“The Ballad Matrix”
(See also Table 1, p. 129, and Appendix, pp. 163-65)
“B for Barnie,” 164
“Babylon” (Child 14), 14, 39, 40, 51, 52, 73, 98, 99-101, 99-103, 113, 120, 131, 137, 157, 169
“Baffled Knight, The” (Child 112), 41, 44-45, 84, 92-94, 118, 120, 138, 157
“Ballad of the Ladies Fall,” 46
“Bantairo, The,” 164
“Barbara Allen” (Child 84), 2, 89, 147
“Basket of Eggs, The,” 43, 48-49, 118, 120, 137
“Beggar-Laddie, The” (Child 280), 43, 49-50, 51, 85
“Bold Fisherman, The” (Laws O-24), 117
“Bonny Baby Livingston” (Child 222), 10, 41, 75, 119, 120, 131, 138, 142, 155
“Braes o Yarrow, The” (Child 214), 41, 42, 84, 90, 98, 103, 107-108, 107-113, 120, 122, 124, 130, 131, 133, 136, 152, 157, 163. See also “Yarrow Group”
“Broken Token, The” (Laws N-42), 43, 48, 120, 131, 137
“Captain Kidd” (Laws K-35), 35
“Chain of Gold, The,” 49
“Child Maurice” (Child 83), 35, 36-38, 52
“Child Waters” (Child 63), 10
“Clerk Saunders” (Child 69), 36
“Conde Olinos,” 126
“Cruel Mother” (Child 20), 41, 42, 44, 98, 103-107, 104-105, 113, 120, 123, 133, 136, 137, 141-42, 157
“Cuckoo, The,” 118
“Dream of the Miner’s Child, The,” 132
“Duke’s Hunt, The.” See “Fox Chase, The”
“Earl Richard” (Child 68, “Young Hunting”), 41, 65, 122, 124, 125-27, 131, 133, 136, 147, 148, 149
“Eastmure King, The” (Child 89, “Fause Foodrage”), 20, 42, 70, 72, 73, 128, 131, 133-35, 136, 137, 145, 155
“Edward” (Child 13), 98
“Elfin Knight” (Child 2), 167
“Fair Janet” (Child 64), 41, 70, 71-76, 78, 95, 98, 119, 120, 124, 128, 130, 131, 133, 136, 138, 141, 151, 154
“Fair Margaret and Sweet William” (Child 74), 135
“Fair Margaret of Craignargat,” 42, 46, 131
“Fause Foodrage” (Child 89). See “Eastmure King, The”
“Forlorn Lover, The.” See “Week Before Easter, The”
“Fox Chase, The,” 44, 50-51, 137
“Frog and Mouse, The,” 35
“Gay Goshawk, The” (Child 96), 42-44
“Gentleman of Exeter, A” (Laws P-32), 46
“Geordie” (Child 209), 40, 41-42, 73, 87, 93, 128, 130, 136, 137, 141, 142-43, 145, 150, 163
“Golden Vanity, The.” See “Sweet Trinity, The”
“Great Titanic, The” (Laws D-24), 132
“Gypsy Laddie, The” (Child 200), 2, 41, 42, 70, 73, 90-92, 95, 120, 123, 133, 138, 140, 141, 150
“Hind Horn” (Child 17), 37, 41, 44, 52, 85-86, 86-89, 119, 120, 121, 123, 131, 133, 137, 141, 157
“Hugh Spenser’s Feats in France” (Child 158), 9
“Jamie Douglas.” See “Child Maurice”
“Jamie Douglas” (Child 204), 42, 85, 113, 119, 133, 136, 138, 145, 152
“Johnie Armstrong” (Child 169), 43, 45, 135
“Johnie Scot” (Child 99), 7, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 57-59, 59-68, 70, 73-74, 78, 79, 80, 84, 98, 110, 120, 121, 122, 128, 130, 133, 135-36, 137-38, 141, 144, 146-48, 153, 157, 165, 168
“Kempy Kay” (Child 33), 36, 39
“Lady Maisry” (Child 65), 35, 167
“Lass of Roch Royal, The” (Child 76), 9-10, 168, 171
“Leader Haughs and Yarrow,” 164
“Leesome Brand” (Child 15). See “Sheath and Knife”
“Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard” (Child 81), 41, 90, 98, 119, 120, 133, 136, 138-41, 165
“Lord Derwentwater” (Child 208), 16-17, 17-20, 41, 42, 45, 52, 64, 78-79, 98, 128, 133, 135-36, 143, 146, 150, 153, 155; tune, 76
“Lord William” (Child 254), 41, 42, 52, 73, 76-78, 76-81, 118, 119, 120, 131, 133, 136, 137, 138, 150
“Maid Freed from the Gallows, The” (Child 95), 98-99, 153
“Mary Hamilton” (Child 173), 14, 20, 42, 65, 68-74, 80, 84, 97, 98, 109, 119, 120, 123-24, 125, 128, 131, 133, 137, 138, 141, 150, 151, 152
“My Nanny O” (Simpson 319), 164
“Nightingale, The” (Laws P-14), 118
“Oh Robin Redbreast,” 132
“Our Goodman” (Child 274), 2, 98, 153-54
“Outlandish Knight, The” (Child 4), 164
“Oxford Tragedy, The,” 46-47
“Paper of Pins,” 36
“Perjured Maid, The” (Laws P-32), 46
“Pretty Fair Maid, The.” See “Broken Token, The”
“Pretty Peggy O,” 36
“Pretty Polly” (Composite), 132
“Sheath and Knife” (Child 15-16), 40, 45, 51, 113, 120, 122, 133, 137, 152
“Single Sailor, The.” See “Broken Token, The”
“Sir Hugh” (Child 155), 155, 156
“Sir Patrick Spens” (Child 58), 42, 45, 72, 98, 110, 125, 128, 130, 133, 135-36, 137, 146, 148, 150, 153
“Slippings o Yarn,” 43, 45
“Somebody,” 35
“Son Davie” (“Lord Randal,” Child 12), 3
“Sweet Trinity, The” (Child 286), 40, 41, 43, 44, 84, 94-95, 133, 136, 157
“Twa Brothers, The” (Child 49), 123
“Twa Sisters, The” (Child 10), 40, 51, 73, 84, 85, 87-88, 88-89, 90, 95, 120, 124, 125, 131, 133, 141, 156, 157
“Two Rigs of Rye” (Laws O-11), 49, 165
“Unquiet Grave, The” (Child 78), 165
“Waly Waly,” 52, 85, 118, 164
“Wee Wee Man, The” (Child 38), 36, 39, 41, 42, 44, 84, 133, 157
“Week Before Easter, The,” 43, 47-48, 131, 137
Wit-Combat Ballads (Child 1, 2, 3, 46), 98, 99, 153-54
“Yarrow” Group (Child 214-15), 84-85, 109, 112, 147. See also “Braes o Yarrow, The”
“Young Hunting” (Child 68). See “Earl Richard”
Abrahams, Roger D., 3
American Revolution, 143
Anders, Wolfhart H., 146, 166
Andersen, Flemming G., 5, 7, 10-11, 13, 109, 111, 117, 122, 123, 124, 125, 135, 151, 153, 154, 156, 158, 166, 168; Mrs. Brown’s orality, 10; importance for present study, 13; typology of ballad repetition, 14, 61-63; supra-narrative function of commonplaces, 127-31; definition of formula, 146; multiformity, 158; Edith Rogers, 169. See also Supra-narrative function (Index C)
Antigone, 89
Ayr, 29, 30
Baird, John, 31
Baring-Gould, Sabine, 47, 50, 51
Barry, Phillips, 2
Birnie, Mrs. (Singer), 36
Blaikie, Andrew, 52, 164, 165
Brock, William R., 26
Bronson, Bertrand H., 3, 9, 49, 76, 90, 95, 99, 139, 163, 164, 165
Brown, Mrs., of Falkland, 5, 7, 9-10, 11-12, 21, 39, 87, 97-98, 134, 147-48, 167; oral technique, 80, 155-58; repertoire, 133, 155-56
Brown, Frank C., 2
Buchan, David, 9, 11, 13, 61, 87, 92, 117, 146, 147, 157; The Ballad and the Folk, 5, 8-10; methodology, 9; border ballads, 26; aural memory, 81-82
