“The Science of Vocal Pedagogy”
Books and Dissertations
Campbell, E. J. Moran. The Respiratory Muscles and the Mechanics of Breathing. London: Lloyd-Luke, Ltd., 1958.
———. “The Muscular Control of Breathing in Man.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1954.
Fenn, W. O. “Introduction to the Mechanics of Breathing,” Respiration, Vol. III of Sec. III, Handbook of Physiology. Washington, D.C.: American Physiological Society, 1964, pp.357-60.
Grant, John Charles Boileau. A Method of Anatomy, 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1952.
Gray, Giles Wilkeson, and Claude Merton Wise. The Bases of Speech. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959.
Gray, Henry. Anatomy of the Human Body, ed. Charles M. Goss. 25th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1950.
Hoff, H. E., and C. G. Breckenridge. “Regulation of Respiration,” A Textbook of Physiology, ed. J. F. A. Fulton. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1955, pp. 867-86.
Hashiko, Michael S. “Electromyographic Study of Respiratory Muscles in Relation to Syllabication.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, 1957.
Idol, Harriet R. “A Statistical Study of Respiration in Relation to Speech Characteristics,” Studies in Experimental Phonetics, ed. Giles Wilkeson Gray. Louisiana State University Studies, No. 27. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1936, pp.79-98.
Meader, Clarence L. and John H. Muyskens. “General Semantics,” Pts. 1 & 11 of Handbook of Biolinguistics, ed. Herbert C. Weller. Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Speech Clinic,* 1950.
Myer, Edmund J. Vocal Reinforcement. Boston: Boston Music Co., 1913.
———. Position and Action in Singing. Boston: Boston Music Co., 1911.
Respiration, Sec. III, Vols. 1-3, of Handbook of Physiology. Washington, D.C.: American Physiological Society, 1964. The most valuable source of information on respiration, forty monographs, extensive bibliography on respiration.
Seashore, Carl E. The Vibrato. University of Iowa Studies in the Psychology of Music, Vol. 1. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1932.
Sheil, Richard F. “A Study of Respiration with Relation to Somatype.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1962.
Periodical Monographs
Best, R. R. “The Function of the Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles and Their Clinical Significance” Nebraska State Medical Journal, Vol. 13 (1928), 143-45.
Briscoe, G. “The Muscular Mechanism of the Diaphragm,” Journal of Physiology (London), Vol. 14 (1920), 46-53.
Campbell, E. J. Moran. “The Variations in Intra-Abdominal Pressure and the Activity of the Abdominal Muscle During Breathing: A Study in Man,” ibid., Vol. 12 (1955), 282-90.
——— and J. H. Green. “The Expiratory Function of the Abdominal Muscles in Man: An Electromyographic Study.” ibid., Vol. 70 (1953) 409-18.
——— and ———. “The Effects of Increased Resistance to Expiration on the Respiratory Behavior of the Abdominal Muscles and Intra-Abdominal Pressure,” ibid., Vol. 86 (1957), 556-62.
Draper, M. A., Peter Ladefoged, and D. Whitridge. “Respiratory Muscles in Speech,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 2 (1959), 16-27. Electromyography of external and internal intercostal, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus, obliques, and diaphragm.
Freud, E. D. “Voice Physiology and the Emergence of a New Vocal Style,” Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 62 (1955), 50-58.
Hashiko, Michael S. “Sequence of Action of Breathing Muscles During Speech,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 3 (1960), 291-97.
Lemon, W. S. “The Function of the Diaphragm,” Archives of Surgery (Chicago), Vol. 17 (1928c), 840-53.
Lindsley, Charles F. “The Psychological Determinants of Voice Quality,” Speech Monographs, Vol. 1 (1934), 79-116.
Murtaugh, J. A. and C. J. Campbell. “The Respiratory Function of the Larynx,” Laryngoscope, Vol. 61 (1961), 581-90.
Otis, A. B., W. O. Feen, and H. Rahn. “Mechanics of Breathing in Man,” Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 2 (1950), 562-607.
