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“Bibliography” in “The Tribal Challenge: Alliances and Confrontations in the Israeli Negev”
Archives including Digital Archives
- Ben Assa Archive
- Ben-Gurion Archive (BGA)
- British National Archives (BNA)
- Central Zionist Archives (CZA)
- Dan Gazit Archive
- Hagana History Archive (HA)
- Historical Jewish Press
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- Yad Ben-Zvi Archive
- Yad Tabenkin Archive
- Al Hamishmar
- Davar
- Haaretz
- Haboker
- Haner
- Herut
- al-Ittihad
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- Lamerhav
- Maariv
- al-Marzad
- The Jerusalem Post
- Yedioth Ahronoth
Books and Articles
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