“The Science of Vocal Pedagogy”
(Illustrations are identified by italic numbers.)
abdominal: breathing, 12; control, 13; diaphragm, 30, 32-34, 68; muscles, 11, 100; pressure, 13, 101; pulsated scale, 13; tuck, 10; wall, 37, 68
abduction separation, 63
acoustics, 108; method for identifying words, 250; physical area, 120; recorded sound, matching, 232; vocal, 121
action, 51-54
adduction: moment of, 94; of the vocal folds, 94; subglottic, phase of, 73
adductors, 60
aerodynamic theory, 62
aesthetic experiences, 3
agonist, 30
air: elasticity of, 103; pressure, 23, 104, 150; stream, 122; velocity of, 73
air pressure variations, 104, 150
air stream, 122
alveoli, 25
amplification: reinforced, 117
amplification of sound, 118
amplitude, 151-52; concept related to, 15
amplitude decay, 118
amplitudes, 111
anatomical system, 25; alterations, 95
anatomy: of the ear, 158; relative to phonetics, 171
antagonist, 30, 37
antagonist muscles, 13, 61
anterioposteriorally, 69, 73
anterior, 43
anterior nares, 74
anterolaterally, 61
anteroposteriorly, 28
aorta, 32
aperture: mouth opening, 120
arch of the cricoid, 54
art is artifice, 18
art song, 9, 172
artful singing: physical disciplines, 18; psychophysical, 9; word disciplines, 171
articulated, 29
articulation, 9; phonetics, 171
articulator, 74
aryepiglottic fold, 47, 77
aryepiglottic muscle, 78
arytenoid cartilages, 48, 68
atmospheric pressure, 28-30
audible sound, frequency limits of, 144
auditory feedback, test for, 141
auditory nerve, 165
auditory sensation, 108
back muscles, 13
balanced suspension, 14, 37
basic vowel, 133, 223, 224-25, 249; analysis of, 262; criteria for reproducing, 230; defined, 223; determined, 227; diction, 236
basilar membrane, 163
bel canto, 90
Bell Telephone, 64, 89
Bernoulli, 69; effect, 69; law of 73
bicipital groove of the humerus, 34
body: balanced suspension, 13; control, 14; musculature in singing, 68; posture, 14; support, 13
breath column, 23
breath support, 102
breathiness, 61
breathing for singing: abdominal, 12; breath pressure, 13, 15; clavicular, 12; costal, 12; mechanics of, 10; rib, 12; thoracic, 12; vital capacity, 26
broad transcriptions, techniques, 174
bronchi, 25, 63, 78
bronchioles, 25
cardinal vowels, 248
cavity: coupling, 128; defined, 128; laws, 119; loosely coupled, 128, 129, 131; resonators, 118; tightly coupled, 128, 129, 131
centiseconds, 104
central tendon, 31
ceratocricoid: lateral, 46; posterior, 46
chest: position, 14; register, 87—88; voice, 90, 92, 94
cinefluoroscopy, 24
clavicles, 12, 34, 86
cineradiology, 95
clavicular breathing, 12
closed tones, 27, 89
cochlea, 142, 162, 162-67
communication, 43
complex sounds: defined, 108; spectrum of, 108
complex wave, 112-13
components of sound waves, 108
compressions, 104, 104
Concone exercises, 21, 261-62
consonants, 343-48; phonetic drills of, 179; terms pertaining to the production of, 258; use in opera, 239
conus elasticus, 47, 47
coracoid process, 34
corniculate cartilages, 47
corniculate pharyngeal ligament, 47
cornu, 45
costal, 31
covering mechanism, 89-90
coupled system, 84, 128
cricoarytenoid ligament, 47
cricoarytenoids: lateral, 68; posterior, 61
cricoid: arch of, 45, 54; cartilage, 43
cricothyroid ligament, 46
cricothyroid membrane, 47
cricothyroid muscles, 51, 54, 61, 68, 85
cricotracheal ligament, 46