Polgar, F. “Studies on Respiratory Mechanics,” Journal of American Roetgenology, Vol. 51 (1949), 637-57.
Tarneau, Jean. “Psychological and Clinical Study of the Pneumophonic Synergy,” NATS Bulletin, February 1958, 12-15.
Phonation: The Larynx as a Biological-Biosocial Organ
Books and Dissertations
Cates, H. A. and J. V. Basmajian. Primary Anatomy. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1955.
Curry, Robert. The Mechanism of the Human Voice. New York: Longmans Green & Co., 1940.
Davis, Kenneth L., Jr. “A Study of the Function of the Primary Resonating Areas and Their Relation to the Third Formant in the Singing Tone.” Unpublished Mus. D. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1964.
Dickson, D. R. “An Acoustic and Radiographic Study of Nasality.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 1961.
Harrington, D. C. “An Experimental Study of the Subjective and Objective Characteristics of Sustained Vowels at High Pitches.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State University, 1950.
Holmes, Gordon. History of the Progress of Laryngology from the Earliest Time to the Present. London: Medical Press, 1885.
Husler, Frederick, and Yvonne Rodd-Marling. Singing: The Physical Nature of the Vocal Organ. London: Faber & Faber, 1965.
Moses, Paul J. The Voice of Neurosis. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1954.
Negus, V. E. The Mechanism of the Larynx. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1949.
Sobotta, Johannes. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 3d ed. Vol. I & II. New York: G. E. Steichert & Co., 1933.
Stanley, Douglas. Your Voice. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1929.
———. The Science of Voice. New York: Carl Fisher, Inc., 1929.
Vennard, William. Singing, the Mechanism and the Technique. Los Angeles: University of California, 1964.
Westerman, Kenneth N. Emergent Voice. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros., 1955.
Whitworth, James R. “A Cinefluorographic Investigation of the Superlaryngeal Adjustments in the Male Voice Accompanying the Singing of Low Tones and High Tones.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, State University of Iowa, 1961.
Wright, Johnathan. A History of Laryngology and Rhinology. London: Lea & Febiger, 1914.
Periodical Monographs
Anderson, Faaborg K. “Action Potentials from Internal Laryngeal Muscles During Phonation,” Nature, Vol. 178 (1956), 340-41.
———. “Electromyographic Investigation of the Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles in Humans,” Acta-Physiology Scandinavia, suppl., Vol. 140, (1957), 1-150
Brewer, D. W., F. B. Briess, and Faaborg K. Anderson. “Phonation,” Annals of Otolaryngology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, Vol. 49 (1940), 203.
Fink, B. R., M. Basek, and V. Epanchin. “Respiratory Movements of the Vocal Cords,” Federation Proceedings Symposium, Vol. 15 (1950), 63-64, experimental biology.
Flanagan, J. L. “Some Properties of the Glottal Sound Source,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 1 (1958), 99-116.
Green, J. H. and E. Neil. “The Respiratory Function of the Laryngeal Muscles,” Journal of Physiology (London), Vol. 129 (1955), 134-41.
Harrington, R. “A Study of the Mechanism of Velo Pharyngeal Closure,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, Vol. 9 (1941), 325-45.
Hartog, C. M. “The Function of the Ventricle of Morgagni,” Acta-Otolaryngologica, Vol. 10 (1926), 253-56.
Hollien, Harry. “Vocal Pitch Variation Related to Changes in Vocal Fold Length,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 3 (1960), 150-56.
——— and James Curtis. “A Laminagraphic Study of Vocal Pitch,” ibid., 361-71.
——— and Paul Moore. “The Measurements of the Vocal Folds During Changes in Pitch,” ibid., 157-65.
Kenyon, E. E. “Relocation of Oral Articulative Mats to Speech and Intrinsic Laryngeal Musculature in General to the Function of the Vocal Cords,” Archives of Otolaryngology Vol. 5 (1927), 481-501.
