“Pobedonostsev His Life and Thought”
FEW PERIODS IN THE HISTORY of any country are richer in the quantity of well-organized materials for historical research than is the nineteenth century in Russia, and there are few statesmen or men of letters for whose study the historical record is more complete than for Pobedonostsev. He lived in a period in which the government and the educated members of society were acutely conscious of the need to preserve historical records, and succeeding generations in the Soviet Union have shown remarkable thoroughness and care in preserving these materials, putting them into good order, publishing substantial quantities of significant source material, and providing guides and bibliographies. Soviet archivists are exceeded by none in the skill and cordiality with which they have organized their resources and have made them available to scholars, except where political considerations still intervene. Since 1956, most archives in Moscow and Leningrad (but few outside these two cities) have been open to American scholars, who have therefore profited enormously in their efforts to expand and improve our understanding of Russian history.
The information available concerning Pobedonostsev is particularly rich. He began his career as a scholar-bureaucrat and remained a prolific author, translator, and editor throughout his long life. He kept all of his letters and papers throughout the last forty years of his life and most of them for the previous decade. During his last fifteen years, he gave many letters to him and by him to scholars and to friends for publication, and he arranged for the publication of many himself. His will provided for the transfer of his surviving records to the Rumiantsev Museum in Moscow, now a part of the Lenin Library. Many of these letters and other materials have been published. Others are well catalogued, as are those of the other men and women of his time who kept their private papers.
The nature of Pobedonostsev’s interests, his acquaintances, and his work required me to use every possible type of bibliographical tool. Indeed, the thorough and careful search for all data developed into an education in itself, since Russian bibliographical data are not so well organized as are those for studies in the histories of most western European countries or the United States. The foundations on which this volume was built therefore consist of exacting work in bibliographies of bibliographies; bibliographies of many kinds; lists of books published annually; the Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia for the years from 1837 through 1868, the Pravitel’stvennyi vestnik from 1869 through 1906, and the various manifestations of Knizhnaia Letopis’ since 1907. The dreary task of plodding through these last two chronicles was relieved by catalogues which for a few years list the books published in Russia during those years. Pobedonostsev was a frequent contributor to Russkii arkhiv and Istoricheskii vestnik, so these historical journals were studied with great care. Russkaia starina in the second half of the nineteenth century and Krasnyi arkhiv during the first two decades of the Soviet period were also reviewed systematically because of the valuable documents, letters, memoirs, and other vital source material they contained. Biographical collections, guides to periodical literature, encyclopedias, and similar tools in various languages were also systematically consulted. Guides to libraries and to archives, particularly in the Soviet Union, helped locate other data.
The impressive growth in quality of American library collections in the field of Russian history is demonstrated by the fact that almost every published work of Pobedonostsev was obtainable in the United States. Moreover, almost all of the other published volumes and articles, from memoirs to state papers, were also available here. Some European libraries, notably the British Museum and the Bibliothèque National, were also splendid resources. Soviet archives, particularly those in the manuscript divisions of the Lenin Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, and the Saltykov-Shchedrin Library in Leningrad, were remarkably rich in the letters and other papers of Pobedonostsev and his generation. These archives were supplemented by the Manuscript Division of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom) and the Central State Historical Archive of the U.S.S.R., both in Leningrad.
This volume is based on careful analysis of all the material which a thorough and imaginative survey could produce, except for a few letters to and from Pobedonostsev and the archival materials in the Central State Historical Archive concerning the Council of State, the Senate, the Synod, and the Ministry of Education, which I was not able to obtain. This deficiency is repaired to a considerable extent by the mass of other data, some published and some unpublished, dealing with the work of these institutions. For example, the large and thorough annual reports which Pobedonostsev published concerning his work as Director General of the Holy Synod, his letters to the tsars and to leading churchmen in particular, the essays he wrote on religious issues and affairs, and the documents he published provide an immense amount of information concerning the Synod and its operations. None of the Soviet scholars who have had access to the archival materials I was not able to see has thus far produced any information not known to me from other sources, although my understanding of Pobedonostsev’s role in these state institutions would clearly have been enriched by these data.
Publications of Pobedonostsev
Dlia nemnogikh. Otryvki iz shkol’nago dnevnika, 1842–1845 g. St. Petersburg, 1885. Diary published in a limited edition. Peter Bartenev published selections from this in Russkii arkhiv, I (1907), 636-52.
Grazhdanskoe sudoproizvodstvo. Lektsii. Moscow, 1863. Lithographed lectures given at Moscow University, January 15-March 25, 1863.
Istoriia pravoslavnoi tserkvi do nachala razdeleniia tserkvei. St. Petersburg, 1892. This volume, of which nine editions were published, was an abbreviated version of Razskazy iz russkoi tserkovnoi istorii, by Alexandra N. Bakhmetov, published originally in 1883 in two volumes.
Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i. St. Petersburg, 1876. Collected historical essays.
Istoriko-iuridicheskie akty perekhodnoi epokhi XVII-XVIII vekov. Moscow, 1887. Documents collected and edited by Pobedonostsev.
Kurs grazhdanskago prava. St. Petersburg, 1868–80, three vols. Four editions of two and three editions of one of these volumes were produced. This is Pobedonostsev’s principal publication in the field of Russian civil law.
Moskovskii sbornik. Moscow, 1896. His most important and best-known work. It appeared in five editions before 1901, and it has been translated, never fully, into English (1898), French (1897), German (1897 and 1904), Serbian (1899), and Spanish. It is a collection of essays, some of which appeared as early as 1873. Some essays are translations, or mis-translations, from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude (Boston, 1870); Herbert Spencer, The Study of Sociology (New York, 1873); William Ewart Gladstone, The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture (Philadelphia, 1896); and Max Nordau, Die conventiollen Lügen der Kulturmenschheit (sixth edition, Chicago, 1884).
Prazdniki Gospodni. St. Petersburg, 1894. A series of religious essays written between 1857 and 1864. The seventh edition of this volume appeared in 1905.
Sudebnoe rukovodstvo. Sbornik pravil, polozhenii i primerov. St. Petersburg, 1872. Handbook concerning principles, rules, and examples of court procedure designed to assist judges and lawyers.
Uchenie i uchitel’. Pedagogicheskiia zametki. St. Petersburg, 1901–1904, two vols. Series of little essays on education and methods of instruction. Five editions of the first volume and two of the second were published.
Vechnaia pamiat’. Vospominaniia o pochivshikh. Moscow, 1896. Series of most informative essays written to honor several departed friends. A second edition appeared in 1899. Most of these essays were previously published in journals.
Voprosy zhizni. Moscow, 1904. Contains some of the essays already published in Moskovskii sbornik.
Vsepoddanneishii otchët ober-prokurora Sviateishago sinoda K. Pobedonostseva po vedomstvu Pravoslavnago Ispovedaniia. St. Petersburg, 1881–1909. These are the massive official reports, usually annual but sometimes for two years, which Pobedonostsev prepared and published on his stewardship as Director General of the Synod. Most valuable.
With Ivan K. Babst. Pis’ma o puteshestvii gosudaria naslednika tsesarevicha po Rossii ot Peterburga do Kryma. Moscow, 1864. This volume of letters was originally published in Katkov’s Moskovskiia Vedomosti between June and October, 1863.
A Monsieur Edouard Naville, Président du comité central suisse de l’Alliance évangélique. St. Petersburg, 1888. Pobedonostsev’s defense of the treatment of the Lutherans in the Baltic provinces. It was also published in Tserkovnyia Vedomosti, Grazhdanin, Vera i razum, and Svet.
Chelovecheskii rod. St. Petersburg, 1902.
Dlia nemnogikh. Vospominanie ob Edite Radene. St. Petersburg, 1893. Most interesting essay. This was also included in the book, Dlia nemnogikh.
Dobroe Slovo vospitatel’nikam Dukhovnykh Seminarii i Akademii po povodu nyneshnikh strashnykh sobytii. St. Petersburg, 1881. Speech Pobedonostsev gave at Yaroslavl June 9, 1880. It appeared also in Moskovskiia Vedomosti and was published in 1882 in Bremen in a German translation made by Baroness Raden.
N. I. Ilminskii. St. Petersburg, 1892. This was also published in Dlia nemnogikh.
Khristianskoe verouchenie. St. Petersburg, 1904.
Mery k povsemestnomu rasprostraneniiu gramotnosti v narod. St. Petersburg, 1892.
Nachala semeinoi zhizni. St. Petersburg, 1904.
Prizvanie zhenshchiny v shkole i obshchestve. St. Petersburg, 1902.
Rechi i tosti g. ober-prokurora Sv. sinoda K. P. Pobedonostseva, skazannye na obede, dannom gorodom v den iubileinago torzhestva 900-letiia kreshcheniia Rusi. Kiev, 1888.
“Aksakovy,” Sbornik statei, napechatannykh v raznykh periodicheskikh izdaniiakh po sluchaiu konchiny I. S. Aksakova (Moscow, 1886), Part II, 1-7. This was included in Dlia nemnogikh. It also appeared in Grazhdanin in 1886.
“Akty, otnosiashchikhsia do iuridicheskago byta drevnei Rossii,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, IV, Book IV (1859), 25-60.
“Anekdoty iz XVIII stoletiia. 1. Moskovskaia volokita. 2. Ochistitel’naia pytka,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, IV, Book IV (1859), supplement, 1-22. Most valuable. This was reprinted in Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i in 1876.
“Anekdoty iz XVIII stoletiia. Ubiistvo Zhukovikh,” Russkii vestnik, XXX (1860), 462-501. Also reprinted in 1876 volume.
“Bor’ba gosudarstva s tserkoviu v Germanii,” Grazhdanin, Number 34, August 20, 1873, 915-18. On Kulturkampf; signed Z. Z.
“9 ianvaria 1873 goda,” Grazhdanin, Number 3, January 15, 1873, 57-58. Memorial article on Grand Duchess Helen Pavlovna. Signed K. P.
“Eshchë na pamiat’ o kniaze V. F. Odoevskom,” Obshchestvo liubitelei rossiiskoi slovesnosti. Moscow, V pamiat’ o kniaze Vladimire Fedoroviche Odoevskom (Moscow, 1869), 79-86. This was reprinted from the March 19, 1869, issue of Moskovskiia Vedomosti.
“Frantsiia. Vzgliad na tepereshnee eia sostoianie,” Grazhdanin, Number 35, August 27, 1873, 939-42. Signed Z. Z.
“Gosudar’ Imperator Aleksandr Aleksandrovich,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1906), 619-24. This was a speech given in October, 1894, in memory of Alexander III. It was printed originally in Moskovskiia Vedomosti on November 1, 1894, and also appeared in Sergei A. Petrovskii (editor), Pamiati Imperatora Aleksandra III (Moscow, 1894), 88-89, and in the Revue Anglo-Romaine, I (1895), 40-44.
“Graf V. N. Panin,” Golosa iz Rossii, VII (1859), 1-142. Anonymous.
“Imenie rodovoe i blagopriobretennoe,” Zhurnal Ministerstva iustitsii, VIII, Part II (1861), 3-75.
“Irvingity v Londone. Deisty i unitarii v Londone,” Grazhdanin, Number 35, August 27, 1873, 949-51. Signed V.
“Ispaniia,” Grazhdanin, Number 37, September 10, 1873, 991-94. Signed Z. Z.
“Iuridicheskiia zametki i voprosy po nasledstvennomu i zaveshchatel’nomu pravam,” Zhurnal Ministerstva iustitsii, XXII, Part II (1864), 169-210; XXVII, Part II (1866), 25-44.
“Iz chernovykh bumag K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XVIII (1926), 203-207. Drafts of the celebrated speech of Nicholas II on “senseless dreams” and of the manifestoes of February 18 and April 17, 1905.
“Iz dalekago proshlago (o sudebnoi volokite v doreformennykh sudakh); iz zapisok K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Sudebnoe obozrenie, II (1903), 593-98. Extract from Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i.
“Iz dnevnika odnogo gosudarstvennago deiatelia. Zasedanie Gosudarstvennago soveta 8 marta 1881 g.,” Byloe, Number 1 (1906), 189-94. Speech Pobedonostsev made at the important meeting of the Council on March 8, 1881, reconstructed from notes made at the meeting by another participant. This was printed under another title, “Rech’ K. P. Pobedonostseva o konstitutsii,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1907), 103-105.
“Iz Londona,” Grazhdanin, Number 27, July 2, 1873, 750-52. Unsigned.
“Iz vospominanii ο N. I. Ilminskom,” Russkii vestnik, CCXVIII (1892), 142-52. This also appeared in Vechnaia pamiat’.
“K voprosu o vozsoedinenei tserkvei,” Grazhdanin, Number 33, August 13, 1873, 893-96. Signed V.
“Kartina vysshago vospitaniia. Avtobiografiia Dzh. Stiuarta Millia,” Grazhdanin, Number 45, November 5, 1873, 1190-93. Signed V.
“Knizhnyia zagranichnyia vesti o Rossii,” Russkii arkhiv, IV (1866), 260-62. Review article of several French and English books on Russian history.
“Kritika i bibliografiia. Svoboda, ravenstvo, i bratstvo,” Grazhdanin, Number 35, August 27, 1873, 958-62; Number 36, September 3, 1873, 976-79; Number 37, September 10, 1873, 1007-1010. Signed * * *. Review of Sir James Stephen, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (London, 1873).