Buchan, Peter, 36, 39, 46-47, 76, 170
Burdine, Betty Lucille, 132
Burns, Robert, 33
Campbell, Olive Dame, 2
Campbell, Susie (Singer), 132
Campbell MS, 65
Campbell, Sheriff of Renfrewshire, 32
Cart, River, 32
Chappell, William, 50, 112
Charles II, 50
Child, Francis James: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 2, 3, 36, 40, 51, 74, 78, 99, 125, 126, 130, 140, 146, 167; as comparatist, 12; secures Harvard copies of Motherwell Manuscripts, 34-35; Lyle texts, 39-42, 94
Clyde, River, 26
Cockburn, Henry: Memorial, 29
Coffin, Tristram P., 1, 2, 3
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 26
Collinson, Francis, 2
Corn Laws of 1815, 28
Couch Family of Kentucky, 3
Courier, Glasgow, 33
Crawfurd, Andrew, 39; MS, 52, 140, 166
Cromeck, R. H., 37
Crum, Mrs. (Singer), 38
Dalziel, M. H., 35
Davis, Arthur K., 2, 3
Derwentwater, James Ratcliffe, Earl of, 17
Douglas, The (Tragedy), 36-37
Dumbarton, 29, 30
D’Urfey, Thomas, 164
Edwards, Carol, 154, 166
Ellis, Peter B. and Seumas Mac a’Ghobhainn, 29-34
Euing Collection, 47
Finlay, John, 52
Flanders, Helen Hartness, 36
Foley, John Miles, 6, 11, 166; defining the formula, 146
Fraser, Antonia, 124
Fraser, John, 29-30
Friedman, Albert B., 1, 8
Gardner, Emelyn Elizabeth and Geraldine Jencks Chickering, 49
Gaskin, Brenda A., 27, 28, 37
George IV. See Hanoverian Kings
Gerould, Gordon Hall, 166
Gibbs, J. H. M., 35
Gilchrist, John, 52
Gillespie, Mrs. (Singer), 9-10
Gilmour, David, 27
Glasgow, 25, 26, 30, 95
Glasgow University Library, 34-35
Goldie, John, 31, 39, 163
Goldstein, Kenneth, 83-84, 92, 94
Gordon, Anna. See Brown, Mrs., of Falkland
Greig, Gavin, 2, 9
Grundtvig, Svend: Danmarks gamle Folkeviser, 2, 122
Gummere, Francis Barton, 1
Hanoverian Kings, 30, 143
Hardie, Andrew, 31
Harker, Dave, 39
Hefley, Julie (Singer), 132
Henderson, Hamish, 2
Hitchcock, Alfred, 106
Hogg, James, 33
Holmes, Janet (Singer), 25, 44
Home, John, 36
Homer, ix, 4; Iliad, 6, 9, 168
Houghton Library, Harvard University, 35
Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard, 38
James I, 50
James (“The Old Pretender”), 17
James, Thelma, 2
Jamieson, Robert, 39
Johnston, Marjery (Singer), 39
Johnstone, Renfrewshire, 25
Jones, James H., 1, 8
Karpeles, Maud, 47, 50
Keith, Alexander, 49
Kennedy, Peter, 2, 118
Kidson, Frank, 50
Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, 41, 44, 90, 143, 156; ballad community, 25-27; populace, 27, 28; in Radical War, 29-30; schools, 166
King, Edward (Singer), 25
King, Mrs. (Singer), 25
Kinloch MS, 73
Kiparsky, Paul, 5
Laird, Agnes (Singer), 25, 40, 41-42, 44
Lanarkshire, 29, 143
Laws, G. Malcolm, 3, 132
Leach, MacEdward, 1
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 11
Lindsay, Maurice, 136-37
Long, Eleanor, 3, 6, 8, 92, 99, 161; four types of singers, 84
