“The Rhetoric of Chin p’ing mei”
Academies, Ming, 13, 16, 156n25
in Ming, 140
improper, in Chinp’ingmei, 141
An Ch’en, 37, 109, 111
An-tuCh’en-ts’ang, 99, 100
Aphrodisiac, 46, 67-68, 125, 126
Booth, Wayne, 89
Chinese, 14
and Ming literati, 59, 129, 157n29, 157n30, 157n32, 158n38
and pao-chüan, 60-62
Chan Jo-shui, 15, 156n25
Chang Chu-p’o:
as traditional critic, 5, 144
on heat and cold, 79, 171n20
on structure of Chinp’ingmei, 170n1, 171n17
on chronology of Chinp’ingmei, 170n3
Chang Ta, 164n26
Chantefable literature, 19, 33, 160n48
Chao-shihku-erh, 126, 180n28
Ch’en Ching-chi, 39, 48, 83, 118, 127, 130, 133
Ch’en Hsien-chang, 156n25
Cheng Ai-yüeh, 43, 136, 139, 178n40
Cheng-su, 28
Chia-ching reign, 68, 156n24, 156n25, 158n35
Chieh-chih-erhchi, 77
Chih-ch’engChangChu-kuan, 77
outline of plot, 3-4
structure of narrative, 3-5, 36
significance of title, 4
appraisal of, 5, 6, 7
author of, 6, 20, 23, 97
sexual description in, 25-26, 44-52, 69
social and political criticism in, 27, 28, 40-44
Confucian teachings in, 35-44, 122-127
divination in, 54-55, 137
t’ien-ming (fate) in, 55, 85-87
Taoist immortality in, 58-59, 121-122
pao-chüan in, 59-66
mimetic level of, 70-71, 87-89
allusion to vernacular fiction in, 72-77, 134
narrative method of, 76, 77-82, 144
traditional narrator in, 90-94
allusion to song in, 95, 97-98, 116-119, 120
allusion to drama in, 95, 99-113, 114-116, 119-127, 132, 134, 175n9, 178n40, 179n12
reincarnation in, 128, 134, 137, 142-143, 182n25
allusion to classical fiction in, 181n6
Chin Sheng-t’ an, 144
ch’ing (emotion), 22, 23
Chin-kangk’o-i, 63, 64, 169n25, 169n32
Chin-t’ung (Golden-boy), 103, 120, 135
Chin-t’ung yü-nü, 121, 134
Ch’iu Chün, 32, 105, 160n51, 161n63
Chu Hsi, 12, 156n24
Chu Mien, 38, 126
Ch’uan-ch’i drama, 21, 105-106
Chu-ch’uang yü, 179n12
Chung-yung, 12
Ch’un-mei, 4, 39, 40, 83, 128, 130, 132, 133
Classical fiction, 42, 181n6
Classical language (wen-yen), 17
authorial, 71, 88, 94
allusion to fiction as, 71-72
narrator’s, 90-94
allusion to drama and song as, 96, 97, 112
Confucianism, 10-12, 29-32
Divination, 54, 137
Chinese, 20-21, 27, 105-106, 162n74, 174n6
allusion to, in Chinp’ingmei, 95, 99-113, 114-116, 119-127, 132, 134, 175n9, 178n40, 179n12
Eunuchs, 42, 58, 67, 78, 96, 121, 137
Examinations, civil-service, 8-9, 12, 155n16, 156n24
Fate, see T’ ien-ming (Fate or Destiny)
Feng Meng-lung, 24, 25, 161n58
Feng-hua (moral transformation), 23
Feng-yünhui, 126
Fertility potion, 66
Filial Piety, see Hsiao (filial piety)
Five-element theory, 4, 80, 154n6, 172n25
Folly and consequences story, 26
Formal realism, 70, 170n2
Generic succession, theory of, 21, 24
Han Ai-chieh, 92, 128, 130, 132, 181n6
Hanan, Patrick, 17, 26, 89, 91, 114, 170n2
Heat and cold, 79-82, 98, 153n6, 171n20, 172n21, 172n26
Ho Liang-chün:
as critic of drama, 23, 97, 160n55