“Le-Plè,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXIII (1893), 5-30.
“Lionskiia grazhdanskiia pokhorony,” Grazhdanin, Number 31, July 30, 1873, 848. Signed V.
“La Lutte contre l’alcoolisme en Russie,” La Réforme sociale, XXVII (1894), 947-48.
“Mestnoe naselenie Rossii,” Russkii vestnik, XL (1862), 5-34. Long book review.
“Nadezhda Pavlovna Shults,” Grazhdanin, Number 25-26, October 21, 1877, 618-20. Signed K. P. Also published in Vechnaia pamiat’.
“Nekotorye voprosy, voznikaiushchie po dukhovnym zaveshchaniiam,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, I, Book I (1859), supplement, 1-27; II, Book II (1859), supplement, 1-22.
“Novaia kniga russkoga avtora v anglii po vostochnomu voprosu,” Grazhdanin, Number 38-40, December 14, 1877, 854. Review of volume by Olga Novikov. Unsigned.
“Novaia vera i novye braki,” Grazhdanin, Number 39, September 24, 1873, 1047-1050. Signed V.
“Noveishaia angliiskaia literatura po vostochnomu voprosu,” Grazhdanin, Number 1, January 8, 1877, 20-25.
“Novyia puteshestvyia po vostoku,” Russkii vestnik, XLIII (1863), 489-548. Review of volumes in German and in English.
“Nravstvennyi kharakter grazhdanina v khristianskom obshchestve,” Tserkovnyia Vedomosti, March 23, 1902, 415-16. Attack on secularism of French government policy and commendation for Theodore Roosevelt.
“O chrezpolosnom vladenii,” luridicheskii vestnik, III (1867), 3-18.
“O preobrazovanii tserkovnago upravleniia v Rossii na sobornom nachale,” Tserkovnyia Vedomosti, November 5, 1905, 1897–1905. Pobedonostsev’s proposals of March, 1905, concerning administration of the Church. These were adopted by the Synod later that month.
“O reformakh v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve,” Russkii vestnik, XXI (1859), 541-80; XXII (1859), 5-34, 153-90. His master’s thesis and most important attack on the unreformed judicial system.
“O iuridicheskoi dostovernosti telegraficheskikh izvestii,” Iuridicheskii vestnik, I (1860), 39-46.
“Ob universitetskom prepodavanii,” Moskovskiia Vedomosti, June 26, 1899.
“Obozrenie chastnikh trudov po sobraniiu zakonov i po sostavleniiu ukaznikh slovarei do izdaniia Polnago Sobraniia Zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, V (1863), 51-84.
“Odin iz psevdonimov v russkoi zhurnalistike,” Bibliograficheskie zapiski, Number 8 (1892), 574. Note on Sergei P. Pobedonostsev.
“Odnodvorcheskiia zemli i nachalo spetsialnago mezhevaniia v Rossii,” Zhurnal Ministerstva iustitsii, XV, Part II (1863), 85-104.
“Opyt iuridicheskago kommentariia na nekotoryia stat’i zakonov o zaveshchaniiakh,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, II, Book II (1859), 52-71.
“Otvet russkago cheloveka Kropotkinu,” Moskovskiia Vedomosti, October 15, October 16, 1901. Signed * * *. This was published also as “Russia and Popular Education. A Reply to Prince Kropotkin,” North American Review, CLXXIII (1901), 349-54.
“Pamiat’ velikoi kniagini Ekateriny Mikhailovny,” Moskovskiia Vedomosti, June 8, 1894. Also published in Vechnaia pamiat’.
“Pamiati Fedora Mikhailovicha Dmitrieva,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1894), 634-37.
“Podlezhit li zemstvo po zakonu otvetstvennosti za nepriniatie mer protiv goloda?” Grazhdanin, Number 52, December 29, 1873, 1380. Signed V. P-ch.
“Preobrazovanie suda prisiazhnykh,” Grazhdanin, Number 51, December 22, 1873, 1371-72. Signed V.
“Prichiny nepravosudiia i provolochki v prisutstvennikh mestakh,” Zhurnal Ministerstva iustitsii XXVII (1866), 33-34. Part of an article printed in the same journal in 1864.
“Priobretenie sobstvennosti i pozemel’nyia knigi,” Russkii vestnik, XXVIII (1860), 5-39, 193-230.
“Protivorechiia v anglikanskoi tserkvi,” Grazhdanin, Number 34, August 20, 1873, 921-23. Signed V.
“Russkoe grazhdanskoe sudoproizvodstvo v istoricheskom ego razvitii ot Ulozheniia 1649 goda do izdaniia Svoda Zakonov,” Arkhiv istoricheskikh i prakticheskikh svedenii otnosiashchikhsia do Rossii, I, Part I (1859), 1-62. Review of a volume by Μ. M. Mikhailov.
“Semeinye uchastki,” Russkii vestnik, CCIV (1889), 56-72. This important essay was reproduced in 1892 as a pamphlet and in Kurs grazhdanskago prava (fourth edition, Moscow, 1896), I, 730-45.
“La Société et le sentiment religieux,’’ Revue des Revues, XXIV (1898), 14-15.
“Sovremennaia Letopis’,” Sovremennaia Letopis’ Russkago vestnika, II (1861), 11-13. Unsigned.
“Statistiki angliiskikh grazhdanskikh sudov za 1858 god,” luridicheskii vestnik, V (1860–61), 46-54.
“S’ezd iuristov v Moskve,” Grazhdanin, Number 44, October 29, 1873, 1173–75. Signed * * *.
“Tserkov’ i gosudarstvo v Germanii,” Grazhdanin, Number 40, October 1, 1873, 1064-66. Signed Z. Z.
“Tserkovnyia dela v Germanii,” Grazhdanin, Number 51, December 22, 1873, 1367-69. Signed Z. Z.
“Utverzhdenie krepostnago prava v Rossii v XVIII stoletii,” Russkii vestnik, XXXV (1861), 223-53. This was reprinted in Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i.
“V protestanskikh khramakh,” Grazhdanin, Number 31, July 30, 1873, 849. Signed V.
“Vechnaia pamiat’. (Posviashchaetsia pamiati N. V. Shenshina),” Russkaia beseda, V (1859), Part I, 5-7. Signed K. P.
“Veshchnyi kredit i zakladnoe pravo,” Russkii vestnik, XXXIII (1861), 409-451.
“Vestminsterskoe abbatstvo,” Grazhdanin, Number 32, August 6, 1873, 870-73. Signed V.
“Vorovskii uzhin,” Grazhdanin, Number 36, September 3, 1873, 974-76. Signed V. On Salvation Army.
“Vospominanie o Nikolaie Vasilieviche Kalachove,” Vestnik arkheologii i istorii, V (1886), 75-78. Reprinted in Vechnaia pamiat’.
“Vospominanie ο V. P. Zubkove,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1904), 301-305.
“Zametka o Beniovskom iz angliiskoi knigi ob ostrove Madagaskare,” Russkii arkhiv, III (1865), 859-62.
“Zametki dlia istorii krepostnago prava v Rossii,” Russkii vestnik, XV (1858), 209-48, 459-98; XVI (1858), 537-82. This was reprinted, with minor changes, in Istoricheskiia izsledovaniia i stat’i.
“Zapisnaia knizhka,” Grazhdanin, Number 17, February 27, 1886.
4. TRANSLATIONS (arranged alphabetically by translated title)
“Chernogoriia. Stat’ia Gladstona,” Grazhdanin, Number 32-33, November 22, 1877, 741-49. Translation of Gladstone, “Montenegro. A Sketch,” Nineteenth Century, I (1877), 360-69. The translation was unsigned.
Deianiia sviatikh apostolov i soborniaia poslaniia v novom russkom perevode. St. Petersburg, 1905. Translation of Acts of the Apostles.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Dela i dni,” in Skladchina; literaturnyi sbornik (St. Petersburg, 1874), 217-40. Translation of “Works and Days,” in Emerson, Society and Solitude (Boston, 1870), 149-77.
Fomy Kempiiskago o podrazhanii Khristu. St. Petersburg, 1869. This translation of Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ (in Latin), appeared in six editions, the last in 1896.
“Gladstone ob osnovakh veri i neveriia,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXVI (1894), 32-41. Translation of the last chapter of Gladstone’s The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture (Philadelphia, 1892), 279-325.
Heinrich W. Thiersch, Khristianskiia nachala semeinoi zhizni. Moscow, 1861. Translation of Uber christliches Familienleben (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1854). A second edition of the translation appeared in 1901. Thiersch was also translated into English and French.
Edmond Demolins, Novaia shkola. Moscow, 1898. Translation of parts of L’Education nouvelle (Paris, 1897) and of A quoi tient la supériorité des Anglo-Saxons (Paris, 1897).
Novyi zavet Gospoda nashego Iisusa Khrista v novom russkom perevode. St. Petersburg, 1907. Translation of the New Testament.
Heinrich W. Thiersch, “O khristianskom brake,” Pravoslavnoe obozrenie, IV (1861), 307-34. Translation of part of Uber christliches Familienleben.
Pierre Le Play, Osnovnaia konstitutsiia chelovecheskago roda. Moscow, 1897. Translation of La Constitution essentielle de l’humanité (Tours, 1881). The preface to this volume is especially valuable.
Pobeda, pobedivshaia mir. Moscow, 1898. This includes sections from The Confessions of Saint Augustine and from William S. Lilly’s Christianity and Modern Civilization (London, 1886), and A Century of Revolution (London, 1889).
George L. Calderon, Pravda o gr. Leve Tolstome. Moscow, 1901. Translation of “The Wrong Tolstoi,” The Monthly Review, III (1901), 129-41.
Wenceslas Wratislaw, Prikliucheniia cheshkago dvorianina Vratislava v Konstantinopole i v tiashkoi nevole u Turok, s avstriiskim posol’stvom 1591 g. St. Petersburg, 1877. Translation of Prihody W. W., siuabodného Pána z Mitrowic, kteréz w Tureckém hlawnjm městě Konstantinopoli widěl, w zagetj sevém, zkusyl (Prague, 1807). A second edition of the translation appeared in 1904.
Sekty i veroucheniia v Soedinennykh Shtatakh Severnoi Ameriki. St. Petersburg, 1896. Translation of part of Department of the Interior, U.S. Census Office, Report on Statistics of Churches in the United States at the Eleventh Census: 1890 (Washington, 1894).
“Starye listia,” Russkaia beseda, II, Part I (1859), 7-8. Poems.
“Vospitanie kharaktera v shkole,” Narodnoe obrazovanie, Number 2 (1900), 3-12. Translation of parts of Canon Samuel Barnett, Common Sense in Education and Teaching (London, 1899).
Vseobshchaia podacha golosov (Suffrage Universel). St. Petersburg, 1906. Translation of Adolphe Prins, De l’esprit du gouvernement démocratique (Brussels, 1905), 159-232.
“Zapisnaia knizhka. Velikaia lozh’ nashego vremeni,” Grazhdanin, Number 4, January 22, 1884; Number 19, May 6, 1884; Number 24, June 10, 1884. Translation of parts of Max Nordau, Die conventiollen Lügen der Kulturmenschheit (second edition, Naumburg, 1884). Unsigned.
With Constantine N. Bestuzhev-Riumin, William E. Gladstone. Bolgarskie Uzhasy i Vostochnyi Vopros. St. Petersburg, 1876. Translation of Bulgarian Horrors and the Questions of the East. London, 1876.
“Anekdot o Didro,” Russkii arkhiv, III (1893), 128. Effort to demonstrate Diderot was upset by proof of existence of God.
“Iz pisem Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva Velikago Kniaz’ia Konstantina Nikolaevicha k stats-sekretariu A. V. Golovninu,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1895), 439-45. 1886 letters.
“K istorii snoshenii s inovertsami,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1894), 5-27.
“Materialy dlia istorii Akademii nauk,” Letopis’ russkoi literatury i drevnostei, V, Part III (1863), 3-36.
Materialy dlia istorii prikaznago sudoproizvodstva v Rossii. Moscow, 1890.
“O vnutrennem sostoianii Rossii pri votsarenii Imperatora Nikolaia Pavlovicha,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1895), 161-76. 1826 letter of a Decembrist to Nicholas I.
Perepiska Iu. F. Samarina s baronessoiu E. F. Raden, 1861–1876 g. Moscow, 1893.
“Pis’ma baronessy Raden k g. Berkgoltsu,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXXVII (1896), 317-26; XXXVIII (1896), 786-94; XXXIX (1896), 781-88; XL (1896), 800-809.
“Russkii novyi god v Prage,” Moskovskiia Vedomosti, January 11-12, 1877. Letters from a Czech acquaintance to Pobedonostsev describing the arrival in Prague of General Chernaiev in December, 1876. Unsigned.
Sbornik myslei i izrechenii mitropolita Moskovskago Filareta, 1782–1867. Moscow, 1897. Unsigned.
Vypiski iz Polnago Sobraniia Zakonov. St. Petersburg, 1895.
1. Mnenie ego po povodu zapiski Predsedatel’ia komiteta G. g. Ministrov IU. Vitte po voprosu ob uchrezhdenii patriarshestva v Rossii. 2. K voprosu o predstavlenii vysshim predstaviteliam tserkovnoi Ierarkhii prava uchastiia v zasedaniiakh vysshikh gosudarstvenno-zakonodatelnykh uchrezhdenii. St. Petersburg, 1905.