Landeau, Michel. “Voice Classification,” NATS Bulletin, October 1963, 4-8.
——— and H. Zuili. “Vocal Emission and Tomograms of the Larynx,” ibid., February 1963, 6-11.
Lloyd, W. F., F. E. Negus, and E. Neil. “Observation on the Mechanics of Phonation,” Acta-Otolaryngologica, Vol. 48 (1958), 205-38.
Moore, Paul, and Hans Von Leden. “Dynamic Variations on the Vibratory Pattern in the Normal Larynx,” Phoniatrica, 10, 4 (1958), 205-38.
Perkins, William, Granville Sawyer, and Peggy Harrison. “Research on Vocal Efficiency,” NATS Bulletin, December 1958, 4-7.
Pressman, Joel J. “Physiology of the Vocal Folds in Phonation and Respiration,” Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 35 (1942), 355.
———. “Sphincter Action of the Larynx,” ibid., Vol. 33 (1941), 351.
Sonesson, B. “On the Anatomy and Vibrating Pattern of the Human Vocal Folds,” Acta-Otolaryngologica, suppl., Vol. 1 (1956), 940.
Sonnonin, Aatto A. “Is the Length of Adjustment of the Vocal Fold the Same at All Different Levels of Singing,” Acta-Otolaryngologica, Vol. 163 (1954), 219-31.
———. “The Role of the External Laryngeal Muscles in Length Adjustment of the Vocal Cords in Singing,” Acta-Otolaryngologica, Vol. 48 (1947), 16-25.
Strong, Leon. “Mechanism of Laryngeal Pitches,” Anatomical Record, Vol. 63 (August 25, 1935), 13-28.
Technical Aspects of Visible Speech, Bell Telephone System Monograph, B-1415. New York: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1946, pp. 1-89.
Van Den Berg, Janwillem. “On the Air Resistance and the Bernoulli Effect of the Human Larynx,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 29 (1957), 626-31.
———. “Physiology and Physics of Voice Production,” Acta-Physiologica et Pharmacologia Neerlander, Vol. 5 (1956), 40-55.
———. “Direct and Indirect Determination of Mean Subglottic Pressure” Folio Phoniatrica, Vol. 7 (1956), 1-24.
———. “On the Role of the Laryngeal Ventricle in Voice Production,” ibid., Vol. 7 (1955), 57-69.
———. “Subglottic Pressure and Vibration of the Vocal Folds,” ibid., Vol. 9 (1957), 65-71.
Vennard, William. “The Coupe de Glotte,” NATS Bulletin, February 1964, 14-17.
Books and Dissertations
Appelman, D. Ralph. “A Study by Means of Planigraph, Radiograph, and Spectrograph of the Physical Changes Which Occur During the Transition from the Middle to the Upper Register in the Male Voice.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1953.
Harris, Ronald, “Chronaxy,” Electrodiagnosis and Electromyography, ed. Sidney Licht. New Haven, Conn.: E. Licht, Pubs., 1956, pp.126-45.
Harrison, F. “An Experimental Analysis by X-Ray.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1956. Includes photographs of some resonator adjustments in efficient and inefficient voice production in low-pitched male voices.
Siegel, L. W. “An Investigation of Possible Correlation Between the Chronaxy of a Branch of the Accessory Nerve and Voice Classification.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, School of Music, Indiana University, 1963.
Taff, Merle E. “A Study of Vowel Modification in Register Transition in the Male Singing Voice.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1964.
Periodical Monographs
Davis, Hallowell. “Relationship of Chronaxy of Muscle to the Size of the Stimulating Electrode,” Physiology, Vol. 57 (July 1923), lxxxi.
French, T. R. A. “A Photographic Study of the Laryngeal Image During the Formation of Registers in the Singing Voice,” New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. 49 (1899), 95-98.
Husson, Raoul. “The Classification of Human Voices,” NATS Bulletin, 13, 4 (May 1957), 6-11.
