“Pobedonostsev His Life and Thought”
The following abbreviations have been used in the index: CPP—Constantine P. Pobedonostsev, PVP—Peter V. Pobedonostsev, and SPP—Sergei P. Pobedonostsev.
A quoi tient la supériorité des Anglo-Saxons, 289
Abaza, Alexander A., 147-48, 155-56, 158, 160-61
Abyssinia: CPP interest in, 211, 231, 233-37, 361; historical Russian interest in, 231-32; mentioned 211, 216. See also Ashinov
Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, 348
Action Française, 112
Adam, Madame Juliette, 236
Aden, Gulf of, 232, 235
Aksakov family, 28, 206, 337
Akasakov, Anna: marriage, 14, 84, 264; friendship with CPP, 34, 69, 75, 84, 85, 87, 347; tutor at court, 84
Aksakov, Constantine; helps revive Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6; student of PVP, 12; visits England, 52; as Slavophil, 110; on Jews, 203-204
Aksakov, Ivan: marriage, 14, 34, 84, 264; visits Herzen, 52; and Alexander III, 76; career as journalist, 76, 85, 264-65; on Old Believers and evangelical sects, 85, 171, 265; on judicial reform, 85; and CPP, 85, 93, 264-66; as Slavophil, 110, as panslav, 115-17, 126; on Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78, 123-24, 129; and Olga Novikov, 127; as founder of Volunteer Fleet, 132; role in 1881, 157; on Jews, 203; and Ashinov, 233-34; as drafter of 1870 petition to tsar, 264-65; on censorship, 265; on Rachinskii, 277; mentioned, 219
Alaska, 218
Albania, 220
Aleutians, 217
Alexander Alexandrovich, Grand Duke: tutored by CPP, 26, 30, 33, 64, 74-76; relations with CPP, 35, 120-24, 129, 136, 140, 143-44; and Grazhdanin, 98; on panslavism, 120-21, 124; and Volunteer Fleet, 132-38; travel to England, 348. See also Alexander III
Alexander I, 9, 11, 323, 324, 335, 356
Alexander II: and CPP, 33, 72, 77, 142-44, 148; on Panin, 53; on the reforms, 61, 113, 203; admired by Odoevskii, 80; influenced by Grand Duchess Helen Pavlovna, 81, 306; at court, 80; on the Slavs and panslavism, 113, 116-17; appoints Loris-Melikov, 139; marries Princess Catherine Dolgoruki, 143-44; last years and death, 146, 148, 150, 256; on Old Believers, 180; on Catholics and Uniates, 195, 212-13; interest in Abyssinia, 231-32; mentioned, 287
Alexander III: correspondence with CPP, 39, 45, 219; appoints CPP tutor, 64; tutored by CPP, 74-76; CPP view of, 74-76, 307, 311; grants favor to CPP, 91-92; on Old Believers, 152-53, 180; on Loris-Melikov proposals, 153-61; influenced by CPP, 153-312 passim; power in Church affairs, 166-67; decline of CPP’s influence with, 191-92, 231, 290, 361; coronation, 213; and Leo XIII, 213-14; as member of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, 226-27; and Abyssinia, 233-34, 236-37; on reorganization and higher education, 247; and Count Leo Tolstoy, 256-57; on Germany, 263; on France, 341; honors CPP, 358; death, 361. See also Alexander Alexandrovich, Grand Duke
Alexander, L. K„ 125, 126
Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress, 167, 306
Alexandrovskii Institute, 4
Amvrosii, Father, 97, 99, 100
Andrassy, Count Gyula, 347
Anglicanism, 211, 215, 303
Anichkov Palace, 133, 140
Anna Karenina, 255
Antioch, 230
Antisemitism: of Iurii Samarin, 83; in Russia, 104, 202-208; among Slavophils, 203; among panslavs, 203; of CPP, 216, 290-91, 346; mentioned, 126. See also Jews
Antonii, Metropolitan, of St. Petersburg, 365-68
Archeological Commission, 50
Archeological Institute, 50
Argentina, 217
Aristocracy, 139, 335-36
Aristotle, 310
Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedeniiotnosiashchikhsiia do Rossii, 47
Arseniev, Admiral, 99
Ashinov, Nicholas I., 232-37, 313, 361. See also Abyssinia
Ausgleich, 221
Austria-Hungary: relations with Russia, 113-14; CPP attitude toward, 104, 194, 212, 220-21; Old Believers in, 180; Orthodox Church in, 217; mentioned, 263
Avvakum, 333
Babst, Professor Ivan K., 29, 32-34, 52, 60, 132
Bakhmetev, Alexandra Nikolaevna, 219, 268-69, 290
Balkans: CPP interest in, 76, 120, 211, 216, 217-21, 344, 348; mentioned, 119. See also individual countries
Baltic Germans: CPP concern with, 10, 38, 77, 107, 122, 130, 170, 173, 176, 187-202, 241, 250, 265, 272, 290, 302, 319-20, 361; CPP instructs heir on, 76; Baroness Raden and Iurii Samarin views of, 8283, 193; Alexander III criticism of CPP policy on, 290; role in government, 33435; mentioned, 98, 302. See also CPP on Lutherans
Balzac, Honoré de, 340
Baptists, 178, 181-82, 304
Baranov, Captain Nicholas M.: rumors concerning, 91; and Volunteer Fleet, 136-37; trial and dismissal, 137; and Loris-Melikov, 140, 150-51; as governor of St. Petersburg, 150-51, 155, 162, 208; on Ashinov, 234; admired by CPP, 313. See also Volunteer Fleet
Barrès, Maurice, 130
Bartenev, Peter I., 39
Belgium, 217
Beliaev, A. P., 228, 231
Belinsky, Vissarion G., 12, 17, 48, 79, 338
Bellamy, Edward, 310
Benson, Edward, Archbishop of Canterbury, 215
Berlin, 48, 275, 335, 336, 350, 354
Bessarabia, 220
Beveridge, Senator Albert, 22
Bestuzhev-Riumin, Professor Constantine N„ 125
Biblioteka dlia chteniia, 17
Biblioteka Evreiskaia, 205
Birkbeck, William J., 215-16
Bismarck, Count Herbert von, 224
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 114, 118, 224, 263, 339, 347, 355
Blackwood’s, 346
Blanc, Louis, 17, 46, 338
Bludov, Count Dmitrii N., 55, 61
Bludov, Countess A. D., 34, 113, 306
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 253
Bogdanov-Bel’skii, Nicholas P., 275
Bogoliubov, Colonel A. A., 90-91
Bogoliubov, A. P., 33-34
Bohemia, 217. See also Prague
Bompard, Maurice, 291
Bossuet, Bishop Jacques, of Meaux, 86
Boulanger, General Georges, 116, 136
Boulangism, 236
Bratskoe Slovo, 186
Brauner, František, 121-22
Brotherhood of St. Iurii, 198, 202