Predlozhenie po voprosu o sozvanii Sobora eparkhialnykh episkopov dlia uchrezhdeniia patriarshestva. St. Petersburg, 1905. Important documents on discussion concerning Church organization in 1905.
O rabotakh Komissii dlia izyskaniia glavneishikh osnovanii luchshei postanovki zhenskago obrazovaniia v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1888?.
O zhalobakh na deistviia dolzhnostnykh lits administrativnago vedomstva. St. Petersburg, 1864.
Obozrenie inostrannykh zakonov o zaveshchaniakh. St. Petersburg, 1872.
Proekt pravil ob obezpechenii iskov s obiiasneniiami redaktora. St. Petersburg, 186?.
Zapiska o grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve. St. Petersburg, December, 1861.
Pobedonostsev Letters
1. PUBLISHED (arranged alphabetically by addressee)
Panteleev, Longin F. (editor), “Pis’mo K. P. Pobedonostseva k N. S. Abazie,” Golos minuvshago, VI (1914), 231-32.
Presniakov, A., “Moskovskii adres Aleksandru II v 1870 g. Iz perepiski K. P. Pobedonostseva s I. S. Aksakovym,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XXXI (1928), 144-54.
Pobedonostsev, Constantine P., Pis’ma Pobedonostseva k Aleksandru III. Moscow, 1925–26, two vols. Most valuable. The second volume also contains the letters to Nicholas II and Grand Duke Sergei.
“Pobedonostsev and Alexander III,” Slavonic Review, VII (1928–29), 30-54. Translation of about forty letters published in the two volumes listed above.
“Iz pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k izdateliu ‘Russkago arkhiva,’ ” Russkii arkhiv, I (1904), 189.
Grossman, Leonid, “Dostoevskii i pravitel’stvennye krugi 1870-kh godov,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 15 (1934), 83-162. This includes 40 letters which Pobedonostsev wrote to Dostoevsky. Excellent analysis.
“Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k E. M. Feoktistovu,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 22-24 (1935), 497-560. Important letters concerning the censorship.
Kantor, R. M. (editor), “Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k grafu N. P. Ignatievu,” Byloe, Number 27-28 (1925), 50-89. 57 letters between May, 1881, and May, 1882, when Ignatiev was Minister of the Interior.
Petrovskii, Sergei A. (editor), “Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva preosviashchennomu Illarionu, arkhiepiskopu Poltavskomu,” Russkii arkhiv, LIV (1916), 129-71, 360-80. Letters between 1886 and 1898.
Parkhomenko, Vladimir (editor), “Dopolnenie k stat’e ‘Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva preosviashchennomu Illarionu, arkhiepiskopu Poltavskomu,’ ” Russkii arkhiv, III (1916), 281-85.
38 Pisem byvshago Ober-Prokurora Sviateishago sinoda K. P. Pobedonostseva k vysokopreosviashchenneishemu Makariiu, arkhiepiskopu Tomskomu. Tomsk, 1910. 1887–1906 correspondence, mostly concerning missionary work.
“Iz zapisok arkhiepiskopa Nikanora,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1909), 209-276; II (1909), 19-77.
Petrovskii, Sergei A. (editor), “Perepiska K. P. Pobedonostseva s preosviashchennym Nikanorom, episkopom Ufimskim,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1915), 458-73; II (1915), 68-111, 244-56, 335-84, 501-28; III (1915), 81-108, 249-68. 147 letters.
Yakobson, Sergius (editor), “Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k V. K. Putsykovichu,” Kruzhok liubitelei russkoi stariny, Stat’i i materialy (Berlin, 1932), 72-78. Putsykovich was briefly editor of Grazhdanin. These thirteen letters were written between 1877 and 1903.
Miller, P. N. (editor), “Melochi iz museia P. I. Shukina v Moskve. Dva pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k N. P. Poliakovu. Nastroenie K. P. Pobedonostseva v 1902 g.,” Minuvshie gody, Number 10 (1908), 48.
Pobedonostsev, “Privetstvie starago vospitatelia Velikomu Kniaz’iu v den’ego sovershennoletiia,” Starina i novizna, XII (1907), 1-9. Most interesting letter of the late 1860’s to Grand Duke Sergei.
Markov, Vladimir S., K istorii raskola-staroobriadchestva vtoroi poloviny XIX stoletiia. Perepiska prof. N. I. Subbotina. Moscow, 1915. Includes 187 letters from Pobedonostsev to Subbotin, and 234 in return, between 1880 and 1903.
Istomin, K. (editor), “Pis’mo g. ober-prokurora Sv. sinoda K. P. Pobedonostseva k Pateru V. Vannutelli,” Vera i razum, I (1893), 353-86. Significant on relations with Vatican.
“Perepiska Vitte i Pobedonostseva, 1895–1905,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XXX (1928), 89-116. Most useful.
“Pis’ma K. P. Pobedonostseva k S. D. Voitu,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1917), 77-101; II (1917), 112-24. 110 letters written between 1892 and 1895. Unfortunately, the other 800 letters to Voit have disappeared.
Mel’gunov, S. (editor), “K. P. Pobedonostsev v dni pervoi revoliutsii. Neizdannyia . k S. D. Voitu,” Na chuzhoi storone, VIII (1924), 177-202. Mel’gunov brought these selected letters from the 1901–1906 period with him when he left Russia in 1922.
“Pis’mo K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Istoricheskii vestnik, LXV (1896), 553-54.
Manuscript Division, Lenin Library. In his will, Pobedonostsev gave all of the letters he had received, plus many he had written, to the Rumiantsev Museum, now the Manuscript Division of the Lenin Library, which has added to these materials and now contains the largest single collection of source materials concerning him, and indeed concerning many other nineteenth century Russians. Of those which have not been published, the most valuable letters were the 330 he wrote to his closest confidante, Catherine Tiutchev, between 1866 and her death early in 1882. These were particularly important during two of the most critical years, 1880 and 1881, when he wrote her forty-six and sixtynine letters, respectively, some of remarkable candor and detail. A few of these letters were published in Russkii arkhiv, II (1907), 88-102. According to Academician Iurii V. Gotie, he regained 550 letters to her sister, Anna Tiutchev, who became the wife of Ivan Aksakov, but only 31 remain in the Lenin Library.
Other most important letters in this collection were 20 he wrote to Boris Chicherin, a liberal professor whom he first met on the Moscow University faculty, between 1864 and 1903; 71 to Dostoevsky’s widow between 1881 and 1906, when he was executor of her will and her business advisor; 68 to Michael Katkov, the renowned panslav journalist, between 1862 and 1887; 183 between 1876 and 1904 to Olga Novikov, who was usually in London, which are particularly revealing concerning Pobedonostsev’s activities in 1877–78 and his views on international affairs; 39 between 1890 and 1896 to Sergei A. Petrovskii, who was then editor of Grazhdanin; and 5 in 1856 to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Zhukovskii, which are particularly important for a period of Pobedonostsev’s life on which little other information is available. This collection also contains letters from Mrs. Pobedonostsev to Catherine Tiutchev and to Olga Novikov, generally written in French.
Less significant correspondence was directed to Amvrosii, archbishop of Kharkov; Tertii and Sergei Filippov, who were prominent officials and courtiers under Alexander III; Count Dmitrii A. Miliutin, who was Minister of War under Alexander II; Professor Michael P. Pogodin, prominent Moscow historian; Dmitrii F. Samarin, son of the renowned Slavophil, Iurii Samarin; Savva, archbishop of Tver; Prince Alexander V. Shakhovskoi; Professor Sergei M. Soloviev, distinguished Moscow historian and father of Vladimir Soloviev; Count Dmitrii A. Tolstoy, who was Pobedonostsev’s predecessor as Director General of the Holy Synod and Minister of the Interior from 1882 until his death in 1889; and Prince I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, who was a high court official under Alexander III.
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom). The most valuable of the letters in this collection were one written in 1866 to his sister, Elizabeth, the only letter to a brother or sister which has survived; and others to Ivan Aksakov, most of whose correspondence with Pobedonostsev has disappeared; Constantine A. Gubastov, director of a music school in St. Petersburg; Prince V. P. Meshcherskii, who had introduced him to Dostoevsky but from whom Pobedonostsev broke bitterly; and Sergei I. Zarudnyi, with whom Pobedonostsev had worked on the reform of the Russian judicial system in 1864.
Saltykov-Shchedrin. The manuscript collection of this library contained Pobedonostsev’s letters to fifteen different Russians, but only those to Prince Vladimir Odoevskii were valuable. Unfortunately, the unpublished letters to Ivan Aksakov in this collection were missing. However, twelve letters from Sergei Pobedonostsev to Professor Michael Pogodin, written between 1841 and 1849, were obtainable and were full of interest. According to S. L. Evenchik, Reaktsionnaia deiatel’nost’ Pobedonostseva v 80-kh gg. XIX-go veka (a Moscow University thesis for the Candidate Degree in History, 1939), the manuscript collection of this library then possessed about seven hundred letters to Sergei Rachinskii of especial value on religious and educational matters. These could not be located.
Central State Historical Archive, Leningrad, and Central State Literary Archive, Moscow. The first of these archives contained several valuable letters to Count Peter A. Valuev and the second, five letters to Ivan Aksakov and one hundred to Peter I. Bartenev, editor of Russkii arkhiv, written between 1865 and 1906. The latter I was not able to use.
Letters to Pobedonostsev (arranged alphabetically by author)
“Ob istoricheskikh bumagakh ostavshikhsia posle A. N. Popova. Iz pis’ma I. S. Aksakova k K. P. Pobedonostsevu,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1894), 103-104.
Aksakov, Ivan S., “Pis’ma I. S. Aksakova k K. P. Pobedonostsevu, 1876–1885,” Russkii arkhiv, III (1907), 163-92.
“Pis’mo I. S. Aksakova k K. P. Pobedonostsevu,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1905), 591-92. A letter of November 29, 1877.
Pobedonostsev, Constantine P., K. P. Pobedonostsev i ego korrespondenty. Pis’ma i zapiski. Novum Regnum. Moscow, 1923, two vols. in one. Edited by Pokrovsky, this is most valuable, particularly for the letters from Alexander III and Nicholas II. A 1927 French edition was not complete and did not indicate where entire letters or memoranda had been omitted or where sections of letters or memoranda had been eliminated. (L’Autocratie russe. Constantine Pobiédonostsev . . . Mémoires politique, correspondance officielle et documents inédits.)
“Iz biografii tsesarevicha Nikolaia Aleksandrovicha. Dva pis’ma B. N. Chicherina k K. P. Pobedonostsevu,” Russkaia starina, II (1910), 311-12.
Dostoevskii, Fedor M. Pis’ma. Moscow, 1928–59, four vols. This includes all the Dostoevsky letters in the Manuscript Division of the Lenin Library and therefore probably all Dostoevsky wrote to him. Some of these were published in Byloe, Number 15 (1919), 99-134, under the title, “Dostoevskii O ‘Bratiakh Karamazovykh’, Neizdannyia pis’ma, 1879–1881 gg.”
Ilminskii, Nicholas I. Pis’ma Nikolaia Ivanovicha Ilminskago k ober-prokuroru Sviateishago sinoda Konstantinu Petrovichu Pobedonostsevu. Kazan, 1895. Includes 137 letters written between 1882 and 1891.
Pobedonostsev, Constantine P. (editor), “Pis’ma I. I. Lazhechnikova k S. P. i K. P. Pobedonostsevym,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXXII (1895), 881-87.
“Dva pis’ma Andreia Nikolaevicha Muravieva k K. P. Pobedonostsevu,”Russkii arkhiv, II (1905), 415-16.
Palimpsestov, I. U., “Pis’mo I. U. Palimpsestova k ober-prokuroru Sv. sinoda K. P. Pobedonostsevu,” Russkaia starina, II (1910), 607-608.
“Briefwechsel zwischen Arnold von Tideböhl, Redakteur der Baltischen Monatschrift, und K. P. Pobedonoszego, Prokureur des HI. Synod,” Baltische Monatshefte, 1934, 571-77. 1895 correspondence on Baltic area.
Bartenev, Peter I. (editor), “Bolezn’ i konchina naslednika-tsesarevicha Nikolaia Aleksandrovicha, 1865. Pis’ma Anny Fedorovny Tiutchevoi v Moskve k K. P. Pobedonostsevu i k sestre eia Ekaterine Fedorovne,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1905), 283-304. Very interesting.
Tverskoi, P., “Iz delovoi perepiski s K. P. Pobedonostsevym,” Vestnik evropy, XII (1907), 651-68.
The Manuscript Division of the Lenin Library contains a large collection of unpublished letters written to Pobedonostsev, as well as hundreds which have been published. The most important of these were the 179 letters from Catherine Tiutchev, written between 1866 and 1882 and reflecting the closest kind of intellectual relationship. There are also six letters from her to Mrs. Pobedonostsev, in French. Other significant correspondence includes eight letters from Captain Nicholas M. Baranov between 1881 and 1888; forty from Count Nicholas P. Ignatiev in 1881 and 1882; eight from Nicholas Giers in the Foreign Ministry between 1877 and 1886; four each from Katkov and Loris-Melikov, and a number from men and women active in the campaign sponsored by Pobedonostsev among the Uniates in Galicia.
