“Contents” in “The Semiotics of French Gestures”
I. Determining the Relevant Features
of a Gestural Expression:
An Intracultural Experimental Study
Positive or negative role of the complementary facial signifier—Errors due to the principal signifier—Errors due to the signified—Semantic data deduced from mismatches
II. The Iconic and Cultural Nature of Gesture:
An Intercultural Experimental Study
Identification of certain gestures—Mismatches—Positive role of facial expression—Cultural nature of facial expression—Cultural and iconic nature of gesture
III. Physical Components of the Gestural Sign
A dictionary of gestures arranged according
to relevant physical features
Symbolic corollaries to relevant physical features
IV. Semantic Fields of the Gestural Sign
Cluster of signifieds—Network of expressions
Certainty-Doubt-Disbelief—Positive-mediocre-negative qualities—
Conventionality—Encoding—Etymology-revealing gestures—Synthesis—Selection—Transfer—Gestural representation of acting and being acted on—Dynamic or static characterization of the signified—‘Static’ or ‘dynamic’ gesture? Before or after action?—Space-time interaction
VI. The Relationship between Signifier
and Signified: Motivation
Motivation and conventionality—Motivation and isomorphism—Motivation and variants—Motivation and polysemy—Double motivation of a sign—Motivation and gestural redundance—Motivation and gestural economy—Relationships between motivations
VII. An Application: The Motivation of Refusal
Active refusal—Passive refusal—Refusal through different signifieds
Phono-gestural parallelism—Gesture in discourse—Gesture and the analysis of discourse—Gesture and language
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