crura, 31
cuneiform cartilages, 47
cycles, 104
damping, 77, 118, 119
damping factor, 15, 118
decibel scale, 150, 153, 155
diacritical marks, 174
dialect: areas of U.S., 203; drills, 205; General American, 205; in singing, 201; interpretation, 201
diaphragm, 28; abdominal, 31; action, 31; central tendon of, 31; pelvic, 30
diction: basic vowel theory, 236; defined, 236; problems in singing flowing text, 242; rules of, 236
digastric muscle, 84-85
double resonator, 130
drills: dialectal variation, 205; emotional stress, 198; emphatic stress, 195
dualistic nature of sound, 141
dyne: acoustic power, 151; defined, 149
ear: anatomy of, 158; animal, 143; drum, 117, 159; external, 158; human ear, 142; incus of, 160; inner ear, 162, 162; malleus, 160; middle ear, 142, 160, 160-61; ossicles of, 142, 160; outer, 158, 159; sensitivity of, 142; stapes, 160; tympanic membrane, 157
energized effort, 19
epigastrium, 13-epiglottis, 41, 43, 48, 68, 77, 79
erg per second, 150
esophagus, 32
eustachian tube, 161
expiration, 11, 62; abdominal breathing, 13; muscles of, 37
external oblique, 37, 68
external thyroarytenoid, 73
facets, 68; movable, 28
facia, lumbar, 37
Fant’s theory, 121
flowing speech: problems of, 244; rhythmic problems, 244
focus, 236
formant, 125-28, 240; charts, 133, 224; frequency change, 127; movement, causes of, 133, 134-36, 138; multiple resonance of, 130; origin of, 130-31
Fourier theorem, 108
frequency, 104, 152; fundamental, 109; measurement of, 143, 148; physical aspects of, 143
fundamental, 108, 113; component, 113; frequency, 109, 121
Garcia’s theory: closed or dark, 88; middle and upper register, 88; of registration, 87
glottal tone, 123
glottal wave form, 114, 122-24
glottic aperture, 62
glottic shock, 73
glottis, 48, 51, 57, 64, 69, 73, 123; respiratoria, 51, 57, 68; vocalis, 53, 68
hair cells, 65
harmonic analysis, 121, 132
harmonic series, 108-109, 110
harmonics, 108-109, 121
hearing: musical communication of, 141; threshold of, 144, 145
helicotrema, 163
Helmholtz, resonators, 73, 118, 120
human resonating system, 73, 75; physiological, 73
hyoid bone, 43, 82, 84-85
ilium, 36
incus, 160
inertia, 64
infraglottic, 63; pressure, 80; resonator, 79
inguinal ligament, 37
inspiration, 68; forced, 26; muscles of, 30
intensity, 100, 146, 147-50; amplitude and, 149; decibel scale of, 150; defined, 149; proper, 100; vowel modification and,221
intercostal lift, 10
interference, 123; complete, 111;defined, 111
International Phonetic Alphabet, 172; broad transcription, 173-74; diacritical marks of, 174; nonsense drills, 180; origin of, 172; structure of, 173; symbols of, 176
interpretation: dialect, 201; stress, 191; vowel migration, 216
IPA, see International Phonetic Alphabet
ischial spine, 31
Jones’ cardinal vowels, 248, 250
kinesiologic analysis, 229-340, 262-384
labial orifice, 74
laryngeal “buzz,” 69
laryngeal control, 101
laryngeal framework, 41, 43; epiglottis, 43; thyroid cartilage, 43
laryngeal functions: alterations of, 95; theories of, 86
laryngeal mechanism, 41
laryngeal position, 82
laryngeal tension, 95
laryngeal vibration: nature of, 121; theories of, 61, 121
laryngopharynx, 48, 77
laryngoscopy, 73
larynx, 41, 63; air column instrument, 62; cartilages, 43, 44; evolution of, 42; ligaments, 45, 45-46; lowering of, 95; membranes, 45, 45; of man today, 43; structure of, 43; vegetative organ, 41; see also laryngeal