This collection also contained almost nine hundred letters from Sergei Rachinskii, written between 1880 and 1902, and forty-nine letters and other materials from Savva, archbishop of Tver.
Publications of Peter V. Pobedonostsev
“Iz dnevnika 1812 i 1813 godov,” Russkii arkhiv, XXXIII (1895), 213-24.
“K chitateliam,” Novosti russkoi literatury, Number 12 (1805), 409-412.
“Liubov’ k otechestvu,” Trudy Obshchestva liubitelei rossiiskoi slovesnosti pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom universitete, XV (1819), 5-26.
Slovo o sushchestvennykh obiazannostiakh vitii i o sposobakh k priobreteniiu uspekhov v krasnorechii. Moscow, 1831.
“Vospominanie o Petre Alekseeviche Plavilshchikove,” Trudy Obshchestva liubitelei rossiiskoi slovesnosti pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom universitete, XI (1818), 87-135.
“Zaslugi Kheraskova v otechestvennoi slovesnosti,” Trudy Obshchestva liubitelei rossiiskoi slovesnosti pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom universitete, I (1812), 111-47.
Anekdoty i dostopamiatnye izrecheniia velikikh osob. Moscow, 1816.
Detskii vestnik. Moscow, 1813. Monthly journal.
Drug iunosti. Moscow, 1821, four vols. Journal.
Ippokrena, ili utekhi liubosloviia. Moscow, 1799–1801, eleven vols. Journal superseded by Novosti russkoi literatury.
Istinnoe i lozhnoe schastie. Sochinenie slavnago Gellerta. Moscow, 1799.
Izbrannyia nravouchitel’nyia povesti, udobnyia vlivat’ v serdtse chuvstvo nravstvennoi krasoty. Perevod iz luchshikh inostrannykh pisatelei. Moscow, 1815, four vols.
Kratkoe rukovodstvo k Estetik Eshenburga. Moscow, 1829.
Minerva. Zhurnal rossiiskoi i inostrannoi slovesnosti. Moscow, 1806–1807, five vols. Superseded Novosti russkoi literatury.
Napravlenie uma i serdtsa k istine i dobrodeteli. Moscow, 1830–31, three vols. Journal.
Novaia nauka naslazhdat’sia zhizn’iu. Poema v 4 pesniakh, s prisovokupleniem luchshikh sochinenii Kroneka, Gallera, Kramera, Klopstoka, Vilanda, i Kleista. Moscow, 1799.
Novosti russkoi literatury. Moscow, 1802–1805, fourteen vols. Superseded Ippokrena, succeeded by Minerva.
Novyi Panteon otechestvennoi i inostrannoi slovestnosti. Moscow, 1819, four vols. Journal. Reprinted much from Minerva.
Plody melankholii. Moscow, 1796, two vols.
Sokrovishche poleznykh uveselenii, ili lekarstvo vrachaiushchee liudei, predannykh pechali i skuke. Moscow, 1800.
Starinnyi drug, vozvrativshiisia iz puteshestviia i razskazyvaiushchii vse, chto videl, slyshal i chuvstvoval, s nemetskago. Moscow, 1802, two vols. This was reprinted in 1816.
Tsvetnik, izbrannykh stikhotvorenii v pol’zu i udovol’stvie iunosheskago vozrasta. Moscow, 1816, two vols.
Publications of Mrs. Catherine A. Pobedonostsev
(Translator). Minnie Mackay (Marie Corelli, pseud.), Istoriia detskoi dushi. Mogushchestvennyi Atom. Povest’ (third edition, Moscow, 1897). Translation of The Mighty Atom. Philadelphia, 1896.
(Editor). Severnye tsvety. Vybor iz stikhotvorenii A. S. Pushkina. St. Petersburg, 1888.
Publications of Pobedonostsev’s Brothers and Sisters
(Sergei Neitralnyi, pseud.). “Iz ‘Zapisok neizvestnago’,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, XXXI (1843), 281-316.
“Kazimir Vladislav Voinitskii,” Russkii vestnik, Numbers 5 and 6 (1842), 112-36.
“Mam’zel Babett i eia al’bom,” Biblioteka dlia chteniia, LIV, Part I (1842), 161-92. Sentimental story.
“Milochka. Povest’,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, XL (1845), 283-368. This was published as a book in 1867 in St. Petersburg.
“Niania,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, XLIII (1845), 1-73.
“Nikolai Kopernik. Golos za pravdu,” Moskvitianin, Number 9 (1843), 108-125. This is the essay which caused the controversy with Herzen.
Novesti. St. Petersburg, 1856. This volume includes five of his stories or novelettes.
“Pokhodnaia baryshnia. Povest’,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, XLIX, Part I (1846), 1-78.
“Pol’skii teatr. Istoricheskii vzgliad na teatr v Pol’she so vremeni ego osnovaniia,” Repertuar russkago i Panteon inostrannykh teatrov, IV (1843), 63-80.
“Prazdnik v Moskovskom kadetskom korpuse,” Moskvitianin, Part II, Number 11 (1842), 255-56.
“Putevyia zapiski russkago po Evrope v 1847-m godu,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, LVIII (1848), 1-56. Most interesting essay on his travels in western Europe in 1847.
“Starinnyia poveria polskiia i russkiia,” Moskvitianin, Part I, Number 2 (1842), 49-59.
“Torzhestvo pereneseniia ikony Smolenskoi Bogoroditsy iz Semiezernoi Pustyni v Kazan’,” Moskvitianin, Part IV, Number 9 (1842), 241-46.
“Ukazatel’ goroda Kazani,” Moskvitianin, Part IV, Number 8 (1842), 383-95.
“Zapiski Paseka,” Moskvitianin, Part I, Number 2 (1842), 618-27.
“Kolishchizna i stepi. Razskaz Eduarda Tarshy,” Moskvitianin, Part II, Number 4 (1842), 357-94.
“Luchshe-by la byla sirotoi! Drama v trekh deistviiakh grafa Fridrikha Skarbeka,” Repertuar russkago i Panteon inostrannykh teatrov, VII (1844), 4-42.
“Parizhskie teatralnye nravy. Mat’ aktrisy,” Repertuar russkago i Panteon inostrannykh teatrov, XVI, Part II (1842), 9-21.
“Pozhar Moskvy,” Moskvitianin, Part IV, Number 8 (1843), 13-21. Selection from Alexander Dumas on 1812.
“Zakulisnye nravy. Opernaia krysa. Stat’ia Teofilia Got’e,” Repertuar russkago i Panteon inostrannykh teatrov, I, Part III (1843), 176-88.
Pobedonostsev, Alexander (translator). Rech’ konsula Marka Portsiia Katona v zashchishchenie Oppieva zakona. (Perevod iz Tita Liveia). Moscow, 1830.
Pobedonostsev, Kat. “Chuvstvovaniia detei pri vosvrashchenii materi. Nashestvie tatar na Rossiiu,” Russkii vestnik, VI (1819), 5-47.
Pobedonostsev, Maria P. (translator). “Sel’skii prikhod. Roman Rodol’fa Tepfera,” Moskvitianin (supplement), Numbers 5-8, 10-15 (March-August, 1852), 1-437.
Pobedonostsev, Olga P. (editor). “Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov. Pis’mo ego k professoru P. V. Pobedonostsevu, 1823 g.,” Russkaia starina, LXXII (1891), 230-31.
Collected Works of Prominent Russians
Aksakov, Constantine S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Moscow, 1861–80, three vols.
Aksakov, Ivan S. Sochineniia. Moscow, 1886–91, seven vols.
Dostoevsky, Fedor M. Sobranie sochinenii. Paris, 1945–46, sixteen vols.
Herzen, Alexander. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem. Petrograd-Leningrad, 1919–25, twenty-two vols.
Khomiakov, Alexei S. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Moscow, 1900–1904, eight vols.
Leontiev, Constantine. Sobranie sochinenii. Moscow, 1912–14, nine vols.
Samarin, Iurii F. Sochineniia. Moscow, 1911, eleven vols.
Soloviev, Vladimir S. Sobranie sochinenii. St. Petersburg, 1901–1907, nine vols.
Tolstoy, Count Leo. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Moscow, 1928–58, ninety vols.
Aksakov, Constantine S. Vospominanie studentstva, 1832–1835 godov. St. Petersburg, 1911.
Grand Prince Alexander Mikhailovich. Vospominaniia. Paris, 1933. This appeared also in English, Once a Grand Duke (New York, 1932).
Annenkov, Paul V. P. V. Annenkov i ego druzh’ia. Literaturnyia vospominaniia i perepiska, 1835–1885 godov. St. Petersburg, 1892, two vols.
———. Literaturnye vospominaniia. Moscow, 1960.
Beliaev, A. P. “Vospominaniia dekabrista A. P. Beliaeva o perezhitom i perekuvstvovannom s 1803 goda,” Russkaia starina, XXIX (1880), 599-661, 823-50; XXX (1881), 27-42, 487-518, 799-838; XXXI (1881), 329-70; XXXII (1881), 1-46, 251-86, 679-704; XLI (1884), 67-86; XLII (1884), 67-86, 303-324.
Bogdanovich, Alexandra V. Dnevnik, 1880–1912. Moscow, 1924. Part of this memoir was published in French, Journal de la générale A. V. Bogdanovitch (Paris, 1926). It is filled with “gutter gossip.”
Bogoliubov, Alexei P. Vospominaniia o pochivshem Imperatore Aleksandre III. St. Petersburg, 1895. Bogoliubov was one of the tutors of Alexander III.
Bompard, Maurice. Mon Ambassade en Russie, 1903–1908. Paris, 1937. Useful memoirs of French ambassador in St. Petersburg.
Buslaev, Fedor I. “Moi vospominaniia,” Vestnik evropy, Number 10 (1890), 645-84; Number 11 (1890), 5-55; Number 12, (1890), 513-48; Number 2 (1891), 469-92; Number 3 (1891), 183-225, 563-95; Number 4 (1891), 177-219; Number 5 (1891), 612-48; Number 6 (1891), 138-62; Number 1 (1892), 569-93; Number 2 (1892), 160-91. Moscow University professor closely acquainted with Pobedonostsev.
Chicherin, Boris N. Vospominaniia. Moscow, 1929–34, four vols. Valuable memoirs of a liberal acquaintance of the 1860’s and 1870’s.
Crispi, Francesco. The Memoirs of Francesco Crispi. London, 1912–14, three vols. Translated from Italian.
Curtin, Jeremiah. Memoirs. Madison, Wis., 1940. American who knew Pobedonostsev well.
Dalton, Hermann. Lebenserinnerungen. Berlin, 1906–1908, three vols. Evangelical minister in St. Petersburg who knew Pobedonostsev well and who resisted his policies in the Baltic provinces.
Douglas, Norman. Looking Back. An Autobiographical Excursion. New York, 1933. English novelist who met Pobedonostsev.
Egorov, Anatole. “Stranitsii iz godov moei zhizni,” Russkaia starina, CIL (1912), 139-43.
Esipovich, Senator Iakov G. “Zapiski senatora Esipovicha,” Russkaia starina, CXXXVII (1909), 123-44, 259-78, 555-64; CXXXVIII (1909), 146-60, 301-310, 493-501; CXXXIX (1909), 35-43, 215-28, 397-409; CXL (1909), 63-78, 287-96. Some information on Pobedonostsev as a member of the Senate in the 1870’s.
Evlogii, Metropolitan of Western Europe. Put’ moei zhizni. Vospominaniia. Paris, 1947. Information on Church policy in territories inhabited largely by Polish Catholics.
Feoktistov, Evgenii M. Vospominaniia. Za kulisami politiki i literatury, 1848–1896. Leningrad, 1929. Very valuable on Pobedonostsev’s influence concerning censorship.
Glinskii, Boris B. “Iz tsenzurnago proshlago. Stranichka vospominanii,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CIV (1906), 186-201. An editor’s problems with the censor.
Golitzyn, Prince V. M. “Moskovskii universitet v 60-kh godakh,” Golos minuvshago, V (1917), 173-240.
Gradovskii, Grigorii K. “Iz minuvshago. Vospominaniia i vpechatleniia literatura, 1867–1897 g..” Russkaia starina, CXXXIII (1908),77-86, 323-30, 637-44; CXXXIV (1908), 148-57, 293-302; CXXXVI (1908), 57-74, 553-62; CXXXVII (1909), 529-35. Information on Church policies.
Gurko, Vladimir. Features and Figures of the Past. Government and Opinion in the Reign of Nicholas II. Stanford, 1939. Memoirs of a high official.
Heidler, Jan (editor). Přispévky k listart Dra. Frant. Lad. Riegra. Prague, 1924-26, two vols. Valuable on Pobedonostsev’s relations with Czech leaders.
Herzen, Alexander. Memoirs. My Past and Thoughts. London, 1924–27, six vols.
———. Pis’ma iz Frantsii i Italii, 1847–1852. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934. Thiswas published originally in 1854. There is a French edition, Lettres de France et d’ltalie, 1847–1852. Geneva, 1871.
Ianzhul, Ivan I. “Vospominaniia,” Russkaia starina, CXL (1909), 33-57, 249-72, 495-518; CXLI (1910), 133-48, 271-306, 475-507; CXLII (1910), 67-101, 307-328; CXLIV (1910), 3-20, 258-72, 485-500; CXLV (1911), 41-58, 257-69, 501-520; CXLVI (1911), 43-70, 267-89, 488-506. Some data on the Volunteer Fleet.