Brothers Karamazov: CPP’s influence on, 93, 94-95; mentioned, 99, 100
Browning, Robert, 49, 346
Brussels, 268, 348
Buenos Aires, 217
Bulgaria: in 1876-78, 125, 129; Orthodox Church in, 219-20; mentioned, 116, 131, 232, 263. See also Balkans
The Bulganian Horrors and the Question of the East, 125
Bureaucracy: CPP view of, 27, 73, 78, 137, 158, 307, 313; Slavophils on, 110
Burke, Edmund, 313, 347
Buslaev, Fedor I., 32
Butkov, Vladimir P., 61-63
Byron, Lord George Gordon, 18
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 126
Carlyle, Thomas: CPP admiration for and reading of, 38, 49, 86, 250, 316, 318, 327, 346, 353; friend of Olga Novikov, 126; on Jews, 346; mentioned, 293
Carpathian Ruthenia: CPP interest in, 120, 211, 221; Uniates in, 218, 224; groups residing in, 221-22; annexed by Soviet Union, 224. See also Dobriansky, Naumovich
Catherine the Great: admired by PVP, 9, 11; CPP views on, 54, 323, 326; on Old Believers, 180; interest in Middle East, 225; mentioned, 12, 332, 351
Catherine Mikhailovna, Grand Duchess, 89, 214, 306, 307
Catholics: Dostoevsky on, 104, 341; CPP on, 102, 104, 122, 170, 173, 176, 190, 212, 303; Alexander II on, 95, 212-13; position in Russia, 192-94, 213. See also Poles and Poland Caucasus, 195
Cavour, Count Camillo de, 114
Censorship: PVP as censor, 5, 9, 334; Fedor Tiutchev as censor, 84; CPP manipulates, 147, 248-64, 294, 361; used against Old Believers, 181; Ivan Aksakov on, 265; mentioned, 98, 116, 209. See also Feoktistov
Central Asia, 76, 170, 176, 196-201, 343
Central Chuvash School in Simbirsk, 201
Chaadaiev, Peter, 317, 336, 351
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 348
Chambord, Count Henry de, 102
Chancery court, 26, 67-68
Chekhov, Anton, 255
Cheremiss, 201-202
Cherkasskii, Prince Vladimir A., 192-94
Chernaiev, General Michael G., 115, 116, 136
Chernovitz, 223
Chernyshevsky, Nicholas G., 60
Chicago, 218
Chicherin, Professor Boris N.: as colleague and friend of CPP, 32, 40, 52, 92; as jurist and tutor of heir, 33, 42; ideas in 1881, 163; mentioned, 275, 342
China, 217
Church of England. See Anglicanism
Church songs, 19, 277-79, 286, 304, 316
Chuvash, 201, 202
Cicero, 8
The City of God, 310
Civil Law. See Kurs grazhdanskago prava
Clergy: salaries, 166, 178; number and quality, 168-70, 176-78, 185, 294, 315, 366; role in parish schools, 277-81. See also CPP on religion and the Church
Columbus, Christopher, 234, 237
Commune, 355
Comte, Auguste, 42, 316, 317, 340
Congress of Berlin, 85, 105, 116, 118-19, 124, 129, 132, 139
Constantine Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, 99
Constantine Constantinovich, Grand Duke, 99
Constantine Nikolaevich, Grand Duke: quarrel over Volunteer Fleet, 135, 137, 141; supports Loris-Melikov, 148, 155, 160, 163; organizes Palestine Committee, 226
Die conventiollen Lügen der Kulturmenschheit, 290
“Cook’s children decree, ” 247
Cooper, James Fenimore, 346
Copenhagen, 348
Copernicus, 18
Corelli, Marie. See Mackay, Minnie
Cossacks, 232
Council of Ministers: role in 1881, 154-58; CPP as member, 145-46, 168, 305, 327, 358, 363; mentioned, 140, 327
Council of State: function, 61-62, 77, 149; CPP service in, 77, 247, 327
Council of Twenty-Five, 208
Cracow, 221
Creighton, Bishop Mandell, of Peterborough and of London, 22, 49, 216
Crime and Punishment, 95
Crimean War: influence of, 46, 84-85, 113, 127, 225, 226, 332; and panslavs, 118; mentioned, 81, 82, 85, 124, 135, 149, 245, 338, 342
Czechs, 116, 121. See also Prague
Dalton, Reverend Hermann, 189-90, 191-92, 283
Damascus, 228, 230
Damskii zhurnal, 16
Danilevsky, Professor Nicholas J., 117-18, 318, 340
Dante, 347
Darwin, Charles, 316, 340, 346, 357
Darwinism, 101
Daudet, Alphonse, 253
Decembrists, 321
Delianov, Count Ivan D., 240, 244-45, 247, 252, 263-64
Demolins, Edmond, 289, 310
Denmark, 75, 190
Derzhavin, Gavriil R., 11
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 337
Detskii vestnik, 6
The Dairy of a Writer, 98, 99, 100, 105
Diderot, Denis, 8, 12
Director General of the Holy Synod. See Holy Synod
Disraeli, Benjamin, 118, 125
Dmitrii Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, 99
Dmitrii Constantinovich, Grand Duke, 99
Dobriansky, Adolf, 120, 223
Dolgoruki, Princess Catherine, 143-44
Dolgorukov, Prince Vladimir A., 132, 207
Dondukov-Korsakov, Prince Alexander M„ 233
Dorpat, 187, 188
Dostoevsky, Fedor: contributor to Olecheslvennyia Zapiski, 17; as friend of CPP, 34, 76, 93-100, 205, 255, 260, 305; editor of Grazhdanin, 71, 95; and Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, 76; and Katkov, 95; on the West, 95, 97-98, 108; and the court, 95, 97, 99; on the judicial system, 103-104; on Jews, 104, 204; on Poles, 104; on Catholicism, 104, 341; as panslav, 104-105, 115; on the zemshii sobor, 105; on the Russian Orthodox Church, 105; and Slavophils, 107; political philosophy, 107; in 1877— 78, 124; hears Lord Radstock, 183; on use of Holy Synod Press, 209; on higher education for women, 248; and Vladimir Soloviev, 254; on France, 340-41
Dostoevsky, Mrs. Fedor, 96-97, 287
Doumani Meletios, Patriarch of Antioch, 230
Dreyfus Affair, 214
Drinking: CPP on, 36, 75, 158, 277. 285, 293; Rachinskii on, 277
Dukhobors, 170, 181, 183
Eastern Orthodox Association, 216
Ecclesiastical Mission, 225-26, 227-28
Edinoverii, 184
Education, 4-5, 103, 161, 245-48, 273, 295-97, 334-35. See also Ilminskii, Ministry of Education, Moscow University, Parish schools, Rachinskii
L’Education nouvelle, 289
Ekaterinskii Institute, 15
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 86, 284, 287, 289, 316, 327, 328, 346, 350, 353
Engelhardt family, 88
Engelhardt, Baron von, Dresden astronomer, 88
Engelhardt, Alexander A., 91-92
Engelhardt, Catherine A. See Pobedonostsev, Mrs. Constantine P.
