The Dimensionality of Signs, Tools, and Models

An Introduction

by James H. Bunn

Semiotics, the study of the function of signs, can seem bewildering to the uninitiated. James H. Bunn's dimensional approach makes semiotics accessible as no previous work has succeeded in doing.

The book is organized to correspond with the several Euclidean dimensions: it explores three-dimensional instruments as they exist "in the round"; the relationship between pictorial images and a two-dimensional plane, as in maps and paintings; abstract signs, such as mathematical figures and musical notes that are strung together in one-dimensional series; and spatio-temporal (four-dimensional) models that are equated with whole systems.

Bunn roams freely in a variety of fields—literature, history, mythology, anthropology, technology. The Dimensionality of Signs, Tools, and Models is a stimulating guide for the general reader, and an important breakthrough for those special readers interested in the philosophy of communication.


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  • publisher
    Indiana University Press
  • publisher place
    Bloomington, Indiana USA
  • restrictions
  • rights
    Copyright © Trustees of Indiana University
  • rights holder
    Indiana University Press
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