Ignatiev, Count Nicholas P. “Zapiski grafa N. P. Ignatieva, s primechaniiami A. A. Bashmakova,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CXXXV (1914), 49-75, 441-62, 805-836; CXXXVI (1914), 50-85, 430-68, 825-63; CXXXVII (1914), 54-93.
———. “Posle San-Stefano. Zapiski gr. N. P. Ignatieva, s primechaniiami A. A. Bashmakova,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CXLIII (1916), 35-58, 357-79, 654-78.
Jirásek, Josef. Rusko a my. Prague, 1945–46, four vols. in two. Some information concerning relations with Czech leaders.
Koni, Anatole F. “Iz zametok i vospominanii sudebnago deiatelia,” Russkaia starina, CXXXVII (1909), 5-27, 233-55; CXL (1909), 3-29, 231-47, 461-85; CXLIV (1910), 231-57, 469-83.
———. Na zhiznennom puti. Moscow-Riga, 1912–29, five vols. Valuable memoirs of a distinguished jurist who was a student of Pobedonostsev in the early 1860’s.
Kovařik, Fedor. Zážitky a dojmy ruského Čecha za cdrstvi. Prague, 1932. Czech teacher who was aided by Pobedonostsev in Russia.
Kryzhanovskii, Sergei E. Vospominaniia. Iz bumag S. E. Kryzhanovskogo, poslednago gosudarstvennago sekretaria Rossiiskoi Imperii. Berlin, 1938.
Kuropatkin, A. N. “Dnevnik A. N. Kuropatkina,” Krasnyi arkhiv, II (1922), 5-117; V (1924), 82-101; VII (1924), 55-69; VIII (1925), 70-100.
Lamzdorf, Count Vladimir N. Dnevnik V. N. Lamzdorfa, 1886–1890. Moscow, 1926.
———. Dnevnik, 1891–1892. Moscow, 1934. Valuable information concerning Pobedonostsev’s role in the Holy Land and in Abyssinia.
Lebedev, V. A. “Iz zhizni Fedora Ivanovicha Buslaeva,” Russkaia starina, CXXXIII (1908), 298-306.
“Kniaz’ia tserkvi. Iz dnevnika A. N. Lvova,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XXXIX (1930), 108-148; XL (1930), 97-124. Librarian of Holy Synod, quite critical of Pobedonostsev and his associates in the Synod.
Mavor, James. My Windows on the Street of the World. London, 1923, two vols.
Meshcherskii, Prince Vladimir P. Moi vospominaniia. St. Petersburg, 1897–1912, three vols. Interesting information from an early acquaintance.
Miliutin, Count Dmitrii A. Dnevnik. Moscow, 1947–50, four vols. in three. Valuable memoirs of Minister of War under Alexander II.
Naumovich, Father Ivan. Piatidesiatiletie (1839–1889) vozsoedineniia s pravoslavniiu tserkoviiu zapadno-russkikh uniatov. Istoricheskii ocherk. St. Petersburg, 1889. Valuable memoirs and history by priest Pobedonostsev subsidized in Galicia.
Nazimova, M. “Dvor velikoi kniagini Eleny Pavlovny, 1865–1867,” Russkii arkhiv, X (1899), 311-18. Data on Pobedonostsev in early years at court.
Novikova, Olga A. Russian Memories. London, 1917.
Panaev, Valereian A. “Iz vospominanii V. A. Panaeva,” Russkaia starina, CXXVIII (1906), 397-442. Information on Ashinov.
Panteleev, Longin F. Vospominaniia. Moscow, 1958.
Pares, Sir Bernard. My Russian Memoirs. London, 1931.
———. A Wandering Student. The Story of a Purpose. Syracuse, 1948. Pares, outstanding liberal English historian, met Pobedonostsev.
Peretts, Egor A. Dnevnik E. A. Perettsa, 1880–1883. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927. Valuable diary for these critical years.
Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, Count Richard von. Das Ende Kaiser Alexanders II. Meine Erlebnisse in russischen Diensten, 1878–1881. Berlin, 1903.
———. Neun Jahre in russischen Diensten unter Kaiser Alexander III. Erinnerungen. Leipzig, 1907. Prussian in Russian military service.
Polonskii, Iakov P. “Dnevnik. Rossiia v 1876 godu,” Na chuzhoi storone, IV (1924), 88-100.
———. “Iz dnevnika la. P. Polonskago 1878 g.,” Na chuzhoi storone, V (1924),41-49.
Polovtsev, Alexander A. “Dnevnik,” Krasnyi arkhiv, III (1923), 75-172; IV (1923), 63-128. Covers 1901–1908. Interesting.
“Iz dnevnika A. A. Polovtsova,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XLVI (1931), 110-32.
Polovtsov, Alexander A. Dnevnik gosudarstvennogo sekretaria A. A. Polovtsova v dvukh tomakh. Moscow, 1966, two vols. Diary covers 1883–92, when Polovtsov was State Secretary. Very valuable.
Radziwill, Princess Catherine. Memories of Forty Years. New York, 1915.
Rozanov, Nicholas. “Vospominaniia o Danile Mikhailoviche Vellanskom,” Russkii vestnik, LXXII (1867), 99-137.
Rozanov, Vasilii V. (editor) “Iz perepiski S. A. Rachinskago,” Russkii vestnik, CCLXXXI (1902), 603-629; CCLXXXII (1902), 143-57.
Rubinstein, Anton. Autobiography of Anton Rubinstein, 1829–1889. Boston, 1890.
Savva, Archbishop of Tver. Khronika moei zhizni. Sergiev Posad, 1897–1911, nine vols. Much information on Pobedonostsev and Church administration.
Schilovsky, P. P. “Reminiscences of K. P. Pobedonostsev,” Slavonic and East European Review, XXX (1952), 364-75. Interesting insight on Pobedonostsev’s interest in legal scholarship.
Schweinitz, General Hans von. Briefwechsel des Botschafters General v. Schweinitz. Berlin, 1928.
———. Denkwürdigkeiten des Botschafters General v. Schweinitz. Berlin,1927, two vols. Memoirs of German ambassador in St. Petersburg, 1878–92.
Shelgunov, Nicholas V. Vospominaniia. Moscow, 1923.
Shevelev, A. A. “Puteshestviia po Rossii ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva naslednika tsesarevicha Aleksandra Aleksandrovicha,” Russkoe ohozrenie, XLVI (1897), 52-92; IL (1898), 821-32. Information on 1867 and 1869 trips.
Shtakenshneider, Elena A. Dnevnik i zapiski, 1854–1886. Moscow, 1934.
Simpson, J. Y. (editor). The Saburov Memoirs, or Bismarck and Russia. Cambridge, England, 1929.
Spasovich, Wlodzimierz D. Za mnogo let, 1859–1871. St. Petersburg, 1872. Distinguished jurist who commented on Kurs grazhdanskago prava.
Stead, William T. (editor). The M.P. for Russia. Reminiscences and Correspondence of Madame Olga Novikoff. London, 1909, two vols. Most valuable.
———. Truth about Russia. London, 1889. Result of a trip to Russia.
Suvorin, A. S. Dnevnik A. S. Suvorina. Redaktsiia, predislovie i primechaniia Mikh. Krichevskogo. Moscow-Petrograd, 1923. Suvorin was editor of Novoe Vremia. This was translated into French, Journal intime d’Alexis Souvorine (Paris, 1927).
Tanaevskii, Father S. Pamiati Sergeia Aleksandrovicha Rachinskago. Kazan, 1904. Excellent on Rachinskii.
“Tekushchaia khronika i osobye proizshestviia. Dnevnik V. F. Odoevskogo, 1859–1869 gg.,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 22-24 (1935), 79-308. Quite valuable, with excellent notes by B. Koz’min.
Tiutcheva, Anna F. Pri dvore dvukh imperatorov. Dnevnik, 1855–1882. Moscow, 1928–29, two vols. Fragments of her copious diary.
“Tolstoi v 1880-e gody. Zapiski I. M. Ivakina,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 69, Part 2 (1961), 21-124.
Valuev, Count Peter A. Dnevnik, 1877–1884. Petrograd, 1919. Valuable on critical period.
Vogüé, Viscount Eugène de. Les Routes. Paris, 1910. Valuable chapter on Pobedonostsev.
Voronov, A. “Vospominaniia byvshago studenta Kharkovskago universiteta 60-kh godov,” Russkaia starina, CLIV (1913), 571-95.
Wemyss, Rosslyn (editor). Memoirs and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Morier, G. C. B. from 1826 to 1876. London, 1911, two vols.
White, Andrew D. Autobiography. New York, 1905, two vols. American minister in St. Petersburg, 1892-94. See also White, “A Statesman of Russia: Constantine Pobedonostsev,” Century Magazine, LVI (1898), 110-18.
Witte, Count Sergei IU. Vospominaniia. Moscow, 1923, two vols. A new three-volume edition with splendid notes by A. L. Sidorov was published in Moscow in 1960.
Zhirkevich, A. V. “Arkhiepiskop Ierononinim. Opyt’ kharakteristiki,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CXIII (1908), 881-915.
Aksakov, Ivan S. Ivan Sergeevich Aksakov v ego pismakh. Moscow, 1888–96, four vols. This does not include all his letters.
Belchikov, N. F. (editor). Pis’ma F. M. Dostoevskogo k zhene. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.
Frank, V. S. (editor). “Iz neizdannoi perepiski Imp. Aleksandra III i Nikolaia II s kn. V. P. Meshcherskim,” Sovremennyia zapiski, LXX (1940), 165-88.
“Iz razorenoi Moskvy. Pis’ma I. M. Snegireva k P. V. Pobedonostsevu,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1897), 110-12. 1813 letters.
Konovalov, Serge (editor). “The Emperor Alexander II and Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukaya (Yurievskaya): Nine Letters,” Oxford Slavonic Papers, XI (1964), 94-100.
Kovalevskii, Maxim M. Konstitutsiia grafa Loris-Melikova i ego chastnye pis’ma. Berlin, 1904. Very valuable.
Lazarev, E. E. Gavaiskii Senator i vozhdi russkago pravoslaviia, episkop Vladimir i K. P. Pobedonostsev. Geneva, 1902. Russian exile whose correspondence contains interesting information on Russian Orthodox Church in San Francisco.
Mustafin, V. (editor). “Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov i graf Petr Aleksandrovich Valuev v ikh perepiske, 1863–1879 gg.,” Russkaia starina, CLXIII (1915), 279-300, 403-413; CLXIV (1915), 91-95, 247-51, 416-30; CLXVI (1916), 346-65. Some data on 1863.
“Perepiska Aleksandra III s gr. Loris-Melikovym, 1880–1881 gg.,” Krasnyi arkhiv, VIII (1925), 101-131. Significant letters.
“Perepiska P. D. Golokhvastova s I. S. Aksakovym o zemskom sobore,” Russkii arkhiv, I (1913), 93-111; II (1913), 181-204.
Radziwill, Princess Marie. Lettres de la princesse Radziwill au général de Robilant, 1889–1914. Bologna, 1933–34, four vols. Valuable information.
Repin, Il’ia E. I. E. Repin i V. V. Stasov. Perepiska. Moscow, 1948-50, three vols.
Staal, Baron Egor F. Correspondance diplomatique de M. de Staal, 1884–1900. Paris, 1929, two vols. Ambassador in London, 1884–1902.
Stankevich, Aleksei (editor). Perepiska Nikolaia Vladimirovicha Stankevicha, 1830–1840. Moscow, 1914. Reference to Professor Pobedonostsev as a teacher.
“Vozhd’ reaktsii 60-80-kh godov. Neizdannyia pis’ma Μ. N. Katkova Aleksandru II i Aleksandru III,” Byloe, Number 4 (1917), 1-32.
Jakobson, Sergius. “Pis’ma Iv. Serg. Aksakova k V. F. Putsykovichu,” Na chuzhoi storone, V (1924), 129-58. Fifteen letters written between 1878 and 1886.
Zilbershtein, Il’ia S. (editor). F. M. Dostoevskii i I. S. Turgenev. Perepiska. Leningrad, 1928.
Some Official Documents and Reports
“Μ. N. Katkov i Aleksandr III v 1886–1887 gg.,” Krasnyi arkhiv, LVIII (1933), 58-85. Memoranda from Katkov to Alexander III on foreign policy.
Chuloshnikov, N. (editor). “K istorii manifesta 6 avgusta 1905 goda,” Krasnyi arkhiv, XIV (1926), 262-70. Documents and drafts.
Iasevich-Borodaevskaia, Varvara I. (editor). Materialy k vysochaishemu ukazu 12 dekabria 1904 g. St. Petersburg, n.d., five vols.
Russia. Gosudarstvennyi sovet. Otchët po deloproizvodstvu Gosudarstvennago soveta za sessiiu 1892/1893–1905/1906. St. Petersburg, 1893–1906, fourteen vols. in eighteen.
———. Otchët po Gosudarstvennomu sovetu, 1869–1891. St. Petersburg,1870–92, twenty-three vols.
———. Gosudarstvennyi sovet, 1801–1901. Istoriko-iuridicheskii ocherk. St.Petersburg, 1901.
———. Stenograficheskie ochëti, ses. 1-13 (28 apr. 1906 g 14 fevr. 1917 g.). St. Petersburg, 1906–1917, thirteen vols.