Engelhardt, Sonia A., 90-91
Engelhardt, Vladimir A., 90
Engels, Friedrich, 298
England: PVP and, 8; CPP interest in, 48-49, 71, 102, 103, 123, 126, 215, 261, 295, 313-14, 320-21, 345, 348; Katkov on, 48-49, 261; interest in Abyssinia, 232; Slavophils’ admiration for, 337; influences Populists, 340-41; CPP view of, 341
Enlightenment, 8-9, 324, 333-35, 356
Erasmus, Desiderius, 252
Ermilov, Vladimir, 101
Estland, 187, 188
Estonians, 188, 189
Evangelical Alliance, 189-90
Evangelical sects, 170
Evrei, 205
Fadeev, General Rostislav A., 115-20 passim, 340
Family farm, 13, 267, 298, 329-30
Feoktistov, Evgenii M.: on Jews, 203, 208-209; as Director of the Main Administration of the Press, 249-51, 256-57, 265; as reformer in the 1860’s, 251; as friend of Katkov, 251; as official in Ministry of Education, 251; and CPP, 256-57, 259
Fet, A. A., 27
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 17
Filaret, Metropolitan, of Moscow, 115, 143, 272-73, 289
Finland, 190
Finno-Ugric languages. See Uralic-Altaic languages
Finns, 130, 176, 188, 302
Floquet, Charles, 263
Fourier, François, 46, 315, 338, 340, 347
France: cultural influence in Russia, 7-9, 46, 333-36; Orthodox Church in, 217; interest in Palestine and Abyssinia, 230, 232, 235; CPP view of, 102, 321, 328, 347, 355; Russian view of, 337-41, 355-57
Francis Joseph, Emperor, 223
Franciscans, 230
Franco-Russian alliance, 236-37
Franco-Russian War, 339
Fraser’s, 346
Frederick the Great, 324
Freeman, Edward, 126
Freiburg Conference, 215
French Revolution, 354
Froude, James, 38, 49, 126, 346
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa, 347
Galicia, 120, 211, 216, 218, 221-22, 224
Galician Benevolent Society, 224
Galileo, 18
Gatchina, 152, 161
Ge, Nicholas N., 252
Georgians, 195
Germans: in Russia, 176, 221, 334-35. See also Baltic Germans
Germany: PVP interest in, 8; Orthodox Church in, 217; relations with Russia, 263; cultural influence in Russia, 334-35, 340-42; Russian view of, 340, 354, 355-57; CPP view of, 346-47; mentioned, 191, 203, 328
Giers, Nicholas K., 213-14, 219, 224, 236-37, 263
Giliarov-Platonov, Nikita P., 209, 260, 271, 272, 274
Ginzburg, I. E., 132
Gladstone, William E.: writings on Balkan crisis, 125; and Olga Novikov, 126-27; read and translated by CPP, 125, 267, 289, 346; mentioned, 299, 332, 347
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 84, 332, 348
Gogol, Nicholas V., 23, 46
Golos, 205
Golosa iz Rossii, 28, 29, 52
Goncharov, Ivan A., 12, 60, 97, 253, 287
Gorcharov, Prince Alexander M., 116, 117, 123, 127
Gordon, Charles G., 116, 136
Goremykin, Ivan L., 240
Government General of Warsaw, 192-93, 195, 199
Gradovskii, Grigorii K., 95
Grand Council, 208
Granovskii, Timofei N., 17, 250
Gray, Thomas, 8
Grazhdanin: CPP and Dostoevsky collaborate on, 71-72, 76, 93-95, 98, 101-104, 120, 124-25, 127, 160-61, 175, 260-61, 290; CPP contributes to, 124-25, 160-61; comments on CPP, 234; receives state subsidies, 262
Greek patriarchates, 230
Grigorovich, Nicholas S., 272-73
Grossman, Leonid, 94
Gurko, General Iosif V., 136
Hague conference on disarmament, 131
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 346
Hegel, Friedrich, 17, 42, 48, 335, 355
Heine, Heinrich, 84, 348
Helen Pavlovna, Grand Duchess: as friend of CPP, 34, 78, 80-82, 287, 293, 306, 307; as confidante of Alexander II, 53, 81, 306; personal qualities, 80-81; as panslav, 115; on Jews, 204
Helsinki, 348
Herzen, Alexander: as political journalist, 17, 338-39; dispute with SPP, 17, 18; publishes CPP attack on Panin, 29, 52, 282; death of daughter, 99; on France, 339; career and ideas, 338, 339; mentioned, 335
Hitler, Adolf, 292, 332, 347
Hobbes, Thomas, 291, 347
Holy Brotherhood, 208
Holy Land. See Palestine
Holy Synod: established by Peter the Great, 145; Director General of, 145, 167-68; organization and functions, 167-68; Committee on Education, 193, 201; choir, 221; role as censor, 250, 254; on separating Count Leo Tolstoy from the Church, 257-58. See also CPP on religion and the Church
Holy Synod Press: CPP uses, 8, 38, 189, 201-202, 219, 260, 266, 270-73, 288, 365; activities, 185, 252, 276
Homer, 8
Horace, 8
Hugo, Victor, 253, 336, 338, 340
Ibsen, 89, 347
The Idiot, 95
Ignatiev, Count Nicholas P.: as panslav, 113, 116, 117, 118-19, 219, 230; as ambassador to Constantinople, 118, 340; admired by CPP, 123, 151, 313; role in 1881, 151, 156, 158, 160; as Minister of Interior, 162-63, 207-208, 240, 250; on zemskii sohor, 162-63, 240; and Ashinov, 233
Illarion, Archbishop, of Poltava, 174
Ilminskii, Nicholas I.: relations with CPP, 38, 174, 184, 196, 199-201, 293, 306; missionary program among Moslems, 196-201; work appreciated by Soviet Union, 200; as author and translator, 201-202; on primary schools, 273; on the West, 351-52
The Imitation of Christ, 286
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, 212, 224-31, 234-35, 237
Imperial Russian Historical Society, 38, 226
Imperial School of Jurisprudence. See School of Jurisprudence
Inspectorate General, 54
Intelligentsia, 97, 294, 304, 339, 352
Isidore, Metropolitan, of Moscow, 233, 255
Isle of Wight, 348
Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i, 96
Istoriia pravoslavnoi tserkvi do nachala razdeleniia tserkvei, 268-69
Italy, 217, 232, 235, 350
Ito, Marquis Hirobumi, 22
Iuridicheskii vestnik, 50
Iuriev, 188
Irkutsk, 200
“Ivan the Terrible and the Corpse of his Son, ” 251-52
Izvolskii, Alexander P., 214
Japan, 211, 217
Jerusalem, 225, 226, 228, 230
Jesuits, 21
Jews: PVP on, 9; SPP on, 10; CPP on, 104, 107, 130, 131, 187, 191, 202, 204-209, 216, 290-91, 301, 302, 323, 331, 346; Iurii Samarin on, 83, 104; Dostoevsky on, 104, 204; Aksakovs on, 203-204; Feoktistov on, 203, 208-209; Katkov on, 203-204; Carlyle on, 346; in Carpathian Ruthenia, 221; mentioned, 176. See also Antisemitism
Jibuti, 232
John IV, King, of Abyssinia, 231-32, 233, 235
Journalism, 4-8, 15-18, 48. See also Censorship, Katkov
Judaism, 176
Jury trial, 59, 67
Justices of the peace, 59
Kalachov, Senator Nicholas: associate of CPP, 47, 50, 306-307; as student at Moscow University, 49; as publicist and archivist, 49-50; as reformer, 50-51; criticized by CPP, 71, 103; as founder of Volunteer Fleet, 132; mentioned, 78
Kalmyck, 202
Kamchatka, 200
Karamzin, Nicholas M., 22