Lord, Albert B., ix-x, 1, 4-8, 11, 93, 117, 144, 150, 152, 154, 158, 159, 160, 166; criteria for orality, 13; value of oral literature, 113; “theme,” ix, 5-6, 135
Lyle, Agnes (Singer), 2, 7, 25, 99, 125, 135; artistic achievement, 12, 57, 64, 103, 113, 157; repertoire, 12-13, 34, 40-51, 71 74, 92-94, 144, 156-57; oral technique, 12, 53, 57, 81, 89, 97, 98-113, 128-31, 144; biography, 31-32, 42, 143; political and social bias, 32, 70, 136, 156; as singer, 33, 45, 51-53; in Motherwell MSS, 39-45; spelling of name, 41; tunes, 51, 52, 163-65; personal aesthetic, 53, 74, 95, 97-113; weeps, 45; forgets, 92; as passive tradition-bearer, 94-95; exercises choice, 132, 138-44; anger, 140-44; and Mrs. Brown, 155-58
Lyle, Emily B., 52, 140, 163, 166
M’Alpie, James, 33
McCarthy, William Bernard, 37
MacColl, Ewan, 2, 153
M’Conechy, James, 32, 38
M’Cormick, Widow (Singer), 35, 37, 39
MacKenzie, W. Roy, 2
McLuhan, Marshall, 1
Macqueen, Mary. See Mrs. Storie
Mary, Queen of Scots, 124
Milton, John, x
Montgomerie, William, 35, 52
Motherwell, William, 25, 28, 32-33, 52, 89, 125, 135, 142, 163-65; interest in ballads, 12; “Jeannie Morrison,” 26, 32; Toryism, 31, 32; field collector, 31, 35-40, 44-51; and Agnes Lyle, 31-32, 33, 39-40; editor, Minstrelsy: Ancient and Modern, 32-33, 35-40, 42, 164; Manuscript, 35-40, 76; Notebook, 34-51, 95, 167; letter to Scott, 37
Murdoch, James Barclay, 35
Nagler, Michael N., 5
Napoleonic Wars, 27
New Statistical Account, The, 25, 28
Nicol, James, of Strichen, 9, 39
Nygard, Holger Olof, 9-10
Oedipus Rex, 89
Olrik, Axel, 11
Owenites, 143
Paine, Tom: Rights of Man, 143
Paisley, Renfrewshire, 25, 30, 32
Paisley Riots of 1819, 32
Paredes, Amerigo, 26
Parker, Allie Long, 165
Parry, Milman, ix-x, 1, 8, 144, 158
Peacock, Kenneth, 2, 47
Percy, Thomas, Bishop, 36, 38, 93, 157
Pettitt, Thomas, 10
Pollock House, Glasgow, 35
Porter, James, 3
Presbyterianism, 26
Propp, Vladimir, 9, 11, 98, 136
Radical Movement, 27-31, 32, 33, 143
Radical War of 1820, 28-31, 69, 144
Ramsay, Allan, 45
Randolph, Vance, 2
Renfrewshire, 25, 26, 29, 51, 140-41
Renwick, Roger deVan, 3, 13, 50-51, 117-21, 131; erotic song types, 118-19
Revelation (N.T.), 101
Richmond, W. Edson: ballad index, 3
Riddle, Almeida, 3
Roberts, Leonard, 3
Roberts, Warren, 133
Robertson, Bell, 9
Robertson, Jeannie, 3
Rogers, Edith Randam, 111, 112, 117, 121-27, 131
Roxburgh Ballads, 47, 50
Rule, Mrs. (Singer), 40
Scandinavia: folklore, 134
Scholasticism, 81, 98
Scotland: Northeast, 8, 13, 171; as border region, 26; Highlands, 26; outmigration to Lowlands, 27-28; Southwest, 26, 95, 140, 164, 171; Lyle repertoire typical, 12; as ballad community, 25-28; textile industry, 26-28; urbanization, 28. See also Weavers: hand-loom (Index C)
Scott, Sir Walter, 37-42, 164; letter to Motherwell about editing, 38
Seeger, Peggy, 153
Sharp, Cecil, 2, 46, 47, 49, 51, 118, 164, 165
Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, 35, 37, 45, 46, 52, 163, 164, 165
Shaw, John P., 26, 28
Shepherd, Sir Samuel, 30
Sheppard, H. Fleetwood, 47
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 30
Simpson, Claude M., 164
Smith, John, 140-41
Smith, Robert A., 35, 52
Stirling, 29, 30
Storie, Mrs. (Singer), 36, 39, 163, 166, 167
Sydow, Carl Wilhelm von, 94
Tadlock, Dennis, x
Thigpen, Kenneth A., Jr., 40
Thom, William, 91
Thomas, M. C., 34
Thomson, Mrs. (Singer), 25, 65
Toryism: Scotland, 31, 143
Treaty of Union of 1707, 30
Ugljanin (Yugoslav Epic Singer), 5
Whitman, Cedric H., 9, 11
Wilgus, D. K., 1, 3, 6
Wilson, James, 31
Wimberly, Lowry C., 126
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 26
Wordsworth, William, 26
Wylie, John (Publisher), 35, 37
Yugoslavia, ix
Acoustic patterns, 5, 7, 75-76, 81-82, 168; alliteration, 75, 76, 126, 146-47, 158; alliteration and Anglo-Saxon verse, 168; anaphora, 171. See also Chiasmus, Meter, Repetition, Rhyme
Active tradition bearer. See Repertoire
Aesthetic, Oral, 2-3, 8, 11, 113, 160; and oral structural principles, 20
Air: Ballad. See Tune
Analogical term, 170-71
Angels, 98-99
Artistry, 3-4, 13, 71, 81, 82, 95, 103, 113, 160, 161
Ballads: oral [-formulaic] approach, x, 1, 4-11, 158-61; oral [-formulaic] controversy, 1-2, 8, 160-61; communal origin theory, 1, 153-54; collecting, 2, 39; text-tune relationship, 2; tools for study, 3; survivals in, 27; literary connections, 36-39 passim; structural definition, 98; ballad objectivity as structural principle, 103, 107-113; emotional core, 138
—types, 98-99; blues, 3; medieval, 27; romantic, 71, 155-56; wit-combat, 98, 99, 153-54; revenant, 103-107, 155; tragic, 117, 132; comic, 117, 133; Jacobite, 143
—couplet ballads, 53, 85-89, 94, 98, 157; Mrs. Brown’s, 97, 156, 157, 171. See also Meter
—political and social milieu, 3, 8, 13, 91, 121, 132, 143-44, 170; democratic spirit in Scotland, 137; contemporary conditions reflected, 17, 27, 143
—and songs: regional and national differences, 48; Denmark, 2, 122, 170; Traveller (Tinker), 2; Northeast, 8-10, 164, 171; Renfrewshire, 12, 138-41, 171; Border, 26; Newfoundland, 47; Michigan, 49; England, 50-51; New England, 95, 96; Appalachia, 96, 117, 125; North America, 126, 138, 141, 160, 169; Arkansas, 132, 165; Ohio, 138-39; Virginia, 139; New Brunswick, 139
—and songs: broadside, 9, 94, 133, 160; in Lyle repertoire, 12, 42-51; diction, 46, 145
—and songs: ribald and erotic, 32-33, 35-36, 93-94, 117-21, 169; Renwick classification, 118-19
Bricoleur, 82
Broadsides. See Ballads and songs: Broadside
Characters: character structure, 13-14, 18-19, 61, 65-67, 70-71, 80-81, 87, 90, 109, 111, 156; characterization, 111-12, 127; oppositional traits, 119-20; tale roles, 156
Chiasmus, 15-16, 93
Clichés, 75, 89, 145, 148, 154