———. “Excitabilité recurrentielle et entudues vocales masculines et feminines des voix aduites cultivées, semi cultivées et incultées,” Review of Laryngology, Otolaryngology, and Rhinology, suppl., Vol. 40 (1954), 260.
———. “A New Look at Phonation,” ibid., 12, 2 (December 1956), 12-14.
Luchsinger, R. “Falsett und Vollton der Kopfstinme,” archiv fur obren, Nasin, und Kehlkopfheilkunde, Band 155, 505-19.
Rubin, Henry J., and Charles C. Hirt. “The Falsetto” Laryngoscope, 70, 9 (September 1960), 1,309-10.
Ruth, Wilhelm. “The Registers of the Singing Voice,” NATS Bulletin, May 1963, 2-5.
Van Den Berg, Janwillem. “Vocal Ligaments Versus Registers,” NATS Bulletin, December 1963, 16-19.
Laws That Govern Vocal Sound
American Standard Acoustical Terminology. Sponsored by the Acoustical Society of America. New York: American Standards Association, 1960. Includes mechanical shock and vibration.
Bartholomew, Wilmer T. Acoustics of Music. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1942.
Culver, Charles A. Musical Acoustics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1956.
Denes, Peter B., and Elliot N. Pinson. The Speech Chain. Bell Telephone Laboratories Science Series. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1964.
Fant, Gunnar M. C. Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton & Co., 1960.
Flanagan, J. L. A Speech Analyser for a Formant-Coding Compression System. Scientific Report, No. 4 (AFCRC-TN-5 5-793). Cambridge, Mass.: Acoustics Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1955.
Hall, Jody, and Earle L. Kent. The Language of Musical Acoustics. Elkhart, Ind.: C. G. Conn, Ltd., 1957.
Helmholtz, Herman L. F. On the Sensations of Tone. Translated by Alexander J. Ellis, 4th ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1954 (paperback).
Jeans, Sir James. Science and Music. London: Cambridge University Press, 1961.
Miller, G. A. Language and Communication. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1951.
Paget, Sir Richard. Human Speech. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1930.
Taylor, Robert M. Acoustics for the Singer. Emporia: Kansas State Teachers College, 1958.
Periodical Monographs
Bartholomew, Wilmer T. “A Physical Definition of Good Voice Quality in the Male Voice,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 9 (July 1934), 25-33
DeLattre, Pierre. “Vowel Color and Voice Quality: An Acoustic Articulatory Comparison,” NATS Bulletin, October 1958, 4-7.
Flanagan, J. L. “Some Properties of the Glottal Sound Source,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 1 (1958), 99-116.
Fry, D. B. and L. Manon. “The Basis for the Acoustical Study of Singing,” Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Vol. 29 (1957), 690-92.
Lewis D. and Charles E. Tuthill. “Vocal Resonance.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 14 (1942), 32-35.
Truby, J. M. “Acoustico-Cineradiographic Analyses Consideration,” Acta-Radiologica, suppl., Vol. 182 (1959), 1-227.
Van Den Berg, Janwillem. “Transmission of the Vocal Cavities,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 27, 1 (1955), 161-68.
———, J. T. Zantima, and P. Durenbal. “On the Air Resistance and the Bernoulli Effect of the Human Larynx,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 29, 5 (May 1957), 626-31.
Vennard, William. “The Bernoulli Effect in Singing.” NATS Bulletin, February 1961, 8-12.
Books and Dissertations
Arment, Hollace Elbert. “A Study by Means of Spectrographic Analysis of the Brightness and Darkness Qualities of Vowel Tones in Women’s Voices.” Unpublished D.M.A. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1960.
Helmholtz, Herman L. F. On the Sensations of Tone. Translated by Alexander J. Ellis. 4th ed. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1954.
Ostwald, Peter F. Soundmaking: The Acoustic Communication of Emotion. American Lecture Series. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Pub., 1963.
Potter, Ralph L., George A. Kopp, and Harriet Green. Visible Speech. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1947.
Pulgram, Ernst. Introduction to the Spectography of Speech. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton & Co., 1959.