laws that govern vocal sound, 103; cavity laws, 119; complex sounds, 108; phase and interference, 111; process of sound analysis, 103; psychophysical, 103; simple sounds, 104
legato singing, 237
length, 69
levator ani, 30
levator veli palatini, 74
levatores costorum, 30
lifts, 87
ligaments, 45; aryepiglottic fold, 47; ceratocricoid, lateral, 46; ceratocricoid, posterior, 46; conus elasticus, 47; corniculate pharyngeal, 47; cricoarytenoid ligament, 47; cricothyroid, 46; cricotracheal ligament, 46; hyothyroid, 45; thyroepiglottic, 46; vocal, 47
lingual tension, 89
linguistic character of stress, 192
linguistics: see phonetics, 171
lips: protrusion, 74; rounding, 74, 120, 137-38, 138, 189; spreading, 138-40; tension, 89
longitudinal wave, 103
loudness, 108, 141, 156, 158; amplitudes, 154; defined, 154; level scale, 155; measurement of, 154-56; numerical scale, 157; phon, 155; power exponent, 157; sone, 157; Weber-Fechner law, 154, 157
lungs, 26; alveoli, 25; elasticity, 25; function of, 25; lobes, 25
maintained vibration, 116
malleus, 160
mandible, 16, 74
mass, 24, 64, 67, 69
material media, 103
membranes, 45
messa di voce, 11, 101
migration drills, 260, 298-340
modification of vowels, 90, 220, 222
modulation of the respiratory air stream, 69, 122
modulation of tracheal air flow, 67
moment of passing, 87
Morgagni: ventricle of, 49
muscles: abdominal, 31, 100; abdominal diaphragm, 31; abdominal viscera, 13; agonist, 30; antagonist, 30; anterioabdominal musculature, 13; back, 13; cricothyroid, 54, 55; diaphragm, 30-31; digrastic, 84; expiration, 37; external oblique, 37, 39; external thyroarytenoid, 56, 73; genioglossus, 84; geniohyoid, 85; group action, 10; infrahyoid, 82-85, 83; insertion, 29; intercostal, 12; interarytenoid, 51; internal oblique, 38, 39; involuntary, 29; laryngeal musculature, 50, 51, 52; lateral cricoarytenoids, 54, 61, 68; latissimus dorsi, 30, 35, 37, 40, 68; lax, 84; levator veli palatini, 77; levatores costarum, 34, 35; musculature synthesized, 13; mylohyoid, 85; oblique arytenoids, 52, 53; of expiration, 37; of inspiration, 30; omohyoid, 86; organic, 29; origin, 29; palato-glossus, 77; palato-pharyngeus, 77; pectoralis, major-minor, 34, 35; pelvic diaphragm, 30; pharyngeal constrictor, 77; physical characteristics of, 29; posterior cricoarytenoids, 53, 53; quadratus lum-borum, 36, 36; rectus ab-dominus, 37, 38; rib-depressors, 30; rib-raisers, 30; ser-ratus posterior inferior, 36, 36; skeletal, 29; smooth, 29; sphincter, 13, 68; stapedius, 160; sternohyoid, 85; sternothyroid, 85; striated, 29; stylohyoid, 84; suprahyoid, 82, 84, 95; tense, 84; tensor tympani, 161; thoracic, 11, 100; thyroarytenoid, 56, 61, 66, 67, 71-72, thyroepiglottic, 78; thyrohyoid, 85; trachealis, 29, 79; transverse abdominus, 37, 38; transverse arytenoids, 51, 52; transverse thoracis, 38, 39; unstriated, 29; vocalis, 56, 59-60, 61, 66; voluntary, 29
narrow pass-band filtering, 133
nasal cavity, 74; anterior nares, 74; posterior nares, 74
nasal fossae, 74
nasopharynx, 74
neurochronaxic theory, 62
nonsense sentences, 181
nonsense syllables, 180
objective of a singer, 9
open throat, 80, 84
open tones, 89
opera, use of consonants in, 239