on the three Teachings, 157n30, 157n32, 158n38
as critic of Ming society, 28
on Buddhism, 59, 168n18
Hsia, C.T., 181n1
Hsiang-nangchi, 109, 114, 161n63, 176n25
Hsiao (filial piety), 140
Hsiao-ko, 66, 128, 134-139, 166n38
Hsi-hsiangchi, 102, 104-105, 111, 118, 178n40
Hsi-men Ch’ing:
as corrupt official, 3, 36-38
as irresponsible head of household, 39, 141
as miniature emperor, 41-44, 98, 165n32
as sexual tyrant, 49
as murderer, 82, 90, 173n44
death of, 83, 88-89, 93-94, 117-118, 125-126
reincarnation of, 128, 138
Hsi-men household:
as mirror of empire, 3, 28, 38, 41-44, 45, 132, 145
wives as prostitutes, 48, 166n41
at conclusion of novel, 130
Hsin-ch’iao-shihHanWumaich’un-ch’ing, 134, 181n6
Hsi-yuchi, 2, 142, 143, 145
Hsü Fu-tso, 176n25
Hsüeh (surname), 67, 78, 137
Hsüeh, Eunuch, 37, 42, 58, 67, 78, 96, 121, 137
Hsüeh, Nun, 46, 66, 78, 137, 167n6
Hsün-tzu, 11, 13, 55, 157n29
Hua Tzu-hsü, 82, 88
Huang-shihnüpao-chüan, 65
Huan-taichi, 34, 110, 111, 167n6
Hua-pen, 65, 72-73, 77, 134
Hung-p’aochi, 99-100
Imitation, 4, 36-39, 111, 139, 171n11
Immortality, Taoist, 58
Incest, 39, 50, 119, 169n33
Joyce, James, 117
Ju-ichünchuan, 42
Kang-k’ouyü-weng, 77
Kao Ming, 107, 177n29
Kuan-ko, 42, 44, 56, 88, 102, 137-138
Kuei Yu-kuang, 155n16, 156n26, 157n29, 157n30, 160n56
Lai Wang, 39, 40
Lan-kuanchi, 121
Li Chiao-erh, 40, 47, 166n41
Li Chih, 15, 157n29
Li K’ai-hsien:
as critic of examinations, 155n16
on fate, 54, 86, 157n29, 167n6
on the three Teachings, 157n30
as author and critic of drama, 124, 142, 160n55, 180n22
echoes Wang Yang-ming’s views, 158n37, 158n39
on popular song, 160n56, 161n58, 179n8
on Buddhism, 129
Li Kuei-chieh, 47, 115, 181n10
Li P’ing-erh:
as favored concubine, 42, 49, 110
funeral liturgy (fen-teng) for, 57, 168n12
death of, 85, 88-89, 125, 173n44
and Kuan-ko’s death, 170n11, 179n10
as irresponsible mother, 135
Liang-shihyin-yüan, 102, 115, 119, 134
Lin Chao-en, 5 9, 158n32, 168n19
Ling Meng-ch’u, 90, 91
Liu (surname), 137
Liu, Eunuch, 37, 42, 58, 96, 121, 137
Liu, Granny, 137
Liu-hsiehchi, 102, 103-104, 118
Liuhung-yeh, 178n40
Liu-ken, see Six Roots of Evil
Lun-yü, 12
Mencius, 11, 12
Meng Yü-lou, 49, 166n32
Mimetic level, 70, 87-89
Ming (fate), see T’ien-ming (Fate or Destiny)
Ming society and politics, 7-10
Ming thought, 10-17
Morality books, 14
Mothers, in Chinp’ingmei, 135, 181n8
NanHsi-hsiangchi, 104, 106, 111
Nana, 50-51
Narrative method, 76, 77-82, 144
Narrator, traditional, 89
Neo-Confucianism, 11-17, 22
Novel criticism, 5-6, 71, 144, 170n1
Novels, traditional Chinese, 2-3, 20, 153n1, 153n3
Oral tradition, 23, 161n60
Pai-hsi, 96, 174n5
Pai-t’uchi, 99
P’an Chin-lien:
as jealous wife, 4, 75-76, 78, 80, 82, 171n17
as jealous empress, 42
death of, 74
characterization of, in Chinp’ingmei, 74, 95, 135
as murderer, 78, 90, 93, 180n28
as adulteress, 118, 127
Pan-yehch’ao-yüan, 119, 134