Karlygan, 201
Katkov, Michael N.: as editor and publisher, 47, 60; as friend and associate of CPP, 47, 48, 125, 137, 181, 243, 254, 261-64, 288; as reformer, 48, 251; admiration for England, 48-49, 261; as publisher of Dostoevsky, 95; as panslav, 115, 124; in 1881, 152, 157, 160, 163-64; on Old Believers, 185; on Jews, 203-204; and Ashinov, 233; influence on Alexander III, 244; on higher education, 247; on zemskii sobor, 261; on Rachinskii, 277; on Germany, 340; mentioned, 188
Kazan: SPP in, 16; as center of Ilminskii’s work, 174, 196-201, 273, 306, 352, 366; sobor on Old Believers, 184, 200; mentioned, 329
Kazan Central Christian School for Non-Nussians, 38, 198, 200-201
Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy, 196, 198, 199, 200
Kazan Seminary for Non-Russians, 157, 197-201
Kazan Translation Committee, 202
Kazan University, 196
Kennan, George, 345
Kepler, Johannes, 18
Khabarovsk, 200, 201
Kheraskov, Michael M., 11, 21
Khitrovo, V. N., 231
Khlysty, 170
Kholm, 173, 193-94, 195, 221
Khomiakov, Alexei S., 6, 83, 84, 109, 110, 337
Kiev: sobor in 1884, 182, 184; 1888 celebration in, 212, 220, 233, 237; CPP visits, 343; mentioned, 218
Kinglake, Alexander, 126, 346
Kireev, Alexander A., 213
Kireevsky, Ivan V., 110, 337
Kleist, Heinrich von, 8
Kliuchevsky, Vasilii O., 32, 38, 317, 368
Kock, Paul de, 23, 45
Kolokol, 52
Komarovsky, Count, 132
Koni, Anatole F., 13, 32, 59
Korea, 207
Korkunov, Nicholas M., 42
Koshelev, Alexander, 110
Kostroma, 207
Kovařík, Fedor, 122
Kraevskii, Andrew A., 17, 287
Kregwitz, Frederick von, 122
The Kreutzer Sonata, 256-57
Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 335
Kryzhanovskii, Professor Adrian, 18
Kryzhanovskii, Efimi N., 193
Kuchuk Kainardji, Treaty of, 225
Kulaks, 301
Kulturhampf, 101-102, 130, 349
Kurland, 187
Kurs grazhdanskago prava: as scholarly study, 30, 36-37, 41-42; on courts, 70, 99; on role of Russian Orthodox Church, 179; on Poles and Catholics, 192; on Jews, 204; on internal passports, 248; on the family and family farm, 267, 298, 301
La Bruyère, Jean de, 9
La Fontaine, Jean de, 8
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 46, 84, 347
Lamennais, Father Félicité de, 336
Lamzdorf, Count Vladimir N., 237
Latin America, 212
Latvians, 188, 189
Lavrov, Peter, 60, 317, 340
Lazhechnikov, Ivan I.: and the Pobedonostsevs, 5, 14, 15, 16, 34, 76, 343; translated into Polish, 16; read by Alexander III, 76
League of Three Emperors, 263
Lenin, Vladimir I., 355, 360
Leo XIII, 213-14
Leontiev, Constantine N., 253-54
Leontiev, Vladimir, 253-54
Le Play, Frederick: read and translated by CPP, 13, 86, 270, 310, 327, 328, 347, 353; influences Marshal Pétain, 14; on the family, 298-300; mentioned, 313
Lermontov, Michael, 46
Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, 345
Leshkov, Professor V. N., 275
Leskov, Nicholas S., 181
Lessing, Gotthold, 8, 348
Levashov, family name of CPP’s mother, 3
Lilly, William S., 268
Liubimov, Professor Nicholas A., 244
Livland, 187, 188
Livy, 8
Lomonosov, Michael, 8, 11, 12
London, 218, 345, 348, 349
London Daily News, 346
London Times, 146, 192, 249, 345, 346
Loris-Melikov, General Count Michael T.: role in 1880-81, 92, 139, 148-61 passim, 311; relations with CPP, 139-43, 148-60, passim, 240, 311; and Ivan Aksakov, 265
Lowell, James Russell, 346
Lutheranism and Lutherans. See Baltic Germans
Lvov, 221, 222
Macaulay, Thomas B., 27, 46, 49, 317, 335, 346
Mackay, Minnie, 88-89, 269, 310, 352
MacKenzie Wallace, Sir Donald, 49, 126, 249, 345
Maclagan, Archbishop, of York, 216
Maikov, Apollon N., 27, 97
Main Administration of the Press, 181, 249-51, 256-57, 258, 260, 265. See also Censorship
Maine, Sir Henry, 71, 346
Maistre, Joseph de, 86, 347
Makarii, Archbishop, of Tomsk, 174
Makov, Lev S., 140, 155
Malikov, Alexander K., 60
Manasein, Nicholas A., 242
Manchester Guardian, 346
Manchuria, 180
Manifesto of April 29, 1881, 159-61
Maria Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess, 84, 98, 99, 115, 287
Maria Fedorovna, Empress: and CPP, 74-75, 153, 306, 363; as panslav, 115; role in 1881, 159; as member of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, 226
Marienbad, 123, 348
Marx, Karl, 128, 252, 298, 316, 335, 355
Marxism, 253
May Law of 1883, 180-82
Mendeleev, Dmitrii I., 127
Menelik, King, 232, 233, 237
Merchants: CPP and, 5, 137, 206, 301, 314, 331, 343; as panslavs, 115-16; and Volunteer Fleet, 132-37; mentioned, 3
Merzliakov, Professor Alexei F., 4
Meshcherskii, Prince Vladimir P.: and CPP, 34, 95, 237; publisher of Grazhdanin, 71, 95, 98, 262; mentioned, 160
Michael, Metropolitan, of Serbia, 219
Michael Pavlovich, Grand Duke, 80
The Mighty Atom, 88-89
Mikhailov, Michael M., 42
Mikhailovsky, Nicholas K., 317
Mikhailovsky Palace, 81
Milan, King, 219
Miliutin, General Count Dmitrii A.: on reform of army, 72; opposes panslavism, 116, 118, 123; role in 1881, 147, 155-60; on narod, 154; mentioned, 136
Miliutin, Nicholas A., 81
Mill, John Stuart, 102, 346
Milton, John, 27
Ministry of Education: and Palestine, 228; role in higher education, 243-45; Katkov and, 263-64; role in primary education, 278-80. See also Delianov, Moscow University, Saburov
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 228
Ministry of the Navy, 135
Mitrofan Ban, Archimandrite, of Montenegro, 219
Mogilev, 278
Mohammedanism, 170, 176, 187, 196-202
Molière, 347
Molokane, 170, 183
Montaigne, Michel de, 8, 347
Montalembert, Count Charles de, 337
Montenegro, 125, 129, 219, 220
Mordvinian, 202
More, Sir Thomas, 17, 310
Morgan, Lewis, 298
Morier, Sir Robert, 126
Morley, John, 346
Morozov, Timofei, 115, 132
Morris, William, 346
Moscow: CPP affection for, 3, 11, 19, 35, 39, 78, 80, 86, 97, 152, 218, 265-66, 270, 327, 342, 348, 362, 368; as panslav center, 115-17; support for Volunteer Fleet in, 132; Old Believers in, 180, 184
Moscow Censorship Committee, 209
Moscow Congress of Panslavs, 1867, 84-85
Moscow Duma, 264-65
Moscow Ecclesiastical Academy, 179, 209
Moscow Slavonic Benevolent Society, 76, 116, 120, 124, 125, 128, 219-20, 226. See also Panslavism