oral cavity: labial orifice, 74; pillars of the fauces, 74; shape and size, 74; volume of, 138
organ of Corti, 165
orifice, 50, 63; change of, 63
origin of muscles, 29
oropharynx, 77
ossicles, 160
oval window, 160
overtones, 108
partials, 108-109, 117; defined, 108; inharmonic, 108
pedagogical principles, 100
pedagogy, definition of, 3
pelvic diaphragm, 31; described, 30; levator ani, 30
pelvis, crest of, 36
period of the system, 63
perlymph, 162
perpendiculars, 105
pharyngeal cavity, 74, 76; laryngopharynx, 48-50, 77; nasopharynx, 74; oropharynx, 77
pharyngeal isthmus, 77
pharyngeal resonators, 87
pharyngeal wall, 74, 89
phase: defined, 111; interference, 111, 123; reinforcement, 111, 123
phon, 155
phonation, 92; mechanics of, 50; musculature of, 50
phonatory airway, 63
phonatory track, 101
phonatory tube, 24, 62, 95
phoneme, defined, 192, 220
phoneme, 84, 90
phonemic accuracy, 217, 245; model word, 219; necessity for, 259
phonemic migration, 77, 222
phonemic stress, 191
phonetic accuracy, 217
phonetic alphabet, 172-78
phonetic drills, 178-88
phonetic instability, 241
phonetic transcriptions: “Au Clair de la Lune,” 387, 389; “Widmung,” 388, 394
phonetics, 171; approach to singing, 216; articulation, 171; broad transcription, 174; definition of, 171; diacritical marks, 174; disciplines of, 171; drills, 178-88; French sounds, 190; German sounds, 189; instability, 241; Italian sounds, 176-78
physiological change and for-mant movement, 133; cause, 133; of children, 133; of men, 133; of women, 133
physiology: relative to phonetics, 171; pianissimo sounds related to, 15; vocal force, 16; vowel color, 16, 90, 222
pillars of the fauces, 74
pinna, 158
piriform sinus, 49, 78
pitch, 43, 108, 141, 146, 148; changes, 69, 140; defined, 145; intensity of, 146, 149; measurement of, 147; range of, 100, 231; relationship between, 145; subjective comparison of, 145; vowel migration and, 233; vowel modification and, 220
pitch changes and vowel for-mant movement, 140; vowel recognition, 140, 219
pleura, 26
pleural cavity, 28, 31
point, 84; in singing, 236; of passage, 95; of suspension, 10; of transition, 91
postdorsum, 80
posterior, 51, 68
posteriorly-anteriorly, 69, 73
pressure: abdominal, 101; air, 24, 104, 150; atmospheric, 28, 30-31; balance between, 100; changes, 104; diaphragmatic, 102; increase in breath, 100; infra-glottic, 80; subglottic, 24, 73; thoracic, 102
primary register change, 95
process of sound analysis, 103
projection, 236
pronunciation, relative to phonetics, 171
properties of sound wave components, 104
prosodic elements in song, 385
psychology, relative to phonetics, 171
psychophysics, 142
pubic arch, 31, 37
psychophysical, 9, 103
psychological method, support, 17, 100
puffs, 63
pulsated drills, 17; advantage of, 22; association with student, 23; basic drills and unification of forces, 23; goals of, 20; natural body coordination in, 22; objectives of, 17; presentation and performance of, 19; relaxation and, 17; tension and, 17; vocal force in, 19
pulsated scale, 14
pure vowel, 223, 228-29
purposive voice, 43
quality, 117
quality alternate vowel, 223, 226
radiography, 24
rarefactions, 104
recorded sound, 232, 260
rectangular wave, 114,115
Reed theory, 62
register: chest, 87-88, 93; closed or dark, 89; head, 88; lower, 93; middle, 88, 93; transition, female, 93, 98-99; transition, male, 91, 96—97; upper, 90