Scott, David. “A Study of the Effect of Changes in Vocal Intensity upon the Harmonic Structure of Selected Singing Tones Produced by Female Singers.” Unpublished D.M.A. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1960.
Tuthill, Curtis E. “Timbre and Sonance Aspects of the Sustained Vowel.” Unpublished Master’s thesis, State University of Iowa, 1936.
Wendall, Ronald W. “Vowel Formant Frequencies and Vocal Cavity Dimensions.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1957.
Periodical Monographs
Black, J. W. “The Effects of the Consonant on the Vowel.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 19 (1939), 203-5.
Cooper, F. S. “Spectrum Analysis,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 22 (1950), 761-62.
———, Alvin M. Lieberman, and J. M. Borst. “The Interconversion of Audible and Visible Patterns as a Basis for Research in the Perception of Speech.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 37 (1951), 318-25.
———, et al. “Some Experiments on the Perception of Synthetic Speech Sounds,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 24 (1952), 597-606.
Crandel, Irving B. “The Sounds of Speech,” Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 4 (October 1925), 586-626.
DeLattre, Pierre. “The Physiological Interpretation of Sound Spectrograms,” Publication of the Modern Language Association, Vol. 66 (September 1951), 864-75.
———. “Vowel Color and Voice Quality,” NATS Bulletin, Vol. 15 (October 1958), 4-8.
——— and John Howie. “Of the Effect of Pitch on the Intelligibility of Vowels,” ibid., May 1962, 6-8.
———, et al. “An Experimental Study of the Acoustical Determinants of Vowel Color,” Word, 13, 3 (December 1952), 195-210. Observations on one and two formant vowels synthesized from spectrographic patterns.
Dunn, H. K. “Methods of Measuring Vowel Formant Band Widths,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 33, 12 (December 1961), 1,737-46.
Hall, Robert A., Jr. French. Language Monograph, No. 24. Language, suppl., July-September 1948.
House, A., and E. L. Stevens. “Estimation of Formant Band Widths from Measurements of Transient Response of the Vocal Tract,” Journal of Speech and Hearing, Vol. 1 (1958), 309-15.
Koenig, W., H. K. Dunn, and L. Y. Lacey. “The Sound Spectrograph,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 18 (July 1946), 1-89.
Kelley, J. P., and L. B. Higley. “A Contribution to the X-Ray Study of Tongue Position on Certain Vowels,” Archives of Speech, Vol. 1 (January 1934), 84-95.
Ladefoged, Peter, and D. C. Broadbent. “Information Conveyed by Vowels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 29 (1958), 98-104.
Lewis, D., and Charles E. Tuthill. “Resonant Frequencies and Damping Consonants of Resonators Involved in the Production of Sustained Vowels” ([o] and [a]), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 9 (April 1940), 451-56.
Locke, W. N., and R. M. S. Heffner. “Notes on the Length of Vowels,” American Speech, Vol. 2 (October 1936).
McGinnis, C. S., M. Elnich, and M. Kraichman. “A Study of the Vowel Formants of Well-Known Male Operatic Singers,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 23 (July 1951), 440-46.
Moll, K. L. “Cinefluorographic Techniques in Speech Research,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 3 (1960), 227-41.
Oncley, Paul. “Higher Formants in the Human Voice,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 24 (March 1952), 175.
Parementer, C. E. and S. N. Traveno. “Vowel Positions as Shown by X-Ray,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol. 18 (June 1932), 351-69.
Peterson, Gordon E. “The Evaluation of Speech Signals,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 19, 2 (June 1954), 158-68.
———. “Parameters of Vowel Quality,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 4, 1 (March 1961), 10-29.
———. “The Phonetic Value of Vowels,” Language, October-December 1951, 541-53
———. “Vocal Gestures,” Record (Bell Telephone Laboratories), Vol. 29 (1951), 500-510.
———. “Vowel Formant Measurements,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 2, 2 (June 1959), 173-84.