Moscow University: PVP on faculty of, 4-5, 10. 12-13, 21, 79; faculty of, 4-5, 7-8, 11, 32, 60, 120, 125, 152, 175, 244, 254, 306; and Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6; CPP on faculty of, 14, 25-26, 30, 32, 40, 59, 64, 92, 251, 305; CPP student in, 29, 47, 54-55; Katkov as student and professor in, 48; Kalachov as student and professor in, 49-50; CPP criticizes law faculty of, 71-72, 103; faculty problems of, 152, 275; students of, 250-51
Moskovskii sbornik, 36, 107, 267, 277, 290, 304, 314
Moskovskii vestnik, 29, 34, 163
Moskovskiia Vedomosti: used by CPP, 48, 60, 124-25, 127, 137, 243, 254, 262. See also Katkov
Moskva, 76, 205, 264
Moskvitianin, 5, 15, 17, 18
Moslems. See Mohammedanism
Mount Athos, 235
Mstislav, 193
Muraviev, Andrei N., 38, 218, 219
Muraviev, Count Michael N., 192
Mystical sects, 170
Nabokov, Vladimir A., 158, 242
Nagasaki, 217
Napoleon, 299, 335
Napoleon III, 114, 338, 339, 340, 341, 355
Napoleonic Code, 347
Narod: Slavophils on, 110; CPP on, 201
Narodniki. See Populists
Narodnoe obrazovanie, 279
Naumovich, Father Ivan, 223
Naville, Edward, 190
Nazareth, 227, 228
Nekrasov, Nicholas A., 17, 60
Nelidov, Alexander I., 131, 360
Nesselrode, Count Carl V., 225
New Moscow, 235, 236
Newton, Sir Isaac, 18
Nicholas, Bishop, of Tokyo, 217
Nicholas I: CPP view of, 53, 311; on judicial system, 51, 61; and Europe, 113, 335, 354; on parish schools, 274; on education, 297; mentioned, 9, 37
Nicholas II: and CPP, 39, 45, 240, 258, 358, 363-67; meets English visitors, 216; honors CPP, 358, 360; on Russian Orthodox Church, 364; in 1905, 366-67
Nicholas Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, 33, 35, 84, 286
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 347
Nikanor, Bishop, of Ufa, 174, 197, 201, 253
Nikolai, Baron Alexander P., 152, 156, 158, 240, 243-44, 277
The Nineteenth Century, 346
Nizhni Novgorod, 171, 234
Nordau, Max, 290, 347
Northern Echo, 125
Notes from the Underground, 95
Novikov, Olga: and CPP, 125, 126, 128, 206, 215, 270, 298-99, 346; and English friends, 126-27; advocates zemskii sobor, 163; on Jews, 204; on other religious groups, 215
Novoe Vremia, 230
Novosel’skii, N. A., 131
Ober Prokuror of Holy Synod. See Holy Synod
Obock, 232, 235
Obruchev, General Nicholas N., 232
Obshchina, 300-302
Odessa, 220
Odoevskii, Prince Vladimir F., 27, 78-80, 305
Ogarev, Nicholas P., 338
Old Believers: Ivan Aksakov on, 85, 171, 265; Catherine Tiutchev on, 86, 179; CPP against, 152-53, 170, 173-76, 178-81, 184-87, 200, 217, 302, 323; Alexander II on, 180; Catherine the Great on, 180; Katkov on, 185; Ashinov as an Old Believer, 232; mentioned, 209, 235
Old Catholics, 211, 215
Old Ruthenians, 222-23, 224
Oldenburg, Prince Peter G., 22, 23, 26, 65, 77, 356
Orenburg, 201
Orenburg Boundary Committee, 196
Orthodox Missionary Society, 187, 199, 202
Orthodox Palestine Society. See Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
Ostrovsky, Alexander, 60
Otechestvennyia zapiski, 15, 17, 23, 48
Paisii, Father, 235, 236
Palacky, František, 121
Pale of Settlement, 202
Palen, Count Constantine I., 70
Palestine, 29, 211, 216, 224-31, 234-35, 237. See also Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
Palestine Commission, 227-28
Palestine Committee, 226
Palestinskii Sbornik, 225
Palmer, William, 215
Palmerston, Viscount Henry Temple, 86, 339
Panin, Count Victor N.: as Minister of Justice, 24-26, 53; CPP attack on, 29, 52, 53, 59, 282; on judicial reform, 65, 67
Panslavism: link with Slavophils, 6, 76, 117; Tiutchev as a panslav, 84-85; Dostoevsky as a panslav, 104-105, 120-24, 223-24, 318, 353; doctrines and qualities, 112-15; weaknesses, 115-16; on religious groups, 215; 1846 Congress in Prague, 222; as weapon versus Greek hierarchy, 230; view of France, 340. See also Aksakov, Ivan; Ignatiev; Katkov; Moscow Slavonic Benevolent Society
Papacy, 84, 299, 350. See also Vatican
Paris, 17, 19, 335, 341, 349
Parish schools, 177, 239, 266, 269, 271-81, 282, 295-97, 315
Pashkov, Colonel Vasilii A., 183-84
Pashkovists, 178, 181, 183-84
Paul, Exarch, of Georgia, 195
Paul Alexander, Grand Duke, 75, 99, 213
Pazukhin, Alexander D., 241
Peking, Treaty of, 119
Peretts, Egor A., 158
Perm, 201
Perovskii, Count Leo A., 171
Persia, 131
Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 14, 298
Peter the Great: PVP view of, 9, 11; reorganizes State and Church, 24, 145, 167; CPP view of, 52, 54, 56, 322-24, 330, 351; Slavophils on, 110, 336; interest in Abyssinia, 231; on primary education, 274; on serfdom, 324; mentioned, 19
Petrashevtsy Circle, 97
Petrovskii, Sergei M., 263-64, 288
Philip of Macedon, 118
Philosophical Letters, 336
Picasso, Pablo, 332
Piedmont, 114
Pilgrim’s Progress, 183
Pittsburgh, 218
Pius IX, 347, 352
Platon, Metropolitan, of Kiev, 167, 215-16, 237
Plavilshchikov, Peter A., 11
Plehve, Viacheslav K. von, 240
Plevna, 105, 127
Pliny, 8
Plody melankholii, 6
Plutarch, 8
Pobedonostsev, Alexander P., 15
Pobedonostsev, Barbara P., 5, 16
Pobedonostsev, Catherine P., 15
Pobedonostsev, Constantine P.
—personal qualities: 39, 40, 45-46, 106, 283-91, 304-307; coldness and impersonality, 14, 15, 19, 143, 305; interest in religious music, 19, 277-79, 286, 304, 316; religious beliefs, 23, 27, 39, 44, 169, 286-87; on court and social life, 35, 91, 99, 284, 306-307; on drinking, 36, 75, 158, 277, 285, 293; intellectual dishonesty, 42-43, 257, 288-91; private charities, 122, 286-87; as a pessimist, 176, 231, 239, 266, 285, 322, 323, 358, 362; disinterest in power, 239; as a moralist, 284-85; concern with money, 287-88, 368; on originality, 305; health, 361-62, 367-68
—life and career: student in School of Jurisprudence, 5, 14, 21-24, 39, 45-46, 87, 344; student in Moscow University, 29, 47, 54-55; lecturer at Moscow University, 14, 25-26, 30, 32-33, 40, 59, 64, 92, 251, 305; translator, 8, 122, 125-26, 257, 276-78, 269-70, 310, of Emerson, 287, 289, of Le Play, 13, 298, of Thiersch, 13, 29, 51, 298, of the New Testament, 28, 36, 367, of Nordau, 290, 347, of Gladstone, 125, 267, 289, 346, of Spencer, 289; rise in state service, 25, 26, 77, 172-75; service in Senate, 25, 26, 142, 327, 358; service in Council of Ministers, 145-46, 168, 305, 327, 358, 363; service in Council of State, 64, 77, 142, 243, 327, 358, 360, 363, 367; role with Volunteer Fleet, 132-38; salary, 25, 64, 168; publicist, 265-73; contributor to Grazhdanin, 71-72, 76, 93-95, 96, 101-104, 124-25, 127, 160-61, 175, 260-61, 290, to Moskovskiia Vedomosti, 48, 60, 124-25, 127, 137, 243, 254, 262, to Russkii vestnik, 29, 47, 62, 99, 267, 300; and Red Cross, 128, 285, 286-87; unpopularity and decline, 28, 191, 231, 237, 358, 36061, 367