Russia. Komitet ministrov. Zhurnaly Komiteta ministrov po ispolneniiu ukaza 12 dekabria 1904 g. St. Petersburg, 1905.
Russia. Ministerstvo iustitsii. Ministerstvo iustitsii za sto let, 1802–1902. Istoricheskii ocherk. St. Petersburg, 1902.
———. Obshchii obzor deiatel’nosti Ministerstva iustitsii i pravitel’stvuiu-shchago Senata za tsarstvovanie Imperatora Aleksandra III. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Russia. Ministerstvo vnutrennykh del. Obshchii obzor Ministerstva vnutrennykh del za vremia tsarstvovaniia Aleksandra III. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Sudebnoe preobrazovanie v 1863 i 1864 g. St. Petersburg, 1867, six vols. This is a set of documents concerning the judicial reform. It was apparently prepared by S. I. Zarudnyi.
Zarudnyi, S. I. (editor). Materialy po sudebnomu preobrazovaniiu 1864 goda. St. Petersburg, 1864?, seventy-four vols. Documents collected by S. I. Zarudnyi, one of those most responsible for the reform of the judicial system. These memoranda, reports, and drafts include all the official materials leading to the reform between 1861 and 1864. They include Pobedonostsev memoranda in volumes 12, 13, 17, and 26. One set of these volumes is in the Saltykov-Shchedrin Library in Leningrad.
Studies of Pobedonostsev
Adams, Arthur E. “The Ideology and Influence of K. P. Pobedonostsev, 1881–1905,” Cornell University, Thesis for Doctorate in History, 1951.
———. “Pobedonostsev and the Rule of Firmness,” Slavonic and East European Review, XXXII (1953), 132-39.
———. “Pobedonostsev’s Religious Politics,” Church History, XXII (1953),314-26.
———. “Pobedonostsev’s Thought Control,” Russian Review, XI (1953), 241-46.
Amfiteatrov, Alexander V., and Evgenii Anichkov. Pobedonostsev. St. Petersburg, 1907.
d’Avril, Adolphe. “Pensées d’un homme d’état,” Revue des questions historiques, XX (1898), 525-31. Basically, a review of Moskovskii sbornik.
Borzenko, A. “Pacta sunt servanda,” Russkoe obozrenie, VI (1890), 455-64.
Courtney, William L. “A Reactionary Statesman,” in The Development of Maurice Maeterlinck and other Sketches of Foreign Writers (London, 1904), 163-72. Daily Telegraph Correspondent.
Dillon, E. J. (E. B. Lanin, pseud.). “Constantine Pobedonostseff,” Contemporary Review, LXIII (1893), 584-608. Daily Telegraph correspondent.
Dobrosaabskii, V. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev v svoikh pedagogicheskikh vozzreniakh. Kharkov, 1911.
Evenchik, S. L. “Reaktsionnaia deiatel’nost’ Pobedonostseva v 80-kh gg. XIX-go veka.” Moscow University Thesis for Candidate Degree in History, 1939. This thesis was based in part on archival materials of the Holy Synod which I was not able to use.
Fet, A. “K. P. Pobedonostsev o semeinykh uchastkakh,” Nabliudatel’, Number 10 (1889), 31-33.
Firsov, N. N. “Pobedonostsev. Opyt kharakteristiki po pis’mam,” Byloe, Number 25 (1924), 246-70. Based largely on his published letters.
Gavrilov, Alexander V. “Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev v ego pis’makh,” Tserkovnyia Vedomosti, March 24, 1907, supplement, 541-44.
Glinskii, Boris B. “Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev. Materialy dlia biografii,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CVIII (1907), 247-74. Valuable.
Gnevyshev, M. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev. Kiev, 1907.
Golovin, K. F. “K voprosu o semeinykh uchastkakh,” Russkoe obozrenie, III (1890), 280-99, 540-58.
Golubov, Sergei. Den’ Konstantina Petrovicha. Povest’. Moscow, 1941. Novel which ridicules Pobedonostsev as a cuckold.
Görlitz, Walter. Russische Gestalten. Heidelberg, 1940.
Gotie, Iurii V. “K. P. Pobedonostsev i naslednik Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 1865–1881,” Publichnaia Biblioteka SSSR imeni V. I. Lenina. Sbornik, II (1929), 107-134. Excellent analysis based on thorough, objective research.
Hunterberg, Max. The Russian Mephistopheles. Glasgow, 1909. Novel.
Kaminka, A. “K. P. Pobedonostsev,” Pravo, I (1907), 822-25.
Kizevetter, Alexander A. “Pobedonostsev,” Na chuzhoi storone, IV (1924), 257-81. Review of Novum Regnum by eminent Russian historian.
Kopina, Liudmila. Stranitsy bolshoi zhizni. Moscow, 1953. Novel on Pobedonostsev and Count Leo Tolstoy.
Korolenko, V. “K. P. Pobedonostsev i V. I. Askochenskii,” Russkoe bogatstvo, Number 3 (1907), 133-39.
Medvedskii, K. “Piatidesiatiletie sluzhebnoi deiatel’nosti K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Russkii vestnik, CCXLV (1896), 280–82.
Mesniaev, G. “Dostoevskii i Pobedonostsev,” Rossiia, June 27, 1959, 2, 4.
Nikol’skii, Boris V. “Literaturnaia deiatel’nost’ K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Istoricheskii vestnik, LXV (1896), 711-32. Excellent bibliographical article.
———. “Moskovskii sbornik,” Novoe Vremia, June 12, 1896. Review.
Nikol’skii, N. “K. P. Pobedonostsev,” Tserkovnyi vestnik, XXXIII (1907), 381-83.
Nolde, Baron Alexander E. K. P. Pobedonostsev i sudebnaia reforma. Petrograd, 1915. Very valuable study.
———. “Obzor nauchnoi iuridicheskoi deiatel’nosti K. P. Pobedonostseva,”Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia, VIII (1907), 93-116. Excellent.
Orshanskii, Il’ia G. “Kurs grazhdanskago prava,” Zhurnal grazhdanskago i ugolovnago prava, Book II (1876), 258-82.
“50-Letie sluzhebnoi deiatel’nosti K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Istoricheskii vestnik, LXV (1896), 253-56. Important for bibliography and record of government service.
“50-letnii iubilei K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Sudebnaia gazeta, June 9, 1896, 10-11.
Preobrazhenskii, I. V. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, ego lichnost’ i deiatel’nosti v predstavlenii sovremennikov ego konchiny. St. Petersburg, 1912. Thorough record of obituaries at time of Pobedonostsev’s death.
Preobrazhenskii, P. “Russkii papa. O perepiski Pobedonostseva,” Pechat’ i Revoliutsiia, Book I (1924), 61-67. Review of his correspondence.
de Proyart, Jacqueline. “Le Haut-Procureur du Saint-Synode Constantin Pobedonoscev et le coup d’état du 29 avril 1881,” Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, III (1962), 408-458. Sound analysis, based on published data.
———. “Pobedonoscev et Dostoevsky. Un amitié littéraire,” Revue des étudesslaves, XXXVIII (1961), 151-63. Based on published letters.
Rappoport, A. S. “Pobiedonostzev, the Apostle of Absolutism and Orthodoxy,” Fortnightly Review, LXXXI (1907), 868-78.
Rozanov, Vasilii V. Okolo tserkovnykh sten. St. Petersburg, 1906, two vols. Contains an analytical essay.
Schaper, Edzard H. Attentat auf den Mächtigen. Roman. Frankfurt, 1957.
Shoob, Leo. “Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev: A Study in Reaction,” University of California, Berkeley, Thesis for Doctorate in History, 1947.
Slavik, Jan. “Zhoubny obránce samoderžavi (K 25. výročí smrti K. P. Pobědonosceva.),” Slovansky přehled, XXIV (1932), 207-214, 257-63.
Slonimski, L. O velikoi Izhi nashego vremeni. K. P. Pobedonostsev i kniaz’ V. P. Meshcherskii. St. Petersburg, 1908.
Spasovich, Wlodzimierz D. “Kurs grazhdanskago prava K. Pobedonostseva, Chast’ vtoraia,” Zhurnal grazhdanskago i torgovago prava, Book I (1871), 134-57. One of the most penetrating reviews.
Steinmann, Friedrich, and Elias Hurwicz. Konstantin Petrovitsch Pobjedonoszew, der Staatsmann der Reaktion unter Alexander III. Königsberg, 1933. Largely an analysis of his influence on Alexander III, plus translations of some of their correspondence.
Tal’berg, N. D. Muzh’ vernosti i razuma. K 50-letniiu konchiny K. P. Pobedonostseva. Jordanville, New York, 1957. Favorable; based largely on letters.
———. “ ‘Uchenie i uchitel’ v izobrazhenii K. P. Pobedonostseva,” Pravo-slavnaia Zhizn’, Number 3 (1960), 18-23. Study of his views on education, supported by quotations.
Vengerov, Semen. Ocherki po istorii russkoi literatury. S epokhi Belinskago do nashikh dnei. St. Petersburg, 1907. Contains an essay on Pobedonostsev.
Volkhovsky, F. V. “The Philosophy of Reaction,” Free Russia, X (1899), 90-91; XI (1900), 4-5.
Voroshilov, A. “O sootnoshenii prav votchinago i krepostnago,” Otechestvennyia zapiski, CXXV (1859), 63-94. Excellent study of a Pobedonostsev article.
Wren, Melvin C. “Pobedonostsev and Russian Influence in the Balkans, 1881–1888,” Journal of Modern History, XIX (1947), 130-41. Misinterprets Pobedonostsev’s policies in the Balkans.
Studies of Dostoevsky
Belchikov, N. F. (editor). “Dostoevskii o Pushkinskikh torzhestvakh,” Krasnyi arkhiv, I (1922), 367-405. Largely letters.
———. “Dostoevskii i Pobedonostsev,” Krasnyi arkhiv, II (1922), 240-55.
Cheshikhin, Vasilii (Ch. Vetrinskii, pseud.). F. M. Dostoevskii v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov. Moscow, 1912.
Dostoevsky, Anna G. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ sochinenii i proizvedenii iskusstva, otnosiashchikhsia k zhizni i deiatel’nosti F. M. Dostoevskogo. St. Petersburg, 1906.
Ermilov, Vladimir V. F. M. Dostoevskii. Moscow, 1956.
Gibian, George. “C. G. Cams’ Psyche and Dostoevsky,” American Slavic and East European Review, XIV (1955), 371-82. Valuable.
Grossman, Leonid P. “Dostoevskii i pravitel’stvennye krugi 1870-kh godov,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 15 (1934), 83-162. Excellent analysis, plus forty letters Pobedonostsev wrote to Dostoevsky.
———. Dostoevskii na zhiznennom puti. Moscow, 1928, two vols.
———. Seminarii po Dostoevskomu. Materialy, bibliografiia i kommentarii.Moscow, 1922.
———. Tvorchestvo Dostoevskogo, 1821–1881–1921. Sbornik stat’ei i materia-lov. Odessa, 1921.
———. Zhizn’ i trudy F. M. Dostoevskogo. Moscow-Leningrad, 1935. Includesdetailed chronology of Dostoevsky’s life.
Izkoz, Arkadii S. (A. S. Dolinin, pseud.). F. M. Dostoevskii. Materialy i issledovaniia. Leningrad, 1935.
———. V tvorcheskoi laboratorii Dostoevskogo. Leningrad, 1947.
Mochul’skii, Constantine V. Dostoevskii. Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo. Paris, 1947.
Nechaeva, Vera S. (editor). Opisanie rukopisei F. M. Dostoevskogo. Moscow, 1957.
Oksman, Iulian G. “F. M. Dostoevskii v redaktsii Grazhdanina,” Tvorchestvo Dostoevskogo. Stat’i i materialy pod red. Grossmana (Odessa, 1921), 63-82.
Seduro, Vladimir. Dostoyevski in Russian Literary Criticism, 1846–1956. New York, 1957.
Simmons, Ernest J. Dostoevsky, The Making of a Novelist. London, 1950. Excellent biography.
Studies of Russian Literature
Ovsianiko-Kulikovskii, Dmitrii N. (editor). Istoriia russkoi literatury XIX v. Moscow, 1918–23, five vols. Useful information on Russian journals.
Poggioli, Renato. The Poets of Russia, 1890–1930. Cambridge, 1960.
Smirnovski, Peter V. Istoriia russkoi literatury deviatnadtsatago veka. St. Petersburg, 1899–1904, eight vols.
Tkhorzhevskii, Ivan I. Russkaia literatura. Paris, 1946, two vols. in one. A second edition of this was published in 1950.
Biographies and Critical Studies
Aksakov, Ivan S. Biografiia Fedora Ivanovicha Tiutcheva. Moscow, 1886.
Alekseev, Anatole D. (editor). Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva I. A. Goncharova. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
Andreevskii, I. E. “O Kalachove, kak iurist, arkheolog i uchreditel’ Arkheologicheskago Institute,” Vestnik arkheologii i istorii, V (1886), 1-14.
Barsukov, Nicholas P. Zhizn’ i trudy Μ. P. Pogodina. St. Petersburg, 1880-1910, twenty-two vols. Valuable information.
Baylen, Joseph O. “Madame Olga Novikov: Defender of Imperial Russia, 1880–1900,” Historia, I (1951), 133-56.