——— and Harold L. Barny. “Control Methods Used in a Study of the Vowels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 26 (March 1952), 175-78.
——— and M. S. Coxe. “The Information Bearing Elements of Speech,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 24 (1952), 629-37.
——— and ———. “The Vowels [e] and [o] in American Speech,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 39, 1 (February 1953), 33-41.
Potter, Ralph K., and Gordon E. Peterson. “The Representation of Vowels and Their Movements,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 20 (July 1948), 228-35.
Siegenthaler, B. M. “A Study of the Intelligibility of Sustained Vowels,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, April 1960, 36-208.
Stevens, Kenneth N., and Arthur S. Hours. “An Acoustical Theory of Vowel Production and Some of Its Implications,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 4, 4 (December 1961), 303-20.
Stewart, J. Q. “An Electrical Analogue of Vocal Organs,” Nature, Vol. 110 (September 1922), 311-12.
Taylor, H. C. “The Fundamental Pitch of English Vowels,” Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 16 (1933), 565-82.
Wolf, S. K., D. Stanley, and W. J. Sette. “Quantitative Studies in the Singing Voice,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 6 (April 1935), 255-66.
Christy, Van Ambrose. Expressive Singing. Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown Co., 1961.
Duey, Phillip A. Bel Canto in Its Golden Age. New York: King’s Crown Press, 1951.
Fields, V. A. Training the Singing Voice. New York: King’s Crown Press, 1947.
Judson, L. S., and A. T. Weaver. Voice Science. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1942.
Luchsinger, Richard, and Godfrey E. Arnold. Voice-Speech-Language, trans. Godfrey E. Arnold and Evelyn Robe Finkbeiner. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1965.)
Moses, Paul. The Voice of Neurosis. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1954.
Ostwald, Peter. Soundmaking Acoustic Communication of Emotion. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1963.
Proschowsky, Franz. The Way to Sing. Boston: C. C. Birchard & Co., 1923.
Reid, Cornelius L. Bel Canto. New York: Coleman-Ross, 1950.
Rose, Arnold. The Singer and the Voice. London: Faber & Faber, 1962.
Russell, G. Oscar. The Vowel. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1928.
———. Speech and Voice. New York: Macmillan Co., 1931.
Witherspoon, Herbert. Singing; a Treatise for Teachers and Students. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1925.
———. Thirty-Six Lessons in Singing for Teachers and Students. Chicago: Miessner Institute of Music, 1930.
Periodical Monograph
Van Den Berg, Janwillem, and William Vennard. “Toward an Objective Vocabulary for Voice Pedagogy,” NATS Bulletin, Feb. 15, 1959, 10-15.
Ades, Harlow W. “Central Auditory Receptors,” Neurophysiology, Vol. 1, of Sec. 1, Handbook of Physiology. Washington, D.C.: American Physiology Society, 1959, pp.565-84.
Davis, Hallowell. Hearing and Deafness. 4th ed. New York: Rinehart Books, Inc., 1951.
Denes, Peter B., and Elliot N. Pinson. The Speech Chain. New York: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1964.
Fletcher, Harvey. Speech and Hearing. 2nd. ed. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1929.
Neff, William D. (ed.). Contributions to Sensory Physiology. Vol. 1. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1965.
Stevens, S. S., and Hallowell Davis. Hearing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1938.
——— and ———. Hearings Its Psychology and Philosophy. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1938.
——— and George Warhofsky. Sound and Hearing. New York: Time, Inc., 1965.
Von Békésy, Georg. Experiments in Hearing. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1960.
Periodical Monographs
Ekstrom, E. Ross. “Control of Singing Intensity as Related to Singer Experience.” Unpublished Mus.D. dissertation, School of Music, Indiana University, 1959.
Fairbanks, Grant, Arthur S. House, and Eugene L. Stevens. “An Experimental Study of Vowel Intensities,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 20 (July 1950), 457-59.