—and Russia: knowledge, 23, 27, 33-34, 52, 69, 316-17, 326-28, of rural Russia, 111, 293, 300, 314, 342-43, of Russian literature and theater, 89, 173, 252, see also individual authors; travel within, 33-34, 64, 69, 75, 173, 189, 195-96, 197, 199, 293-94, 327, 331, 342-43; historian of: as scholar, 28, 37-43, 316-17, 322, on serfdom, 28-29, 41, 48, 52, 317, 322, 324-26, on Russian civil law and institutions, 24, 28-30, 36-37, 40-41, 155, 317, 345; helps publish Kliuchevsky’s Kurs russkoi istorii, 38; as member of Imperial Russian Historical Society, 38, 226; on Catherine the Great, 54, 323, 326; on Peter the Great, 52, 54, 56, 322-24, 330, 351; on Russian economy, 65, 319, 326-28; on history of Orthodox Church, 219; on history of private property, 326; love for Moscow, 3, 11, 19, 35, 39, 78, 80, 86, 97, 152, 218, 265-66, 270, 310, 327, 342, 348, 362, 368; aversion to St. Petersburg, 35, 69, 74, 78, 154-55, 218, 284, 327, 362; on the narod, 27, 68, 110, 111, 150, 153-55, 201, 210, 291-92, 293-94, 304, 311, 312, 314-15, 319, 353
—on religion and the Church: as Director General of the Holy Synod, 35, 140-46, 161, 165, 173-75, 266-67; on the clergy and seminaries, 168-70, 177-78, 185, 294, 315, 366; on the hierarchy, 177; on parish schools, 177, 239, 266, 269, 273, 282, 295-97, 315; on other religious groups: Mohammedanism and Moslems, 170, 176, 187, 196-202, Baptists, 178, 181-82, 304, Stundists, 170, 174, 178, 181-82, 323, Pashkovists, 178, 181, 183-84, Old Believers, 152-53, 170, 173-76, 178-81, 184-87, 200, 217, 251, 302, 323, Uniates, 173, 193-95, 211, 218, Catholics, 102, 104, 122, 170, 173, 176, 190, 192, 212, 303, 349, Lutherans, 82, 85, 170, 173, 250, 290, mixed marriages, 189, see also Baltic Germans; on the Church abroad: Abyssinia, 211, 231, 233-37, 361, Palestine, 211, 216, 224-31, 234-35, 237, the Balkans, 76, 120, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218-21, 344, 348, Galicia and Carpathian Ruthenia, 120, 211, 218, 221-22, 223-24, Latin America, 212, United States, 217-18
—and state controls: on reform of judicial system, 29, 44, 47, 51, 57-68, 70, 242; later critique of judicial reforms, 45, 69-73, 103, 175, 242-43, 265; on the press and censorship, 147, 247-64, 294, 361; on higher education, 103, 161, 243, 245-48, 295-97; on travel restrictions, 248-49; on national minorities: 107, Ukrainians, 10, Armenians, 195, Georgians, 195, Finns, 130, 176, 188, 302, Uzbeks, 176, 302, Jews, 104, 107, 130, 131, 187, 191, 202, 204-209, 216, 290-91, 301, 302, 323, 331, 346, Poles, 10, 104, 107, 126, 130, 170, 176, 187, 192-95, 212, 241, 302
—on instruments of government and social groups: merchants, 5, 137, 206, 301, 314, 331, 343; commune and family farm, 13, 267, 329-30, 355; civil law and institutions, 24, 28-30, 36-37, 40-41, 155, 317, 345; bureaucracy, 27, 73, 78, 137, 158, 307, 313; Senate, 27, 53-54, 68-69, 85; family, 44, 107, 111, 269-70, 295, 297-301, 311; workers, 60, 271, 331, 343; army, 72, 315; intelligentsia, 97, 294, 304, 339, 352; zemstvos, 103, 241-42; zemskii sobor, 105, 244, 312, 352; zemskii nachalnik, 241-43; women, 248, 297; elite, 295-96, 312-14, 329, 352; kulaks, 301; landowning nobility, 314, 353; police, 315; the Senate, 27, 53-54, 68-69, 85; the zemskii sobor, 105, 244, 312, 352; the family, 44, 107, 111, 269-70, 295, 297-301, 311; the commune and family farm, 13, 267, 329-30; the army, 72, 315; the police, 315; zemskii nachalnik, 241-43; zemstvos, 103, 241 42; elite, 295-96, 312-14, 329, 352; intelligentsia, 97, 294, 304, 352; landowning nobility, 314, 353; role of women, 248, 297; workers, 60, 271, 331, 343; merchants, 137, 206, 301, 314, 331, 343; kulaks, 301
—as philosopher: on nature and role of government, 67, 84, 105, 110-11, 239, 282, 291-304, 307, 308-310, 316, 344; on philosophy, 84, 105, 316; and Slavophils, 87, 106-107, 111, 265-66, 311, 318, 323, 343, 353; on Westerners, 323-24; on philosophy of history, 34, 41-42, 51, 66, 302-303, 316-17, 320; on change in history, 301-302, 318, 320-21, 326-31; on nature of man, 13-14, 283, 291-95, 309, 315, 350; on autocratic state, 66-67, 107, 111, 128, 210, 291, 295, 300-303, 307, 308, 311-13, 315; on role of religion and the Church, 44, 101, 107, 111, 129, 169-70, 175-76, 210, 267, 269, 291, 302-304, 318, 320; on constitutional and democratic government, 102, 148, 155, 267, 312, 320, 350, 352; on bureaucracy, 27, 73, 78, 137, 158, 307, 313
—Slavs and panslavism: CPP as panslav, 76, 104-105, 119-26, on panslavism, 129-30, 211, 318; and Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78, 128-31; knowledge of other Slavs, 120, the Serbs, 123, 129, Montenegro, 129, Bulgaria, 129; affection for Prague, 120, 121, 218, 222, 348, see also Poles and Poland
—and world: range of interests and knowledge, 19, 21-24, 27, 40-41, 46, 101-102, 120, 130, 247-49, 251-53, 316, 317, 327, 333, 344-47; travel abroad, 88, 106, 108, 212, 334, 345, 347-49, to England, 49, 75, 345, to Denmark, 75, to Austria, 97, 108, 121, 205, 223, 255, 314, 348, 362; on England, 40, 48-49, 71, 102, 108, 123, 126, 215, 261, 295, 313-14, 320-21, 348; as reader of Carlyle and other English writers, 128, 250, 252, 318, 346; on Anglicanism and Church of England, 211, 215; on English courts, 63; on English education, 295; on European judicial systems, 59, 63; on France, 102, 321, 328, 347, 355, see also Le Play; on Austria-Hungary, 104, 212; on other European countries, 212, 320; on foreign opinion, 126, 206; on the threat of European ideas, 252, 321, 323; on Kulturkampf, 101-102; on United States, 127, 267-68, 301, 303, 320-22, 328, 346, 350, see also Emerson; on international affairs, 105, 119-20, 127, 130-31, 132, 210-11, 344, 360, see also Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78
Pobedonostsev, Mrs. Constantine P.: social life, 82; engagement and marriage, 87-88; religious beliefs, 88, 285; personal qualities and interests, 88-90; Baranov and, 91; and Mrs. Dostoevsky, 96-97; and Red Cross, 124; role in 1881, 159; influence on Church policy, 174; St. Vladimir’s School, 89, 177, 367-68; as translator, 269
