 ; needed in folk dance, 204; for recording folk dances, 35-41
Television, 224
Texas folklore, 32
Textbooks of folklore (for children) : 192-94, 197, 198; faults of, 213
Textiles, 178
Thompson, S., 1-88, 95-97, 103, 106-07, 109-12, 115-16, 136-40, 142-44, 152, 183-86, 220-22, 226, 244, 254-56, 265, 267-72, 274, 293-94, 302-04, 312, 323-25, 327
Tinkers and gypsies in Ireland, 298
Traditions, conscious and unconscious; see Conscious and Unconscious Traditions Training collectors, 17, 49-55, 70, 91
Transcription of folk-music and folklore recordings, necessity of; see Folk Music, Recorded folklore
Trout, A., 33
Trucks, in transportation of recording apparatus; see Vans
Tunes, indexes of, 120, 127-31
Turkish folklore archive, 129
Type-index: 110-17; use of in discovering Irish tales, 4; see also Aarne’s Type Index
Uddin, J., 57, 78-83, 97, 104-05, 107, 168-69, 208, 225-26, 243-44, 272
Ugliness in folklore, 232, 235, 243
United States, see America and American
Universities and folklore collecting, 19, 49-55, 212
University organization of folklore study: 32, 51-54, 265-66; use of students in to discover folklore sources, 32, and as collectors in, 19, 49-55, 56, 102
Urban folklore, 23, 257
Use of folk songs by musicians, 128
Value of folklore, 155-62
Vanishing Gaelic folk-tale tradition; see Gaelic folk-tale tradition
Vans (trucks), in transportation of recording apparatus, 12, 42
Variation: principles of in folklore, 287; in an individual’s narrative style, 290, 291; in styles of different kinds of tales, 291
Venezuelan archives, 95
Vitality: of American folk tradition, 207; of American folk music, 200; see also America, vitality of folklore in
Vocabulary of farmers and workmen, 93
Voegelin, C., 289
Voegelin, E., 257-58, 283, 291, 292, 294, 311
Volkskunde, 249
Voluntary workers in folklore, 12, 64-71, 91
Von Sydow, C., 3
Wells, E., 21, 198-99
Wilson, G., 33
Wood, Ray, 33
Working-class interest in folk museums, 177
Writing, influence of on oral tale, 271
Written form of tale: Is it the earliest form? 275
Yugoslav epic poetry, see Epic poetry
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