Code-switching: meter as mechanism, 12
Commonplace stanzas, 10-11, 53, 65, 74, 85, 97, 128, 147, 150-51, 152; criterion of ballad orality, 13; multiformity, 81, 158; functions, 109, 134-35. See also Context-bound formulations, Incipits, Supra-narrative function
Context-bound formulations, 109, 128, 151
Couplet ballads. See Ballads: couplet
Creativity, 6, 13, 73, 84, 117, 158-61
Cross-cut (film), 92
Denunciation of gentry by ballad character, 40, 70, 78, 91, 141-42
Diction: ballad, 74-76, 126; broadside, 46, 145; understatement, 76, 127; dialect, 158. See also Acoustic patterns, Clichés
Enjambment, non-periodic, 13
Epic, 7, 158, 161; South-Slavic, ix, 4-8, 166. See also Homer (Index B)
Expressive technique, 8, 111-12, 125. See also Diction, Supra-narrative function, Symbols
Fixed-text songs, 12, 51, 83, 92-94, 157, 160
Foreshadowing. See Supra-narrative function
Formula, ix, 4-5, 6, 7, 13, 53, 73, 81, 84, 146-55, 171; definitions, 4-5, 10-11, 72, 146, 154-55, 166; multiformity, 53, 91-92; in “Yarrow” ballads, 109; families, 71-73, 129, 130-31, 148, 154; types, 145-55
Frame, 15, 18, 64-65
Humor and wit, 81, 93-94. See also Ballads and songs: ribald and erotic
Imagery, 89, 121-22. See also Symbols
Improvisation, 7-8, 84, 159
Incipits, 65, 68, 73-74, 101, 111, 149, 152, 154, 163, 164
Incremental repetition. See Repetition
Irony, 64-71 passim, 91-103 passim, 124, 127, 137-41 passim, 150
Law: Scotland, 30
Leitmotif, 21, 131. See also Love and death, Perfidy, Wedding-funeral
Listening, 7, 67-68, 159-60
Literacy, 9, 26, 166
Literary structure, 15, 93
Love and death, 11, 111, 117-31, 144. See also Wedding-funeral
Memory, 7, 10, 84, 92-94, 96, 159, 169; aural memory, 76, 81-82. See also Fixed-text songs
Meter, 7, 12, 13, 53, 85, 95, 144, 157; decisive influence, 12, 85-87
Motif. See Leitmotif, Symbols
Multiformity: in formulaic elements, 8, 11, 84-85, 95, 148, 150, 154-55, 158
Murder, 126, 133-35, 137
Narrative structure, 14, 18-20, 61, 67, 80, 91, 141-42
Narrative theme, 6, 84
Navajo Sing, 161
Nuncupative will, 18, 20, 153
Oaths, 126-27
Oral composition, 8, 9, 51, 76-82, 96, 155-61; syntax, 7; rhetoric of, 67, 68; not monolithic, 68, 73; technique built up over generations, 82; factors affecting success, 83-96; inconsistency, 83-96; and ballad definition, 98. See also Creativity
Oral [-formulaic] theory, ix-x, 4-21, 145, 160-61; and ballads, history of, 1-2, 4-11; and improvisation, 7-8; problems with term oral-formulaic, 11
Orality: criteria, 13, 20, 53-54
Parallelism: Hebrew, 147
Passive tradition-bearer. See Repertoire
Perfidy, 19, 59, 70, 78, 89, 94, 133, 142-43. See also Denunciation
Performance, 132, 158; singing, 51-52; learning, 7, 159-60; as composition and transmission, 158-59
Poaching, 50-51
Point of view: objective, 87
Politics. See Ballads: Political and Social Milieu
Popularity: factor affecting ballad composition, 84-85, 88-92, 95