Fletcher, Harvey. “Loudness, Pitch, and Timbre of Musical Tones and Their Relation to the Intensity, the Frequency, and the Overtone Structure,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 6 (October 1934), 59-69.
——— and W. A. Munsen. “Loudness, Its Definition, Measurement, and Calculations,” ibid., Vol. 5 (1933), 82.
Hollien, Harry. “Some Laryngeal Correlates of Vocal Pitch,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 3, 1 (1960), 52-58. X-rays of men and women of different ranges—higher voices have smaller larynxes, tenor larger than alto but same pitch range.
Husson, Raoul. “How the Acoustics of a Hall Affect the Singer and Speaker,” NATS Bulletin, February 1962, 8-13.
Lasse, LeRoy T. “The Effect of Pitch and Intensity on the Vowel Quality in Speech,” Archives of Speech, Vol. 2 (July 1937), 41-60.
Stout, Barrett. “The Harmonic Structure of Vowels in Singing in Relation to Pitch and Intensity,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 10 (April 1930), 137-48.
Von Békésy, Georg. “Description of Some Mechanical Processes of the Organ of Corti,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 25, 4 (July 1953), 786-90.
Broussard, J. F. Elements of French Pronunciation. New York: Charles Scribners & Sons, 1918.
Gillieron, J. Table de Atlas Linguistique de la France. Paris: H. Champion, 1912.
Herman, Lewis and Marguerite. American Dialects. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1947.
Hockett, C. T. A Manual of Phonology. Bloomington: Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics, Indiana University, 1955.
———. A Course in Modern Liguistics. New York: Macmillan Co., 1958.
Jesperson, Otto. Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Leipsig and Berlin: B. G. Teuhner, 1926.
Jones, Daniel. An Outline of English Phonetics. 8th ed. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1956.
———. The Phoneme, Its Nature and Use. Cambridge, Eng.: W. Heffer & Sons, 1956.
———. An English Pronouncing Dictionary. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1926.
Kantner, Claude, and Robert West. Phonetics. New York: Harper Bros., 1960.
Kenyon, John Samuel, and Thomas Knott. A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English. Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1944.
Kurath, Hans. The Linguistic Atlas of New England. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1939.
———. Handbook of the Linguistic Geography of New England. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1939.
Ladefoged, Peter. Elements of Acoustic Phonetics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
Nitze, W. A., Ernest H. Wilkins, and Clarence E. Parmenter. A Handbook of French Phonetics. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1929.
Osgood, Charles E. and Thomas A. Sebeok, ed. Psycholinguistics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965.
Peterson, Gordon E. Systematic Research in Experimental Phonetics. No. 4. New York: Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1954.
Pike, Kenneth L. Phonetics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1943.
———. Phonemics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1947.
Prator, Clifford H., Jr. Manual of American English Pronunciation. Rev. ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1960.
Siebs, Theodore. Deutsche Buhnenasprache Hochsprache. Koln, Ger.: Albert Ahn, 1961.
Scripture, E. W. Researches in Experimental Phonetics, Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institute, 1906.
Wangler, Hans Heinrich. Atlas Deutsche Sprachlaute. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1961.
Ward, Ida C. The Phonetics of English. New York: D. Appleton Century Co., 1929.
Wise, Claude Merton. Applied Phonetics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1957.
Periodical Monographs
Caffee, Nathaniel M. “The Phonemic Structure of Unstressed Vowels in English,” American Speech, May 1951, 103-9.
Dunn, H. K., and H. L. Barney, “Artificial Speech in Phonetics and Communications,” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 1, 1 (March 1958), 23-29.
Joos, Martin. Acoustic Phonetics, Language suppl., Monograph No. 23, Linguistic Society of America, 24, 2 (April-June 1948).
Lieberman, A. M., Pierre DeLattre, and F. S. Cooper. “The Role of Selected Stimulus Variables in the Perception of the Unvoiced Stopped Consonants,” American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 65 (1952), 491-516.
Read, Allen Walker. “An Account of the Word ‘Semantics’” Word, Vol. 4 (1948), 78-79.
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