registration, 86, 91; Garcia’s theory of, 87
reinforcement, 116, 123
resistance, 14, 100
resisting antagonist forces, 13
resonance: defined, 117; forced vibration, 117; frequency, 127; in song, 73, 117; multiple, 130; selectivity, 117
resonating cavities, natural frequencies, 127
resonating system, 27, 103; pitch change, 63
resonation, 9, 92
resonators, 15; cavity, 118; damping of, 119; double, 130; infraglottic, 79; nasal, 74; pharyngeal, 87; sounding board as, 118
respiration, 9; coordination of, 92; mechanics of, 25
respiratory air stream, 68
rima glottidis, 57
round window, 161
scala tympani, 162
scala vestibuli, 162
scale, tempered, 143
schwa, 234-35, 352
selectivity, 118-19; partials, 118; resonance, 118; sounding board, 119
semantics: body of knowledge, 191; phonemic stress, 191
semicircular canals, 162
septum, 74
sensation of, 154; abdominal control, 14; body control, 13; discipline, 103; intensity, 9; singing, 9; support, 13; vocal quality, 9
sensitivity: of the ear, 142; to text, 191, 385
shearing action, 166
simple harmonic motion, 107, 111; defined, 105; employment of, 107; mechanics of, 107; transfer of, 107
simple sounds, 104
simple tones, 108; timbre, 108
simple wave forms, 104
sinusoid: mathematical derivation of waves, 105, 112, 123
singing: act of, 10, 43; breathing in, 10; concept of, 9; consonants in, 237; definition of, 9; dialect, 203, 204; focus in, 236; intensity of, 9; interpretation of, 201; meaning in, 191
sinus, piriform, 49, 78
sinusoid, 105-106; defined, 104
soft palate, 74, 77
soft-walled resonators, 118
sone, 157
song, 385-86; “Au Clair de la Lune,” 387, 389, 390-93; “Widmung,” 388, 394, 395-98
sonograph, 126, 132; complex wave, 141; defined, 103; frequency limits of, 144; intensity, 142; loudness, 141; pitch, 141; simple sounds, 104
sound spectra, defined, 108
sounding board: mass, 117; selectivity of, 118; size, 118; surface, 118
sounds of French, 190, 328-72, 329-40
sounds of German, 189, 328, 357-62, 381-82, 329-47
spectra, 109
spectrograph, 132
speech: analysis of, 121; forms, 121; overlaid function, 43; sounds in singing, 248, 251
speech mechanism, 253; alveolar ridge, 253; buccal, 256; dental, 253; glottis, 253; glottal stroke, 253; labial, 253; lateral, 256; lingual, 256; mandible, 256; maxilla, 256; nasal, 256; nasal port, 256; oral, 256; oropharynx, 256; palate, 256; pharyngeal wall, 256; pharynx, 256; postpalatal, 256; prepalatal, 256; raphe, 257; sibilant, 257; tongue, 256; uvula, 257; vallecula, 257; velum, 257
square wave, 113, 114
stable vowels: acoustically, 223; pitch range, 231
sternal, 31
sternum, 13, 28-31, 34, 85
stress: drills for, 195-99; emotional element of, 194; emphatic and emotional, 194; linguistic character of, 192; method of determining, 199; semantic character of, 191; sensitivity to text, 191; stressed and unstressed words, 193; stressing and unstressing, 193
style in singing, 201
subglottic pressure, 24, 73
support: defined, 11; dualistic nature of, 13; feeling of, 10; objectives of, 11; sensation of, 13; unification of effort in, 17
supraglottic space, 63,95
suspended resistance, 13
synthesized musculature, 13
synthesized support, 16
teacher preference, 216
teachers of singing: concern, range and register, 90; preparation of, 6; variations in teaching, 216