Pobedonostsev, Maria P., 15, 16
Pobedonostsev, Nicholas P., 15
Pobedonostsev, Olga P., 15
Pobedonostsev, Professor Peter V.: personal qualities and career, 4-15, 21; member of Moscow University faculty, 4-5, 7-8, 10, 12-13, 21, 79; as censor, 5, 9; founder of Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6, 10; as translator and editor, 5-7, 334; interest in Western literature, 6, 8-9, 335; on Poles, 9; on Jews, 9; on Russian leaders, 8-11, 323; on serfdom, 10; on Slavophils, 83
Pobedonostsev, Sergei P.: education and career, 5, 16; as contributor to various journals, 5, 16-18; on Poles and Poland, 10, 16, 17; on Jews, 10; and Lazhechhikov, 14, 16; on the West, 16-19; and Slavophils, 10, 16, 17, 83; and Herzen, 18; and CPP, 37, 45, 344
Pogodin, Professor Michael P.: as editor of Moskvitianin, 5, 15; associate of PVP, 5, 11; revives Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6; as friend of Pobedonostsev family, 14, 16, 17; as panslav, 76, 117, 120, 222
Pogroms, 207-208. See also Antisemitism
Poles and Poland: PVP on, 9; CPP on, 10, 104, 107, 126, 130, 170, 176, 187, 192-95, 212, 241, 302, 320; SPP and the Poles, 16; Dostoevsky on, 104; and Slavophilism, 113; Russification of, 192-94; in Carpathian Ruthenia and Galicia, 221; mentioned, 324, 338. See also Catholics Poliakov, A. S., 131
Police, 149
Polonskii, Iakov P., 97, 255
Polovtsov, Alexander A., 161
Poltava, 122, 174 Poor Folk, 97
Pope, Alexander, 8
Popov, Admiral Andrei A., 136
Popov, Professor Nil A., 76, 120
Poppel, Marcellus, Uniate Bishop, of Kholm, 193
Populists, 340, 357
The Possessed, 95, 100
The Power of Darkness, 256
Prague: Orthodox Church in, 116, 220; CPP enjoys, 120, 121, 218, 222, 348; 1846 Panslav Congress in, 222
Prester, John, 231
Priests. See Clergy
Prins, Adolphe, 268
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 46
Prussia, 114
Pushkin, Alexander, 18, 88, 100
Putsykovich, V. F., 125
Quintilian, 8, 15
Rachinskii, Sergei A.: relations with CPP, 174, 184, 275-77, 293, 306; on Count Leo Tolstoy, 255; on parish schools, 274, 276-78; Soviet view of, 275; on the West, 352
Racine, Jean Baptiste, 347
Raden, Baroness Edith: correspondence with Iurii Samarin, 38; on Baltic Germans, 82, 189; and CPP, 82-83, 153, 157, 287, 293, 306-307; on Jews, 204; on higher education for women, 248; mentioned, 87
Radstock, Lord, 183-84
Raevskii, Father Michael, 223
Ralliement, 213, 214
Rampolla, Cardinal, 214
Ranke, Leopold von, 317
Ras Alula, 233
Raskolniki. See Old Believers
Ravenna, 348
Red Cross, 122-28 passim, 262, 285, 286-87
Renan, Joseph E., 340, 341
Repertuar i Panteon russkago i vsekh inoslrannqkh teatrov, 17
Repin, Elia E., 246, 251-52, 253
Reval, 188, 261
Review of Reviews, 346
Revue des Deux Mondes, 252, 334, 346
Richter, General Otto B., 232
Reiger, František L., 121-22
Riga, 189, 272, 290
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicholas A., 260
Riviera, 217
Rogozhskoe cemetery, 180
Rome, 212, 349
Roosevelt, Theodore, 268
Rossiia i Evropa, 117
Rossiia i Serbiia, 120
Roumania, 220
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 9, 12, 341
Rubinstein, Anton, 81, 260
Rudolph III, Emperor, 122
Rus, 265
Russian Orthodox Church: powers and privileges, 165-66; relations with state, 166-69; reform movement within, 169, 363-65; statistics of, 170-71, 177; on Jews, 207. See also Clergy, CPP on religion and the Church
Russian Palestine Society. See Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
Russification, 188-208
Russkaia Pravda, 205
Russkaia starina, 15
Russkii arkhiv, 39
Russkii vestnik: CPP publishes in, 29, 47, 62, 99, 267, 300; Katkov edits, 48, 95; Dostoevsky publishes in, 99; mentioned, 15
Russkoe obozrenie, 260, 267
Russo-Japanese War, 135
Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78, 76, 104-105, 122-31 passim, 137, 139
Ruthenia, 216, 221, 222
Sabler, Vladimir K„ 175, 200, 228, 360, 363, 365
Saburov, Andrei A., 144, 147, 152, 156, 243, 263
Sagallo, 235
St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 268, 310
St. Petersburg: CPP aversion to, 24, 35, 69, 74, 78, 218, 327, 342, 362; as panslav center, 116-17; support for Volunteer Fleet in, 133; Holy Synod bookstore in, 270
St. Petersburg Ecclesiastical Academy, 219
St. Petersburg University, 254
Saint-Simon, Count Claude Henri de, 17
St. Vladimir’s School, 89, 177, 367-68
Sakhalin, 89, 134
Sallust, 8
Salt tax, 149
Saltykov-Shchedrin, Michael E., 17
Salvation Army, 349
Salzburg, 97, 108, 121, 205, 223, 255, 314, 348, 362
Samara, 201
Samarin, Iurii F.: correspondence with Baroness Raden, 38; relations with CPP, 52, 77, 84, 120; on Baltic Germans, 76, 82-83, 193; on Jews, 83, 204; as Slavophil, 110; helps found Volunteer Fleet, 132; on Germany, 342; mentioned, 294
Sand, George, 336, 338, 340
San Francisco, Calif., 218
San Stefano, Treaty of, 119, 132
Savigny, Professor Friedrich Carl von, 33, 42, 55, 346, 356
Savva, Bishop, of Tver, 272-73, 290
Scandinavia, 347, 348, 350
Schiller, Friedrich von, 348
School of Jurisprudence: CPP as a student in, 5, 14, 21-24, 39, 45-46, 87, 344; curriculum of, 23; Ivan Aksakov student in, 85
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 347
Schuyler, Eugene, 76, 345
Schweinitz, General Hans von, 130-31, 160, 283, 285
Seeley, Sir John, 346
Semashko, Joseph, Uniate Bishop, of Mstislav, 193
Semeinye uchastki. See Family farm
Seminaries, 189, 195, 201, 219, 279
Senate: history and functions, 24-26, 27, 53-54, 61, 68-69, 77, 108, 327; CPP in, 25, 26, 142, 327, 358; CPP on, 27, 53-54, 68-69, 95; Odoevskii and, 80; Ivan Aksakov and, 85
Seneca, 8
Seoul, Korea, 217
Serafim Sarovskii, 167
Serbia, 120, 123, 129, 219, 220
Serfdom: PVP on, 10; CPP on, 28-29, 41, 48, 52, 317, 322, 324-26; Odoevskii on, 79; Peter the Great on, 324
Sergei Alexandrovich, Grand Duke: tutored by CPP and Anna Tiutchev, 75, 84; and Dostoevsky, 99; and Slavophils, 109; as Governor General of Moscow, 207; audience with Leo XIII, 213; helps found Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, 226; death, 231, 363; and Ashinov, 233-34, 237; mentioned, 256
Sergiev, Posad, 23, 34
Sergievskii, Father N. A., 60
Serov, Valentin A., 359
Severnye tsvely, 88
Shakespeare, William, 18, 89
Shakhov, Alexander, 45
Shakhovskoi, Prince Sergei V., 188-89, 261, 272