Pao, Judge, 103, 133
Paochuang-ho, 42, 96
Pao-chienchi, 123-126, 180n26
Pao-chüan, 60-66, 168n23
Parallels, verbal and structural, 37, 67, 78, 80, 137, 138, 142, 171n18
“Pearl-Sewn Shirt, The”, 89
Pen-se, 22, 23, 72
P’i-p’achi, 107-108, 108
Plaks, Andrew, 73, 153n1
Prostitution, 47-48, 112, 120, 166n39, 166n41
P’u-ching, 128, 133, 142, 143
Puns, 45, 78, 144
Puppet theater, 96, 99
Quarrels, function of, in Chinp’ingmei, 75, 76
Reincarnation, 128, 134, 137, 143, 182n25
Roy, David, 154n7, 160n48, 163n17
San-chiaok’ai-mikuei-chengyen-i, 25, 158n32, 170n1, 170n4
San-kuochihyen-i, 2, 77, 145, 161n64
Se (sex, illusion), 84-85
Self-cultivation, 13, 58-59
Sexual description in Chinp’ingmei, 25-27, 44-52, 69
Sexual hygiene, 45, 67
Sha-kouch’üan-fu, 99
Sheng-hsienhui, 121
Shih-chi, 24, 95, 162n65
Shih-langfu-machuan, 33-34, 74
Shuang-chungchi, 106, 111, 112, 114
Shui-huchuan, 2, 24, 73, 95, 123, 124, 145, 162n65
Shuo-ch’angtz’u-hua, see Chantefable literature
Shu-t’ung, 39, 115
Six Roots of Evil, 59, 129
Songs, “imperial,” in Chinp’ingmei, 42-43
Songs, Ming popular:
connoisseurship of, 21-22, 160n56, 161n58
allusion to, in Chinp’ingmei, 95, 97-98, 116-119, 120
Ssu-chiehchi, 111
SuiYang-tiyen-shih, 27, 44
Sun Hsüeh-o, 39, 40, 83, 90
Sung Dynasty, Northern, 3
Sung Hui-lien, 39, 78, 171n11
Ta-hsüeh, 12, 29-30, 144, 156n23
T’a-hsüehhsün-mei, 99, 100, 101, 120
Ta-hsüehyen-i, 30-32
Ta-hsüehyen-ipu, 32
Tai-an, 139-141
Taoism, 13, 56-59, 67, 68, 157n30, 158n32, 158n38
Ta-ya-ch’an, 142
Three Teachings Movement, Ming, 14-15, 157n30, 158n37, 158n38
T’ien-ming (Fate or Destiny), 55, 85-87, 126
tsa-chü, 21, 97, 174n6
Ts’ ai (surname), 37, 67, 78
Ts’ai Ching, 36, 45, 46, 141
Ts’aiYün, 37, 109, 141
Ts’ai-louchi, 96, 106, 108
Tseng, Censor, 38, 46, 68
Tzu-p’ing divination, 55
Ulysses, 117
Vernacular fiction:
in Ming, 18-20, 24, 154n8
allusion to, in Chinp’ingmei, 72-77, 134
Vernacular language, 17, 18, 159n44
Wang Chi-te, 160n55
Wang Liu-erh, 45, 46, 90, 92-93, 128, 135, 177n40
WangPoyüan-pen, 121
Wang San-kuan, 100, 141, 178n40, 182n10
Wang Shih-chen, 160n55, 169n27, 176n25, 180n22
Wang Yang-ming:
teachings of, 13, 16, 158n37, 167n1
criticism of, 13, 15, 156n25, 169n25
Wan-li reign, 10, 43, 165n32
Wen, Tutor, 111
Wen-chingyüan-yanghui, 72-73, 93
Wu Ta, 78, 90, 171n18
Wu Yüeh-niang:
as irresponsible first wife, 42, 48, 141
and pao-chüan, 62-66
and loss of Hsiao-ko, 63, 128, 138, 141
quarrels with P’an Chin-lien, 75-76
as irresponsible mother, 135
Wu-chiehch’an-shihpao-chüan, 65
Wu-lunch’üan-pei, 105, 160n51, 161n63, 176n25
Wu-tsuHuang-meipao-chüan, 64
Yang Chien, 37
Ying Po-chüeh, 95, 100-101, 179n15
Yüan-linwu-meng, 142
Yüan-pen, 96, 121, 142
Yü-huan chi, 35, 96, 109, 112, 115, 178n1
Yung-fu Temple, 67, 139
Yü-nü (Jade-girl), 103, 120, 135
Zola, Emile, 50
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