tension: laryngeal, 95; lingual, 89; vocal folds, 24
tessitura, 100
thoracic cage, 28, 29
thorax, 27, 28
tightly coupled system, 74
tilt of the thyroid, 61, 66
timbre, 87, 108, 120; defined, 108; matching, 232
tomography, 78-79, 95
tonal color, 64, 90
tones: closed, 89; covered, 89; open, 89; uncovered, 89
tongue, 16, 74, 89; backing, 138; base of, 95; fronting, 138; root of, 78, 80
trachea, 25, 74, 80-81; bifurcation of, 63, 95; defined, 78
tracheal air pressure: modulation of, 67, 69
transitions of female, 93-94
transitions of male, 91-92
uvula, 74, 257
vegetative organ, 41
velum, 47, 257
vena cava, 32
ventricle of Morgagni, 49
ventricles, 77, 78
ventricular folds, 49, 77-78; false vocal folds, 77
vertebra: lumbar, 36; sacral, 36; thoracic, 36
vestibular opening, 78
vestibule, 48, 49, 50, 78; narrowing of the, 95
vibrating string theory, 64
vibration: amplitude of, 15; concept of, 15; forced, 116; free, 115-16; laryngeal, 76; maintained, 116
vibrato: control, 24; defined, 23; in song, 23; separate entity, 25; thyroid cartilage control of, 23
viscera, 30, 68
vital capacity, 26
vocal cords, 59
vocal folds: adduction of, 94; alterations, 101; amplitude, 15; concepts of, 15; contour of, 62; control of, 15; false, 49, 77; length of, 24, 62, 64, 100; mass of, 24, 64, 100; tension of, 23, 62, 100; vibration of, 15
vocal force: breath pressure, 15; control of, 15; energized effort, 19; pianissimo sound, 15; pulsated drills, 19
vocal pedagogy, 3, 6, 102
vocal process, 53, 68
vocal quality as sensation, 9
vocal range, 103,144
vocal register, 86
vocal scale: pure, 90; unbroken, 90; uninterrupted, 90
vocal technique, 41
vocal text, 191; requirements of, 191; sensitivity to, 191
voice development, 19
volume, 16
vowel color, 16, 91, 222; phonemic migration, 222; related to pianissimo sounds, 16
vowel diagram 251
vowel formant movement, 133, 138
vowel migration: described, 226; intellectual element of, 216; stable pitch range, 233
vowel modification, 90, 220
vowel recognition, 140, 219
vowel size, 245
vowels: back, 251; basic, 139, 223, 230, 240, 262, 299, 305; cardinal, 248, 249-50; central, 251; clarifying of, 22; closed, 89-92; color, 100; covered tone, 91; drills and exercises of, 178-88; focusing of, 22; French nasal, 335-41, 365-72; frontal, 251; high central rounded, 327, 354; lax, 89; lip rounding, 189; migration of, 140, 216, 234; migration drills, 298-340; modification of, 90, 220, 234; neutral, 92, 325; open, 89, 92; pitch range, 231; pointing, 22; pure vowel, 223, 229-30; quality alternate, 139, 223, 226; rounded frontals, 327-33, 328-62; rules for singing, 194; schwa, 234, 352; semivowel, 342, 375; stable, 231; stressed and unstressed, 194; tense, 90, 129; terms pertaining to the production of, 257; vowel recognition. 219
walls of the mouth, 89
wave crest, 111
wave form, 105, 108, 109, 114, 122
Weber-Fechner law, 154; disproved, 157
word, 171, 193, 201, 219; cue of recognition, 219; discipline of, 172; importance in singing, 172; methods for examining in song, 250; phonemic accuracy, 219; pronunciation, 219; relative to phonetics, 171; singing style, 201; spelling, 220; stressed and unstressed, 194
xiphoid process, 27, 31
yawn, 78, 87
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