———. “Madame Olga Novikov, Propagandist,” American Slavic and East European Review, X (1951), 255-71.
Berdyaev, Nicholas. Constantin Leontieff. Paris, 1936.
Birkbeck, Rose J. Life and Letters of W. J. Birkbeck. London, 1922. Very valuable.
Bowers, Claude G. Beveridge and the Progressive Era. Cambridge, Mass., 1932. Beveridge met Pobedonostsev in 1901.
Bowman, Herbert. Vissarion Belinski, 1811–1848. Cambridge, Mass., 1954. Sound study.
Bullock, George. Marie Corelli. The Life and Death of a Best-Seller. London, 1940.
Creighton, Louise. Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton. London, 1904, two vols. Valuable information on Bishop of London.
Danilov, I. G. “O trudakh Kalachova po krestianskomu delu,” Vestnik arkheologii i istorii, V (1896), 15-24.
Firsov, Nicholas N. “Alexandr III. Lichnaia kharakteristika chast’iu po ego neizdannym dnevnikam,” Byloe, Number 29 (1925), 85-108. Based on diary of Alexander III.
Gorbov, N. M. “S. A. Rachinskii,” Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia, CCCXLIV (1902), 67-107.
Gratieux, Albert. A. S. Khomiakov et le mouvement Slavophile. Paris, 1939, two vols. Good analysis.
Katz, Martin. Mikhail N. Katkov. A Political Biography. The Hague, 1967. Based on sources available in United States and Finland.
Klevenskii, M. “Gertsen-izdatel’ i ego sotrudniki,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 41-42 (1941), 572-620.
Knorring, N. N. General Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev. Paris, 1939–40, two vols. in one.
Koliupanov, Nil P. Biografiia Aleksandra Ivanovicha Kosheleva. Moscow, 1889–92, two vols. in three.
Koni, Anatole F. ‘‘Velikaia kniaginia Elena Pavlovna,” Velikaia reforma, V (1911), 14-34.
Kovalewski, Pierre, N. S. Leskov. Peintre méconnu de la vie nationale russe. Paris, 1925.
Labry, Raoul. Alexandre Ivanovič Herzen, 1812–1870. Paris, 1928.
Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Un Homme d’état russe, Nicholas Miliutine. Paris, 1884.
Lisicki, Henryk. Le marquis Wielopolski, sa vie et son temps, 1803–1877. Vienna, 1880, two vols.
Liubavskii, Matvei K. “Vasilii Osipovich Kliuchevskii,” in V. O. Kliuchevskii. Kharakteristiki i vospominaniia (Moscow, 1912), 5-25.
Liubimov, Nicholas A. Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov i ego istoricheskaia zasluga. St. Petersburg, 1889. Illuminating biography by close collaborator.
———. Pamiati N. A. Liubimova. St. Petersburg, 1897.
Livov, Grégoire. Michel Katkoff et son époque. Paris, 1897.
Lukashevich, Stephen. Ivan Aksakov, 1823–1886. Cambridge, Mass., 1965.
MacMaster, Robert E. Danilevsky: A Russian Totalitarian Philosopher. Cambridge, Mass., 1967. Careful study.
Maiakovskii, I. L. “N. V. Kalachov,” Moskovskii istoriko-arkhivnyi institut. Trudy, IV (1948), 161-80. Praises Kalachov as patriotic archivist.
Maikov, Leonid N. “E. M. Feoktistov,” Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia, CCCXVII (1898), 26-44.
Maude, Aylmer. The Life of Tolstoy. London, 1953, two vols.
Mazon, André. Un Maître du roman russe. Ivan Gontcharov, 1812–1891 Paris, 1914.
Morley, John. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone. London, 1903, three vols.
Moskvinov, V. N. Repin v Moskve. Moscow, 1955.
Nicolaevski, Boris. Aseff. London, 1934.
Nikolaeva, T. “Deti sela Tateva,” Ogonëk, Number 50, December, 1963, 24-25. Interesting as Soviet view in 1963 of Rachinskii.
Nikon, Bishop of Florida. Zhizneopisanie blazhennieishago Antonii, metropolita Kievskago i Golitskago. New York, 1957–63, ten vols.
Notovich, Nicholas. L’Empereur Alexandre III et son entourage. Paris, 1893.
Obninski, Victor. Poslednyi samoderzhets. Ocherk zhizni i tsarstvovaniia Imperatora Rossii Nikolaia II-go. Berlin, 1912. Splendid photographs.
Piatkovskii, Alexander P. Kniaz’ V. F. Odoevskii i D. V. Venevitinov. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Platonov, Sergei F. Konstantin Nikolaevich Bestuzhev-Riumin. St. Petersburg, 1897.
Pypin, Alexander N. Belinskii, ego zhizn’ i perepiska. St. Petersburg, 1908, second edition. Some information on Professor Peter V. Pobedonostsev.
Raeff, Marc. “A Reactionary Liberal: Μ. N. Katkov,” Russian Review, XI (1952), 157-67.
Sakulin, Paul N. Iz istorii russkago idealizma: Kniaz’ V. F. Odoevskii. Moscow, 1913, two vols. in one.
Sidorskii, Iosif. “Efimi Mikhailovich Kryzhanovskii, 1865–1888 gg.,” Russkaia starina, LXVI (1890), 717-26.
Simmons, Ernest J. Leo Tolstoy. Boston, 1946.
Smith, Charles E. “The Young Czar and His Advisers,” North American Review, CLX (1895), 21-28.
Stremooukoff, Dmitri. La Poésie et l’idéologie de Tiouttchev. Paris, 1937.
———. Vladimir Soloviev et son oeuvre messianique. Paris, 1935.
Tatishchev, Sergei S. (S. Nevedenskii, pseud.). Katkov i ego vremia. St. Petersburg, 1888.
Thomas, Louis. Frédéric Le Play, 1806–1882. Paris, 1943, second edition.
Vengerov, Semen A. “Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov. Kritiko-biograficheskii ocherk,” Polnoe sobranie sochinenii I. I. Lazhechnikova. (St. Petersburg, 1899–1900), I, i-cxxxi. Some data on Professor Peter V. Pobedonostsev.
Religion and the Russian Orthodox Church
Arseniev, Constantine C. Svoboda sovesti i veroterpimost’. Sbornik stat’ei.St. Petersburg, 1905. Based largely on Pobedonostsev’s official reports.
Bolshakoff, Serge. The Doctrine of the Unity of the Church in the Works of Khomyakov and Moehler. London, 1946.
———. Russian Nonconformity. Philadelphia, 1950. Excellent.
Curtiss, John S. Church and State in Russia: The Last Years of the Empire, 1900–1917. New York, 1940. First-rate study.
Dalton, Hermann. Der Stundismus in Russland. Gütersloh, 1896. Critical of Pobedonostsev policies.
Giliarov-Platonov, Nikita P. Sbornik sochinenii. Moscow, 1899, two vols.
———. Voprosy very i tserkvi. Moscow, 1905–1906, two vols. Devoted largely to Church affairs.
Izmailov, A. “Novosti istorii,” Istoricheskii vestnik, CXLI (1915), 629-36; CXLII (1915), 668-69. Information on Pobedonostsev as administrator of Church.
K tserkovnomu soboru. Sbornik. St. Petersburg, 1906. Documents on 1905 discussion.
“Kievskii sobor 1884 goda. Poslanie k vysokopreosviashchennomu Pavlu, eksarkhu Gruzii. Zapiski arkhiepiskopa Nikanora,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1908), 554-74; III (1908), 86-138. Much information on Pobedonostsev’s position toward the Stundists.
Latimer, Robert S. Under Three Czars. Liberty of Conscience in Russia, 1856–1907. London, 1909. Valuable.
Avidonov, N. (editor). “9 ianvaria 1905 goda i Sinod,” Byloe, Number 29 (1925), 51-57. Pobedonostsev’s reaction to Bloody Sunday.
Barsov, Timofei V. Sinodal’nyia uchrezhdeniia preshniago vremeni. St. Petersburg, 1897. Good description of Synod institutions.
Conseil Scolaire de Saint-Synode. Ecoles paroissales en Russie. Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1900. Information on parish schools prepared by Synod for international exposition in Paris in 1900.
Istoricheskaia perepiska o sud’bakh pravoslavnoi tserkvi. Moscow, 1912. Memoranda on 1904–1905 crisis in Church.
Kamenev, S. IU. “S. IU. Vitte i K. P. Pobedonostsev o sovremennom polozhenii pravoslavnoi tserkvi,” Vestnik evropy, II (1909), 651-91. Quite informative.
Moscow. Sinodal’naya tipografiia. Katalog knig, prodaiushchikhsia v sinodal’nykh knizhnykh lavkakh v S. Peterburge i Moskve. Moscow, 1896.
Myshtsyn, V. N. “K istorii tserkovno-preobrazovatel’nago dvizheniia,” Bogoslovskii vestnik, III (1905), 6, 359-83. Documents concerning 1904–1905 crisis in Church.
“Prebyvanie g. ober-prokurora Sv. sinoda K. P. Pobedonostseva v Tveri,” Pravoslavnoe obozrenie, III (1882), 631-34.
Russia. Sviateishii pravitel’stvuiushchii sinod. Obzor deiatel’nosti vedomstva Pravoslavnago Ispovedaniia za vremia tsarstvovaniia Imperatora Aleksandra III. St. Petersburg, 1901.
———. Pravila i programmy dlia tserkovno-prikhodskikh shkol i shkol gramoty. St. Petersburg, 1894, second edition.
———. Tsirkuliarnye ukazy Sviateishago pravitel’stvuiushchago sinoda, 1867–1900 gg. St. Petersburg, 1901. Most useful. Well organized.
Soloviov, A. N. Moskovskii pechatnyi dvor. Moscow, 1917.
Titlinov, B. V. Tserkov’ vo vremia revoliutsii. Petrograd, 1924. Largely on controversy between Witte and Pobedonostsev in 1904–1905.
“Zapiski prisutstvuiushchago v Sviateishem pravitel’stvuiushchem vserossiiskom sinode. (Arkhiepiskopa Khersonskago Nikanora),” Russkii arkhiv, III (1906), 5-37, 161-213, 321-57, 481-504.
Dalton, Hermann. On Religious Liberty in Russia. Leipzig, 1890. Translation of Dalton’s famous 1889 Open Letter to Pobedonostsev.
Dukmeyer, Friedrich. Aus Anlass des offenen Sendschreibens an den Oberprokureur des Synods K. Pobedonoszeff, von H. Dalton und des offenen Briefes an Pastor Dalton von A. D. St. Petersburg, 1889.
Durnovo, N. Nechto o russkoi tserkvi v ober-prokurorstve K. P. Pobedonostseva. Leipzig, 1889.
Evangelical Alliance. Rapport présenté aux branches de l’Alliance évangélique par le comité de Genève, sur des démarches faites au près de S. M. I’Empereur de Russie rélativement à la liberté religieuse dans l’empire russe de 1887 à 1889. Geneva, 1889.
Loeoeralt, W. Baltenhetze. Die Verfolgung von Glauben, Sprache und Recht in den Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. Leipzig, 1890.
Pravoslavnaia tserkov’ v Finlandii, napechatano po rasporiazheniiu g. oberprokurora Sviateishago sinoda. St. Petersburg, 1893. Taken from an official Holy Synod report. Quite objective.
Shakhovskoi, Prince Sergei V. Iz arkhiva Kniazia S. V. Shakhovskogo. Materialy dlia istorii nedavniago proshlago Pribaltiiskoi okrainy, 1885–1894 gg. St. Petersburg, 1909–1910, three vols. in one. Very illuminating on policy by governor of Estland, 1885–94.
Tobien, Alexander. Die livlaendische Ritterschaft in ihrem Verhältnis zum Zarismus und russischen Nationalismus. Riga, 1925–30, two vols.
Wurstemberger, L. von. Die Gewissensfreiheit in den Ostsee-Provinzen Russlands. Leipzig, 1872.
Andrusiak, N. “Ruthène (église),” Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, XIV (1939), 382-407.
Kryzhanovskii, Efimi. Russkoe zabuzh’e. St. Petersburg, 1911. Collection of articles by one of Pobedonostsev’s advisers.
Pelipenko, Alexis. “Die politische Propaganda des russischen Heiligen Synod in Galizien vor dem Kriege,” Berliner Monatshefte, XII (1934), 825-38.
Soloviev, Father I. “Otets Ivann Naumovich,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXII (1893), 290-93, 791-803. Useful.
Constantin, Viscount Jean Robert de. L’Archimandrite Paisi et l’ataman Achinoff. Une Expédition religieuse en Abyssinie. Paris, 1891. French defender of Ashinov project.
d’Alonzo, Alphonse. La Russie en Palestine. Paris, 1901. Valuable, by former French consul in Jerusalem.
Jesman, Czeslaw. The Russians in Ethiopia. An Essay in Futility. London, 1958.
Otchët Pravoslavnago Palestinskago Obshchestva. St. Petersburg, 1883–91, 1908–1911. Very useful.
Russkiia uchrezhdeniia v Sviatoi Zemlie i pochivskie deiateli Imperatorskago Pravoslavnago Palestinskago Obshchestva, 1882–1907. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Smolitsch, Igor. “Zur Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen der russischen Kirche und dem Orthodoxen Osten,” Ostkirchliche Studien, VII (1958), 1-47.