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 49, 346
Shipov, Sergei P., 16
Siedlce, 195
Simbirsk, 201
Sinclair, Sir Tollemache, 126
Sipiagin, Dmitrii S., 240
Skobelev, General Michael D., 90, 115, 116, 136, 313
Skoptsy, 170, 180
Slavianskii Sbornik, 223 ‘
Slavonic Benevolent Society. See Moscow Slavonic Benevolent
Society Slavonic Ethnographic Exhibition, 1867, 117
Slavophilism and Slavophils: link with panslavism, 6; PVP and, 12; SPP and, 10, 16, 17, 83; Iurii Samarin as, 82-84; Dostoevsky on, 107; CPP and, 87, 106-107, 111, 265-66, 293, 311, 318, 323, 343, 353; ideas and qualities, 109-110, 336-37, 343; on narod, 110; on England, 215, 337; on religious groups, 215; on France, 337; mentioned, 6, 16, 209. See also Aksakov, Constantine; Aksakov, Ivan
Smolensk, 87, 88, 174, 184, 277, 306, 314, 343, 351
Sobornost’, 111, 311
Society for the Encouragement of Spiritual and Ethical Reading, 183
Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6, 10, 15, 334
Socrates, 297
Sokolov, Father, 255
Soloviev, Michael P., 251
Soloviev, Professor Sergei M., 76, 97, 254, 317
Soloviev, Vladimir S., 97, 254-55
Sol’skii, Count Dmitrii M., 148
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 225
Sovremennyia Izvestiia, 209
Spain, 102, 120, 350
Spencer, Herbert, 289, 316, 327, 340, 346, 357
Speransky, Count Michael M., 51, 308, 356
Stalin, Iosif V., 200
Stead, William T., 125, 126
Stein, Baron Heinrich von und zum, 86
Stendhal, 341
Stephens, Sir James F., 102, 348
Sterne, Laurence, 8
Stolypin, Peter A., 355, 356
Strakhov, Nicholas N., 256
Stroganov, Count Sergei G.: selects CPP tutor of heir, 33, 34; helps found Volunteer Fleet, 132; role in 1881, 154-60, passim; and Le Play, 298
Student disorders, 244
Stundists, 170, 174, 178, 181-82, 323
Subbotin, Professor Nicholas I., 179, 184-86, 193, 224
Sudebnoe rukovodstvo, 37, 70
Sukhumi, 233
Sumner, B. H„ 19, 117
Suvorin, Alexei S., 230
Sviashchennaia Druzhina, 208
Swinburne, Algernon, 49, 346
Synod. See Holy Synod Syria, 229, 230
Tadjoura, 233
Taine, Hippolyte, 317, 340, 341, 347
Tallin, 188
Tariffs, 331
Tartars, 201, 202
Tashkent, 200
Tchiakovsky, Peter I., 260
Tepfer, Rudolph, 15
Thiersch, Heinrich W., 13, 27, 29, 51, 270, 298, 353
Third International, 102
Thomas à Kempis, 96, 286, 291, 308, 353
Thrace, 217
Three Emperors’ League, 131
Tiflis, 195, 196, 354
Tiutchev, Anna. See Aksakov, Anna
Tiutchev, Catherine: as friend and correspondent of CPP, 16, 19, 28, 34, 74-75, 78, 85-86, 89, 124, 143, 145, 147, 150, 157-58, 159, 161, 166-67, 205, 273, 285, 305-306, 308; personal qualities, 86; service at court, 86; on Old Believers, 86, 179; as member of Red Cross, 124; on Baranov, 136; supports Katkov for Ministry of Education, 152; influences Church policy, 174; on censorship, 249; and Mackenzie Wallace, 249; on primary education, 273; and Rachinskii, 275-76; mentioned, 268
Tiutchev, Fedor: helps revive Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, 6; as censor, 84; on the West, 84-85; as friend of CPP, 85-85, 305; biography of, 265
Tokyo, 217
Tolstoy, Count Dmitrii A.: opposes Loris-Melikov, 141; as Director General of the Holy Synod, 37, 141-42, 243, 274; as Minister of Interior, 163, 240, 298; on Old Believers and other religious groups, 180, 195; on Russification, 188; travels through Russia, 197; as Minister of Education, 245, 251, 275; on role of Germany, 203
Tolstoy, Count Leo N.: and CPP, 36, 97, 252, 255-58, 260, 342; on the Dukhobors, 183; on the assassins of Alexander II, 256; on France, 341; on the peasant, 341
Tomsk, 201, 247, 253
Trapeznikov, A. K., 115
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 130, 347
Tretiakov, Paul M., 252
Trotskii, Professor, 219
Tserkovnyia Vedomosti, 257, 268, 272, 279
Turgenev, Ivan S., 60, 99, 255, 260, 342
Turgenev, Nicholas, 351
Tver, 178
Twain, Mark, 346
Ufa, 199, 201
Ukraine, 10, 171
Uniates: CPP on, 173, 193-95, 211, 218, 222-24; in Government General of Warsaw, 193-95; under Alexander II, 212-13; in Galicia and Carpathian Ruthenia, 211, 221-24; in the United States, 217-18
United States; CPP view of, 127, 267-68, 301, 303, 320-22, 328, 346, 350; Russian Orthodox Church in, 217-18; Stolypin on, 355; mentioned, 310. See also Emerson
Universities, reorganization of in 1884, 244-47. See also Moscow University
Uralic-Altaic languages, 197-202. See also Cheremiss, Mordvinian, Votyak
Urusov, Sergei N., 26, 27
Uspenskii, Bishop, Porfirii, 225-26, 231
Uvarov, Count Sergei S., 17, 23, 49, 107, 353
Uzbeks, 176, 302
Valuev, Count Peter A., 144, 146, 148, 156, 163, 208
Vannutelli, Monsignor, 213
Vatican, 104, 173, 194, 212-14
Vek, 60
Venice, 348
Vestnik Evreev, 205
Vienna, 220-21, 223, 336, 348, 350
Virgil, 8
Villiers, Charles, 126
Vladimir Alexandrovich, Grand Duke: and CPP, 75, 284; attends funeral of Metropolitan Filaret, 143; role in 1881, 158-59; visits Leo XIII, 213; on censorship, 252
Voit, S. D„ 271, 367
Voltaire, François Marie, 8, 12, 355
Volunteer Fleet, 76, 89, 91, 132-34, 137-38, 141, 228, 262, 327
Vorontsov, Princess Maria Vasil’evna, 284
Vorontsov-Dashkov, Count Illarion I., 208
Votyak, 201, 202
War and Peace, 97, 255
Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, 346
Warsaw, 5, 10, 18, 192, 195, 343
Westerners, 12, 323-24, 336, 338
Westminster Abbey, 348
What I Believe, 256
Wiesbaden, 108, 348
William II, Kaiser, 289
Witte, Count Sergei IU.: on subsidies for journals, 98, 262; opposes seizure of Bosporus in 1896, 131; and CPP, 168, 360, 365, 367; policies of, 354-55, 358; on reform of Russian Orthodox Church, 363-67; mentioned, 232, 242, 331, 342
Women, higher education of, 248
Workers, 60, 271, 331, 343
Wratislaw, Wenceslas, Baron von Mitrowitz, 122
Yaroslavl, 171
Yermak, 234, 237
Young Ukrainians, 222
Zadruga, 300
Zagorsk. See Sergiev Posad
Zagoskin, Michael V., 76
Zaikonospasskaia Academy, 4, 6
Zamiatin, D. N., 62
Zarudnyi, Sergei I., 51, 55, 61-63, 65
Zasulich, Vera I., 72, 104
Zemskii, nachalnik, 241, 243 Zemskii sorbor: Dostoevsky on, 105; CPP on, 105, 244, 312, 352; Loris-Melikov on, 148; considered, 1877-81, 162-64; Ignatiev on, 162-63, 240; Katkov on, 261
Zemstvo, 103, 159, 241-42, 279
Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia, 251
Zola, Emile, 252, 347
Zubkov, V. P„ 26-27, 78
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