Redundancy, 67, 68
Repertoire, 2, 3; value of analysis, 12, 38, 39; determining orality, 53-54; passive, 83, 94; inactive, 83-84, 94; active, 92; and personality, 131, 132, 142-44
Repetition, 65, 73, 74-76, 80, 91, 97, 102, 158; Andersen’s classification, 14, 61-63; as structural principle, 61-64, 103-107; incremental, 61-64, 69-70, 101; causative, 103-107, 109; recurrent, 137; terracing, 148; formulaic, 149
Rhyme, 67, 68, 75, 76, 109; rhyme schemes, 47, 85, 107-109; and errors, 92-93; formulaic, 147-48; Lyle and Brown techniques compared, 158, 171
Rose and Briar commonplace, 152
Run, 5, 66, 72, 152. See also “Theme”
Scots language, 158
Scots literature: democratic element, 136-37
Semiotic analysis of ballads, 117-21
Sexism in ballads, 119, 169. See also Worldview
Singers, 8, 11, 155-61; text-singer identification, 38-39; Long’s four types, 84; personality, 132
Stability, 4-7, 159-60, 166; criterion of orality, 10; and fixity, Lord’s usage, 166
Stanza pairing, 61, 63, 71, 147 48, 152. See also Repetition
Stanzaic cluster. See Run
Stanzaic structure, 13-14, 18, 61, 65, 79-80, 87, 90, 97, 101, 109; stress on, caused by meter, 157
Structural principles:
—annular, binary, and trinary, 14-16, 17-20, 53, 59, 87, 89, 90, 93, 157, 160; criteria for orality, 13; and oral aesthetic, 20; Mrs. Brown, 156; annular (ring), 14-15, 59-61, 87, 93, 105, 109; binary, 14; trinary, 14, 66, 87, 101
—commonplace, 11; unfolding, 99-103; causative repetition, 103-107; ballad objectivity, 103, 107-113
Style, 53, 160
Suicide, 101
Supra-narrative function (commonplaces), 7, 11, 109, 111, 125, 128-31, 154, 155; presaging function, 111, 122, 127, 128, 130; defined, 127; ambiguity, 130-31, 134
Survivals, 27
Symbols: ballad, 112, 121-27; magic and fairytale elements, 89; hair, 111, 124-25; hunt, 122; games, 122-23, 169; clothing, 123-24; birds, 125, candles, 125; music, 125, 170; metamorphosis, 125-26; conscience, 126; love-death, 127; garden and tree, 134-35. See also Wedding-funeral
Tale roles, 156
Tenant barns, 91
Tension of essences, 65, 73, 81-82
“Theme,” ix, 5-6, 7, 11, 72, 74, 81, 113, 166; Lord’s definition, 5-6, 135; criterion of orality, 13; “King’s letter,” 63, 135-36, 153; multiformity, 135; distinguished from run, 152-53
Tonal structure, 14, 20, 61, 80, 87, 90
Tradition-bearer, active and passive. See Repertoire
Tragedy, Greek, 89
Transmission, 96, 158-61
Triad, interrupted, 87
Tune, 51, 52, 85; multiformity, 95, 159
Wayang kulit, 161
Weavers: handloom, 25-31, 143; political consciousness, 27-31; decline, 28, 144
Wedding-funeral: identification, 48, 78, 123-38 passim. See also Love and death
Worldview, 112, 117, 131, 160; gender and, 110, 119; Lowland Scots and English, 121; Christian, 126
Yarrow: multiple meanings of word, 109
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