Stavrou, Theofanis. Russian Interests in Palestine, 1882–1914. Thessaloniki, 1963. Most useful history and analysis.
Birkbeck, William J. Birkbeck and the Russian Church. London, 1917.
———. The Prospect of Reunion with Eastern Christendom. London, 1894.
———. Russia and the English Church in the Last Fifty Years. London, 1895.
Birkbeck was an English clergyman who visited Russia and became a great admirer of Pobedonostsev and an advocate of the union of the Anglican Church with the Russian Orthodox.
Bolshakoff, Serge. The Foreign Missions of the Russian Orthodox Church. New York, 1943.
Smirnov, Eugene. A Short Account of the Historical Development and Present Position of Russian Orthodox Missions. London, 1903.
Birkett, G. A. “Official Plans for Tolstoy’s Funeral in 1902,” Slavonic and East European Review, XXX (1951), 2-6. Excellent short article.
Graf Lev Tolstoi i Svyatyeishi sinod. Berlin, 1901. Documents and letters concerning the excommunication of Tolstoy.
Ioann, Archimandrite. Tolstoi i tserkov’. Berlin, 1939. Well documented.
Poslanie Sviateishago sinoda o grafe Leve Tolstome. Moscow, 1901. Defense of the Synod’s action with regard to Tolstoy.
Darlington, Thomas. Education in Russia. London, 1909.
Eimontova, R. G. “Universitetskaia reforma 1863 g.,” Istoricheskie zapiski, Number 70 (1961), 163-96. Excellent study based on thorough research.
Hans, Nicholas. History of Russian Educational Policy, 1701–1917. London, 1931. Based on materials available in England.
Ilminskii, Nicholas I. Besedy o russkoi shkole. Kazan, 1889.
Johnson, William H. Russia’s Educational Heritage. Pittsburgh, 1950.
Konstantinov, Nicholas A. Ocherki po istorii srednei shkoly. Moscow, 1947. Concentrates on 1890–1917 period.
Leary, Daniel B. Russian Education. Organization, History, Statistics. New York, 1918.
Liubavskii, Matvei K. “Moskovskii universitet v 1812 godu,” Obshchestvo istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh. Moscow. Chteniia, Book IV, Part I (1912), 57-122.
Medynskii, Evgenii N. Istoriia russkoi pedagogiki do Velikoi Oktiabrskoi Sotsialisticheskoi Revoliutsii. Moscow, 1938, second edition. Excellent and most valuable.
Rachinskii, Sergei A. “La Lutte contre l’alcoolisme en Russie,” La Réforme sociale, XXI (1891), 718-21.
———. Pis’ma S. A. Rachinskago k dukhovnomu iunoshestvu o trezvosti.Moscow, 1899.
———. Sel’skaia shkola. Sbornik stat’ei. Moscow, 1902, fifth edition.
———. 1001 zadacha dlia umstvennago schëta. Posobie dlia uchitelei sel’-skikh shkol. Moscow, 1892.
———. “Tserkovnaia shkola,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXXIII (1895), 541-56; XXXV (1895), 437-54; XXXVII (1896), 6-19.
———. Uchitelia i uchitelnitsy,” Russkoe obozrenie, L (1898), 422-36.
———. Zametki o sel’skikh shkolakh. St. Petersburg, 1883.
Rashin, A. G. “Gramotnost’ i narodnoe obrazovanie v Rossii v XIX i nachale XX v.,” Istoricheskie zapiski, Number 37 (1951), 28-80. Contains much statistical information.
Rozhdestvenskii, S. V. (editor). Istoricheskii obzor deiatel’nosti Ministerstva narodnago prosveshcheniia, 1802–1902. St. Petersburg, 1902. Official history.
Saddler, R. E. “National Education and Social Ideals,” in R. D. Roberts (editor), Education in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, England, 1901), 210-39.
Shakhovskoi, Prince Nicholas V. “N. P. Giliarov-Platonov, kak initsiator tserkovno-prikhodskoi shkoly,” Russkoe obozrenie, XXXVIII (1896), 572-89.
Udal’tsov, Ivan D. (editor). Ocherki po istorii Moskovskogo universiteta. Moscow, 1940, two vols.
Zaionchkovskii, Peter A. and A. N. Sokolov (editors). Moskovskii universitet v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov. Moscow, 1956.
The Nineteenth Century
Almazova, N. “K dvatsatipiatiletiu Rossiiskago Obshchestva krasnago kresta,” Russkii arkhiv, II (1892), 360-81. Some information on Pobedonostsev’s activities in the 1860’s.
Istoriia pravitel’stvuiushchago Senata za dvesti let, 1711–1911 g. St. Petersburg, 1911, five vols. in four. Valuable.
Jane, Frederick T. The Imperial Russian Navy. Its Past, Present, and Future. London, 1899.
Kucherov, Samuel. Courts, Lawyers and Trials under the Last Three Tsars. New York, 1953. Excellent study.
Kulomzin, A. N. (editor). Istoricheskii obzor deiatel’nosti Komiteta Ministrov. K stoletiiu Komiteta Ministrov, 1802–1902. St. Petersburg, 1902–1903, eight vols.
Monas, Sidney. The Third Section. Police and Society in Russia under Nicholas I. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.
Ozerov, Ivan Kh. Politika po rabochemu voprosu v Rossii za poslednye gody. Moscow, 1906. Useful information, some of it from archives of Ministry of Finance.
Shtrange, Mikhail. La Révolution française et la société russe. Moscow, 1960. Translation of a useful Soviet study.
Strakhovsky, Leonid I. “Constitutional Aspects of the Imperial Russian Government’s Policy toward National Minorities,” Journal of Modern History, XIII (1941), 467-92.
Sumner, Benedict H. Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia. New York, 1951.
Veselovskii, Boris. Istoriia zemstva za sorok let. St. Petersburg, 1909–1911, three vols.
Barghoorn, Frederick C. “Some Russian Images of the West,” in Cyril E. Black (editor), The Transformation of Russian Society (Cambridge, Mass., 1960), 574-87.
Berdiaev, Nicholas A. Dukhovnyi krizis intelligentsii. Stat’i po obshchestvennoi i religioznoi psikhologii, 1907–1909 gg. St. Petersburg, 1910. Includes a pointed analysis of Pobedonostsev as a nihilist.
Berline, Paul. “Russian Religious Philosophers and the Jews,” Jewish Social Studies, IX (1947), 271-318.
Brianskii, A. M. “Repertuar i Panteon, 1839–1856,” Russkii bibliofil, Number 2 (1916), 54-76.
Carr, E. H. “ ‘Russia and Europe’ as a Theme of Russian History,” in Richard Pares and A. J. P. Taylor (editors), Essays Presented to Sir Lewis Namier (London, 1956), 357-93.
Dement’ev, Alexander G. Ocherki po istorii russkoi zhurnalistiki, 1840–1850 gg. Moscow, 1951.
Duff, James D. (editor). Russian Realities and Problems. Cambridge, England, 1917.
Haumant, Emile. La Culture française en Russie, 1700–1900. Paris, 1910.
Lappo-Danilevsky, Alexander S. “The Development of Science and Learning in Russia,” in James D. Duff (editor), Russian Realities and Problems (Cambridge, England, 1917), 153-229.
Leningrad University. Ocherki po istorii russkoi zhurnalistiki i kritiki. Leningrad, 1950.
Malia, Martin. Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812–1855. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.
Mansuy, Abel. Le Monde slav et les classiques français au XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Paris, 1912.
Masaryk, Thomas G. The Spirit of Russia. Studies in History, Literature, and Philosophy. London, 1919, two vols. Translation of an early masterpiece on Russian intellectual history.
Miliukov, Paul N. Le Mouvement intellectuel russe. Paris, 1918. Translation.
Molok, A. “Tsarskaia Rossiia i iiul’skaia revoliutsiia 1830 g.,” Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Number 29-30 (1937), 727-62.
Samarin, Iurii F., and O. Dmitriev. Revoliutsionnyi konservatizm. Berlin, 1875.
Samarine, Yuri. Préface aux Oeuvres théologiques de A. S. Khomiakov. Paris, 1939.
Sanine, Kyra. Les Annales de la patrie et la diffusion de la pensée française en Russie, 1868–1884. Paris, 1953.
Schelting, Alexander von. Russland und Europa im russischen Geschichtsdenken. Bern, 1948. Splendid and central book.
Sumner, B. H. “Russia and Europe,” Oxford Slavonic Papers, II (1951), 1-16.
Volk, Stepan S. “Dekabristy o burzhuaznom Zapade,” Izvestiia. Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Seriia istorii i filosofii, VIII (1951), 78-81.
Venturi, Franco. Roots of Revolution. New York, 1960. Translation from Italian.
Zenkovskii, Vasilii V. Russian Thinkers and Europe. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1953. Translation.
3. THE 1860’s
Bazileva, Z. P. “Kolokol” Gertsena, 1857–1867 gg. Moscow, 1949.
Dzhanshiev, Grigorii A. Epokha velikikh reform. Moscow, 1900, eighth edition. Significant and most valuable study, first published in 1892.
———. Osnovy sudebnoi reformy k 25-ti letiiu novago suda. Moscow, 1891.
———. “Pervyia stranitsy v istorii sudebnoi reformy v Rossii, 1862-1867 gg.,”Russkaia starina, XLVII (1885), 481-94.
Gessen, Iosif V. Sudebnaia reforma. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Hammer, Darrell P. “Russia and the Roman Law,” American Slavic and East European Review, XVI (1957), 1-13.
Iakovlev, Vasilii I. Khronologicheskiia dannyia k istoriiu sostavleniia sudebnykh ustavov 20 noiabria 1864. Petrograd, 1914.
Kapnist, Count Ivan S. Code d’organisation judiciare de I’Empire de Russie de 1864. Paris, 1893.
Russia. Ministerstvo iustitsii. Sudebnye ustavy 20 noiabria 1864 g. za piat’desiat let. Petrograd, 1914, two vols. in three parts.
Shershenevich, Gabriel F. Uchebnik russkago grazhdanskago prava. St. Petersburg, 1907, sixth edition.
Zaionchkovskii, Peter A. Voennye reformy 1860–1870 godov v Rossii. Moscow, 1952. Excellent study.
4. 1876–82
Bagurin, A. Dobrovol’nyi flot i ego zadachi. St. Petersburg, 1888. Defense of Volunteer Fleet.
Golitsyn, Prince Nicholas V. “Konstitutsiia grafa Loris-Melikova. Materialy dlia eia istorii,” Byloe, Number 10-11 (1918), 125-86. Includes important documents.
“P. D. Golokhvastov o Russkom gosudarstvennom stroenii i Zemskom sobore,” Russkii vestnik, Number 2 (1905), 745-62. Useful data extracted from memoranda and letters to Pobedonostsev and to Ivan Aksakov.
Gotie, Iurii V. “Bor’ba pravitel’stvennykh gruppirovok i manifest 29 aprelia 1881 g.,” Istoricheskie zapiski, II (1938), 240-99. Superb analysis based on thorough research on materials then available.
“Gr. Loris-Melikov i imp. Aleksandr II o polozhenii Rossii v sentiabre 1880 g.,” Byloe, Number 4 (1917), 33-37. Loris-Melikov memorandum of September, 1880, and Alexander II’s comments.
Heilbronner, Hans. “The Administrations of Loris-Melikov and Ignatiev, 1880–1882,” University of Michigan, Thesis for Doctorate in History, 1954. Sound study, but based only on published materials available in the United States and western Europe.
Iakovlev, Vasilii I. (V. Ia. Bogucharskii, pseud.). Iz istorii politicheskoi bor’by v Rossii v 70-kh i 80-kh godakh XIX veka. Moscow, 1912.
Ignatiev, Count Nicholas P. Proekt manifesta o sozyve Zemskogo Sobora vo vremiia koronatsionnykh torzhestv 1883 g. May 6, 1882. Ignatiev proposal for zemskii sobor, in Pobedonostsev’s handwriting.
Kovalevskii, Μ. M. Konstitutsiia grafa Loris-Melikova. London, 1893. The Loris-Melikov proposal and some comments upon it.
Lukashevich, Stephen. “Holy Brotherhood: 1881–1883,” American Slavic and East European Review, XVIII (1959), 491-509.
Nolde, Baron Boris E. “Sovet ministrov 8 marta 1881 goda. Razskaz grafa Loris-Melikova V. A. Bil’basovu,” Byloe, Number 10-11 (1918), 187-94. Bil’basov diary of March 12, 1881, after talk with Loris-Melikov.
Pervyi s’ezd russkikh iuristov v Moskve v 1875 godu. Moscow, 1882. Essays presented at congress which Pobedonostsev ridiculed.
Poggenpol’, M. IU. (editor). Ocherk vozniknoveniia i deiatel’nosti dobrovol’nago flota za vremia XXV-ti letnago ego sushchestvovaniia. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Shchegolev, P. E. “Iz istorii konstitutsionnykh veianii v 1879–1881 godakh,” Byloe, Number 12 (1906), 261-84. Based largely on Valuev diary.
———. “K delu 1 marta 1881. Neizdannye doklady grafa Loris-Melikova,V. K. Pleve, zhand. gen. Komarova i rezoliutsii Aleksandra III,” Byloe, Number 10 (1918), 12-69. Based on documents in police archives.
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Histories and Philosophy of History
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Guides and Indexes
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